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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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his existence is in harmony with his neighbors. the belarusian leader is convinced that the resumption of bilateral dialogue on such a foundation corresponds to the interests of the population of both states, first of all, the interest in strengthening stability in the region. in 5 days, 30 drivers were detained in minsk for driving while drunk. about 100 people got behind the wheel without a license. the traffic police summed up the results of the action: a drunk without rights has no place behind the wheel.
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due to the urgency of the problem , preventive measures will continue over the coming weekend. guy will strengthen supervision over for road traffic, road patrol services will be close to places of public events, places of mass recreation for citizens, as well as trade facilities that operate around the clock. the traffic police reminds that for driving while intoxicated, the fine depends on the concentration of alcohol in the violator’s blood, from 0.8 ppm - that’s 8.00 rubles. deprivation of a driver's license... field army conditions, the spirit of competition, patriotism at the training ground near brest on the basis of the 38th air assault brigade, stage of the republican game eaglet, guys demonstrate skills in assembling and disassembling a machine gun, doing pull-ups, cross-country throwing, and knowledge of the basics of medicine. 19 teams from different parts of the region are fighting for victory. the army has arrived from govin on your orders. yes, we
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have been preparing since 2019, when we performed at the military-patriotic games zarnichka and moved on to zernitsa and orlyonok, this is very familiar to us, because we do this quite often, last year we won the regional stage this year year we are going to create serious competition and also win, we are preparing for competitions throughout my studies, since i am a member and my team is in... in the military-patriotic class, in general, this picture is very pleasing to the eye, pleasing to the soul, i really want to follow in the footsteps of the military man, so i gladly come to such competitions and i take part in all of them. young people need to be educated through specific, good events, where they really take part, because the children like it, a lot of work is done with them on patriotic education, and here, seeing military personnel, seeing relationships deserving of military service. seeing
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their relationship to state symbols, they truly become patriots. the final of the eaglet game at the same training ground near brest is in a month. the museum of the history of minsk is ready to stay awake for the sake of aesthetes. an artefact in the scenery of the international event night of museums will envelop the exhibition areas tomorrow. until midnight , the mousse temple will explore the theory of love for romantics and skeptics. the route, and with it the thematic quest, forgive me.
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love, this love inspired us to unite all these objects, very different from each other friend, for example, in the archaeological museum, visitors can expect not only an acquaintance with a valiant knight waiting for his beautiful lady, but also with an exhibition about a historical military reconstruction, a dance performance in the savitsky gallery, many different masters.. the main prize of the quest from the minsk history museum is an evening on the roof of the mikhail sovitsky art gallery, among gifts for museum experts , a climb to the balcony of the city hall, a bird's eye view of minsk, the winners. will be under the opening credits of the musical and tourist season in the upper city. capital-grodno confrontation in the final of the women's volleyball championship of belarus. menchanka came out in a series with a communal player in... let me remind you that the volleyball players
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from iminsk are the current champions of the country. and these are the main news of the tv news agency project, available on social networks in the mobile application qr code on the screen. watch our broadcast at noon for developments. lucky day.
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equal working conditions in the market, the minister of economy about the updated law on entrepreneurial activity, the main emphasis, how business evaluates legal innovations and how... plans further work, we learned about their interest, together with the ministry of justice we will tell you step by step what needs to be done to seamlessly move from an individual entrepreneur to a legal entity, instructions for use. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about the most notable events in economics. svetlana lukinyuk is with you. hello. a document that is being actively discussed in the business community of belarus today is the law on entrepreneurial activity, or rather its updated architecture. the purpose of the amendments was to equalize the working conditions of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, since today individual entrepreneurs using a simplified scheme for entering a business have much lower costs. entrepreneurs who switch to a legal entity will have certain bonuses in terms of the possibility of registration at the place of residence,
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property registration, continuity of licenses, certificates and so on. let's talk more about the innovation of the updated law right now with the minister of economy of belarus yuri. chebatar. yuri adamovich, as a regulator, what are the main goals you set for the updated law on '.
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you will definitely have to choose another type of activity, organization, or rather business,
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if you are engaged in wholesale trade, it is clear that wholesale trade is a large big business, by and large a legal entity must work there. business, the state has always supported it, so they can can those who scale their business and build new processes within the system then count on this support? well... yes, all types of support remain, not only in accordance with the law, they are even supplemented with new ones, these are grants from local authorities, a guarantee from our entrepreneurship support fund, as well as an expansion of the category itself, those who will benefit such types of support, previously it was only small enterprises, today they are also being supplemented by medium ones, well, this set is for our a glance is quite sufficient, but if not, we are ready. discuss any other forms of support with the business. thank you, it was the minister of economy of belarus yuri chebotar. now
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the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange, our ruble has strengthened against the dollar and yuan. so, the following rates have been established: currencies: dollar 3 rubles 22 kopecks. for 10 yuan at auction they gave 4 rubles 42 kopecks. 3.50 costs 100 russian rubles. and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles. 50 kopecks. this. this is an area of ​​interest, now a short advertisement, later in the program: how business evaluates legal innovations and how plans further work, we talked about their interest, together with the ministry of justice , we will tell you step by step what needs to be done to seamlessly transfer your personal income to a legal entity. opponent analysis. working on mistakes and choosing the right strategy for the match. athletes have to work very hard
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to become a champion; they know exactly what success is on sports grounds. but still, what does it feel like to become a champion? emotions subside, and there is already some realization that we have actually achieved such a significant goal for both the club and the fans. but what is the result will be in a real battle of intellect. what is the name of the gymnastic apparatus? where two parallel crossbars are installed at the same height, vlad bars, bars, absolutely correct, as the abbreviation bfvs stands for, you need to press.
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active show, head game on our tv channel, but why do you need a book about airplanes? i want to become a pilot, really, van, how cool, like my dad, i think your man will come in handy, here you go, i don’t like that she communicates with him, that’s why, in my opinion, he’s a great guy, but in my opinion shintropa, apple love is not far from the apple, vanechka is, this is the most wonderful thing in our life, you will definitely become a pilot, i believe in it, mom, what are you doing, you know what this means, you love, who you love, marina evgenevna , take the pashka, please, he can’t be there, i beg you, take the pashka, van, what happened, i won’t let you in,
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get out, mom died. what are you doing? watch the series embracing the sky on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is an area of ​​interest. we continue. so, now a list of types of activities permitted for ip. the government calls on people to join this discussion and promises to listen to the sound arguments of business. so far , the list includes various areas of activity, from agriculture, including growing vegetables, to manufacturing, which includes the production of clothing, furniture and
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equipment repair. all details on the belarusian legal forum, here. you will be able to leave your comments or suggestions until may 25. how does our business evaluate the proposed innovations, how do we plan further work and what does he expect from government agencies? we asked individual entrepreneurs about this. report by olga anishchenko. the resort village of naruch is a magnet for lovers of a relaxing holiday in nature. during the season, there are more visitors than local residents, the entrepreneur does not complain about the demand, this is a good help to offer belarusian goods to a visiting tourist. belarusian goods are presented very widely, the premises do not allow to accommodate very much, but the most necessary, of course, it’s all there, it’s just lake narych, it’s immense, the village is on on the shore, where there are about 400 locals,
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it is hardly possible to lure large trade here. retail chains don’t want to come to us, for them, of course, this is not the population, so... in postavy there is a branded store mark farmel, svetanok, but it’s 30-40 km from us the nearest such a more or less large city, this helps local individual entrepreneurs, because in order to dress up for the season, and simply buy the essentials, not everyone can travel tens of kilometers to larger towns. this fact of the social significance of business in the outback was taken into account when forming a list of types of activities permitted for individual entrepreneurs, but on the other hand, such as elena lazar, ready to develop further and scale. when a business moves to a legal entity, the conditions are comfortable, now it can be done quickly, conveniently and inexpensively, not like before. firstly, we are not in minsk, we are located remotely, agree on a name, then make a charter, contact the executive committee, pay the state fee, register cash register equipment, that is, it would be necessary to close all this, suspend activities and
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register, well, probably within two or three, maybe four weeks, that’s all, but now it’s announced that this... can be done in one day. in addition to the convenient and simple re-registration technology, the entrepreneur also managed to evaluate the concept of the upcoming work. well, in general, an individual entrepreneur is limited by the number of employees, no more than three, and by a revenue limit. entrepreneurs who are stronger, like elena, will no longer be satisfied with such a business arrangement, there are also accompanying bonuses: the simplified taxation system remains, in my opinion there are up to 50 people, hired persons can be paid. the oo tax will allow, in the future, maybe even to change some type of activity or engage in a new type of activity that requires obtaining licenses, as long as we are positive, and i would like that this is about...


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