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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 7:25pm-8:01pm MSK

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discussions about the development of sports in times of sanctions pressure began today in minsk. next, see the sports news and the results of the day in the panorama at 9 pm. all the best and take care of yourself. wieten and the capital began their semi-final series in the playoffs of the belarusian mini-football championship. the match will be broadcast live by the belarus 5 tv channel. the re-match will take place on monday. may 20 start at 18:00. let me remind you that another pair of this round played their first match in orz and minsk, and the gomel residents celebrated their victory with a score of 2:0. return match these teams will take place this sunday, the 19th , starting at 17:45. basketball club minsk is the champion of belarus among women's teams. in the third match of the series against horizon, andrei vavlev’s team again proved to be stronger than their opponent, 72-66. thus, the dominance of the team from the minsk region, which lasted 3 years. has come to an end,
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today the ninth round of the belarusian football championship among major league teams took its start, the game weekend program was opened by the match between smargon and islach, now the first half, after the end of this meeting the match will begin in grodno, where the local neman will host the derzhinsky arsenal, the confrontation will be shown live on the belarus 5 tv channel, starting at 20:45.
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the hero of this program was chosen. living outside the city, why do you need it, and where does the money come from, the two favorite questions, i would really like to look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, there they see more opportunities, they use them to the maximum, 26 little pigs, you have chickens, 130 chickens, who else do you have, ducks, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's what you don't have, that's.
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and it’s from these shotguns that our life is built. i want to take a look at the light of the world pa-inshamu. і skin zen adkryvatsya for yourself something new. this is so good for us, because we work for this with anyone, with anyone and belarus.
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three traditional bakings of bread and four slaughterhouses are part of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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they are dedicated to their work.
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this is not only an acquaintance with history and sights; the first one was built in 1717 by anna rodivil, the wife of the chancellor of the grand duchy of lithuania.
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this is an understandable policy; we continue the series of programs about how the nazis were hidden overseas and the minds of the third reich were hunted. the end of the second world war revealed all the cynicism of western morals and the cold calculation of politicians. take nuclear technology away from under hitler’s nose, bring it to the united states, and then
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say that you saved the world from disaster, steal behind bars an exemplary nazi, who, after following rat trails, will take hundreds of executioners outside of europe and save them from the tribunal.
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the nazis and hitler's favorite officer for special assignments, otto skarzeny, his fate, like a mirror of post-war tricks, the criminals fled wherever they could, the saboteur became an irish farmer and the founder of underground... in europe and hitler's main saboteur. otto took an active part in the development of
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the implementation of the barbaros plan, a lightning attack to capture the territory of the ussr. considered the father of german teams with elite units going behind enemy lines. the most famous action taken by otto took place in september forty-three. operation oak was the rescue of scarcene by benito mussolini, who was held captive in the kampa emperor hotel on the mountain massif. gardens italy. the operation involved skarzeni and 16 paratroopers, who reached their goal on gliders. musalini was pulled out of prison. the professional intelligence officer became a hero of nazi propaganda. hitler trusted him with the most difficult missions. and it is all the more surprising that one of the most famous dangerous figures of the third reich after the collapse of germany escaped the tribunal and charges of collaborating with nazism. toskorcene, he simply seemed to personify this nazi one. elite and the fact that he did this with success later,
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after the war the americans, yes, the americans, he recruited him, he began to work for them, he then worked for israel, so he worked for everyone who paid money, but his main task was given to him - to keep it underground, to keep it in the form of various underground organizations, to remove as many ss as possible from under attack, to maintain this force, which, in general, was successful. after the end of the second world war in the spring of 1945, otto was arrested and placed under heavy security. skarze was not imprisoned until july '48. until the cia and army intelligence decided which was the most dangerous. per person in europe will now be an important resource in the cold war, and the government of czechoslovakia also intended to achieve the extradition of the seasoned nazi. on the evening of july 27 , 1948, a vehicle with american army registration, carrying three former ss officers, arrived at the internment camp in darmstatt, where skarzene was then held.
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essovites dressed in american military uniforms entered the camp and stated that they had come for skarzeny, who was to be taken to a court hearing in nuremberg, scheduled for the next day. a few minutes later, skarzeny left the camp area and disappeared. later, when skorzeny was asked about this, he invariably claimed that the american authorities helped him escape from the camp. where did the ss men get their american uniform from then? they didn’t steal it, skarzeny insisted, it was provided by the americans themselves. there is also a version that... tseni simply bribed americans, giving them part of the nazi gold. ss man friedrich schwent did the same. he bought his life by giving the americans $2,000 worth of stolen gold. in the usa, he trained paratroopers from the prison camp, and then at the first opportunity he left for europe. he lived under someone else's name in ireland, then in
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france, then in germany. the last country was spain. in september 1948, german. the police reported that the skarzeny movement had arisen in the american zone of occupation. the movement is said to be spreading throughout germany, according to a report prepared by the us military. the main goal of the movement was supposed to be the fight against communism. another army intelligence report noted that a group of former ss soldiers and paratroopers joined the underground movement led by skorzeny. this movement was allegedly linked to the underground. organizations in austria, as well as with the soviet zone of occupation. later, scarcei did not receive a gift from fate. in january '51, his name was officially removed from list of war criminals wanted by the german authorities. in 1951, the persecution of skorzenia by the federal federal republic of germany was stopped. later, he traded arms and was an adviser to two
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presidents - the argentinean juan peron and the arab-egyptian gamal nassar. consulted with frank's intelligence services. carried out representative activities of west german metallurgical companies. this is the path of a notorious nazi: a sales representative of metallurgical plants, he supplied weapons to the egyptians, was close to high politicians, and at the same time created underground organization of former ss members or odessa. the structure saved nazis in europe, transported them to south america, provided them with money, pensions, and even arranged sanatorium treatment. it is known that odessa was created. after the war, despite his past, he calmly traveled around western europe, visited argentina and collaborated with british and american intelligence. researcher lavrov mentions this in an article by otto skarzeny, the last years of his life. on instructions from odessa, skartzeni created the spider organization, which helped the nazis escape like rats.
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on paths to argentina and africa, she was engaged in the rehabilitation of the fuhrer’s comrades, distributing money to them and placing them in the hospital. spider actively smuggled out the nazis and helped create a well-fed life. the organization was active until the mid-fifties. thanks to her, the participants in the worst nazi terror, the extermination of people and mass executions came out of the shadows, as if nothing had happened. the fact that skartzeni could be one of the leaders of odessa became known in 1972, when a search was carried out in the house of friedrich schwend in peru. in in the basement, the gendarmes found a huge archive, among which was. with the inscription odessa, in a folder of files on 10 members of the organization and minutes of the odessa meeting in the spanish city of marbella, which took place in the early sixties. moreover, according to the papers, it turned out that the ss continued to fight, six former ss officers lived in israel at that time, and two of them were embedded in the israeli secret service massat. nazi smuggling was supervised by
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former sesovites, who lay low and established contact with each other. organization also studied. support, creating a business, getting rich, but most importantly, protecting the nazi executioners, who had the blood of millions on their hands, helped their counterfeiters along several routes, the most popular ones ran through south america and scandinavia. another large rat trail odessa-north stretches through denmark, sweden and norway. the underground network of ss and werewolf veterans operating there transported fugitives by land and sea, where they were picked up by ships from... to spain and argentina. according to danish journalist henrik kruger, the smooth functioning of the route was facilitated by police officers from scandinavian countries, as well as argentine diplomats. the key performers on the ground were people at the end of the second world war who were trained in werwolf structures. skarzeny played an active role in their selection and training, and
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some of the werwolf members later became operational employees of odessa in scandinavia. some historians sometimes question the existence of such organizations, they say there is not enough supporting documents, but that’s why they are of an underground structure. and even if they were not there, the essence remains the same: in the post-war years , tens of thousands of nazis actually successfully escaped from europe, where they inevitably faced a tribunal, quite possibly the death penalty, and if they were able to leave, then someone helped them. so the head of the gestapo, klaus barbier, nicknamed the butcher of leon, who was sentenced to death in absentia in france, calmly collaborated with the cia, calmly went to bolivia, received a new name there, klaus altman, and comfortably... lived for many years advising the country's government, only in 1983 was he able to be taken to europe and executed. according to many researchers, it was odessa, created with
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cartsen, that was behind the escape of these and many other prominent criminals. the following story is completely without retribution: ss man alaiz bruner drove more than 100,000 people into camps, lived quietly in egypt and syria, and died only in 2010. another cruel nazi, horst schrumann, became famous for his experiments on castration and testing radiation in prison camps at auschwitz. with difficulty, but was still extradited to germany, however, he escaped here and lived in prosperity for another 12 years. and it was walter rauf, who invented gas chamber machines, calmly managed a cannery in chile, and died in the eighties surrounded by his family. executioner karl streebel, who killed 2 million jews and 50,000 gypsies during operation reinhard. never left at all, lived in germany and died without answering for what he had done. once, however, they tried to try him in 1974, but were acquitted. this list is huge, and
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there are so many thugs on it. doctor death mengl, who dissected live babies, cut off the genitals of prisoners of war without pain relief, sterilized women with x-rays, lived a calm and even happy life, never repented of anything, drowned while swimming. at sea in 1979. stroke. ernst lerch, who personally took part in the execution of civilians by his lover, served 2 years in prison, and then lived quietly in austria. gestapo man kurt lishka was released in 1950. he didn’t even think about changing his name or address and lived quietly in his native cologne. he was, however, again attracted to trial in 1977. after serving 7 years, he was released again. like this. large-scale immigration of fascist collaborators would have been impossible without the tacit approval of washington. as the cold war intensified, the united states , on the contrary, actively recruited war criminals to work against the ussr.
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justice did not reach skarzeni. he died of natural causes in 1974. at the funeral, his comrades shouted dick heil and raised their hands to the sky. it is officially believed that this is where the life of the spider organization ended. but did nazism end there? unfortunately no. mission alsas began for the americans in paris, liberated from the germans. washington's special agents needed to identify the scientists who took part in the uranium project. the fact is that in 1943, us scientists were sure that the wehrmacht would attack boston, chicago, new york and san francisco with nuclear weapons. secretly, many geiger counters, radiation meters, were placed in cities. scientists were thinking about how to organize a pre-emptive strike. based on intelligence data, members of the mission established that the german uranium project was concentrated south of stuttgart, in the town of ehingen. upon learning of this,
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washington sounded the alarm. according to the agreement, this territory was to go to the french. the decision was made quickly. the us mechanized regiment, violating the demarcation lines, moved towards ehengen, entering the city a day earlier than the french army. the operation was called a deception. washington forces arrested the project participants, among whom was the famous scientist ottogan. all materials were confiscated and the nuclear reactor was dismantled. upon arrival, the french scratched their heads in surprise, but remained silent. operation deception, hardly justified the risk of a serious political scandal between paris and washington. the german uranium project was far from completed. largely because hitler hated einstein, he called nuclear physics a jew. favored the rocket scientist von braun, who created a center for the production of fao-1 and fa2 in pandemünund. here
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the pentagon's scientific intelligence managed to achieve more. the rapid advance of the red army on odor forced the nazis to relocate the missile center to northausen, since this city, lying to the west, would still have to to enter the soviet zone, agents of the alsas mission managed to withdraw more than a hundred fao-2 missile systems from there to the united states. this is how the united states manifested itself in relation to its allies, and was no longer preparing... directly to carry out the manhattan project, to strike, to create an atomic bomb, to strike it on hiroshima and nagasaki in japan as a deterrent against the soviet union. scientists recognized that the work of german specialists was far from complete, but had important developments. therefore, technology has been invested in so
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called the manhattan project. code name for the us nuclear weapons program, headed by robert oppenheimer. during fission, neutrons are released, which split other atoms. chicken reaction. are you thinking the same thing i'm thinking? now any physicist who has seen the newspapers thinks about this. i don't understand what we are thinking about? oh bomby, alvarez. oh bomby. general leslie groves was so pleased with the results of alsas that he used mission agents to further study german laboratories, dragging everything that was bad, because the manhattan project they literally saved german developments; the americans couldn’t help themselves. the alsas mission groups consisted of intelligence officers, professionals and nuclear scientists, and mercilessly robbed their manhattan atomic project, taking 24 of the best specialists from there.
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how failed was this project if the bet was on capturing the bomb from the germans? one american physicist wrote: “it seems that we are involved in a hopeless endeavor, the project is not moving forward one iota, our leaders, in my opinion, do not believe in its success at all, and we do not believe it either, if not for those the huge amount of money they pay us here, i think we would have been doing something more useful long ago. it is noteworthy that the americans, having essentially robbed the french as part of the mission, made history out of it. on the book, yes, now the participants in those events that violated the agreement, the heroes who prevented the nazis from creating a bomb, this is a falsification of history, it all goes in the same direction as the falsification of history, exaltation, that means, the valor of the american, so say, here, that is, they are exhibited, as they are exhibited as saviors that they supposedly prevented
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this american from... this is where we end the story about the largest nazi deeds after the war, unfortunately, it’s not possible to put an end to this topic, just an ellipsis. you see for yourself that nazism turned out to be tenacious, even today, 80 years after the liberation of belarus, this brown gene is increasingly manifested in european politicians and their overseas colleagues. why? i hope it 's clear now. happily.
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president of belarus alexander lukashenko on a state visit to azerbaijan. official negotiations between state leaders took place today. the meeting of alexander lukashenko with ilham aliyev took place in the palace of the azerbaijani leader. according to the protocol , the negotiations were preceded by a ceremony with the participation of a guard of honor company performing the national anthems. another
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obligatory tradition is the photography ceremony. then they were joined by members of the delegation. the main focus of the negotiations is the further development of trade and economic interaction, cooperation in industry and agriculture. following the negotiations a package of bilateral documents was signed. the belarusian exposition is presented at the international agricultural exhibition in baku. among the thirty-eight participating countries, the belarusian stand is one of the largest at the exhibition. the range of products presented is the widest. fertilizers, tractors, dairy products, meat, agricultural.
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a number of contracts will also be signed at the end. china is a close, reliable friend and good partner for belarus - said chairman of the council of the republic natalya kachanova during a meeting with the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the people's republic of china in belarus
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session. according to the speaker of the upper house of parliament, bilateral relations are based on warm and trusting relations between the leaders of the two countries. natalya kachanova emphasized that friendly relations are also developing between parliamentarians of the two countries. it's already like that. an interparliamentary agreement on cooperation was signed between the national assembly of belarus and the national people's congress of china. today at the headquarters of the national olympic committee of belarus a forum of athletes from the two countries has started, in which the leaders of the belarusian noc, viktor lukashenko, and the head of the russian olympic committee, stanislav poznyakov, are taking part. one of the topics on the agenda is the development of sports over 2 years of sanction pressure. olympic champions and medalists of the games, coaches from belarus and russia. will discuss issues of holding competitions, organizing joint training camps and the international agenda in world sports. the discussion is quite interesting and the questions are modern, topical, and i am sure very important for athletes, starting from what sport today,
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ending with how to behave in certain situations in international competitions, on possible participation in other leagues, other countries, in general on the development of our olympic movement. according to the international situation in sports itself, that is, you see a very serious discussion platform where athletes, coaches and other sports functionaries can emphasize a lot for themselves, ask questions, in general , formulate, probably, their long-term plans for future work. in minsk the days of spiritual culture of russia have started, until the end of the week for the capital's aesthetes the choral diversity of our friendly neighboring country. in total, more than 100 vocalists from three groups came on tour. which will present modern traditional spiritual and folk performance. on the eve of the first vocal part , the gnesen ensemble of contemporary choral music altrakora performed on the main stage of the academy of music. conductor and artistic director, rector
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of the russian academy alexander ryzhinsky. project days of spiritual culture of russia multi-genre, so in the fay of the academy of music an exhibition was opened at the badzevich monastery, reproductions of ancient icons made by famous masters of the armory were presented . images of 15th-century frescoes and objects related to the lives of famous nuns of the monastery. of course, a lot of attention will be paid to the formation of individual culture and the formation of a single spiritual, educational, and cultural space. music has no boundaries, music unites, music enriches us spiritually. and you know, due to with funds from the union budget , a lot of events are being carried out aimed specifically at strengthening our cultural ties. preparations for the swimming season are underway at the reservoirs of the minsk region. rescue station divers are cleaning the bottom and preparing safe locations for vacationers. coastal areas of the water area get rid of garbage that has accumulated over the winter period. particular attention to maintaining
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order on the beaches. the gazebos have already been updated and restored here, new barbecues have appeared, special machines cleaned the coastal sand.


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