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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 1:15am-1:36am MSK

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the conditions are comfortable, now this can be done quickly, conveniently and inexpensively, not like before. firstly, we are not in minsk, we are remote, agree on a name, then make a charter, contact the executive committee, pay the state fee, register cash register equipment, that is, we would have to close it all, suspend activities and register, well, probably within two or three, maybe four weeks, that’s all, but now it’s announced that it can be done in one day. in addition to convenient and simple re-registration technology, the entrepreneur managed to evaluate the concept of the upcoming work. well, in general, an individual entrepreneur is limited by the number of employees, no more than three, by a revenue limit. entrepreneurs who are stronger, like elena, will no longer be satisfied with such a business arrangement, there are also accompanying bonuses: the simplified taxation system remains, there are up to 50 people, employees, you can pay a simplified tax, llc will allow...
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as for the future, maybe maybe even change some type of activity or take up a new one activities that require obtaining licenses, we are still positive and would like this simplified system to help develop and grow. and this is the capital, vladislav veucheysky, one of those who decided not to put their eggs in one basket, took up four types of work at once, he provides office services, repairs computer equipment, organizes events, and accompanies tourists. the reform will probably affect the usual way of life, but there is a plan b: this is opening a legal entity and working in the required legal field, but it will be more difficult, but for an entrepreneur there is always a risk, this is why we are entrepreneurs, we must first develop our entrepreneurship in order to adapt to existing realities. in the meantime, business is mostly waiting for july 1, this is the deadline for the appearance of the final list of types of work allowed for individual entrepreneurs. those who... will not be on the list will obviously
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have to make a choice, fortunately the business is not in a hurry to make a decision. it’s good that time has been given, it’s about a year and a half for the final transition, there will still be such a smooth movement, based on this time, there will be time to comprehend, weigh, all the pros and cons. in the meantime, entrepreneurs are delving into all the intricacies of the upcoming work according to the new rules, just in case re-registration is coming. the entrepreneur does not hide. the law has been adopted, but not everything is clear yet. in particular, for the same electronic digital signature keys, as it will be transferred, there will be no need to buy new keys for a legal entity, or they will give them to me for free, taking into account the fact that i have already purchased a registered adc. according to accounting, will they be allowed to do it themselves? how to conduct accounting, or whether it will be necessary to have an accountant on staff or outsourced. in a word, the law is good, but you can’t write down everything down to the nuances in the laws, so... business is waiting from government agencies for some
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explanations, specifics, perhaps a step-by-step action plan, maybe there will be some kind of manual, where everything will be laid out step by step, taking into account all the nuances of interest, vladislav is ready to explain the innovations himself, as an organizer of training events for entrepreneurs, while in the status of an individual entrepreneur, and after who knows, perhaps, as an owner without... a bigger business, i’m sure you’ll have to leave your comfort zone, but perhaps this is the only way growth and development is possible. olga onishchenko and dmitrievich mak, area of ​​interest. to stimulate the transition to the status of a commercial organization, innovations in legislation also imply a number of bonuses, and the main one is a seamless transition from one form to another. for those who want to expand their business, there is a simplified procedure with a minimum package of documents and continuity of all rights. and
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obligations to the budget and the counterparty. the emphasis is on creating clear and transparent conditions for running your business. so what does a business need to know? we have collected the main points in the following material. alina lopo more details. you can scale your business in a day and, importantly, without losing your accumulated baggage. this is one of the special incentives when transferring from an individual entrepreneur to a commercial organization, now we will talk about everything in detail, but first it is worth noting: previously, as such a transition was not provided for, it was impossible to reorganize an individual entrepreneur into a legal entity, the only way is to close your business in the prescribed manner in fact, to start it from scratch, the period for terminating activities in such cases can reach up to a year. innovations give the right to obtain the status of a commercial organization without suspending its activities from day to day. at the same time, all rights and obligations to employees, contractors,
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and the state will transfer to the new commercial organization. in other words, you register a legal entity and get the opportunity for further development from the level already achieved. we believe that individual entrepreneurs will still exist. choose such a form as a limited liability company, for this form the minimum amount of the authorized capital is not provided; accordingly, it can be set even in the amount of 10 rubles. and this authorized capital can be formed within 12 months after the state registration of a commercial organization. so what is the simplified procedure? first, an individual entrepreneur must notify creditors in writing about his decision to create a commercial organization, then submit a corresponding application to the registering organ. it is important to note here that the procedure for terminating the activities of an individual entrepreneur will not be carried out, this will happen automatically, and the entry on the exclusion of an individual entrepreneur from the unified state register will become the date of registration of the new legal entity. in order to create this commercial organization, you will first need to
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agree on its name. the name can be preliminarily checked in the web portal in order to make sure that there are no such... similarities, confusingly similarity can also be checked there, then fill out an application with the chosen name and send it to the registration authority electronically via a web portal, on the same day or the next the individual entrepreneur will be presented with a certificate of approval of the name, then he prepares a package of documents for submission to the registration authority, the minimum package of documents is this application , two copies of the charter and you will need to submit a certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs. all permits and licenses received by the individual entrepreneur also remain; these documents can be used in during the year, in the future their re-registration will be free on an application basis. among other advantages , no state duty is charged for creating a legal entity. within 2 years from the date of registration, the organization will not be included in
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plans for random inspections, and its location may be a residential premises, of course, with the consent of the residents registered there, utility costs at the rates of individuals. so, to summarize the innovations. the legislation really simplifies the existing order; let me remind you that existing entrepreneurs whose activities do not will be included in the final permitted list, have the right to work until 2026, in order to continue their business further, they will have to transform into a legal entity, the registration of new individual entrepreneurs in areas not on the list will be stopped in october. and that’s all the information for today. no in economics, we will tell you in the area of ​​interest next week. let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. i wish you positive news and successful transactions.
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how long has it been since you held a book in your hands? we turned over page after page, greedily devouring every word, from all manifestations human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. the thoughts of past times live in books, the voices of people are clearly heard. everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books; by reading , a person survives centuries; reading brings
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generations together; we value the past for our present. belarus.
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mom, what are you doing, what are you doing? yesterday they played spartak dynamo, uh-huh, spartak
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produl they threw finnies, good, although i didn’t see any disgrace, the guys said, oh with this damn work, i forgot when the carts were last played i was watching, yesterday while i was watching, i was blown away, so was my wife, 8:21, occupied zone three, started to complete the task, i understood you, 8:16, the second started to complete the task, i understood, complete.
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8am g also, okay, i love it too, i’m taking fuel with me and a few... 8:21 explosion in the engine compartments, the alarm system went off fire. 8:21 altitude, altitude 1.500, started putting out the fire, screwed up, screwed up. 8:21, the fire cannot be extinguished, turn the plane to a safe zone , eject, i’m doing it.
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holy crap, the plane's marker has disappeared, i can see it myself.
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her mother is a whore, you want to become the same, come on, come on, come on! obviously i love him, what did you say that i love him, mom, love, how dare you say such words, you know what they mean, you know what it means, love, who do you love, what right do you have , with these lips, what right do you have to say this? word, love, you know what it is, it’s
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a deep, strong feeling, and you, how can you love, but with your lower flattering, yes, you know, with your lower place, with your hair? hair, how many times have i told you not to walk around with your hair down, i can’t stand it, why are you on the floor like me, why are you crying, that’s it, calm down, calm down my girl, calm down girl, your girl is no longer a girl , ask what happened, i’ll feel sorry for her, ask what happened immediately, what zhaka can do, what zhaka can do, and you’ll find out what zhaka can do something, i said that i need to communicate with this charlatan, charlatan, i said, i said, i turned out to be right, i turned out to be right, in the end it all ended with this, with this, with this, and you don’t understand, what did this, yes, he doesn’t understand, how did this end in debauchery, they were doing this in the hangar, antonina came running and said that she was doing this right on the grass, this, you know, debauchery, what a shame, what a shame , lord, what
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will they say about us, what will they say about us, the whole horizon will look at you face, pull yourself together. mystery, sooner or later this had to happen, what has to happen, that children grow up and these children love each other, you understand, they love, and you love too, marina, i ask you again, pull yourself together, i have today it was extremely difficult for you, every day is difficult, marina, today sanka crashed, what difference does it make to me that sanka crashed, your daughter, what she did, that’s enough. rek, take the dog, let’s go breathe some air, i heard everything, dad, he died, he’s alive, in serious
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condition. my dear, what a pleasant surprise, what are you talking about? it’s so early here, but she came to you, to me, yeah, what a good start, no, my sweetie, mish, mish, well, what, wait, what, i
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came to talk, let’s talk, let ’s talk, you know. for me, your voice is sweeter than any music, well, speak, speak, i ’m expecting a child, who, i’m pregnant, my son, my dear, okay, wait, how is it, how is it now, i’m married, what are you doing, what are you doing, girl my, you, i have a little viron, where am i taking my return, to afghanistan?


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