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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 3:50am-4:21am MSK

3:50 am
probably, if it were the same machine, i would probably sit down with my eyes closed, probably go through it, perform my operation, because i’ve done it thousands of times, i now work a little in commerce, most of it, well, in parallel with production, let’s say, therefore, of course, it’s impossible to know everything, it’s probably impossible for anyone to know this, but still it’s interesting, it’s interesting how your enterprise changes, you still accept it. participation, that the same artistic councils, that the same fabrics, selections, customers, the same suppliers, that is, it is everyday continuous work, which is very interesting, well, for me, probably, comments are more than half of my life, i came here very early, at 17 years old, the 35 years that i have been working here, of course, have left their mark, the working part of my life is that's probably all.
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they saw, people prayed, they were baptized, that how come they came from the other world, what are you doing?
3:52 am
hello, you are watching the program say don’t be silent, in the studio of victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest, a witness of the great patriotic war, as well as an active citizen boris khodakov. good afternoon, boris pavlovich, hello, we are glad to welcome you.
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first, let's look at the story of our colleague elena bormatova: the village was destroyed 80 years ago, today even the names of those who gave the order to kill civilians are known. chief of the gendarmerie ruzhan miller, ams-commissar eller. his deputies target lyalya nadlesny
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zorka, director of the schulte mills and sawmills, they also led the operation. in retaliation for the death of one german soldier, a village in the amount of almost a thousand people, that is, they spared neither children, nor the elderly, and even newborns. documents from the state archive of the russian federation , the national archive of our country, evidence in the criminal case on the genocide of the belarusian people. here is also the confessional testimony of one of the punishers of the village of bajki vel, helm schulte. back in '49 he was charged. during the interrogation, he names units that killed old people, abused women and brutally dealt with children. you were 7 years old when this tragedy happened, right? and the entire family of your relatives, kava, khadyka, died and... her name was even baykovka,
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she got married in a village in oranilovich, my father was already born there, and then everything went on in our family to continue. in this village lived my father’s sister, aunt varya, kava, aunt varya, varvara mikhailovna with her husband semyon, he was a village teacher, here we have a photograph, they had a daughter lida, and there was a son tolya, tolya was older than me, a year four on...
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tell me, you were wearing bikes on the eve of this tragedy, we were constantly wearing bikes, there spent the night, from the bikes they often brought a cow to us for the night in ruzhany, and we spent the night, looked at the farm with my mother, on the eve of january 20, 1944, we were in the bikes, spent the night , went home, and on the 22nd... a tragedy occurred, everything was destroyed village, together with my relatives, by the way, we found this comment on the net, angela writes: my relatives were killed in bikes by the fasts, the haiduk family, my grandfather’s brother,
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vasil haiduk, was hanged in front of the entire village, his wife, who had just given birth shot dead in bed, newborn the baby's head against the wall, and then they threw it to the dogs, in total... there were four children in this family, they were all killed, the earth moved for several days, groans were heard from closed pits with half-dead people, eternal memory of grief. did you know the haiduk family? i saw him, but more than that i had a connection, shabunya kava, they survived the fire, the men were herded into a barn, and the children and women were taken out of these barns, holding them by the neck, accompanied by dogs, and brought to the pit and they shot, so when almost everyone was shot, wait barn, people were somehow hiding, these two people, whom i called kava, and shabunya,
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shabunya nikolai stepanovich, whose name i don’t remember now, they filled themselves with earth, blew up the floor of the barn, the threshing floor, the threshing floor, where they thresh, it’s adobe the floor, it’s... practically cement, stone, how could they blow up this floor with their hands, pour it on themselves, well, shabune said that we had a layer of 10 centimeters of earth, burnt eyebrows lay above us, when the germans had already left, they crawled out, crawled out, went to the neighboring village, at the beginning they went to the village, will, they saw, people prayed, they were baptized, that how come they had come from the other world, this shabu had no ears, his ears were completely burned.
4:00 am
somehow, since childhood, i was constantly sick with a cold there, and for a little while now the shots had calmed down, the noises came out into the street for some time. it was going on, my mother dressed me, she put a suit on me with anchors, buttons in the shape of anchors, beautiful, i remember this suit, we went somewhere from the house, suddenly a german, seeing me, tore off my buttons, my mother began to say something, he hit her with the butt of his gun, i don’t remember further, my mother already told me about it, then dad wrote it in the book that he kicked me so hard that i fell, well, apparently i lost it. consciousness, consciousness, after that it was impossible to stay, my father was
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the deputy head of a police school for 10 years, they knew him a lot, it could have been dangerous to give him away, so my mother decided to go to her father’s relatives in the brest region, ruzhany, in particular, she walked i went there for a long period, together with my father’s cousin baran, mikhail, i am in touch with him... if you go, you will stop there, let’s say, at the beginning, at the poorest hut on
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on the outskirts of the village, the first one doesn’t go, then look where the poor hut is, bring this asmushka, they will let you spend the night, she came to minsk, took me, my sister wife, 12 years older than me, and another woman with two daughters and pyankov’s son , their father was also an officer, he served, yana... they helped pull out this horse and drove on, in case the germans set
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three shepherd dogs on you as a young child, what kind of story is this? we lived in varanilovichi for a long time, well, not for long, about a year, how did we get there then, i have a big question, how we got to ruzhany, we were given a room opposite the market, but this was a different goal, i now understand that it was a connected room. where my mother brought documents, leaflets from bikes, and through the bazaar, through people, that there was a cover, the bazaar was a cover, they spread throughout the surrounding area. in 1943, i have a brother, a cousin, the germans drove people out of the village of varanilovich, work was going on, clearing work on the road, this is kolya, nikolai aleksandrovich khadyk, he was ordered to look.
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a bottle of water, bread, whatever we had at home, and there was a dance taking place in front of the synaga in ruzhany, and suddenly dogs attacked me, knocked me down, began to crush me, but then i saw that one dog was muzzled, two were without muzzles, one was crushing me, and for a long time i got rid of these dogs, and for many years i saw these dogs, now...
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january 22, 1944, literally in february, we were plunged into the gutomihalin forest, we were there, my mother washed, cooked, she was, well, she knew how to sew, she sewed, darned, sewed linen , my sister was washing the bandages again, i’m already seven years old i was on my way, so there was an errand, i was collecting branches and... then we went somewhere after may, making some simple wreaths, and i was with a polish boy, zygmus, he was three or four years older than me, probably. , they always carried wreaths in front - coffins, when they buried the dead partisans, i remember this well, the dugout is still preserved in stories, on the territory
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of the house of the baran family, which you tell about and knew this family well. there the partisans printed leaflets, as we already heard from you, your mother also distributed these leaflets, here is the same dugout where this printing house was, it’s interesting that she, the ram, with whom you also met, tell me how she perceived after the war, you also met with her all these events, how she survived her second cousin, yeah. we came there, she never refused, on the contrary, she happily went with us into the forest, we picked mushrooms, if they were green ones, she washed these mushrooms, boiled them first, put them in some containers, i then brought them home to minsk, she lived with her son pavel and daughter-in-law, then her son pavel died, she was alone stayed, here is her son tikhan varan, he
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repeated susanin’s feat during the war years, yes, he led the germans somewhere in the pushcha when... they shot the stories, shot one of his sisters, the second sister, directed at her, tried to shoot her , he says, okay, i ’ll show you where the partisans are, he had an idea, knowing that he had been in a partisan detachment more than once, and it was all in the forests, forests all around, he knew the partisan patrols, so he led these soldiers with a bang, well, they seem to say that there were about 120 germans there, he led them into the swamp screaming, there are already some of them...
4:09 am
the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today our guest is a witness of the great patriotic war, a former teacher at the college of architectural construction, boris khodakov. boris pavlovich, an attentive viewer, probably noted that your father wrote his books like pavel khadyk. during the first world war, belarusians were resettled to russia beyond the urals by my father’s family, mother, brothers, sisters, they ended up in the arenburg region, my father joined the red guard there, the fight with dutov, with kolchak, when recruitment began for the red guard
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guard, piser machine gun team. in fact, even after 1944, he found you in ruzhany, where you spent 4 years with your family during the war, and what’s
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interesting is that you noted in an interview that he had aged very much, as it caught your eye, and after war, father, dapa, in the photo he is on the right, yes on the right, and this is his brother, these are his two brothers, alexander and luka, alexander mikhailovich.
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belchenko, later the minister of internal affairs of the nkvd, they were, they were friends all the time, they met, so dad was given a land plot plot on slonimskaya street, since dad himself
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was from the slonim district, a native, now it is the pruzhany district, before it was the slonevsky district, so he built a house, we had 24 acres of land, with trees, dad worked, grafted himself, processed it, well, everything other.
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we completed four courses, after graduating from school, and our school was the sixtieth railway school, then it became the twenty -first railway, male, there were no girls in the school, then it became the forty-sixth city school, i entered the bku at the faculty of chemistry, in the first year i started studying scientific work, synthesized, that is, discovered two substances, made two discoveries, well, i was active at home... until i was 25 years old, i was almost rarely with girls, rarely, when i met, there was no time, day, but burettes, not girls, only science, yes, you did, yes, you did
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scientific work, did... physical education, i did the third category in gymnastics, the third category in barbells, the second category in shooting, actively, then, that means, towards the end i began to study a little cinema , i used to do photography, i started filming study, in my fourth year, graduated from my fourth year, i have severe headaches, i took an academic leave, i already graduated from bsu as an evening student, what do you think, that’s what you think?
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we had to bring bricks to the second and third floors, the norm was 50 bricks, we were paid for this, given a loaf of bread and half a glass of sugar, in general the restoration of minsk was going on, the germans were working, prisoners, even when dad was building a house, with the help of belchenko, the minister was received permission, they gave us four or five germans, they made a pediment in our house, dug...
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4:19 am
you can be called boris pavlovich our colleague, because you worked part-time on television, filmed stories and edited the film and voiced your stories yourself, and i even read that for a minute-long recording of khrushchev’s speech you once received a fee, a fabulous at that time 70 rubles in one minute of khrushchev’s speech, well , tell me a little about this side of your life, about this side, i collected money, for material reasons in childhood i also grew flowers, sold flowers, pennies, but collected, did not drink, did not smoke, never, never smoked never, here i had the richest equipment since 1969, indeed, i collaborated with the minsk television studio on the round square victory square, so i filmed.
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rabova was at our house very often, why? because she was married to edik lapov. edik lapov was the director. you can see in newsreels, the lapovs live in old newsreels from the post-war 44 years, the lapovs live there, this is edik lapov, there were two brothers, boris and edik, so he was friends with them, he gave a lot on television, not only the plot, but i also did children’s programs before
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half an hour and...


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