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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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it is clear to god, the snow has melted into the damp earth, the rain has fallen, the storms of spree, the sun is warmer than the sun, the ice has been crushed, the crops of the summer have fallen, the gloom of every day has jumped upon us. everything and everyone
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was showing, the geese were crowing, the spack was spreading on the oak tree, the cranes were crowing, and the winter was disappearing like smoke, the greener meadow was crawling, like hell was filled with pain, our native land.
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i am history, nature, culture, faith. people, shchodrasts, adzin times adjuesh and do not plant more than a few, here everything is in the sapraudnam, now at the borders of belarus there are many thousands nato contingent, as part of the exercise they are practicing the transfer of forces, poland, it is looking east at the emerging crops, it is clear from its own side.
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until the last ukrainian, this is a verdict , no one will restore it, this is for ukraine as a state, ukraine has a chance to remain a state, if they do start negotiations, how can we, a fairly small country, survive without dying under the rubble of collapsing empires? the president is right when he says that you can never stop, you shouldn’t do it, because that stagnation is the first. movement towards fall.
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hello, you are watching the program “say don’t be silent”, in the studio of victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest is national security expert alexander tishchenko. good afternoon, alexander vladimirovich, we began to see you often on television, you give comments after the vns, well, our colleagues present. you are an expert on national security, how did you become an expert in this field, tell our viewers a little about what preceded this? well for in order to become an expert, you need to be a specialist for a long time, so it turned out that for about 2/3 of my life i was dealing with precisely these issues,
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issues of national security, it was service in the army, to put it frankly, the most the extreme point of the soviet ... union, the kuril islands on the border with japan, then there was a good school and, as it were, he forged the shoulder straps of a colonel in the system of the ministry of internal affairs, here is the state security council and has already tempered his shoulder straps as a colonel, this is in the border committee, that's if, how me in colonel jokes to the family twice.
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much earlier, in fact, as the soviet union collapsed, this movement began to intensify, in fact, by 16 countries, in my opinion, nato grew during this period, although in theory, according to the logic of things, this one should also cease to exist block. because it was created, or rather, not it, it was not created in opposition to the warsaw pact, first the nato bloc was created, and then the warsaw pact, well, it seems like they existed in opposition, it was such competition
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military-political, economic as well, but when the warsaw pact collapsed, it would seem that there were no longer the threats that should have been faced. it was already possible not to strain so much in this regard, but nevertheless this movement existed, it was active, so every time all our concepts and doctrine, they provided for this movement, when it all became more acute around the year 14 forms, and it was already clear that they were not committed to peaceful conditions, there they regularly conducted all sorts of exercises and after the exercise they left their weapons, left their personal some kind of composition and so on, and these exercises, i will say that they are essentially a covering factor for the redeployment, the redeployment of the main forces to the eastern flank, why? well
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, this is what nato has been doing for the last few years, in fact, every time they carried out they pulled up a contingent and didn’t withdraw it, didn’t withdraw it, they kind of left the whole thing there for... their forces, up to 300,000 contingent, that’s how they do it everything will work out, it’s hard to say, from an economic point of view, but poland, it looks to the east, to the spring crops,
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it’s clear, from the heights of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, this is a phantom situation for them, but lithuania will simply be a platform, it will be like a transit point.
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we began to have a completely different attitude towards issues, including the electoral campaign, we stopped showing excessive tolerance in this case, i would call this word in relation to all western issues, why, because even the day of unity, yes, we used to have under some kind of... taboo, so as not to offend the poles once, yes, but now we remember this matter already with
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pride, why? because, why be shy? the germans are happy about their unification, just like with the issues of protection, security, defense, economics, sovereignty, we corrected everything, adjusted everything, after the twentieth year, well , now before our eyes we are seeing how , in fact, hegemony is collapsing the usa, many experts say this, how can we, a small country, survive without dying under the rubble of collapsing empires, well, the thing is that when someone falls, he clings with his claws, yes, these claws have long been holding together glass, that’s why this slide or is already turning into a systematic fall from the west. gives grounds for the fact that you need to stay away from him a little. yes, you
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say correctly, so as not to fall under the rubble of the old world, unipolar, in this case we are seeing a degeneration, reformatting, of the world component, because the centers, they will be based on other things, they will no longer be hegemons, just the centers who will be...
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non-drowning, yes, when someone is drowning, he first of all tries to pull the rescuer to the bottom, so ukraine is in the same situation here. for the sake of their own salvation, because ukraine is being used, it will, in fact, be fed in this thirst for dominance, thirst
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for hegemony, and so on, so here ukraine has nothing to envy, well, considering that... the other day stoltenberg literally said that if ukraine does not win, then no one will restore it, that is, the west clearly, specifically makes it clear that the fate of ukraine itself is predetermined, firstly, they never really promised to take care of the future of ukraine, yes, it all boiled down to this: that someday she may be, at some special moment she will become someone, but the main thing is to fight, here you are...
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that we will allocate some funds there, who will give it, because in fact , ukraine will have to pay there is nothing, the lands that it has, they were essentially bought by western corporations, why , despite the poles, is there ukrainian grain there and so on, because it is western, why did they try to push it there to africa, then now they are trying to drive it through europe there, because that it’s still not ukrainian anymore, grain from western corporations, so no one cares about the polish opinion of polish farmers there, that’s all different, if only they save, then again to such a level that it works for their interests, well, you can look at the baltic states at the level, yes, we know , that nothing is being built there,
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everything is just hanging out and going underground little by little, just like in ukraine, which is very... ukrainian: this is a verdict on ukraine as a state, there are no other options here, why does the west insist on this particular formula, because there is no nothing will be needed to restore, well, yes, there is no ukraine, no, there is no ukraine, there is nothing to restore, everything, here in this situation, ukraine, it, its fate
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is sealed, the only thing it can do is break it. pushes, and then says, well, he’s bad, i’m quoting me, he’s bad, he, he doesn’t have a line, what they say is absolutely correct, i’m far from a fool, but there’s no line, this statement spread, became viral, after the parade 9 may in minsk, they are still discussing it, how would you comment,
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the president correctly says what red lines can already be drawn when the red line is on the map... any map of the world, the red line is the state border, and all laws state that it is sacred, inviolable, that is, here it is an indicator of sovereignty, the integrity of the state, if this line is someone tries to cross for the purpose of aggression, then that’s it, because the president went on to say that the last war took three days in a month and minsk was taken, but in this war it will be even... faster if we behave, again show some kind of indecision, so yes, we are now received weapons, we have... tactical as a deterrent factor, and we tell everyone that we will not be shy and warn, that is , here - as i would say, the president
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kind of outlined, there is such a charter for the garrison guard service, there in the event of an attack on the post, the sentry is not attacked, and no warning shot is fired, nor will i shoot from the other side, that’s why i immediately fire to kill. shot up, that is, there is such a chain, but if they are already attacking, then none of this is needed, so the president is like a military man a person who went through this school, he clearly understands perfectly well, if they are already attacking, that’s it, no sentimentality, nothing is needed, you just need to work against the enemy, i think, knowing the determination of our president, the west has heard.
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as you can sometimes hear, it will be, they are deceiving it, what about germany, it will become there, the hegemon in europe, the fate of ukraine is being prepared for it, ukraine will end, it is about to end, the next one will replace it, in fact, poland, poland with lithuania, it’s just that poland has a richer human resource, in this regard.
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where in our country the war took away a third of the population, yes, in lithuania democracy took away a third of the population, as if it carried, which is worse, which is better, so
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choose, it’s called, yes, now... poland faces the same choice, that is, or fight, it is unknown for what? the poles, they, it only seems that they have stepped into some kind of development there somewhere, in fact, they have lived all this time thanks to subsidies from these loans. in 1919, the time came when these loans had to be repaid, repaid, to pay, so their life began to decline.
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survived due to what, due to cross-border trade, due to cross-border connections, they cut off this issue, and now, so as not to be indignant, it needs to be mined, concreted, you know, as in, normal life is being replaced by this hostility towards neighbors, then there is a need to find someone to blame, although in essence they are fulfilling a role.
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guests, we are in touch. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is a national security expert, alexander tishchenko. we cannot avoid this issue, the threat of nuclear war, today we are very close to it, like never before.
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in order to move the earth out of orbit several times, and after that, nothing, taking into account the half-life, yes, and decay, life simply cannot continue, but if the future fate, as you say, depends, the fate of humanity depends only due to some incident, and perhaps due to the human factor, how would you comment on the fact that he has been appointed to the post of minister of defense in russia?
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long-term confrontation, because why did the west begin to fail, because its economy has not yet been able to get on... military tracks, and russia has gone on war tracks, it is starting to accelerate along these rails, why? because these were all the foundations of the soviet union, this is all that remains from those lessons of that experience of the second world war, the great patriotic war, when it was necessary to move all industry beyond the urals, and rebuild everything there from scratch, start it up, until now since then, europe has not been able to produce.
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level, it destroys him, why? because you want everything at once, you can’t tolerate it, they have lost the habit of tolerating it, because it even looked funny when their leaders there
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taught people to wash their hands with water in order to save money, they urged them not to even wash, yes, that is, we learn with horror about that , that it turns out they wash there... but not for long and not on a large scale, now the burning question in all social networks is whether russia will take kharkov, what do you think about this? the thing is that i still see that
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russia is trying to put ukraine on strategic twine in this regard, why, because being with the colonies in the south, now we need to reach out to the north of the gsu. kharkov at the moment, probably, will not be actively taken, after all, it is a very difficult city from the point of view, so to speak,
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of war, i would say that the war in this city will be much more difficult than - they will bypass, they will not reach, they will stop, what what are your prospects, as you see it, well... everything will hold up here, again based on the situation around the elections in america, because it is now important for america to maintain this stability at the front, because for the democrats everything is tied to results, they base their campaign on anti-putin rhetoric, so let’s say, it turns out that if putin is something. advanced, won, took kharkov, then it will be for biden or it will go past the piggy bank, so here, they will do everything to ensure that the kharkov line does not move, yes,
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these are some suburbs there, for example, or, well, they they are still working out the purely donetsk region there, but they have not yet completely resolved the issue and they have not resolved the issue of nestanets, that’s why for now... it’s more likely it’s just such a trap, probably in kharkov , but there’s no clear movement of the front, it ’s still very early for that. moreover, we don’t know how quickly weapons will reach ukraine, let’s say now intense shelling is starting from ukraine, belgorod, others there, crimea and so on, that is, they are trying to strain the situation, but nevertheless, there is still more to come some kind of supplies, how will they be with this plan, after all, they are not hitting the front, but they are, they are hitting civilian targets, and so on, that is , a hundred months to the rear of russia, well, it’s not clear
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after all, and many are asking this question, for russia the point is to take kharkov - this, as experts say, the military, it’s a couple of days, there is no political will, it’s probably not a matter of will, it’s a matter of expediency, kharkov can be there to take at the cost of what, yes, in order to clearly understand that they are ready to take kharkov, you need to know the balance of forces, means, opportunities, and so on, now, for example, i cannot say how relevant everything has been done there, but once the movement begins, it means that there will be some interests and opportunities there, but taking kharkov, this will be the beginning, in order to take such large cities, you need to understand that you will need to continue to move, that is, if you broke the wall, then you need to move, and not...
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deadly dangerous, that’s a completely different psychology, different, numbers, others the masses, everything is completely different, and as one of our guests said, the war is live, which also adds to the piquancy, and here the forecasts that worked before do not work here at all, because every day new situations are thrown up, yes there are a lot of surprises yes, well, i would also like to discuss the security of, perhaps, countries, states in the conditions... these are the technologies, yes, that we are discussing, because for
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me the most striking example is israel, when it turned out, they said , that they have such powerful means of defense, that such a dome is unique in the whole world, there is no such thing anymore, and so on and so forth, we see that at hour x in a couple of hours israel is being inclined to a powerful military conflict, this is another destabilization for your middle eastern view, what significance does it have today? i would associate the entire situation in the middle east with resources, everything that happens there purely for the sake of resources, purely for the sake of oil, gas and so on, so israel is addressing this issue in order to solve, first of all, the problem of transit, the transit of these resources along new corridors, to bring the situation out, let’s say along the same strait of armunia and get it out of dependence on
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iran’s policies, because iran essentially controls this strait there; israel is here with their iron dome, essentially as they say there this is a warning system to a greater extent than some kind of anti-aircraft defense defense , so a signal is received there, everyone runs to hide, everyone hides.
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russia is also starting to promote the northern sea route, which will make logistics cheaper, and what the americans are doing is they are accepting nato, sweden, norway, yes, new members who will be like hitler, who will control this corridor , caravan, yes, these caravans , so that’s it, again the americans are already. were interested in the arctic, they are already beginning to divide the shelves there and so on, connect everyone else, here are the logistics and resources, this is the whole main reason for all the wars, all the wars that are happening, let’s take a break for a while, after a short pause we’ll return to this studio again, subscribe to our telegram channel for now,
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say don’t be silent, find all our episodes on youtube channel belarus 1. on the air again , say don’t be silent, our guest today, national security expert, alexander tishchenko. british prime minister irisha sunok spoke at the security policy forum on may 13, in in his speech, he accused russia of nuclear escalation and cutting off gas supplies. the englishman is crap, i’ll paraphrase a well-known saying about an englishwoman, in general, british politics lately has been devoid of any adequacy from the point of view of the general situation, they are constantly twisting, twisting, screwing something up, but nevertheless
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, everything that happens there, more reminiscent of a tragicomedy, to announce sanctions, that is... i think thatcher said that russia should share, it’s unfair that russia has such resources unlike others, so we have to share, because what? during that period of the current year and so on , the problem was discussed, look, why are environmentalists fighting there and then, when they look
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at a map of, say, flooding, if there are secret glaciers there and so on, then only siberia will remain, along with its resources, and so on , that is, why are they so drawn to this siberia, in order to most likely come there, come to use it, because soon their
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small homelands will not exist, especially since they have they managed to get such things right with this migration policy that they will soon run away, really only migration policy - this was generally the greatest mistake from the point of view of politics as such, because it is... the migration wave will sweep away this entire western civilization, all these cataclysms, they will hit africa first, when africa hits europe as a wave, it will simply wash it away. europe is aging very much, all of europe, it is falling into dementia, it stops thinking, it switches off, some people remain reflexes, but already...
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it’s so disturbing, huh, well, this rush here shows that something in this regard is still incomprehensible and unknown to us, because this is the scale of the crisis somewhere, you understand what there’s a shadow wandering around trying to overtake him, so america feels like it’s really going to a race, that is.
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devalue it, then it will be worse than a nuclear bomb, the collapse of the world economy, for now that’s all, imagine, this is how the situation with covid was, since everything turned off, and the world is in a loop, uh, like its problems, and uh a dollar is like a stool under this world of a hanged man; if you remove the dollar, you will have to hang from one neck, that’s it. therefore, here the dollar will be removed gradually, but how can we still survive in this situation,
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we will repeat this question once again, are we all... the first thing they do is they take, turn off the possibilities, yes, the technology is there and so on, so we are moving to an autonomous format, and russia, even yes, the minister of defense, economist, what is he talking about, that this is a completely new system of survival, that’s how since they will build it now, a long struggle with problems and difficulties is the first, second thing, you need to become stronger than these difficulties
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so that they stop influencing, because in essence... we are now constantly in contact with problems and we solve them, we need to rise to a higher level so that this breakwater stands like this, yes, let’s say, if it’s not there, then it floods the coast, and if this breakwater stands, yes, it’s extinguished once, once it’s extinguished, that is, all economies are now starting to build their breakwaters, because everyone already understands that -
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you can’t, you shouldn’t do this, because stagnation is the first movement towards a fall. alexander vladimirovich, we still value the human factor, the pictures are painted for us by artificial intelligence, but people leave their wishes, autographs on them, we will be pleased if you leave some kind of inscription as a keepsake. i'll probably be brief. peace and nothing to add, thank you, peace, there will be peace, there will be everything.
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the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, why do you need this? and where does the money come from? my two favorite questions. i would really like take a look at what a school, which is no longer a school, looks like inside. there they see more opportunities and use them.
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11:58 am
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12:00 pm
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