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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 10:55pm-11:56pm MSK

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ourselves to the outside world, now we see how it is being implemented, and the third thing that can and should be said is what our president spoke about during his address, that poland is becoming more aggressive, more, it is militarizing, more aggressive, more and more these aggressive plans, expansionist plans,
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i recently came across an interesting thesis on the internet that at the moment in the territory of the modern european union, the ideology that arises can be described as liberal nazism, very an interesting thesis, for the sake of understanding i’m still thinking about it, this is true, including so that our listeners can think about this issue, i’m interested in your opinion regarding the increasing popularity of far-right parties, right-wing movements in the european union, again, in the context of closure within their interests and so on, just the other day i came across the news that they are going to form in the future european parliament such a party or coalition of the right, strong enough due to the fact that again, the popularity of this ideology of these movements in individual countries, in your opinion, is not even for europe, for us? does this pose
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any danger, or, on the contrary, does it indicate that these government officials will think more about their national interests, and accordingly, this is, again, a more predictable policy that allows you to build pragmatic relationships, what do you think about this? about? well, come on andrey, maybe i’ll speculate a little, maybe you and our listeners, viewers will be interested think, think, maybe some of my ideas will seem interesting regarding this concept of liberal-nazism. what we should proceed from, as i see it: liberalism began in the 17-18 centuries as an ideology that defends the idea of ​​freedom of the individual, namely the individual, namely the freedom of his creativity, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, therefore man was considered as a sovereign being, having the right to independently to form your opinion, your vision of the world, this...
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but in what direction did liberalism move, this was shown very well by the soviet russian philosopher alexander sergeevich ponarin, he was at one time very popular in such a conservative in the conservative part of the intellectual community of russia, belarus , and he showed that liberalism was moving from personal freedom to freedom of instinct, freedom of instinct, that is, it began to imperceptibly be replaced freedom of expression.
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that right now the combination of nazism and liberalism in particular is ensured, determined by the process that i mentioned above, this is not the only reason, but probably, you can also think about this, with regard to the increasing role of right-wing forces, to some extent this is connected with what i spoke about above, that is, when people lose in every possible way the foundations of their lives, when it is impossible to believe anything no matter what, neither god, nor the devil, nor the homeland, nor anything, people can’t do that, a person must still have the foundations of his life, albeit implicit, even if he cannot always say them to himself, but instinctively, intuitively , he must feel that there is something important for the sake of what can one live, and then, when society
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loses these foundations, then a search begins and it is not always adequate, one of these results of such a search can become... forgiven, ugly forms of this search for foundations, the search for those ideals, absolutes, for which a person can and should rely, but in itself, in itself, the aspirations to
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find them, the idea of ​​a nation in itself is good, it should not take on these ugly forms, therefore, if we talk about this, the word triumph is not yet suitable , but... about a sharp increase, a sharp increase popularity of the right, i perceive this with an ambivalent feeling, on the one hand i see in this a healthy tendency, a tendency to reject this pseudo-liberalism, for which there is no homeland, no faith, no god, nothing, but on the other hand there is a danger that the right can cross some invisible, but very real line, and become fascist youths, become uh...
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kharkov, even representatives of the political establishment in ukraine have already begun openly without any embarrassment, which in my opinion is already a trigger thing that these people are not they are afraid of being at the front, because the prospect is quite, well, open, and well , i have seen more than once when political scientists answer some pressing questions, as a joke they spread that in our country today not everyone can speak openly, because those who i don’t agree with the state line very much... the prospects of being on the front line, in your opinion, how will events develop now, and is kharkov and the situation around this city some kind of trigger for the start of negotiations and for the political crisis in ukraine? you know,
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andrey, i think that for the political crisis in general, the cause of the political crisis in general is the situation at the front, not only around kharkov, something that kharkov is now intensifying. these trends are undeniable, because now everyone sees the successes of the russian army and the inability of the ukrainian army to cope with the wave of offensive that is bringing down the armed forces of the russian federation on them and therefore this inability to either politically resolve this issue or... manage - manage the situation, by the way, a lot of other things are mixed in, that is , look, it seems like mobilization, but mobilization is not for everyone, for example, in ukraine, luxury housing is still being built, and this luxury housing is being bought, golden youth are still having fun in the nightclubs of kiev and others large cities,
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that is, someone’s husbands and sons at the front die not just for snuff, as others used to say - they continue their normal , cheerful life, and this, by the way, also causes severe discontent among people in ukraine, in villages, in cities , in which are taken away. men at the front without any preparation are thrown into the heat, where they usually die or become prisoners, while others for some reason avoid all this, there are many such processes, plus corruption, plus outright - outright indifference to the needs of the common man, all this stimulates crisis processes in ukraine, and the successes of the russian army, which i am sure will continue further... are triggering this crisis, as for negotiations, i,
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for example, do not think that russia will agree to conduct them now, well, at any conditions, not at all, on our own, and if a readiness to negotiate on russia’s terms is discovered on the other side, on the part of ukraine and the west, mostly the west, ukraine is not a subject on its own, as our president has repeatedly said, and the president of the russian federation, the minister of foreign...
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it’s clear to god, the snow will disappear from the damp earth, the hell will disappear, the sun will fall, the sun will ripple, the ice will disappear, the fruit will fall. the gloom of every day jumps for us, all the time it seems that the geese are crowing, the spack is spreading on the oak tree, the cranes are clanging wildly, and the winter is disappearing like smoke, the krall meadow is greener, like the hell was hurting, our dear.
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children's curiosity and genuine interest, and absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions, a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions of the younger generation. how are you different at work from yourself at home? it seems to me that solely by appearance, i don’t turn from some kind of grump into a cute cat. no, i’m either a grym everywhere, or a cat everywhere. how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely? categorically negative, to feel sorry is not the same as to sympathize, pity is
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an arrogant feeling, this is a feeling of superiority, see the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus24 tv channel.
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don't even try to talk to us from a position of strength. belarus still stands as an indestructible brez fortress on the path of any
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enemy. revanchism, mockery of history, the desire to justify. this is part of the general policy of western elites to incite more and more regional conflicts. let memory inspire us to create, for the sake of the future of our peoples, for the sake of peace. let us never forget our common struggle and the inspiring traditions of alliance. these bright emotional shots flew around the world, in every movement there is symbolism, a huge banner of victory that arrived from belarus is unfurled in russia on mamayev kurgan. volgograd freezes with strong emotions, 120 young
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people at that age in 1941 went to the front, and here they are together from different post-soviet countries. space, as in the years of war, united to guard the preservation of historical memory. belarusians and russians are in the same ranks. this was the case during the defense of stalingrad, during the liberation of minsk and leningrad; we experienced tears of joy from the common victory together near berlin in 1945. glory and forever.
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reads out the text of unconditional surrender, it was the night when the nazis admitted to themselves defeated, oh-oh-oh, they hugged, grabbed, i remember i threw my cap into the air. the words of veterans are worth their weight in gold, because there are no fewer attempts to rewrite history,
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time has not spared eyewitnesses of events, their hearts, which are almost hundreds of years old, are compressed by... the position is trembling, the space is screaming, no to fascism, the first exhibition has already taken place , forty -second year, it was still a war, and already objects, documents, people already believed in
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victory, they wanted to then pass it on to the next generation, and show how they fought, how defended our country, our fatherland, and then opened up in forty years, when europe had not yet been liberated, and we were already coming to...
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history remembers and will never forget the feat of the soviet soldier, the feat of the soldiers of the countries of the anti-hitler coalition, because after all if we hear from paris completely unthinkable formulas regarding a special military operation, which is designated by the head of the french state, but despite the fact that general degaulle was the leader of the resistance, which is not for one minute. could not imagine that france would remain out of the fight with fascism, isn’t this an example, isn’t this a scale of assessment for those people who today put pressure on russia and belarus, who today
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cross out the great past, but at the same time do not form a great present. poland and lithuania are preparing militants for terrorist attacks on the territory of belarus and russia; by expanding nato , washington is trying to prevent the strengthening of the positions of the union state. at our common border, armor is ringing in pseudo-exercises and nuclear weapons are ringing on the territory of belarus, now one of the measures of strategic deterrence. today we are starting to work out the second stage of response measures. to carry it out , the general staffs of the armed forces of belarus and russia envisage checking the forces of assets, joint regional groupings of troops, within the framework of which for the first time. it is planned to work out the issues of the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons; to obtain operational information, we will be helped by military units of the moscow and leningrad
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military districts, as well as forces of the baltic fleet stationed in the kaliningrad region. today is the time chose us, and today we must make decisions that will help prevent those tragic events that happened 80 years ago. experienced by the long-suffering people, including the belarusian people, unfortunately, not everyone drew the appropriate conclusions and reaped these tragic fruits: peace and security are the most valuable thing for any people, firstly, we appreciate it, but for this we are also taking appropriate measures. at the level of the union state, the concept of information security, strategic aspects has been adopted laid down in the new security concept of the union state. in a big way. in these conditions, belarus, as an adequate state
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, must find its niche and must fully ensure its own security. today only the strong speak. the heroes of the great patriotic war walked the edge of their lives so that we could live in peace. for some, time stopped in may 1945, but for others, it is still running in reverse today. in fact, it helps to retrieve from the depths of memory details that are important for the new generation. these watches are not invented, they are in the museum of the seventieth school in minsk, the first director of which was a front-line soldier. the core for a unique object was found by belarusian search engines during an expedition in the abandoned house of a russian rural teacher. with these watches, a lot of search work began for these guys in close cooperation with partners from karelia and other parts of russia. they brought us a token and part of the land from karelia, well, they looked up everything from the archives, found the niece of the deceased, who
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died in general...
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the opportunity to emotionally involve them in this work, here are shots from the excavation site: in 1941, this land trembled, it became the last refuge for fighters of different nationalities. on this inch of one great fatherland, belarusians contributed to the overall victory. today, the descendants of the heroes are restoring the historical truth. we have a common historical memory, yes, we are fraternal peoples. it is important for us to convey to our children that our peoples are united, they preserve. our historical heritage, our memory, which we cherish, we return each ancestor to their homeland, so that no one is forgotten, looking for other people's relatives, studying their own family stories and involving schoolchildren from young to old in this. this plate contains the names and initials of relatives, students and teachers of our school who participated in the great patriotic war. my great-grandmother's name is also here. she was taken to germany, where she worked very hard.
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long years, but she believed in victory, she believed that she would return home, when people know, remember history, they carry it forward, carry it into the future, if future generations remember those terrible events, they will never happen again, when i wanted to find out about my ancestor, about my ancestors, there was very little information, about my great-grandmother i only knew that at a young age she hid in a swamp with the partisans, and about my great-grandfather i knew that he went to war.
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honor to those who died during the great patriotic war, we perform a ritual, when i am there, i have emotions of pride, i had experiences, there was fear, there were tears, but these emotions were worth it, we had such cold weather that everyone survived, all although there were a lot of worries, everything turned out great. for school director evgenia rudova, the war is also a family story. father, officer, intelligence officer, veniam rudov, after the war, invested all the pain of the earth. in the book , he dedicated his entire post-war activity to preventing the new generation from forgetting. and those lessons from my father that i remember, although he has not been with us on this earth for a long time, they continue to have an effect, when you want to sit on a chair and do nothing, something will certainly happen, like these 28 new names given to us for our 28
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classes at the school. in the history of search work there are no accidents, everything is through the soul, whoever searches will always find, confidently young search engines and they have a lot of interesting work ahead of them. the intertwining of destinies can be read today in museum exhibits; from them one can study the geography of battles for one big fatherland. it is not surprising that many unique projects are born in belarus.
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and we understand each other so much that no one will ever cancel this story. the victory museum in moscow, as well as the museum of the history of the great patriotic in minsk, today one of the leading institutes.
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head before the fallen heroes, the second stage of restoration and museumification is underway, and this is a project of the union state, supported at the highest level. i am convinced that the museum will be even more meaningful, the museum will present facts of heroism to visitors and the world, but at the same time it must be modern, it must be interactive, we would also see it as important for... ourselves to determine our role in creating a number of exhibitions in center of patriotic education on kobrinsky borders of the borizh fortress, this is the initiative of alexandravich lukashenko. war, for us, belarusians and russians, is a bloody drama associated
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with genocide. evidence of war crimes is still being found and documented in different parts of the two states. a new wave of interests is the desire to prevent executioners from being elevated to the rank of heroes. and khotyn in the very heart of the belarusian land, in this regard, a classic example. the place is already imbued with a special energy that makes the heart beat faster, and the new museum leaves no chance to leave from here with dry eyes. a pediment with three signs, like every third one, with a central one stained with blood, a village roof, literally from the first steps you understand that this space is designed to turn your personal world upside down. before this, you have never seen anything like this in more than one of the museums. almost every one of the creators admits that working on the project is a challenge for the creative team. it is important for the modern generation to arouse emotions, to arouse interest not with dry facts, not just by demonstrating
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exhibits, yes, not just by some kind of boards, we must go through feelings, through emotions, the millstones spin those entering into their history with every step, with every hall. the aturgy grows, and you don’t understand, if already at the beginning you catch yourself thinking that there ’s a cold lump in your throat, then what will be the climax, for me, as an artist, it seemed like such a super task, even a challenge, the most important thing was to miss again, through myself all the drama, everything that i felt, this timeline, i would not separate any detail, they are all alarming, they are all iconic, they are all... quite emotional, level so high, the more interesting, the more exciting and emotionally correct it is to still cope with such a very difficult task, to convey to everyone what kind of tragedy this is as a whole, that is, this feeling,
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the experience of this most important thing that unites us all, the thirst for life , like on the mamayev kurgan or the soviet soldier in argeve in the brez fortress on... the kursk bulge , everyone should also visit khatyn, strength is in historical truth, educating generations on heroic examples, on facts, even those chilling, so that they remember, khatyn has there are many sisters, there is a punitive force here, 149 people were killed, 75 were children. the walls of the kremlin have all the strength and power, victory day.
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russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict, but at the same time we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always in combat readiness. the west would like to forget the lessons of world war ii. and we remember that the fate of humanity was decided in grandiose battles near moscow and leningrad, rzhev, stalingrad, kursk and kharkov, podminsk, smolensk and kiev. for victory. hooray! hooray! there is no more important holiday in our lives,
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especially those who had veterans in their families, survivors of the siege, god grant that this day, this victory, may live in the hearts of people all over the world for as long as possible, and that the whole world will understand, yes, for what and why russia and belarus are together today, the head of our state is doing everything so that this memory is not forgotten , so that our younger generation remembers that... it was probably the most tragic time in the world, you have a wonderful we have a wonderful president president, they are friends, they work in the name of our states, we will live, work to win, thousands of carnations, tulips, grew at the foot of the obelisk on victory square in the belarusian capital, bright, beautiful, peaceful minsk, so badly damaged by the bombing because in flowers, we we remember, belarus remembers and will tell a new generation, which, fortunately, does not know the grief of war, will tell about
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the great victory that we got at a high price, millions of human lives. you see how simply historical is being erased the truth is in western countries, how history is rewritten, how simply any historical truth is suppressed, so that those who were defeated in the great patriotic war, their descendants, granddaughters and great-granddaughters, raise their heads and now try again... fascism 2.0, and bringing some ... then we put european values ​​in quotation marks and force the whole world to live according to their canons and their rules. for the belarusian leader, this is a tradition, and a family one; together with his family and sons, alexander lukashenko annually takes part in the laying ceremony. belarusian people, having rallied as a united front, he held the defense to the end. strong nation. capable of repelling the enemy, and this is what the hero was taught. no to fascism,
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we say to the whole world and are ready to provide evidence of the atrocities that the invaders left behind. today, more than ever, the voice of us is important, of all who speak out in defense of peace, seek cooperation, and who share the ideals of justice and global equality. but, unfortunately, we do not hear these voices. we know how such silence ended in the last century. today we are again they want to push us into the same abyss, but we must do everything to prevent the third world war, otherwise a nuclear apocalypse is inevitable; for this we all need to unite. on patriots of different generations. people who sincerely love their native land hold everything in this world together:
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selflessness, readiness to defend the fatherland, one of our strengths, this is proven by the truly nationwide character of the struggle against the occupiers during the war. we need to be strong, because it so happens that today we have to defend this historical truth and that historical memory.
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analyzing the opponent, working on mistakes, choosing the right strategy... athletes have to work a lot with their heads to become a champion, they know exactly what success is on sports grounds, but still, what is it like to become a champion? emotions subside, some realization is already coming that we have actually achieved such a significant goal for both the club and the fans, but what will the result be in
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a real battle of intellects, as the gymnastic apparatus is called, where two parallel the crossbars are installed at the same height. vlad brusya brusya, absolutely right, how the abbreviation bfvs stands for, you need to press, you don’t know anymore, then that’s all, then alexey, belarusian federation, maybe vs, vs, there is a yellow card, a yellow card, the coach who won all these titles, while he is the only one, in fact, he always considered himself. he always considered himself the only one, this is jose mourrinho, this is the correct answer. absolutely right, portuguese specialist. watch an intellectual sports show, head game on our tv channel.
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tomas. decided to end my career and returned to control of the courts by the authorities, i returned to where i started, became a simple judge, worked as one, i like it, i have strong convictions that for poland to live a normal life it is necessary to restore dialogue as with belarus , so with russia, moreover, i actively promoted this topic in communication with some politicians, and despite the fact that
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everything was not done publicly, somehow this became known at the top, soon i began to receive anonymous calls with threats, and then complete strangers came onto the streets. they strongly recommended that i leave the country, for example, to canada, the uk or the usa, as some did, they said it and immediately left. i didn’t think about leaving, however, at some point i received a warning from friends that some information was being fabricated against me in order to deprive the judge of immunity, that is, to make me completely defenseless. all this happened not only to me. pavel vaitunek headed the polish anti-corruption bureau during the pre-election period; he often said that he also received threatening calls.
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will it be enough to simply say that, for example, a normal dialogue should be established between poland, belarus and russia, and that it is better to abandon the policy of confrontation? if this is said in front of witnesses, you will become the subject of a witch hunt. the repressive state machine is activated in your direction. the beautiful phrase that poland is a democratic country collapses in my example. we are dealing with a totalitarian regime, which is only hiding behind mass democracy. on me now the entire state apparatus, all the polish special services, are up in arms.
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immunity of a judge, presumption of innocence, there is a decision to arrest me, despite the fact that there is no evidence of my guilt, you previously said that poland is not independent, why did you come to this opinion? i am interested in geopolitics; by understanding it, you can understand what is happening in reality. the polish authorities are not acting in the interests of poland, but in the interests of other states, primarily the usa and great britain. the elites and intelligence services of these countries, such as the cia, mi-6, use money.
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in such a way that there is no need to involve the fifth article of the nato charter, ukraine, while the task is to do everything that involves the involvement of other participants in the north atlantic alliance. why? because players like the united states want to protect themselves from a possible retaliatory strike. we need another victim like ukraine to use it as a tool. but this is only one of the possible scenarios. there is also the option of inciting a conflict on the borders of belarus and russia. there are plenty of such scenarios developed.
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here, first of all, the interests of the united states and great britain extend, but not ours; for the same refugees from ukraine, the attitude towards poland has now changed very sharply, at first people helped them a lot, and then more and more often they began to pay attention to the expensive cars in which ukrainians come, on what kind of property. they are buying up apartments worth 2-3 million zlotys, ukrainian business is beginning to destroy polish ones, it turned out that their oligarchs are much richer than ours, the last straw was the admission of ukrainian products, grain, for example, to our market, ending up with us without restrictions, it ruins polish farmers, that’s why protests began , road blockades, for our agriculture this is a matter of life or death, belarus, the west teaches freedom of speech, working with...
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former cia employee of the us national security agency edward snowden spoke about this very well that not only american, but all western society is under control. and notice, he had to run away too. this is a huge system of tracking and analyzing the actions, mail and statements of both high-ranking officials and ordinary people. well, what if it’s impossible to dig up a person who becomes a victim of such information tyranny.
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for example, i cannot imagine macron or any other western president who would approach agricultural issues so thoroughly. in addition, a year ago i came to belarus and studied the development of the country. my conclusion is that it is a wonderful place to do business.
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the west's reluctance to develop business here is rather an oversight.
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i have two daughters left in poland, one is already an adult, the second is 14 years old, but i have been in divorced, and for the last 4 years, for security reasons, i have generally limited contacts, i think everything is fine with them, it seems to me
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that the words to alexander lukashenko are enough that he agreed to my protection, taking into account the authority of the president, i think this also applies to protect my loved ones. what message do you want to convey to the official authorities of poland with your action? first of all, polish gentlemen, you must come to your senses, because we can be drawn into a war, and for poland it will be a disaster. this is also a signal that official warsaw took actions aimed at normalizing relations with belarus. establish a dialogue with alexander lukashenko, he, in turn, sent the following signals several times: you are our neighbors, we can talk, i think it’s enough to sit down at the negotiating table , then all problems can be solved. from the side of the polish authorities i see.
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everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izeslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus
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. this city was founded in 985 grand duke vladimir and gave it to ragned and yaseslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned, and instructed. reconciled them, she paid attention to the elderly, delved into their infirmities , their needs, and helped spiritually and financially. and she especially raised the younger generation with love for god and devotion to the homeland. what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? in the exaltation of the cross cathedral of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of the saint. frosine, another important shrine of the monastery is its power. we will tell and show you in spiritual and educational projects on...


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