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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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she delved into their infirmities, helped their needs spiritually and materially. and she especially raised the younger generation with love for god and devotion to the homeland. what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is. just as you were holding the book in your hands, clutching one piece after another, sniffing at the words on your skin, and leaving your ears to rest. creative works,
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the most valuable and useful ones - these books. u the books contain the thoughtful thoughts of the people, the reports and expressive chatter of people. everything that chalavetstva created, she ate up on old books, bytstsam witchcraft. we read the past centuries, the closer ones, we appreciate the past for our daily life. belarus 24.
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presentation of opportunities at vdnkh in moscow , the days of the gomel region are held. heading to africa and the middle east. belarus is exploring the possibility of direct flights with aman and algeria. uniting kind hearts, the next stage of the charitable restoration campaign has started shrines of belarus. and a novelty for the tourist season. nesvezh castle invites travelers to theatrical excursions. the events program is on air, in
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the studio alina lopo, hello. achievement of belarusian regions in industry , agriculture, economics, science and culture. the belarusian pavilion at the aed is recruiting. popularity. since the beginning of the year , presentations have already been held in the brest, vitebsk, grodno and mogilev regions. now the gomel region invites guests. our columnist olesya knows how we attract potential partners and tourists. vysotskaya. this southeastern region is famous for the production of combine harvesters, oil production, delicious food, interesting tourist routes, but not only. as befits a hospitable hostess at vodnh , the gomel region welcomes guests cordially and hospitably. sausages and cheeses, of course. the gomel region is primarily an industrial region; oil is not only produced here, but also processed. 80% of fuel oil and gasoline for cars comes from here. the region produces all belarusian cellulose, sheet glass, mineral wool, paper-cardboard, as
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well as machines for metal. not only our gomel region borders on russian regions, but for some reason it is the gomel residents who manage to make the most of the opportunity of the russian market.
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100% union harvester. russia is the main trading partner of the gomel region; more than 80% of exports go here. more than 40 cooperation agreements have already been signed in various fields, from agriculture to high-tech industries. in the twenty- third year, the volume of investment in the economy southeastern region of belarus amounted to $300 million, and in 3 months of this year it has already increased by 18%. tourists from russia come to the region to relax. turov is one of the oldest cities in belarus and
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the small but interesting city of vetka; it is united with moscow by an interesting object, actually, red square. heading to africa and the middle east. belarus is exploring the possibility of direct flights. saman and algeria, why is the distant arc interesting for us? there are many interests, but in just one of the markets in the region in egypt, today there are more than 40,000 mtz tractors. a delegation from the belarusian government brought from cairo eight contracts worth $12 million, an agreement on trade assistance, interaction between financial departments and free economic zones, ours with the egyptian investment authority. there are also agreements on a number of projects from mechanical engineering to pharmaceuticals and education.
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must read, we are working on several projects in the field of industrial cooperation with egypt, with algeria, we were recently in algeria and discussed issues very substantively assembly of trucks and passenger equipment and tractors, there is great interest in our granaries, there is great interest in our construction equipment, and this is all happening right now, if our enterprises see that it is profitable, we count everything, we count everything together with them. if they see that it is a benefit, why should we refuse? according to signed contracts, we will supply 280 tractors to the egyptian market this year, and we plan to double this figure in the coming years. modernization allows increasing volumes industrial giants of the country in a year of quality, ambitious goals, the tractor plant
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plans to invest almost 100 million rubles for the purchase of new technological equipment. this is 30% more than in 2023; popular models are also being updated, so the mtz 82 will gain a modern appearance and comfort inside, at least the presence of air conditioning. new and seventh series belarus 742. machine. but primarily for work in cramped conditions, for use in farm warehouses, the equipment can also be communal agricultural, for the tractor is equipped with a four-section hydraulic system distributor with electronic control. there was also the question of expanding the production of energy-rich tractors. today we worked with the chinese company vechai, but it’s not just taking an engine and replacing it. it was necessary to carry out appropriate testing and fine-tuning.
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the government has developed additional measures to stabilize prices together with the state control committee. what's in the program? the program is aimed at combating inflationary expectations, although there is no serious reasons for rising prices. the document was created to saturate the market with goods and develop production for import substitution. the inflation expectations of the population were studied by the national. the country's bank, the regulator came to the conclusion: belarusians view
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the situation with prices more positively compared to last year. the growth in consumer prices, in their opinion, could reach 11% in the future. in the first quarter of 2023 , the feeling was much less rosy, almost 12.5%. inflation expectations have approached their lowest levels since the beginning of 2020, in fact, we have twice as much. let me remind you about the results.
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then liability measures are applied. at the initiative of the committee, last year
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53 entities suspended their activities for gross violations of trade. the joint program of action is already the third - it is a strategic document, a number of tools are being polished, so approaches to regulating dominants and monopolists, as well as approaches in the field of procurement, will be improved. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere is not only on our website. tv channel enterprises of the abelolikprom concern are increasing the export of products and expanding their representation on the russian market. during the year, quality emphasis was placed on strengthening the position within the country. let’s ask natalia murashko, deputy chairman of the belolik prom concern, what innovative projects the concern is implementing this year and whether it is ready to increase its export potential. natalya anatolyevna, hello. hello. what changed? in the work of the concern’s enterprises in the current difficult conditions, well, nothing much has changed,
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the speed of work only changed; we had to go, one might say, a little out of our comfort zone and work in a slightly different direction, such as the search for new supply chains, the search for new suppliers of spare parts and raw materials. as for import substitution, have you been able to completely replace foreign fabrics? a manufacturer cannot produce clothes, for example, from the same fabrics, that is, in our country we also have textile enterprises, the largest producers of long fabrics, loose fabrics, generally paper fabrics, mixed fabrics, of course, we make the most of our raw materials, our own fabrics, but at the same time we have also retained imports so that
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the range of finished products is more diverse, now we are actively working on... diversifying new markets, finding new partners, like the industry is working in this direction, where are the products supplied? bellikprom is actively working in this direction, our enterprises export products to about 60 countries, and for example, well, we are diversifying exports, this is our goal, the tasks set government to diversify exports, to increase exports of the far arc countries, naturally we are dealing with these tasks in this way.
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we are working on that, but what are your export plans for this year, are there any new agreements? well, of course, we have plans, of course, the enterprise is already almost 80% complete, the products are contracted, but at the same time we continue to search for new partners, we are actively organizing field trips, so we have a schedule for the whole.
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wool, that is, we also have russian colleagues, a very active dialogue, let’s say we are moving in parallel with them, now the list of labeled products in the russian federation of light industrial goods has expanded, we are simultaneously unifying the same thing, we will go the same way, that is, we are doing well in this regard. one of
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belolekprom’s most famous projects is the concept of a house; new objects are appearing not only in belarus, but in russia. are these facilities popular, and where else in the union state could they open in the near future? in the meantime we have in the plans, since this is a pilot project, this is just the beginning of the journey, and we opened two stores in the russian federation in december in yekaterinburg and novosibirsk, in the next 2 years we, in principle, set the goal of opening another 10 stores in cities with a population of over a million in the russian federation. the closest one we are currently working on is ufa. what products are in these stores? the most popular ? are there plans to expand the list of these products? in this, let's say, project , about forty manufacturers from the republic of belarus are involved, all of these products presented under one brand dodomu, large enterprises and not a light industry enterprise, here are artisans, that is , a very large assortment, but of course the basis of this
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assortment is belarusian flax, which is why they are very ... popular, despite the fact that the lorshansky alcohol plant has their own stores, tableware is popular, here is the dobruzhsky porcelain factory, radoshkovichi, that is, in principle, the entire assortment is sold, each has its own consumer, enterprise concerns are also frequent participants exhibitions abroad, this still helps us promote our products, which is in the near future, yes... these still remain the main tool for promoting exports, and we actively participate in exhibition events abroad, in the russian federation, the largest interfabric exhibitions, fashion style russia and so on, but our immediate plans are to travel further, so we will participate in exhibitions in china, in turkey,
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what products will you present there, that ’s what is interesting to consumers in china in turkey, well, china-turkey, of course, is more interested in semi-raw material positions, if we speak, because we will divide light industry into several components, this is a semi-raw material product, this is fabric, yarn, which consumes. this is the events program for belarus 24 and we continue. entrance campaign 2024. the ministry of education of belarus has approved
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a plan for the admission of universities and colleges for civil servants. find out more from our columnist elena puntus. this year, applicants entering the target direction from enterprises participate in a separate competition. for them, the stages of submitting documents and passing enrollment exams will take place at an earlier date. number of target locations. but for specific specialties indicating the organization of personnel customers. the admission campaign will last from june 27 to july 12, entrance tests from july 4 to 10. the competition will be based on the average score of the certificate and the result of the oral exam. as for the conclusion of contracts with customer organizations, it has already begun on may 1 for pedagogical specialties start 1 june. there are already about 400 applications for the specialty of higher education . applicants from educational institutions and enterprises are now working on concluding targeted contracts and more than 500 applications for training on the terms of targeted training at
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our colleges, that is, here the same opportunity is also available, one at a time at the second level. we see an increase in the number of applications compared to last year. the target area involves free education at a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, with the main condition being that the student is young the specialist will have to... work in the organization with which he entered into an agreement for 5 years. uniting kind hearts, the next stage of the charity campaign for the restoration of the shrines of belarus has started in the republic. which objects were the first to be put in order this year? this is the church of the holy life-giving trinity in the borisov region. young families from every district of the minsk region came to improve the temple. volunteers cleaned up the area, planted tui, and also took part in digitizing the place. the guys paid up. even more, i think we got a charge of emotions, new acquaintances were made and i think that, in principle, throughout the entire minsk region, our districts will continue this
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tradition, they will attract young families in further this event, people are interested in the history of the temple and are interested in this place, and even come here to see they just come to the temple. sometimes sometimes for an excursion, of course, i would like people, even more, of course, to come by bus, we will always meet everyone, give a tour and tell an interesting story of this region, which is why a tourist tourist route is currently being built, the campaign to restore the shrines of belarus started 11 years ago on the initiative of the belarusian republican youth union, in 2016 it received interfaith status. during this time , not only churches, but also memorial sites, as well as objects from the great patriotic war, are being improved in the republic. a gift to the city for the 100th anniversary of vitebsk, local craftsmen
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create a decorative panel, what is its uniqueness? just imagine a canvas as long as 44 m, on which 1050 flowers will bloom, exactly as many years as the northern capital turns. cornflowers, daisies, tulips, lilies, and various decorative elements nearby: panels are made in... associations, students, and in general , anyone can give flowers to their favorite city. in general, malevanka is national, our belarusian, vitebsk, and we want to make sure that this malevanka, it becomes such a symbol, a unification of people, creativity, mood, color, summer, this. there will be a forum in the summer and i want to add some color, which, in general, is so green in the spring, right now, but in general, of course, everything is in color. our project started
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on april 24. five canvases have already been made, both children and children from orphanages and the association of the ministry of emergency situations took part, here are our club formations, we are waiting for everyone else. some of the canvases that will be combined into a single picture have already been painted; the finished painting bouquet will be presented at the end of june at the forum of the regions of belarus and russia. new to the tourist season, nesvezhsky castle has launched a new theatrical excursion, which this once... we have prepared for travelers an immersion into the mystical world of the black lady stale and a direct acquaintance with the ghost queen. barbara radivil, sigismunt augustus bona sforza. historical characters become tour guides. witnesses of historical events that took place here over five centuries come to life on weekends. they hold quizzes and draws asking thematic questions to visitors to the radewilov residence. we started with a fashionable promenade, talking
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about fashion and... traditions of the 18th centuries, that is our heroes showed what the ladies and gentlemen of those times looked like. and the next project dealt with such a historical topic as the cadet school. we know that in nesvezh there was a cadet school at the princely court and we also play this theme on weekends. well, the third topic, completely fresh, is black. the project of theatrical excursions was developed by scientists from the national historical and cultural museum of the nesvizh nature reserve. in the summer, guests of the castle can expect new stories featuring historical figures. thanks review prepared by elena putus. results, analysis of the main events this week in the information and analytical program of the television news agency main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are on the website, as well as on social networks.
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i say goodbye to you, all the best. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at the overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city, where alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago here there were the lower castle and the pasade, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. so the kobrin princes of their squad definitely stopped and feasted here. not long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long. to show how
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unusual and wonderful our country is. in america , houses afloat are called the fashionable word houseboard - house ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most demanding travelers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus-24 tv channel. children's curiosity and genuine interest. absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. what are you doing at work? are you different from yourself at home? it seems to me that
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it is purely external. i don’t look like i’m turning from some grymza into a cute cat, no, i’m either a grymza everywhere or a kitty everywhere, how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative, pity is not the same as sympathizing, pity is an arrogant feeling, a feeling of superiority, look at the project 100 questions for adults.


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