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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 6:00am-7:00am MSK

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yes, friends, this is the last working day of this week, but parking, please, parking, and many people will have to work tomorrow, you know, for monday, may 13, as they say, but you can repeat the working day, there weren’t enough working days this week, uh , i agree with you, colleague, yes, this transfer, by the way, is relevant for those who work in a five-day work week with days off on saturday and sunday, for those people for whom may 13 fell during labor or social leave, may 18 will not be a working day, some injustice, well, something like this, on the other hand, together with... colleagues, loved ones , experiencing another working day, even if it’s saturday, it seems to me nice, but if someone started work from may 15 to 17, then for him, the next saturday will be a day off, for those who were on a business trip on may 13 for advanced training or retraining courses, tomorrow will also have to work hard, but we hope that you, like us , go to work as if it were a holiday, so we suggest flying into a new have a good day mood, and of course, to beautiful music. of course, any physical
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activity, even just walking, is a factor that strengthens our body. any physical activity affects metabolism, blood circulation, the level of oxygenation, that is, oxygen saturation, strengthening muscles, bones, ligaments, and accordingly affects... our immunity, of course, physical activity is good, but here we need more talk, do not forget about the correct temperature regime, even without carrying out any specific events, wiping off snow, swimming in an ice hole, it is not necessary to use such extreme hardening options, playing sports with proper ventilation, alternating warm and cold air, these are those. procedures
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that strengthen the immune system, and there is no sport without contrasts, there is no physical education without contrast procedures, so all this together certainly works. one of the first signs of decreased immunity is frequent illness. if your child gets sick from month to month with increased fever or if he constantly walks around with a runny nose and cough, if he has some kind of continuous rash on his skin, if he starts to. nails break, hair falls out, all this makes you think about the state of the child’s body. against the background of a weakened immune system, you can and should do physical exercise, but only in doses and under the supervision of a doctor. there are people who are not suitable for sports due to certain diseases. if we are talking about a decrease in immunity as a consequence of some acute pathology. or temporary
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decreased immunity, then yes, during the recovery period, physical education is mandatory, sports are unlikely, sports are for healthy people, sports, physical education are available to everyone.
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of course, istrano sets this tone, friends. without conditional movement early in the morning, you know, i wish you not just to get up today, to get up and fly towards a new day, by the way, you probably noticed that in late spring and summer it’s actually much easier to get up, and this is because there is light even through closed eyelids affects the retina in this way and gives a signal to stop producing the hormone melatonin, they say the sun has risen, it’s time for us to wake up people, well, by the way, today the dawn came an hour ago, it’s time to launch the production of dopamine and endorphin, of course, or... as it is also called, the hormone of joy, and we will help you with this, how, now we will tell you how to relax in comfort, we will find out how to choose the most comfortable hammock, everything is blooming and smelling, we will see what colors the capital will sparkle this summer, film,
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film, film, we will get acquainted with the film premieres of this week, art minsk, we will visit the largest festival of... art. their words, these are not all plans for today. in the second hour , gromyk’s large, friendly family will visit us. they will represent minsk at the republican family of the year competition. let's find out what is the secret of their family happiness. well, in the third part we are waiting for the guest nutritionist svetlana koshitskaya with another portion of useful tips. and at the end of the broadcast, our young stars, angelina volkova, nastya kravchenko and nikita belko will present their new video for the song: be ready for the day of pioneer friendship. well, right now we are ready to give the floor to our footblogger anatoly moiseev, it’s time to cook breakfast. in this case, he always has a very unusual, original recipe. let's write it down. good morning, today
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we remember a recipe that our grandmothers used to cook. i assure you, you will definitely be pleased with the result. making pancakes with sorrel. it's essentially a pancake casserole, a fairly common food in the 19th century. we will need pancakes, sorrel, milk, sugar, chicken egg and sour cream. bake pancakes in advance according to your family recipe. the main thing is the filling. two bunches of sorrel, boil in boiling water water for 2-3 minutes. place it on a sieve so that it only drains. water, then rub the sorrel through the same sieve, sweeten the filling with a tablespoon of sugar, pour a glass of milk and a tablespoon of sugar into the blender bowl, add 100 g of sour cream,
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just beat in the egg and mix until smooth, spread each pancake with the sorrel filling and roll it up into a tube, leave a couple of pancakes on the top layer, cut the pancake rolls in half , put them in a greased mold, put the first layer in the layer and fill it filling, we form the second layer in the same way, don’t skimp on the filling, cover the pancakes completely, cover the top of the casserole with whole pancakes, put a couple of pieces of rich butter and put it in the oven, preheated to 180°, for about half an hour. the casserole is ready, you can separate it into separate rolls, or you can cut it like a cake. the main thing is that the pancakes in the filling become very tender, like a soufflé.
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the palatable sourness makes the taste of the dessert simply indescribable. i'm sure you will definitely like this recipe. bon appetit! agency tv news provides an overview of popular print and online publications. the m3 highway is the main and most promising direction towards vitebsk and the russian ports of st. petersburg and murmansk. it is also one of the busiest highways in the country. cars drive along it towards the lepel and braslov lakes to the vitebsk enterprise. poltsk and novopoltsk. last july , large-scale reconstruction began on the highway between lagoisk and pleshchenitsy. soon, in addition to the four-lane concrete, there will be two modern interchanges - a bicycle and pedestrian crossing and an expanded bridge. today, the construction readiness of the facility is 51%.
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the republic's correspondents looked at how the reconstruction was going. ecologists call the fight against invasive plants one of the most pressing issues. challenges in the field of biodiversity conservation. species alien to our biosystem are extremely aggressive; they displace the local flora and fauna. in addition, they are unsafe for humans, among the most harmful. sosnowski and canadian goldenrod. in the lagois region, the chemical treatment of hogweed began with end of april. the plant has occupied almost 300 hectares of land in the region, but there is still success in the confrontation. journalists from a rural newspaper looked at how specialists fight harmful plants. the most beloved soviet comedy, the diamond arm, turns 55. how many phrases from it have gone to the people and are not published.
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read on the pages of sb belarus today. an unusual football fan ran onto the field in the united states during a game between philadelphia and new york. raccoon decided to watch the match. the animals were caught by a whole crowd, but the raccoon stubbornly resisted. the league calculated that... the raccoon spent 161 seconds on the field, they say that this is a record, and he also showed
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the players by his own example how persistently they need to pursue their goal. details on everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture. in modern world. the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus . this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragned and yaceslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned, instructed and reconciled them. she paid attention to the elderly.
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there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is its power. we will tell and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel.
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the live broadcast of good morning continues belarus good morning country, it’s time to wake up and find out the weather forecast for this spring day today. let me remind you, friday is may 17, let’s find out what plans the heavenly office has, nina mozheiko knows
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details, nina, please, well, obviously, the plans are good, but just look at the temperature indicators today, so in minsk the air will warm up to +22, although there will be a slight disappointment in the form of rain, but again , how to treat this, how to look at it, brest up to +23, 2022 from the plus sign in the northern capital of vitebsk, exactly the same temperature in gomel in mogilev, and up to +23 today in... an indicator, undoubtedly, that such rains will refresh our big cities, by the way, weather forecasters warn, that night frosts still persist, in addition to rain throughout the country during the day, you know, or there will also be a thunderstorm waiting for us, in general, everything is like a classic, but i love thunderstorms, though not at the beginning of may, it’s almost at its end, at the end of may we also have it we love, indeed, what would may be without a thunderstorm, by the way, oddly enough,
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it is believed that it is better for may as a whole to be cool, according to popular superstitions, may is cold, this is... something like bread, grain-bearing, or rather the year i wanted to say , you see, i was already thinking about bread, the slut immediately rolled up, oh think about bread, early, that’s right, you know , or no one canceled delicious and healthy sandwiches, well, by the way, our ancestors didn’t mind the may rains at all, they said at the same time, may rain is never superfluous, as it rains in may, so it will be rye, so it’s raining, as they say, come in and we are glad to see you, well, i hope that our rye will be good, rye will be a success, i hope that at the end of the season we will say this, well, that’s how it is... your coming day depends on your physical activity in the morning, and as practice shows, it is those who shake up the body physical exercise, and not coffee, you are more energetic and efficient, and it is enough to put in literally a minimum of effort, and you will feel this effect immediately, you know, there is such a tendency, it seems that in the morning you can’t even raise your arm, let alone some kind of exercise do, but just start doing it and something happens in a good way with
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the body, the energy remains, if you don’t believe it, right now, let’s do experiments, repeat the exercises for ours... sports presenter tatyana matusevich. today our complex will be dedicated to clamps in body you and i definitely need to work on the upper shoulder girdle, on the hip joints, and also on our legs. therefore, i recommend everyone to do the following exercises. guest in our regular column is ballerina irina varfolomeeva. at the age of 10 i stood up for the first time. napointe considers it very important to be able to relieve tension in the muscles, tone them and prepare them for further stress. the first exercise is performed in the starting position standing, we stand straight with you, we place our feet under the hip joints and we bring our arms forward, bending the elbow joint to an angle of 90°. we open the thoracic region by moving our arms back and also close it,
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rounding the back and slightly closing the thoracic region back. tell me... what exactly is this exercise for? we need this exercise in order to better open the shoulder girdle, because in everyday life we ​​all often slouch, and this tame our pectoral muscle, when we open our arms to the side, we stretch it and, as a result, we push our shoulders apart and move them back. continue, second exercise, we we do: turning to face the wall, we raise our hands, rest our palms on the wall, put one of our legs forward and gradually bend our knee, the joint of our front leg to the wall, so we stretch the achilles hamstring. a very useful exercise, not only for ordinary people, but also for professional ballet dancers, because
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from a lot of dancing, our calves also get clogged, they need to be stretched as much as possible to relieve fatigue. and now we will do the third exercise, the starting position for it is unchanged, also facing wall. you and i now do not reach for the knee joint, we leave our legs completely straight, but we will reach for the wall with the thoracic region, this will help us improve the mobility of the shoulder girdle, as well as open the chest. department, let's try, come on, natalya, thank you for this set of exercises, my shoulders straightened, my legs stretched, my calves stretched, i recommend doing these exercises daily. play sports and
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be healthy.
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on our tv channel. settlements of our beautiful belarus, we will be happy to be there and say to everyone, good morning, wake up, today is a beautiful friday, may 17, and tomorrow may 18
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will be lively at the capital's dynamo stadium, there will be a multi-sports tournament in the phygital format, the future of tsinami, dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the state internal affairs ministry of the ministry of verkhovna rada. well , during the tournament, students of militia-sponsored military-patriotic clubs will compete for the title of the best. in physical sports and digital analogue, well that’s why it’s called figital, the guys will play streetball football offline, go through an obstacle course, will compete online in esports disciplines, especially the second part of this event, i’m interested in how this will happen, well, in addition, for the audience the organizers have prepared interactive platforms, a robotics exhibition, drifting sports cars, i would also try this on myself, yes , and the performance indicators will also please all those present solemnly. the opening is scheduled for 15:00, which is nice, entry is absolutely free, that’s it olya, which is nice, entry is free, go, i’ll run, i’d like to i said, i’ll fly, it’s simple, it’s a beautiful
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event, and naturally, we ’ll definitely end up there beautiful, well, on the topic of beautiful events, i propose to continue, meanwhile, the 77th cannes film festival has started in france, the details are right now in our video review, pay attention to the screen, the opening film was second act by french cinematographer quentin dupy.
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also, this award will be received by director george lucas, hayayo miazaki's studio, the forum will last until may 25, always such an expected event , absolutely exactly about maryl streep, i i know they gave such a long standing ovation there for her long wonderful career, but i hope that there are still more minds ahead. she is such a deep personality, such an interesting artist, who seems to me that every year, decade, she reveals herself somehow more and more, and it would seem to be much deeper, but nevertheless, i think that her best roles are yet to come, look, a person is growing up, very beautifully, yes, unlike many hollywood actresses, merial street is a premier in this regard, by the way, as for the festival itself, there a very strict dress code, this, as they say, is for you... the oscars there are super creative, some bold, outrageous outfits you will never see in your life or matgala we recently discussed this is also not that option, not that european festival is famous after all such
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traditions. decided to break these traditions and wear a t-shirt as usual, so they didn’t want to let him on the red carpet of the festival in jeans , they condemned him, they condemned him, the guard got into a pose and said: “that’s it, quentin, if you don’t change your clothes yet, we won’t let you on the carpet, but eventually after all, they let him on the track, but they didn’t allow him to go up on stage to receive his award until he changed his clothes, he received a statuette for criminal fiction, that’s a joke, you understand, but on the other hand, now we are discussing this event. now, years later, you know, it’s a sensational story, you also need to be able to attract attention to yourself. well, by the way, right now we are learning about this week’s film premieres and the posters of the capital’s cinemas were studied by our colleague mariana marinkova. there are fewer and fewer spring days on the calendar, but this is not a reason not to go to the cinema, especially if there such interesting films are premiering. on big screens you can see an instructive picture from director olga belyaeva under
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the good title every dream. this is a drama based on the story of the same name by vladimir zheleznikov, by the way, the author of the book of stuffed animals, based on which roland bykov made a legendary two-part film in 1984. the new film will take us to moscow in the sixties, in the center of the plot is a twelve-year-old boy, yurka. the timid teenager finally withdraws into himself after the death of his father, but one day his life is changing. although the guy will have to go through loneliness, betrayal and cruelty of this world, there will also be a place for sympathy and forgiveness there, and as a result he will accept it. for oneself an inevitable stage of growing up. in the main roles we will see boris deykov, makar fomin, vera ostrovskaya, sergei nikonenko, katerina shpitsera, ivan kolesnikov, konstantin kryukov and many, many others. igor krutoy was responsible for the musical accompaniment in the film. well, let's continue our film journey with the sci-fi action movie of the planet of the apes, new kingdom. the picture became the sequel to the film of the seventeenth year and will take the viewer 300 years after the events depicted there. the film also became the fourth installment in the rebooted
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inception franchise. trilogy, judging by the reviews of the producers, there will be a continuation, well, in total, the new tape is the tenth part of the planet of the apes story. let me remind you that the first part of the planet of the apes appeared back in 1968; it was only later that four sequels and remakes were released, meaning a reimagined version of the planet of the apes from tim burton in 2001, actually a rebooted version. plot is based on a novel by french writer pierre boulle, who wrote it in 1963. new fantasy. from director wes bolo will continue the story of the ape people and tell how they still divide the planet, however, the new generation of the human race has seriously degraded, and the primates are increasingly seizing territories. starring owen teague and freya allen. how is the new part connected to the previous one, has the restart of the franchise moved away from the original films, why are they looking for the roots of the comic in the new film, and why the working title was a forbidden zone. find out for yourself, in the cinema seat.
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well, i would like to continue the theme of spectacles; fans of high art are looking forward to saturday, and not because it is a working saturday, but because on may 18 the night of museums event will be held in our country. traditionally, for such a day, many museums create original, unusual programs, absolutely exclusive things. oh, we are just anticipating , honestly, these cultural institutions will be open at a time that is not quite usual for visitors, late, late in the evening, or at night, can you imagine? this is me right i believe that despite working saturday, many of us will find the strength and go straight almost until the morning and be inspired by museums, so - festive events will be held in different formats offline in the halls of the museum or online in the digital space, each museum will decide independently how surprise its visitors, even if not online, yes, and some institutions will even change their location for such an event, so the museum of military glory in gomel will hold
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a museum night in the railway station building. they say the move, yes, it’s true, the program of the night is called the carriage of history, it becomes even more interesting, visitors will plunge into the atmosphere of travel of the 19-20 centuries, i want to be there too, guests will be invited to dine in a stylized station restaurant, trying on the role of an actor from the film station for two , well, you can also listen to live music performed by gomel city orchestras, and of course , the rhythm of dancing will be set by the creative groups of the cultural and sports complex of the gomel branch.
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an incredible, magical atmosphere and you believe in miracles, well, suddenly some wonderful woman appears, says: show your tickets, please, yes, but if we remind you again, entry is absolutely free, yes you have it. answer these nice nice ticket girls , yes, okay, friends, it’s really nice to get a lot of good impressions, and at the same time, you know, it’s important to maintain the family budget, because money very often becomes a cause of discord, so that’s what we’ll talk about in our next video information: business that it was put up for sale in denmark collection of coins of the danish magnate lars emil bruen, who died in 1923, this collection is estimated at 72 million dollars, the collection contains approximately... 15,000 coins, more than 4,500 medals and tokens, 330 banknotes, wow, as well as almost 2,000 books, this just some kind of treasure, at some point in his life brun decided that his collection could become a kind of backup copy of the royal danish collection of coins and medals,
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in case something happened to this very collection, so he registered in his replacement special conditions: coins can be to be sold at auction only after 100 years, if the royal collection remains intact, the proceeds... will go to the direct heirs. all these years, the coins were available only to specialists, although the heirs unsuccessfully tried several times to circumvent this condition, so to speak, to sell off the collection left and right. and then you know, the question of dividing up the inheritance immediately arises, because this is always a sore subject in any country. we, of course, have a completely different mentality, it seems to me that in society it is customary to help children and generally pull them to the last. but in the west, i know that there is such a tendency, in general, to deprive children of their inheritance, for their benefit, the wording is this, that is, so that... they earn their bread on their own, you know, it seems to me, this idea is not without rationalism, because someone has an incentive not to sit in a soft place, but still somehow move through this life, that’s what else i thought about, a person has been collecting these same
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coins all his conscious life, banknotes, as they say, are probably i denied myself everything, i am a supporter of living here now, you know, there is a need for something, some desires, and do not spare money for this, money is just a means to achieve your... goals and dreams , it’s just to be in the moment, but it’s still nice, you know, when you’ve saved up some capital, and you can, you know, swing so pleasantly in a hammock, for example, why did i talk about a hammock, because we’ll choose it now, you know, a hot topic for the summer season, let's choose a comfortable hammock with wisely, today we choose a hammock for the dacha, one of the main attributes of relaxation in the fresh air, we will tell you what you should pay attention to when buying according to the design, there are frame, hanging and in the form of a chair. the main advantage of frame models is the presence of ready-made supports, so such a hammock can be placed anywhere on the site. hanging ones come with a bar without it. gomaki are available with wooden frames on the sides; they are
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more stable in position. also available without a wooden frame, they are less stable. gomag chair - more improved version. differs in comfort, but most. among them is the weight that the hammock can support. experts advise multiplying your own weight by two. this will reduce the load on the fixing elements and extend the service life. as for the ideal length of a gomak, you should add
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50-70 cm to your height. we have gomak made from natural fabric and synthetic fabric. in natural fabric, they get more dirty and wet, but during summer use they are comfortable. be made of synthetic fabric, they are waterproof and it’s easier to remove dirt from them and clean them, but in the summer they won’t be very comfortable. one of the advantages of synthetic ones is that they come in many beautiful colors, but it’s important to remember that natural fabrics tend to not only allow air to pass through and absorb moisture, but also shrink when washed , and also fade under the influence of the sun's rays, a pleasant holiday and... quality purchases, loves, doesn't love, resent the chamomile, the depths are washed, charming, i'm serious, you have three tears, you
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've had it for a long time, love is predicted, loves, not loves, don’t tell fortunes with a daisy, you’re in his kitchen, in his shirt, don’t ask daisies, stupid questions, you’ve had it for a long time, love is predicted, nay-nay-nay-nay, what kind of girl, good girl, by the eyes read him... read, it’s winter outside, and between you it’s may, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, your wet eyes, how can this be, is he really such a fool, didn’t dare to take the first step, loves, doesn’t love, don’t guess with a daisy, my stupid one, you’re a little devil, i’m serious, you have three tears, you’ve had them for a long time. anyone according to the forecast, loves, does not love, resent the chamomile, here on
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in his kitchen, in his shirts, don’t ask daisies, stupid questions, you’ve had it for a long time, love is in the forecast, even if the sun goes out in the sky, he’ll get summer for you, he’ll cloud over you, spread his arms, clear weather will be between you. “blue eyes look at you, and he lost himself in them again, he hides everyone, somewhere far away, so that no one but him can find him, he loves, he doesn’t love, don’t be a fool, my stupid, you’re a charmer, i’m serious, you are three tears, you have copper, love according to the forecast, loves, does not love, not years on the chamomile, you are in his kitchen, in his shirt,
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don’t ask daisies stupid questions, you can clearly see love according to the forecast, amazing. where is your silver laughter, you hide your eyes from me, already in the middle of white day, you kiss someone else in front of everyone.
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yes, in this song there is only a drop of tears, well, why did you wipe my nose, if even i ’m not good for you, i... they will forget their sadness and sadness, our song will remain only ours, let it be, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina , faina, faina-na, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina-na, faina, faina-na, before you varina, war, pashchina, smacked.
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positions to decorate the streets of minsk, our correspondent anna ganjur found out. just look at this beauty, more than 1 million flowers were grown by the greenhouse plant for landscaping in minsk. but we will now tell you how this process took place. very soon, viola will be planted throughout minsk. there is a legend that he turned into this flower.
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this is a way of transplanting young plants from a common container into separate pots, this gives the seedlings more space to grow and develop. greenhouse team the plant operates almost around the clock. work goes on every day, seven days a week, we work and...
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in december, work began on growing flowers that will be used for landscaping minsk. echinacea, verbena, cloves, lavender. hard work is now aimed at forcing these very plants, which will very soon turn into beautiful outdoor compositions. since there is a lot of work, you need to do everything in time, so naturally, it’s more difficult due to the fact that, well, the deadlines are running out, you need to have time to take cuttings so that they can take root and plant everything within a certain time frame. it’s always a joy, it’s always beautiful, it’s a positive, positive moment of our work, when they bloom, when they’re beautiful. already today , many of these flowers decorate the streets and parks of our capital.
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that’s it, the door slams, and my heart doesn’t hurt, today i’m writing my first solo hit, you know, it’s hard for me, i don’t want to wait any longer, since you can’t love, it’s better.
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i want the ocean to save me, and not to hear your eternal, i’m not ready, i have to see the goal, and not just fly, i’m a princess and i have the right to do what i want. and i want to be here now a million scarlet, a million tender phrases! i thought i was serious, it’s not visible this time, the sky is visible
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just right.
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good morning, dear friends, you know that we are definitely serious, this is, of course, your cheerful mood, but we will be responsible for it. we continue our friday broadcast. i was thinking, the girls were singing about something that is not visible this time, i was thinking, why don’t we continue to urgently wake you up now, when if not today, if you have something in mind, have wanted something for a long time, just find the time meet your desires and some very interesting road will definitely emerge. this is true, especially since he always says: yes, there is a film of the same name, and you know, it turned out to be a very good story in the end. today, we remind you, may 17, and tomorrow in the capital’s park, the sixtieth anniversary of october. the first rover family cycling holiday will be held, in addition to the already traditional races on balance bikes, mass races, figure driving and mtb, participants
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will be able to test themselves in the family relay race and prove to everyone that their family is the fastest, friendly and dexterous, so it turns out work, tomorrow is still a working saturday, we remind you that you need to ride your bikes, yes, i think that this will definitely be a good idea, and after the working part of the day, stop by this most wonderful festival, first rover, and of course, a large-scale entertainment program with a performance: this well-known musician maxim musaev , entry to the event is traditionally free, starting at 10:00 am. well, we wish all cyclists, young and not so young, to set personal records, to believe in their abilities and to please their parents. well now let's talk about quite strange...
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became the owner of 165 world records according to the guinness book of records. let us remind you that he strives to become the owner of the largest number of records. with such and such potential, yes, with a lawn mower in his hands, on his chin, i would say. yes, my grandmother doesn’t see him, yes, she would have arranged for him, you know, these dancing mowers on his chin, she would have said, let’s work, go, that’s what you need to spend time on, the lawn there hasn’t been mowed for a long time, that’s it, in general, so the record is, well, so-so,
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how athletes train on the minsk sea, where the dachas of belarusian classics are located, what the medicinal water smells like in the sanatorium, who is responsible for life in zhdanovichi, you will find out in the new episode of the program this saturday.
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they’re also showing, be healthy, don’t ever get sick, i’m looking forward to summer, it seems to me that this is absolutely a terrible artist, svetlana borovskaya, a tv presenter who never lies to her viewer, so she said, if it’s not tasty for me, then, you know, it won’t be for us delicious, or rather we will know how to feel that the world is not tasty, yes friends, well, don’t rush to draw conclusions, however,
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it’s just a matter of taste, some people like it, some don’t like it. but in fact , everyone loves sveta boroska, so we remind you that tomorrow we wake up together on the air belarus one good ranitsa belarus with svetlana boroska. well, right now, friends, let's find out about the weather for today, today is friday, may 17, what are belhydromet's plans? yes, i would like to know that, let’s take a look at the temperature map together , we’ll start with the morning readings. so, in minsk today up to +7° in these early morning hours without precipitation, up to +6 in brest, in the northern capital, in vitebsk. look at the gap to +11 right now in gomel to +7, exactly the same temperature, in grodno, in mogilev 7-9 with a plus sign. well, just today , beautiful vitebsk has ceased to be the northern capital, judging by the morning indicators, it is some kind of directly southern city +11, listen, it’s normal. how will the air warm up during the day? i think that the situation will change radically, because now is the time when the contrasts of night and day temperatures, even frosts at night in some
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cities, but during the day, look, summer indicators. so, please, take a look at our temperature map, here we expect up to +22 in minsk, in bres it’s a little hotter, 23, in vitebsk 20-22, the same in gomel and mogilev, in grodno today it’s also almost a summer indicator of 21-23 with a sign plus, well , the weather was good, but you know, it was hottest on this wonderful day, after all, not in the regional centers, but i looked on the belhydromet website, in such a populated area as zhidvichi in 1975.
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something somehow connected with insects, in general, to be honest, i’m not a botanist, i don’t know much about these issues, but they say that nothing happens by chance in nature, let’s not go deeper, but of course, unnecessary trouble, as they say, after all, for summer residents, especially those who are now growing in the battle for the harvest, for tomatoes, for some other wonderful delights that we later end up on our table, in a plate, in a salad and somewhere else, of course, added worries, because you have to heat, one might say, in the literal sense of the word, at night your harvest, belarus is ending, after the news release , according to tradition, we will contact brest, and also find out which family will represent minsk
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at the republican competition, family of the year. we are waiting for you to visit nutritionist svetlana kashitskaya with another portion of useful advice, at the end of the broadcast of our young stars angelina volkova, nastya kravchenko and nikita belko, they will present their new video for the song “always ready” for the day of pioneer friendship. our parting will not be long, very soon we will tell you again: good morning, belarus. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at the overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city, where alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, the lower castle and posad were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. so
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the kobrin princes and their squads stopped. and definitely feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident on wobbler, that is i caught a plastic decoy fish myself, weighing 41 kg and two long. meters to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard - house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. children's curiosity. and genuine interest, and absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute he will be with us a hero who will answer everything, are you ready to meet our hero?
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why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. how are you different at work from yourself at home? it seems to me that solely by appearance, i don’t turn from some kind of grimza into a cute kitty, no, i’m either a grunt everywhere, or a kitty everywhere. how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative, to feel sorry is not the same as to sympathize, pity is an arrogant feeling, a feeling of superiority, see the project. questions for an adult on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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