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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 2:45am-3:11am MSK

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the children were sent to the salaspils death camp, located on the territory of latvia. these were collaborators, these were latvians, they knew the local population here well, they knew very well that in this village there lived parents and children who were in partisan detachments, so these elderly people were immediately shot here on the spot, and then they were already burned together with the population in one of the largest huts in this village. latvian battalions were noted for their particular diligence in carrying out punitive operations. in total, under the patronage of the nazis , 41 battalions with a total number of 15 thousand soldiers and officers were formed, many of them walked with their boots on belarusian soil. one of the key methods of their brutal treatment of ordinary people was the clearance of fields and roads with the help of the local population. it got to the point that the punishers complained about the lack of belarusians for such actions. the kgb archives still contain interrogation protocols, which fully reflect the attitude of the latvian policemen towards peaceful to the population. heading on horseback to the headquarters of the 314th
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battalion for food, under the command of the foreman of the battalion headquarters, i don’t remember his last name now, as part of privates polchevsky ivan and isad micheslav, driving along the road past the sarai, we heard a children’s raincoat coming from there. having stopped the horse, we went to the barn and the following picture presented itself to us: in the barn there was a fallen horse, a child, undressed without shoes, about 3 years old, sitting on it, next to him on the floor... two more children of the same age were sitting, also undressed, and they all had frostbitten feet. the foreman ordered us to put all the children on a sled and take them to the pit. by order of the foreman, we threw the children into the pit. the children were crying. one of them shouted: “dad, take me.” on the orders of the foreman, polchevsky threw a grenade at the guys. unlike the latvian and lithuanian police battalions, where the command staff was exclusively from among the nazis,
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the estonian units enjoyed special trust from... the nazis, their commanders were appointed from the local population and there was only one german observation officer. in total , 26 such battles were formed with a total number of 10 thousand bayonets. their main use was predominantly punitive operations against the civilian population and the partisan underground. the estonian ss brigade took part in the bloody operations heinrich and fritz in the vicinity of polotsk. the atrocity of ukrainian battles left a special mark on belarusian soil. the un upa nazis carried out dozens of misanthropic actions during the punitive operation swamp fever bandera killed and burned alive, more than 10 thousand people, 1,200 were driven into german slavery. today, their actions are actively blamed on the war criminals themselves and elevated to the rank of heroes. during the all-belarusian people's assembly, the head of the state security committee noted an extremely important thing. everything
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that is happening today is not something new. the kgb archives record exactly the same approaches, only adapted to modern realities. perhaps one of the key reasons is the clear continuity of the power of ideology. in the photo, the president of latvia, edgars renkiewicz. it was a matter of back in 2013, rinkevich himself was the head of mit at that time. but we are interested in the second character, with whom edgar takes photographs without a twinge of conscience, probably even feeling a sense of pride.
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developed, were any technologies used, were they trying to recruit those people so that they would go over to the side of the enemy, how did this situation develop? years of the great patriotic war, as i understand it, yes, that means, regarding that period, it should be noted that naturally, the intelligence services of the german reich had previously carried out work before the start of the war with the soviet union, on the possible recruitment, especially in emigrant circles, of people who were potentially ready to cooperate with the nazi reich, who wanted, therefore, to cause maximum harm to the soviet union, but... specifically soviet belarus, if we we are talking about some figures associated with belarus, so after the occupation of the territory of the bssr, of course, the nazi occupiers sought to somehow attract the population to cooperate, and with the occupation authorities, and this was done, was done, which means that people were partly forced to agree to a certain cooperation with the nazi authorities in order to get some piece of bread, but i would like to emphasize that what in belarus in... this
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collaborationist movement, it was the most minimal among of all the territories occupied by the nazis, if we mean european countries, this is about 20 thousand people, remember in parallel the numbers of partisans and subpoenas.
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on certain feelings, but even those who may have lost hope at first, that he was carrying out some kind of patriotic mission here, they saw the policy that was carried out with the nazi occupiers, they could not help but see it, they themselves were forced to participate in it, and this completely tarnished them, because the nazis, they advocated
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the destruction in one way or another of the belarusian people, for the destruction of belarusian statehood and these attempts to present these figures as patriots, but they do not stand up to any criticism, no patriot will ever cooperate. with the enemy who puts with any enemy of his people and his state, and even more so if he sets the task of destroying, destroying this people and a specific, therefore, statehood, therefore these are in no way patriots, in many ways it is also necessary, among them there were a large number of those , who wanted to get some kind of gain from cooperation with the nazi occupiers, to get rich and other and other things, so this also needs to be understood and this was present, but once again i emphasize such people in our society, there were very , very few of them. and thank god. how do you think, is it appropriate today to draw parallels between the collaborationist movements of the great patriotic war and those detachments and militants that are formed on the territory of neighboring states for our country; they openly set as their goal the military overthrow
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of the current government. is there a parallel to this today, of course there is. now a hybrid war is actually unfolding against the republic of belarus, against the russian federation, our union state, and of course. collaborationism, they are supported by money, yes, the so-called western countries, that is , they receive financial handouts from them, even that opposition, let’s take it in quotation marks, because this is not an opposition at all, they are essentially traitors to their people who have no shame in taking money, which means they advocate that here to belarus... the common people lived as poorly as possible, to create as much difficulty as possible in the development of their state, this is simply a traitor, so the parallel, unfortunately, is a direct, direct parallel, the only thing that consoles us in this parallel is that not then in the years second world great during the patriotic wars, the collaborators did not achieve their goals, now i am sure that this
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collaborationist movement will not succeed in anything at the level of error, yes, of course their number is too small compared to the total number of citizens of the republic of belarus, thank you for the upcoming one. mutually also not often, but there were still cases, i had to deal with a certain skepticism, which revolves around the fact that a repetition... of all terrible events is simply impossible, they say we have all become terrible humanists, and the inhabitants of a blooming garden they wouldn’t even hurt a fly in flight. genocide in modern realities is simply impossible. this is, unfortunately, what those who see nothing further than their noses think. mass extermination of tutsis. this is, in some ways , the first genocide of the information age. he controlled in real time. it was the media that was directed, of course, if it weren’t for africa, the media was technologically backward,
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we are talking about the famous radio of a thousand hills, to watch tv you need a tv, and this remained an elitist pastime in rwanda, newspapers were printed in the country, but to read them you had to know how to read and write. it was the radio that welded the pogromists into a well-coordinated, disciplined, multimillion-strong army of killers. there are thousands in the studio. what i will tell you, healing will take a long time, some hate tutsi, others
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hate hutta, when the people leave, then only the hatred will go away. but this was not the main thing, radio waves delivered the crisis signal to the most remote corners of rwanda, transmitting the order to exterminate people to each specific community. if you look for analogues, these are exactly the same as current social networks. it was possible to give an order, so listen to the report on it execution and correction is no longer there, this became one of the reasons for the monstrous scale of the man-killer, rational-minded people controlled the destruction of the tut, they would have achieved the goal, maybe they would have called off the pack of killers, but there was no feedback, and therefore everything was done with a reserve in order to exterminate for sure and ...
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many of the countries represented here today have sent peacekeepers to rwanda. it was not these soldiers who destroyed rwanda, the international community destroyed us, partly out of indifference, partly out of cowardice. it is known about carefully closed borders, state border guards neighbors watched in cold blood as, on the other side of the imaginary line of state borders, children were slaughtered, men were carried away, and dismembered. women, the french army contingent took an active part in the genocide; it controlled the cities where
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the massacres took place, and then transported the most bloodthirsty killers abroad. in total , up to 1,100 thousand rwandans died, that is, every fifth resident of the country was killed. the terrible massacre lasted 100 days. at the end, a completely insoluble problem arose, how to punish everyone... winners tootse 120 thousand active participants in the genocide were arrested, and these were not all murderers, but even less than 3% of them were tried. it was calculated that at this rate the processes would last 200 years. we thought about it and decided that local communities should create courts and deal with local murderers themselves. the idea is great, it was possible to pass more than a million sentences, and then the truth. it turned out that the local courts were controlled by the very murderers who were supposed to be punished.
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in general, as usual, they punished whoever they wanted and how they had to. catching the runaways the organizers of the genocide were investigated by a special international tribunal. naturally, the most influential and richest people hid in europe; there were enough of them, for example, in france and belgium. such people, of course, were punished only if they had the stupidity to call a callus and not. here is the website of an organization that is trying to achieve justice, according to its data, hundreds of murderers live happily in germany, canada, the usa and britain, and they found a couple. in australia, no one is interested in them, and after the exposure, seven more are going to be tried in niger, but they won’t get around to it, with in this case, the un paid all the accused $3,000 in benefits, the defendants complained of poverty, in general, quite expectedly, the prosecution of the perpetrators of the genocide turned into a vile circus performance
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and a demagogic competition in vulgarity. from april to... june 1994, horror reigned in rwanda: the anniversary allows the victims to reflect, heal from hatred and turn their gaze to the future. on this day we understand that this is no longer possible either in africa or anywhere else on the planet. what can i say? justice can only be ensured by force, and of course, if power is on the side of justice. the rwandan genocide was controlled and incited by primitive radio. today, access to human consciousness is much greater. it is 24/7 and virtually unlimited. we ourselves carry these devices and cannot imagine our lives without them. at the same time, the manipulation of consciousness and the promotion of radical ideologies has become literally an everyday thing. nazism is raising its
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head again. in the west they openly refuse our common victory in the second world war. demolishing monuments to heroes and nurturing any initiatives aimed at escalation and confrontation. belarusians have repeatedly demonstrated their desire to be masters of their land. we have learned and mastered the lessons of history well. and we must not forget that our love of peace is not pacifism. that's all for today, this was the trends program, disparate facts packaged into a single concept. until next time.
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three traditional bakings of bread and four slaughterhouses are part of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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president of belarus alexander lukashenko with state visit to azerbaijan. official negotiations between state leaders took place today. the meeting of alexander lukashenko with ilham aliyev took place in the palace of the azerbaijani leader. according to the protocol , the negotiations were preceded by a ceremony with the participation of the honor guard company and the performance of the national anthems. another obligatory tradition is the ceremony of photographing the two leaders. only after that. interactions, cooperation in industry and the development of trade and economic agriculture. following the negotiations the main focus of the negotiations is that a further package of bilateral documents has been signed.
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the belarusian exposition is presented at the international agricultural exhibition in baku. among the 38 participating countries, the belarusian stand is one of the largest at the exhibition. the range of products presented is the widest. fertilizers, tractors, dairy products, meat, agricultural machinery, products are in demand.
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china is a close, reliable friend and good partner for belarus, said chairman of the council of the republic natalya kachanova during a meeting with the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the chinese people's republic in belarus uyun session, according to the speaker of the upper house of parliament , the basis of bilateral ties is warm and trusting relations between the leaders of the two countries. natalya kachanova emphasized that friendly relations are also developing between parliamentarians of the two countries; an interparliamentary agreement has already been signed in cooperation between the national assembly of belarus and the national people's congress of china. today at the headquarters of the national olympic committee of belarus started
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a forum of athletes of the two countries, in which the leaders of the belarusian leg viktor lukashenko and the head of the russian olympic committee stanislav poznyakov take part. one of the topics on the agenda is the development of sports over 2 years of sanction pressure. olympic champions and medalists of the games, coaches from belarus and russia will discuss issues of holding competitions. organization of joint training camps and international agenda in world sports. the discussion is quite interesting, the issues are modern, topical and i am sure very important for athletes, starting from what sport today, ending with how to behave in certain situations regarding international competitions, regarding possible participation in other leagues, other countries, in general, regarding the development of our olympic movement, and regarding the international situation in the sport itself. that is, you see a very serious discussion platform where athletes, coaches and other sports functionaries can emphasize a lot for themselves, ask questions, and in general formulate,
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probably, their long-term plans for future work. the days of russian spiritual culture have started in minsk, until the end of the week for metropolitan aesthetes, the choral diversity of our friendly neighboring country. in total , more than 100 vocalists from three groups came on tour to present contemporary music. traditional, spiritual and folk performance. on the eve of the first vocal part , the gnesen ensemble of contemporary choral music altrakora, conductor and artistic director, rector of the russian academy, alexander ryzhinsky, performed on the main stage of the academy of music. the project days of spiritual culture of russia is multi-genre, so in the academy of music the exhibition "novodeevichy monastery" opened. reproductions of ancient icons made by famous masters of the armory chamber and images of frescoes of the 15th century are presented.
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the region is preparing for the swimming season, divers from rescue stations are cleaning the bottom and preparing safe locations for vacationers, coastal areas of the water area are getting rid of garbage that has accumulated over the winter period, special attention is being paid to putting things in order on the beaches, pavilions have already been updated and restored, new ones have appeared barbecues, special machines cleaned the coastal sand. tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is
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to talk about belarus in the country. abroad, more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch the projects of our tv channel, so what kind of belarus is it, business and developing.


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