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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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and register, well, probably within two or three, maybe four weeks, this is all, but now it has been announced that this can be done in one day. in addition to the convenient and simple re-registration technology, the entrepreneur also managed to evaluate the concept of the upcoming work. well, in general, an individual entrepreneur is limited by the number of employees, no more than three, by a revenue limit. entrepreneurs who are stronger, like elena, will no longer be satisfied with such a business arrangement; there are also accompanying bonuses. simplified system. taxation remains the same, up to 50 people, employees, and you can pay a simplified tax, llc will allow , in the future, maybe even change some type of activity or engage in a new type of activity that requires obtaining licenses, as long as you are positive and would like this one a simplified system will help develop and grow, and this is the capital, vladislav veucheysky is one of those who decided not to put their eggs in one basket and... took up
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four types of work at once, he provides office services and computer equipment repairs, and organizes events, and accompanies tourists, the reform will probably affect the usual way of life, but there is a plan b, this is the opening of a legal entity, and work in the required legal field, but it will be more difficult, but an entrepreneur always has a risk, that’s why we are entrepreneurs, we must first of all develop our adaptability in order to adapt to existing ones... in the meantime, business for the most part is waiting for july 1, this is the deadline for the appearance of the final list of types of work allowed for individual entrepreneurs. to those whom will not be on the lists, obviously you will have to make a choice, fortunately, make a decision, business is not in a hurry. it’s good that time has been given, it’s about a year and a half for the final transition, there will still be such a smooth movement, based on this time, there will be time to comprehend, weigh all the pros and cons. entrepreneurs delve into all
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the intricacies of the upcoming work according to the new rules, just in case re-registration is coming, the entrepreneur does not hide that the law has been adopted, but not everything is clear yet. in particular, using the same electronic keys digital signature, how will this transition, i will need to buy new keys for a legal entity, or they will give them to me for free , taking into account the fact that i already have an adc purchased and registered. regarding accounting, will they be allowed to do their own accounting in what way, or will it be necessary ... business is waiting from government agencies for some explanations, specifics, perhaps a step-by-step action plan, maybe there will be some kind of manual where everything will be step by step described taking into account all the nuances of interest. innovations vladislav
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however, i’m ready myself, as an organizer of training events for entrepreneurs, currently in the status of an individual entrepreneur, and after who knows, perhaps as the owner of a larger business, i’m sure i’ll have to leave my comfort zone, but perhaps this is the only way growth and development is possible. olga onishchenko and dmitrievich, area of ​​interest. to stimulate the transition to the status of a commercial organization, innovations in legislation also provide a number of bonuses, and the main one is a seamless transition from one form. to another for those who want to enlarge their business , a simplified procedure with a minimal package documents and continuity of all rights and obligations to the budget and the counterparty. the emphasis is on creating clear and transparent conditions for running your business. so what does a business need to know? we have collected the main points in the following material. alina lopo more details.
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it will be possible to scale your business in a day, and what is important, without losing your accumulated baggage. this is one of the special incentives when moving from an individual entrepreneur to a commercial organization. now we’ll talk about everything in detail, but first it’s worth noting: previously, there was no transition as such provided, it was impossible to reorganize an individual entrepreneur into a legal entity. the only way is to close your business in the prescribed manner , essentially starting it from scratch; the period for cessation of activity in such cases can reach up to a year. innovations. give the right to obtain the status of a commercial organization without suspending its activities on the same day. at the same time, all rights and obligations to employees, contractors and the state will transfer to the new commercial organization. in other words, when you register a legal entity, you get the opportunity to further development from the already achieved level. we believe that individual entrepreneurs will still choose a form such as a limited liability company. for this form, the minimum size of the authorized capital is not provided, so it is possible. set it even in
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the amount of 10 rubles. and this authorized capital can be formed within 12 months after the state registration of a commercial organization. so, what is the simplified order for the individual first. the name will be available in advance check in the web portal in order to make sure that such names no longer exist, the confusing similarity can also be checked there, then fill out an application with the selected name and send it to the registration authority
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electronically via the web portal. on the same day or the next, the individual entrepreneur will be presented with a certificate of approval of the name, then he prepares a package of documents for... individual entrepreneurs also remain, these documents can be used for a year, in the future they will be re-registered will be free on an application basis. among other advantages , no state duty is charged for creating a legal entity. for 2 years from the date of registration, the organization is not included in random inspection plans. may be a residential premises, of course, with the consent of the residents registered there, utility costs at the rates of individuals. so, to summarize, innovations in legislation really simplify the existing order. let me remind you that existing entrepreneurs whose activities are not included in the final permitted list have the right to work until
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2026. to continue their business further, they will have to transform into a legal entity. registration of new individual entrepreneurs in areas not on the list will be stopped. and with that, today we will tell you all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy in the area of ​​interest next week. let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. i wish you positive news and successful transactions.
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what is information warfare, what is it eaten with, how is it prepared and at what temperature is this dish served and what happens. for him it’s not only a disorder digestive system, but also the nervous system, belarusians learned in august 2020. before this , of course, we noticed some efforts towards us from foreign information workers who were actively working and continue to work under the roof of western intelligence services, but in 2020 we realized that the games were over, and with the help of the word and its variations we would be shaken, we would be put under pressure , well... we must do something in response, at least explain to you, our viewers, what
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our opponents want to achieve with such actions, why the word has become weapons of destruction, the main thing is to know where to hit, i’m with you, ksenia lebedeva, hello, quite recently, alexander lukashenko, during his appointment to the post of... deputy head of the presidential administration vladimir pertsov , emphasized that we are having an information and economic war in order to prevent an escalation , we must successfully resist on these fronts. of course, as far as possible, i inform our people about the main points, but i wouldn’t want to strain the situation so that people worry, worry, but...
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in order to protect the country from a hot war, as long as we succeed, i think that we can solve this problem, prevent a clash, as it has always been, you know this well, on the territory of belarus, we absolutely know what they are doing there, running around in different decision-making centers, and advisers, from america to brussels, are asking for money, and most importantly, give... media, media, media, to which the supervisors tell him, guys, well, they’ve already been to the media, they need
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something hotter , such as moscow crocus city, god forbid, terrorist attacks and armed confrontation in belarus, the goal is to enter belarus and seize at least a piece of land, declare your power, call here foreign, well, not mercenaries, already troops, power, we see this, we understand, when words run out, we need to use something hotter, shooting people in crocos city hall - this is one of such examples when the enemy sees the goal, but does not see obstacles, and even a large number of human victims, innocent people does not stop him, a vivid example of such manipulations and the creation of profitable the news reason in 2014 was the tragedy that happened... with a malaysian boeing in the donbass, there were
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a lot of foreign journalists, and i was even amazed, sometimes cnn could admit there that there are poor people there, tell how people live in this in this in this war, everything changed, you know, when very abruptly, when again the provocation was cynical, monstrous, terrible with the boeing, when they shot down the boeing, i immediately understood the provocation, you know why, because we... 350 foreign media, that is, this is the impression what are they...
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shot down a boeing, that is, they were ready, they were preparing for this, of course, as usual, everything went wrong, yes there, but nevertheless , this monstrous provocation, so many foreign journalists came at once, so that the whole world immediately knew what it was there are pro-russian militias there, which means they shot down a civilian boeing, and we, and we went and carried
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toys to the place where this plane crashed, to the place...
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with them, the ukrainians turned the tragedy in their favor, having prepared in advance, of course, in general, for a sudden invasion of foreign media v donbass at one time became a bad sign, but it worked like a litmus test, unmistakably. in 2014, ukraine, in particular the donbass, became a testing ground for honing the methods and technologies of color revolutions. on the territory of the former ussr country, for the first time , we were faced with the fact that due to inconvenient information, the site could be... blocked, and publications from a popular video hosting site promoting pluralism of opinions and freedom of speech purged. it was in donbass that not just a war with shelling and bombing began, but a hybrid confrontation began there, where the word has become a weapon like a rifle. at the same time, on the territory of the remaining ukraine , people waged war for a long time, explaining, so
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to speak, why brother went against brother, unobtrusively, subtly. watching the reaction, you look at how they work with public opinion, they open the overton window a little bit, and then they look there, how the population will react, what else can they play on, play for pity or, on the contrary, play for more such tough topics, yes, how to implement all this, for example, not to cause discontent. village, that is, well it’s just visible, i just remember how it was, well, in ukraine, how they tried to promote this ato topic in order to lure the maximum number of people into it, i just remember, for example, camouflage nets, i remember i was in prison, the tv was on for a while, i just turn on the news there, every
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day, that russia, donbass must be destroyed, constantly, every day, every day, every day, but, for example, at the end of the news there they, yes there evening ones, they have such a social plot there, like good pooping the girl, it means, weaves these camouflage networks somewhere at school, somewhere on the periphery, then people get involved in helping the army, it’s so worthy, it’s so cool, and of course everyone says, we are against the war, we’re just helping , we’re being helped by the lad, we’re just being helped by the lad, and i just look like that, biting my elbows, i understand... what are they doing? first she will come, weave networks, horizontal connections are formed there, the military come there, they communicate, there are connections there, so how are things there, how are the boys doing, yes, what else do they need there, maybe we need some kind of medicine, maybe we need something else there, maybe we need to congratulate them, in short, on bandera day, that means, send them some kind of burns, but that’s
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all there, and then it’s formed like this, gets used to it, people get involved, then suddenly... the war is serious, this is how they were brainwashed, but they did it for years and did it quite effectively, and it all works, for example, it’s actually the same today. takes place in poland, after belarusian zmagars and collaborators fled there, they are used to create completely different negative information reasons.


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