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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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this is a panorama, a live broadcast, i, sergey lugovsky, will tell you about the main events of thursday, may 16, hello, cooperation with a long history, good prospects, minsk and baku confirmed the strategic nature of relations, let’s sum up the first results.
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the baltic vassals have already arrived, we are waiting for the americans with cookies, and a shocking confession of a death sentence in absentia, bandits of the kolinovsky regiment, a one-way road, an exclusive from a television news agency in the new issue of the remark project, see also in our issue. negotiations in zagulba that became the main topic in communication between lukashenko and aliyev, how the caspian coast is developing and where the points of contact with belarus are , we will tell in a panorama. sports integration is only stronger, the results are only higher and the emotions of winning are only brighter. the traditional forum of athletes of belarus and russia is held at the national olympic committee. summoning demons, gay pride and transvestite shows in one. horses are all about eurovision 2024, but
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let’s take a thoughtful look at what the political echoes of the long-unsung competition are. intercultural and interfaith dialogue, discussion of true christian values, their relevance today. the thirtieth anniversary kirillo-mefudev readings started in minsk. billion dollars in trade turnover. plan for the near future of official minsk and baku. alexander lukashenko's state visit to azerbaijan continues. as a result of the negotiations today, the leaders of the two countries signed nine documents that will stimulate mutual trade, joint projects in industry and agriculture and tourism. and here are just some numbers, which countries still have to increase. in 2023, trade turnover between the countries. exceeded 400
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million dollars, while the lion's share in mutual trade was belarusian exports of 370 million. our supplies to azerbaijan increased by 77% by the level of the twenty-second year. countries have become noticeably more active in stock trading. over 4 months, the amount of transactions increased 14 and a half times compared to last year. the dynamics are based on a significant increase in supplies. our woodworking industry, the presidents’ schedule today turned out to be very dense, in addition to the negotiations, which were held in narrow and expanded formats, the leaders appreciated the international exhibitions interfood and caspian agro. and, of course, outside of the business agenda, alexander lukashenko visited places of memory that are important for every azerbaijani. more details about everything. katerina krutalevich. according to the forecast for rain in baku in may, this is from the category. +30
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here in the spring in minsk, it happens once or twice a month, but today it started in the morning, a good omen. zagulba - the official country residence of ilham aliyev, alexander lukashenko was expected here in full force from 10 am: journalists, diplomats, a company of honor guard, a state visit, which means that they will be greeted with all the paraphernalia of a ceremonial reception. at the moment of the ceremony the sun will shine again, everything is quite short, the leaders will almost immediately move to work. the agenda is extensive and not only negotiations. the narrow and wide composition of the meeting is almost entirely here on the belarusian side. the cabinet of ministers
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and many journalists, everyone is waiting for the results. while the presidents communicated in a narrow format, ministers we could talk separately, especially if we have something to talk about. right now there are two large specialized exhibitions taking place in baku: interfood and caspinagra. this is all.
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we have primary agreements on fruits, vegetables, olive oils, and today there is a road map of how we will work, the presidents will talk about this, trade turnover between countries today is $400 million, taking into account the potential and relations between states and leaders a little . no one doubts that belarus and azerbaijan are two reliable friend, this is the basis of our interstate relations, because only...
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about increasing the potential of those joint productions that were already created many years ago. i invited belarusian companies to actively participate in the restoration of the karabakh and east zangizur zones. belarus has very good experience
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in urban planning, modern technologies, we also talked about this today, experience in building agricultural towns, our first priority. the task, of course, is to return former refugees to their homes as quickly as possible, which will be built, but also provide them with appropriate work. iran, pakistan, india, they consume a huge amount of mineral fertilizers, we will offer complex ones, so this is the question, we need to start solving it and make progress by november, such tasks have been set, we have discussed all the issues. there were no closed topics, it was not only equipment and mtz, joint
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production of maz equipment, joint production of fire equipment, joint production of elevator equipment, especially old elevators, also soviet houses, apartments, they need to be replaced, we have maintained this production in agriculture with large programs, starting from the supply of elite livestock here. cows , first of all, in order to fully satisfy the needs for milk, meat, and cattle. moreover, on the lands that you liberate, especially agricultural ones, we are ready for you to build an agricultural town based on the belarusian experience, and the entire infrastructure, and create jobs. as for pharmaceutical drugs, we are ready to begin supplying those drugs even tomorrow. which you really like we need to create here joint production of medicines and veterinary medicine using technology
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that we can produce in belarus. it’s nice that we have somewhere around 400 million in trade turnover, already today, with the input of the azerbaijani ministers, we have begun to negotiate 1 billion. we will do everything for this if we buy in unfriendly countries, for example, some goods that are produced here in azerbaijan, we must...
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come to the exhibition to try the products and say: we are buying you, it’s me who is the president, i also brought your products to you today, thank you, thank you, alexander grigorievich, thank you very much, thank you, and of course, the president will show big cars, belarusian tractors are assembled at the ganja automobile plant, locally they are made in azerbaijan and this immediately wins in terms of price and quality. is this a technique that is in demand here or is it promising? mr. president, all technicians are in demand here.
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heydar aliyev, he is also called the builder of new azerbaijan, he has done a lot for the country. and to the eternal ag, in azerbaijan its own history, they call it the alley of fallen heroes, people who, historical quote, gave their lives. for the independence of azerbaijan at different times, they can now look at prosperous baku from a bird's eye view. this is almost the end of the official part. before the reception organized at the gulistan palace, which offers an equally panoramic view. now almost 3 million people live in the capital of azerbaijan. belarusians have something to offer, and after today’s negotiations the delegation will obviously continue to work on specific projects. katerina kortalevich, olga anishchenko, alexander oleshko, tv news agency, baku.
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events in... georgia are rocking the country according to the ukrainian scenario: open sabotage, protests, chaos sown from outside, everything according to the old manual, which means double standards, open dissatisfaction with eu officials. the foreign influence transparency bill made its presence obvious. the demonstrators, who continue to be so diligently financed and taken to the streets by the pro-western media, were joined by the baltic vassals.
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the law is a symbol, a symbol of your choice between russia and the european union, this law further distances georgia from the european path. the leader of georgia's ruling party called the action of foreign diplomats an attempt to organize a donor revolution. the politician believes that what is happening in tbilis is similar to the situation in ukraine in 2014. however, a similar scenario
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has been tested in the countries of the post-soviet space not only in ukraine. against the backdrop of the bill , it is just a pretext for foreign agents in the country to organize a change of government power has already been promised, now they have received a grant to carry out an attempt at revolution. the general director of the georgian information analytical agency shared this opinion with our channel. these mentors, foreign agents, who read morals to us all day long, without leaving the tv screen, supposedly bother them.
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fascism, the inquisition, there's guillotine, dozens of genders, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, yes, which means then the georgian government should logically admit publicly that transparency and democracy are a dual issue standards, that is, optional for europeans and americans, and mandatory for those, like georgians, who strive to be admitted... to the table according to iskander, yes, which is georgia, which today strives for the european union. the manual for changing the ruling elite also contains more radical solutions. in slovakia , the investigation into yesterday's attack on the prime minister continues. the front pages of the local media
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today ran with the headline of the assassination attempt. after hours of surgery, robert's condition. a few weeks before the assassination attempt, he appeared at a protest rally and shouted slogans in support of the square. let me remind you that
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slovak prime minister robert fico has repeatedly opposed providing military assistance to ukraine and emphasized that bratislava is interested in good relations with moscow. he always puts first... they will not stay any longer, the escaped puppets decided to continue to provide active assistance in the implementation of criminal plans. an example of such actions were anti-belosian actions of the so
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-called diasporas abroad, including those timed to coincide with the celebration of nationalists and the day will. the goals of such actions have remained unchanged over the past four years, imitation of mass participation in support of the extremist movement, demonstration of the false activity of their fictitious... natural receipt of money for extremist cells, which has already become a standard set, economic pressure and isolation of our country in the international arena. according to the investigation, on march 25 , 2019, a small part of representatives of extremist groups actively supported the call to hold freedom day in various countries, thereby tried to implement the criminal plan of the fugitive leaders, pursuing the intent to cause harm. strategic national interests of the republic of belarus to ensure independence, territorial integrity, sovereignty, and inviolability of the constitutional
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order. gatherings of representatives of radicals aimed at discrediting our country were accompanied by the use of nationalist symbols, offensive slogans that incited social hostility among belarusians, and calls for economic politics. currently the troops are already received accurate data from more than a hundred people who directly participated in street protests in warsaw, vilnius, rosslaw, bialystok, brussels, batum, prague, california, and philadelphia. the list is constantly updated. all of them were recognized as suspects in a criminal case. as part of the investigation , information about their real estate has already been received and...
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realizing they sign their own death warrant, a militant of the extremist formation artyom molodov spoke about this, how he is friends with those who left the regiment, why they arrange tours of the eu, much, much more, watch the new episode of the remarque project, broadcast tonight. portions of a young cocktail, a nuclear mixture of problems in the regiment of belarusian mercenaries from the missing cannon.
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kobesiya of satanism and militarism, eurovision, no, no, you heard right, eurovision is no longer about songs, this year there is a gay pride parade, and a transvestite show and... and summoning
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demons, all these are western values ​​and their political culture . what is being promoted today through the european vision, i closely delved into maria petrashko. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, tv news agency. imagine a huge cross on which all sorts of evil spirits are dancing. what did you think about right away? about satan's ball? and i just described to you eurovision 2024, a song competition, supposedly. the stage is in the shape of a cross, on it, well, the main thing is that all the participants are some kind of non-binary, homosexual, just not normal, just like in the coordination council of fugitives, now in the midst of their election campaign, who is your long-time, who is non-binary, who is gay, who is
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electronic vote. makes me special, i'm queer, i'm a witch, queer, collective term used to designate a person whose sexual and or gender identity is different from the majority, compatriots of this creature, such as oscar wilde or george burner show, turn out to be not special, why bother trying talented write, you could label yourself as something perverted and that would be success. by the way,
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the irish on stage depicted the day of judgment in blue in the style of a satanic rite, they evoked all sorts of entities there and, apparently, called. eurovision 2024. poles are calling not to support ukraine because of the video of jerry hale in a sweater with the inscription “bandersyaga”. the ukrainian performer decided to cross the name of a fashion brand and the name of the nazi killer bandera, and she placed the resulting inscription “bandersyaga” in a sweater pattern. in general, ukrainian contestants knew about the ban on political slogans at the competition, but they ignored the rules and received a fine for slogans, freedom became a defender of the basics. here’s a signal to you: europe is not so in solidarity with ukraine. and this is greek contestant demonstratively falls asleep while the israeli performer is speaking at
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a press conference. atmosphere. a eurovision viewer shouting free palestine, israel's participation is contrary to the values ​​of this competition. i think that a country that is currently fueling conflict should not participate in a competition that promotes peace. israel is not territorially europe, and after all, according to the logic of the competition organizers, it should be out of the game, bombing the civilian population of palestine, but bombing for the benefit of the washington master. in many ways, therefore, israel is a participant, but most importantly - the largest. the singer of the competition is an israeli company, and what can we do without their singer? it can be 100% argued that this competition has nothing to do with song, music or popular culture, it is mainly part of an ongoing social experiment that pushes people to certain actions and views, and it is also a reflection of the mood in the elites. devils, skeletons, men in female form, this is presented to the european viewer as the norm, just dare to say that
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this is obvious. mental disorder, you will be bombarded with accusations and dragged through the courts, but where is the vatican looking, the question is generally rhetorical, but let’s face it, we all understand that such a well-publicized event works as a propaganda machine, just like hollywood, the entire social scene, through them certain values ​​and narratives are imposed on us, from the series we hate belarus and russia together or ignore the murdered children of palestine and so on, sexual perversions, transvestite shows, homosexuality, opinion evil spirits are imposed as normality, but why does developing, proliferating europe serve as a competitor to the same states? in general, there is a feeling that all the evil spirits who supported the ukrainian nationalists are literally going wild because of the defeat of their plan. but they must understand that the vampires' point is running out. let me just remind you of a historical fact about european values. europe has always
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loved the circus of freaks in cages. but the circus of european officials is spreading to all segments of the population, so we again see a circus of freaks in europe. even more observations in our telegram channels. belarusian sport stands confidently on its feet, even in times of sanctions pressure. and our sports industry continues to develop, including with the participation of partners and close, reliable friends. the national forum of athletes of belarus and russia opened today in minsk. the event once again emphasized: the main principles of olympism have been preserved in our countries. and alas, they got lost in the heads of the international olympic committee. politics decides everything there. andrey kozlov tried
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to capture the main thing that was discussed today in the national olympic committee. many did not even suspect what status the participants in the forum of athletes of belarus and russia were gathering at those minutes at the headquarters.
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that sport is alive, there is an opportunity to compete, this is probably the most important thing now for those active athletes, the forum is an opportunity to exchange opinions in different sports, because the crisis in the international olympic movement is so deep that some federation leaders are doing what they want as he pleases, for example, the head international athletics federation sebastian koa, who has repeatedly made his russophobic statements, how are things going with your ticket to paris at this moment? do you have a ticket, is it possible to go there, most likely? no, because some people don’t change their decisions, it’s more focused on the brix games at all these stages of the queen of sports, is it possible to somehow explain to the viewer what the logic is, for example, if the wrestling world allows its guys, but the international federation does not allow it, it turns out it's a matter of some personal ambitions in personal views on
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process, that is, this is not a single position at all, everything turns out very fragmented in the end, but there is actually some kind of human factor here, some like belarusian athletes, some don’t like them, some are more dependent on this policy , someone still... lukashenko and the russian olympic committee stanislav poznyakov is taking the discussion to
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the domestic market, because there are all the opportunities for its development. another nod to the arccommittee of the paris games, where several months before the opening there are a number of problems, social, organizational and others. olympic games of a single team, when there will be no these artificial contradictions, artificial difficulties, because one of the most important tasks of our opponents from lazanne is to create a split in the sports community. as for our olympic participation, the head of the belarusian team, viktor lukashenko, sees no problems for the performance of the belarusians. for today. about 30 licenses have been won. at the moment we do not see any major obstacles for the participation of our athletes in the olympics, so we leave this to the athletes. more importantly, the state is doing everything to level out these problems, i would like to wish
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the sport just patience, i hope, as they have already said here, that this is temporary, just don’t give up, work on yourself. we all know very well that we are belarusians, we stand for belarus. athletes can take part in the olympics. today's program at the athletes' forum ended with master classes with the participation of world-famous stars. one of the mentors who shared his invaluable experience was the olympic champion in athletics yuri borzakovsky. the events were attended with interest by the heads of the belarusian and russian olympic committees. well, in conclusion , i want to emphasize once again that the athletes’ forum in belarus and russia is, first of all, about the fact that we are together in the most difficult times. and another
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example of long-term partnership: belarus and china are reliable friends and partners bound by comprehensive strategic cooperation. this was stated by the chairman of the council of the republic natalya kachanova during a meeting with the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of china to belarus. according to the speaker of the upper house of parliament. bilateral relations are based on warm, trusting relations between the leaders of the two countries. natalya kachanova emphasized that good friendly relations are developing between the parliamentarians of the two countries. thus, a cooperation agreement has already been signed between the national assembly of belarus and the national people's congress of china. emphasis was placed on the need to intensify cooperation parliamentarians of the two countries, including in the aspect of regional cooperation, because. the website of the republic is the chamber of territorial representation, and we
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see this area as one of the most relevant and promising, and moreover, within the framework of the signed agreement between the parliaments of the two states, a high-level committee is currently being formed, the activities of which will also be aimed at strengthening friendship cooperation between the two states, the chinese-belarusian relationship has the status of all-weather, comprehensive strategic partnerships. not only political, trade and economic ties, but also humanitarian partnerships and youth contacts are actively developing between belarus and china. joint events are held, which also deepen relations between
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women's organizations. but they manage to reproach belarus for the next cooperation, and this is done by the same democratizers and distributors of cookies, because of whom children become orphans. since 2017, seeing what horror the smallest citizens of this country had to endure in syria, alexander lukashenko decides to organize holidays for syrian children. more than 1,300 boys and girls have already vacationed in belarus. today , another 75 children were greeted with bread and salt at the minsk national airport. this summer, 225 syrian children will vacation in belarus, there will be three shifts. we are at war, the situation is a little better now, my dad died in syria. i'm from homs, i was really looking forward to these holidays. my name is vian, i’m 13 years old, i want to meet
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belarusian children and see your country, it’s very beautiful, i heard that your people are very good, i would really like to say a big thank you to the republic of belarus , president alexander lukashenko, for the help that you provide to our children every year, you make them healthier, they leave here very happy, they always cry, they always miss their belarusian friends, children who came from...
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an entertainment program, these include festivals and competitions and evenings of friendship, fun discos together, swimming in the lake, boat rides on a banana, and the guys will have a rich opportunity to provide such services and interesting leisure time program, straight from the airport, acquaintance with minsk, then a water park, ahead are our castles, palaces, in a word, you won’t be bored, what is it? war, how important it is to remember so that the past does not repeat itself, they said today in minsk. a republican seminar dedicated to the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war is taking place in the capital these days. specialists consider aspects that are essential for the investigation of a criminal case of genocide, preventing the rehabilitation of nazism, preserving historical truth in memory of the heroic feat of the belarusian people. the participants spoke about the interim results of the work done at the conference. demographic
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losses, death camps, the participation of collaborators, their further fate, the mass extermination of the people covered all segments of the population.
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salaries. the department of financial investigations is identifying more and more schemes involving payment of salaries in envelopes. let me remind you that since june 2021 , our country has introduced criminal liability for such payments to employees, if we are talking about large extent of damage. over the course of 3 years, the financial police have developed effective methods for conducting
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control and analytical activities. today the department works in close cooperation with regulatory and law enforcement agencies. dozens of criminal cases are initiated every year, look today in the new series of the project under the control of the president, the most striking examples of how businessmen paid salaries in envelopes and how this turned out for them? salary in an envelope, money down the drain, officially i received a salary of 650 rubles, but not officially i received a salary more 3.00 rub. immediate benefit. the consequences are long-lasting: the insurance period is counted only during those periods when the employer pays contributions for its employee to the budget of the social protection fund. vivid examples of violations of the law are the fundamental reaction of state control.
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office salary, that revenue, including. measures taken by the state to combat wages. tv news agency under the control of the president, watch it on the evening broadcast. intercultural and interfaith dialogue, discussion of true christian values.


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