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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 7:05am-7:11am MSK

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until the twenty-seventh year, the meeting, this is our fifth program, which is being implemented, starting in 2023, during its implementation , due to the technical re-equipment of signaling systems , the density of state border protection has been increased, due to automated posts, technical surveillance, the likelihood of detecting violators of the state border has been increased borders, due to the acquisition of automotive equipment, engineering equipment, technical equipment has also been increased. a decision was made to increase the level of interaction between border officials departments to suppress violations on the external borders of the union state. relax under peaceful skies. the belarusian holidays for syrian schoolchildren have begun. boys and girls under the age of 15 flew to minsk, and it was with the capital that their acquaintance with our country began. the program includes attractions, historical places , a water park, and after that.
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is rich, we thank both the ministry and zubryonok for this wonderful program, they get to know children, see historical places, get acquainted with the culture of the republic belarus, they like it, and they really need it, because orphans especially need such impressions so that their lives sparkle with new colors. we thank belarus for this opportunity, it is very valuable for our country. in total , over 1,300 children from syria have already vacationed in belarus during this time. an incident during maneuvers in latvia
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stopped a nato exercise after the death of a serviceman, it is reported that he was the victim of an accident. an ambulance, state police and military police of latvia arrived at the scene, investigations are underway. investigation. in march, poland suspended military maneuvers due to a series of deaths of military personnel during exercises, including as a result of road accidents. two soldiers died after being run over by goose. personal car. in slovakia, threats have been recorded against a number of politicians after the assassination attempt on prime minister fizio. the head of the police told reporters about this, noting that appropriate measures are being taken. the security of all deputies of the slovak parliament has been ensured, the level of protection of schools, areas near parliament and media editorial offices has been increased. also the police is conducting an investigation into hybrid threats, mainly comments on social networks endorsing the assassination attempt on the country's prime minister. disclosure of the circumstances of the incident
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is prohibited, as reported by the slovak media, robert fica is still in serious condition, according to journalists, the prime minister is awaiting another operation. there is again controversy in the us congress regarding the sponsoring of conflicts abroad. the house of representatives approved a bill that would reverse the president's decision to suspend arms sales to israel. it was prepared by the republicans after biden refused. transfer certain types of offensive weapons to tel aviv if the idf launches an operation in the city of rafah in the gaza strip. the media have suggested that the bill will not receive approval in the senate, which is controlled by democrats. they promised not to consider it at all, and the white house said that even if congress passes the document, biden will veto it. charity run by runaways is an ideal legend for collecting not only money, but also information, the data came to us
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hands, or rather they were provided by the next hero of the remark project. today we are talking about the founder of the free belarus foundation, frantskevich. long before he managed to travel around europe with the nazi flag, he supported the maidan. after my twenties, i finally moved to square. about filled warehouses with humanitarian aid and belarusians who are trying so hard to make every effort, supposedly for the sake of ukraine’s victory over the russian occupation. and why the cooperation did not work out. kalinovsky's executive committee, all the details will be on the air tonight. the fugitives sleep and see how ukraine, with the help of the united states, is defeating russian aggression; together they are building, in their opinion, a new free democratic belarus. the founder of the fund is alexey franskievich. they claim they have no funding.
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what did frantsevich fall for? we know everything, my name is darochko. hello. history lessons - memory of the heroes of the hard times of war through art. in the days of victorious may, students of the twelfth gymnasium in minsk prepared the premiere of the play “the mischiefs here are quiet.” young theatergoers adapted the script to the school stage, embodying the scenery and characters stage.


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