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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

10:30 am
it seems to me, solely by appearance, i don’t turn from some kind of grimz into a cute kitty, no, i’m either a grimsa everywhere, or a kitty everywhere, how do you feel about being pitied, extremely categorically negative, pity is unequal to sympathize, pity is an arrogant feeling, this feeling of superiority, look in the project, i don’t want a rushing run and a fight like the rain, a shady forest, a bright sun, and like from these shotguns our life is formed, i want to look at it you are the light of your skin and your skin zen adkryvat for yourself...
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documentary investigation about the religious movement during the great patriotic war. a time of testing strength, patriotism or betrayal. everyone has their own motivation. the nazi german service tried to recruit priests by any means. divide conquer. implementation of nazi church policy in the occupied territory.
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arkuby is walking around, supporting the belarusian collaborators in their idea of ​​​​creating a belarusian autocephalous church. partisan priest, confessor and fighter, saving the soldiers, he put himself and his loved ones in danger. this was truly a spiritual feat, comparable to the exploits of great saints. tank column of dmitry donskoy. squadron, alexander nevsky, the church’s contribution to the overall victory. by the end of the war, the total amount collected is tens of millions of rubles, wars of the spirit, their oath of allegiance to god and the homeland in a documentary investigation of the reserves of the fatherland right now.
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on june 22, 1941, the first massive attacks of the third reich were carried out on the territory of the soviet union, ignoring non-aggression treaty nazi germany and its allies attacked the ussr without declaring war. the german propaganda machine , led by goebbels, explained this not as... a war with the country by the people, but as a military campaign to fight the bolsheviks. nazi propaganda used this as an anti-soviet thesis, that the crusade against the godless bolsheviks, well, this is purely at the level of propaganda ideology, somewhere, including in germany, it was told, yes, why we attacked the soviet union. apparently that's why the attack was planned for june 22. the orthodox calendar is the day of all saints in the russian land who have shone, but to say that it is a religious question. it must be clearly
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understood that germany wanted to conquer this territory, quickly walk through it, reach moscow and solve its political problems. the leadership of the third reich developed its goal in detail in the strategic program plan barbaros and the general plan ost. according to program documents, 75% of the population.
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on the territory of belarus, the nazis began to fulfill their main task: to ensure safe and unimpeded advancement of wehrmacht units. they organized concentration camps, prisons, ghettos, got rid of communists, and port labor. countries, so they already had some kind of practice in relation to ministers, the church. the religious case of the military-political leadership of the third reich in the occupied territory of belarus was carried out by the nazis and their accomplices, relying on the ideology of national socialism, which not only denied the role of the church in political life, but
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also christianity in general. germany stayed the course for the revival of the ancient pagan cult. a striking example that essentially reflects the content of the german attitude. this period's guide to religion is a letter bormann wrote to rusenberg shortly before the attack on the soviet union in 1941. in this letter, he clearly indicated that the concept of national socialism and the concept of christianity are incompatible. the top of the third reich, to put it mildly, had nothing to do with christianity, christianism was extremely hostile, it was completely. pagan, completely anti-christian, there already there were ideological people who were focused on the revival of german paganism. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, the state of church life in the soviet union was quite difficult, as a result of decades of anti-religious policy.
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the head of the russian orthodox church was not the patriarch, but the patriarchal locum tenens, sergei strogorodsky. saint tihan died in 1925 and after that the soviet authorities did not allow it to be held. for 10 years he was the caretaker of the zheroved theological school, and then metropolitan sergei stargorodsky, it was he who, on the first day of the war , 12 days earlier than stalin, addressed the pastors and flock with his message. thousands of copies were printed for the title of metropolitan and distributed along with leaflets in the occupied territory. head of the church. metropolitan sergei, until june 22 , was generally deprived of the right to vote, he was deprived of the opportunity to actually lead the church, that is, he seemed to live his very limited life, performed divine services, he did not have the right to even address his
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flock, not to mention what to citizens soviet union. metropolitan sergius draws attention to the swastika, and he says: “we are christians, we have the cross of christ, and here is a swastika.” a broken cross with broken ends, and this is a pagan symbol, supposedly the third reich brings liberation from godlessness, the liberation of the church, this is a deception, we stand up to defend our country, our people, we defend the cross of christ, we are christians and do not succumb to this temptation to believe release hitler and his henchmen. several underground communities operated in the gomel and mogilev regions. the priests were in an illegal situation, some, in order to survive, were engaged in non-spiritual activities. some worked on a collective farm, in
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a factory, there were civil servants, and the parishes were closed, but nevertheless, people also had a craving for faith and there were some illegal ones. groups or people at home in their own homes, as far as possible, kept the faith and preserved the orthodox tradition. in the western regions of belarus, church life was preserved, churches were opened here, monasteries and theological schools operated, dioceses worked, pinsk, grodno and poleskoe. this was due to the fact that until 1939 the territory was under polish occupation, but in relation to the orthodox church, the authorities of the second polish-lithuanian commonwealth pursued a rather tough and repressive policy.
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naturally, there was such a planned action of orthodox christians throughout poland, and this was with the complete inaction of the polish police. after the reunification of western and eastern belarus, orthodox parishes and monasteries, which were under the influence of the polish autocephalous church, returned to the structure russian orthodox church. archbishop panteleimon razhnovsky was released from arrest in the zherovichi monastery. he stood, so to speak, at the helm of the church when the war came. to our lands, remained here in the occupied territories,
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continued to support and build church life. metropolitan panteleimon razhnovsky, who led the church under these conditions of occupation and is a patriot of his country and an opponent of autocephaly of any divisions, and an opponent of interference by the occupiers in the affairs of the church, many laymen and monks there or monks.
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despite the occupation of belarus, the orthodox church is doing everything possible for a kind of renaissance of spiritual life in wartime.
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central belarus belonged to the belorutenia district, vitebsk and part of mogilev - this is the rear of the army center group, so permission was issued by the military administration. gomel region, district, ukraine. people walked in the eastern territory and...
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korsha, sinno, constantly had to communicate with the occupation authorities, submit reports about what was happening in the parishes, obtain permission to hold services, confess and giving communion to hundreds of people, and moving from one locality to another, is not an easy task. the journey from minsk to viteb took several months, the winter was extremely harsh, frosts reached 30°. father seraphim iirei grigory kudarenko examined the preserved churches, baptized children, and performed funeral services for the dead. believers cleared churches of various debris, because church buildings were often converted into granaries, warehouses, and
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clubs. believers of the newly opened churches carried crosses, icons and various liturgical items. objects that they saved during times of church persecution. the priests remained faithful to their flock during the great patriotic war, supported women whose husbands had gone to the front, prayed for their fellow villagers, and increased their confidence in victory. at services , reports from the sanitary information bureau were read out so that parishioners could understand.
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life in the occupied territories. abwehr bormann and his position to develop the religious were on the side of rosenberg, who advocated the use of religion as a tool for the implementation of economic political plans. in russia, received an education, he knew what it was, we will not interfere with the revival of the orthodox church, but we will clearly pursue a line towards its maximum fragmentation, even adolf hitler himself had a negative attitude towards christianity in all its forms, christian love, as noted nazi politicians were incompatible with
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the role of a conqueror, since germany was a country that saw itself at the head of the whole world. one cannot be simultaneously a follower of christianity and its christian love, conqueror. the policy of the german occupation authorities was the principle of divide and conquer. the main task was to separate the belarusian orthodox church under the influence of the moscow patriarchate. there were church ministers who willingly agreed to cooperate with the nazis. among them and novels, vladimir fenkovsky, who served in pruzhany, was an sd agent with the occupiers. arrived in minsk, received the post of administrator of the belarusian orthodox church, hung a portrait of hitler in his office and called on the population to support occupation regime. the activities of the church and church structures in the occupied territory of belarus faced such clear and even harsh demands of the occupiers. these demands were not aimed
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at developing the church or preserving the faith. they don't care. set distant goals of destruction, and christianity did not fit into the doctrine of nazism. the contradictions that existed in german religious policy in the occupied territories are well reflected by one of the regulations, this is operational order number 10, which was adopted by the rsha, the main department of imperial security in the summer of forty-one, it literally said what was prohibited - religious activity, this means in the opening of churches, training, training , providing any assistance in the renewal of clergy in the occupied territories. by issuing various regulations, directives, orders, the nazis tried to win over the clergy and through them bring the necessary information to the population. during the occupation of belarus,
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the german administration gave the go-ahead for the opening of pastoral courses, sometimes they recruited people completely far from. churches, but priests were also trained from them, filofei narko supervised the training, but a representative of the civil administration and the sd security service was present at each of the classes. such courses operated in minsk, grodno, novogrudok, vitebsk, zhirovichi, from forty-one to forty-five , more than 200 people were ordained to the san priest. after training, priests were sent to parishes throughout the country. their task was to glorify politics occupiers to turn the population against the partisans. the purpose of which...
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dmitry kosmovich, who led the police in minsk, and ivan kosyak, an employee of the general commissariat. they were supposed to persuade metropolitan pantileiman razhnovsky to autocephaly. he was given an ultimatum. he will lead the church under certain conditions. the first announcement of autocephaly of the belarusian orthodox church, translation into belarusian of the office work of the service, preparation of the statute of the belarusian autocephalous church and a number of other provisions that he had to be implemented. panteleiman was a staunch supporter of the canonical integrity of the orthodox church. did not support the idea of ​​a split. the metropolitan was sent to a monastery in the town of lyady, not far from minsk. at the monastery, vladyka was under house arrest. kelgi pantileimanazhnovsky's windows overlooked the central courtyard of the monastery, onto the main cathedral. today there is a house church in the metropolitan chambers. the bishop was actually sent to retirement; he handed over the affairs to the assistant archbishop
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of mogilev and mstislav, filofei narko. the gauleiter of cuba supports the idea of ​​belarusian collaborators to create a belarusian autocephalous orthodox church. in order to implement this project, it is necessary to tear the belarusian orthodox church and its pastor and flock away from the mother one, that is, the russian orthodox church. in the forty-second year ...
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the clergy. a document was developed: the statute of the belarusian autocephalous orthodox church, where in paragraph 113 it was stated that autocephaly will be accepted only after
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its recognition by all local churches, including including the moscow patriarchate. on august 30 , 1942, in the transfiguration cathedral, that is, the main church of minsk, under the leadership of filofei narko, the all-belarusian orthodox council began work, at which the fate of the belarusian orthodox church was decided. metropolitan at the meeting. the inhabitants of the orthodox church saw their task in uniting the people, preserving spiritual strength, spiritual power, because without this spiritual
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strength, without a spiritual core, it was impossible to achieve victory, to achieve a turning point in the war. the nazi authorities' strategy for implementation the autocephalous project in the occupied territory of belarus failed, the policy of a loyal attitude to the church, flirting with the population, when they were allowed to open churches and openly attend services, did not receive the proper return, neither the population nor the priests supported the occupiers. the great patriotic war was a time when dozens of belarusian priests carried out their quiet feat, silently, in secret, and did what a shepherd should do in difficult times for the country. they saved people, jews were given certificates about baptism, distributed leaflets, collected medicines, even weapons, and transferred it all to the partisan detachments. often they themselves became liaison officers for partisan formations and underground groups. the priests helped the wounded red army soldiers who were in prison, they exposed not only their surroundings to attack, they hid them in their homes, themselves, but also their family. many shepherds were
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over 70, but they devoted all their strength to the cause of future victory, obtained information, passed it on to the partisans, and the third reich sent its advanced forces against them, intelligence services. the sd detained a clergyman of one of the churches in the minsk region, pyotr batyan. for helping the partisans themselves, for helping the local population, he was sent to the minsk prison, but not just to sit in the minsk prison and go for interrogations, he was harnessed like a horse to the plow, they plowed the prison garden with him, they poisoned dogs on him until he actually died, in the village of mokrogo, modern luninets district in the year forty-two , more than 400 people were killed for connections with partisans, in the local st. george...
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he was brutally beaten for several weeks, no food, no medical care, he died from beatings, while saving hundreds of innocent lives. from this great virtue of love for people, love for god, we see from life’s example that father epiphanius accepted such a very low death, because of the love of god, and because of love.
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the camp guards threw the priest behind the fence, where they usually shot prisoners, the parishioners bought the body of their shepherd to bury it, recognized father epiphanius only by his clothes, and buried him near the church in which the priest served. we will talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine. the recipe for this cheesecake was found in the book of radivilovsky recipes, translated to our employees from polish and now we can use it to treat everyone to this cheesecake. according to the guest, the neosvish cutlet is not like summer at all. it is equated to fried meat, all because
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it is made from exactly that. chopped pork, let's plunge into festive culinary traditions, and, of course, we bake easter cake, only here in this area it’s not called easter cake, if in the whole world easter cakes, it’s it turns out easter cakes, in general - these are buns for easter, and we will also introduce the tv viewer to the history of this or that area of ​​our country, people go to nesvesh to see the castle, the farny church, everything connected with radivils, by the way, pay attention to the caps letter: er what does radivila mean? look at the food project anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel. the heroes of our program are extraditable people, buried in their right. then you think, what can i do so that it has such a sound, so that there are a lot of highs and lows? a lot, but there were likes; it is very difficult for a small instrument to achieve such a balance.
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we know it’s a bright show, and you take a fragile young girl of 2-3 kg, and you have to perform a whole performance, play her, work, dance, hold your hand this way and that, so you pump up and so on, and you still feel, this is a puppet theater artist , someday, well, when possible, we will have such an area, we will try to do it, it would be nice for this museum to be combined with a workshop, so that it doesn’t...
11:00 am
it’s clear to god that the snow is wet earth, popsavala graza darogu, perivals of revelry, warmer suns jumping, the ice of the rafts is worn out, the chains of the sun are falling, the gloom of those who are waiting for us is jumping.


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