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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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in livestock farming, as well as in field farming, there was an interest in high wages, wages at that time were in workdays, and even after the arrival of vasily konstantinov , for a long time, wages were also in workdays, if we touch on livestock farming, then dairymaids and tselyatnitsa received higher wages the chairman of the collective farm, the chairman received 100 rubles in labor, the day-maids could receive 200 and...
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he sold products to the state already worth millions of rubles. orlovsky fulfilled all his promises, and the calculations turned out to be real. his the example has become a guideline for many farms in the country and republic. just a few years later, by the mid-fifties, the bssr had strong economies in almost every region. collective farm. named after kalinin, the future
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snov agricultural complex in the nesvezhsky district, the derzhinsky collective farm in the bobruisk region, the millionaire collective farms progress vertelishki in grodno, soviet belarus in brest and others that thundered throughout the entire soviet union. and for labor heroism, many have already been awarded orders, medals, state awards, including... for example, in 1947-1949, 17 collective farmers of the republic received the title of hero of socialist labor. but it was precisely in the first, most difficult, post-war years that a solid foundation was laid for the agricultural sector of the republic, which made it possible to take a leading position in the production of agricultural products in the ussr subsequently.
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create modern agricultural production in independent belarus. on new year's eve 1951, the radio house was preparing to broadcast a daily broadcast for workers in agriculture and industry. she was letting me down the results of stalin's five-year plan, the first post-war decade.
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hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we will talk about what goods belarus has banned from transporting from lithuania. who
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is worse off from this and is the concept of revenge relevant to the foreign policy of our state? go! last week it became known that belarus will ban the transport of certain goods into its territory. from lithuania, this is recorded in two documents issued by our government. it's about regulations council of ministers no. 181 and 182 of march 14. they come into force only on april 1, but the reaction of the lithuanian side followed as soon as the documents were published. there are two resolutions, because one of them adjusted the already existing ban on the list of input quotas. from some western countries, the second was created from scratch. 181 resolution dated march 14 this year complements council of ministers resolution number 700 dated december 6, 2021, that is, the ban on bringing certain goods to us from the usa,
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canada, britain and several other unfriendly countries is valid for more than two years, it’s just that now lithuania has been added to the list of states subject to restrictions. it has an additional list of products, such as milk, cream, juices, hosiery, refrigerators and freezers. resolution 182 specifies goods that cannot be transported across the border with lithuania in order to be used locally. this list contains many new items that brought income to the lithuanian government for medium-sized businesses. this is water, beer, wine, vermouth, fermentation products, alcohol, vinegar, tires. second-hand clothes and used auto parts. i will now outline the situation, and you decide for yourself who is worse off from this. 9,200 thousand people live in belarus, 2,800 thousand in lithuania. the work potential
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is modest. for a long time, due to the support of the european union, lithuania produced good economic indicators and on paper the standard of living of its population remained high. in the second year, when a critical mass of sanctions fell on belarus and we had just begun to expand exports from west to east, our gdp fell by 4.7%, and lithuania’s gdp grew by 4.8, but a year later in 2023, according to american agency trading economics, our gdp grew by 3.9%, and lithuania’s gdp fell by 0.3%. that is. over the past year, we have stabilized our position, but lithuania’s position in the past year has deteriorated greatly, and this despite the fact that the belarusian economy continues to operate under strict external restrictions, and the lithuanian authorities themselves organized restrictions for their economy. lithuania, driven by the magic kicks of its allies, not only
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gets into a verbal spat with russia, but increases defense spending. in 2025 , it threatens to spend as much as 3% of gdp on it. lithuania. a nato country, which means it is obliged to support the american military industry and buy from it expensive weapons that it will never be able to use. the lithuanian government supported sanctions against russia and deprived its citizens of affordable energy resources to earn money. industrial enterprises are closing, giants are leaving the market, as happened with a large producer of mineral fertilizers, the lifosa company. its founder came under eu sanctions. the plant began to be blocked. supply of ammonia and it had to be mothballed. about a thousand people they lost their jobs, tried to change something at rallies, but were left with nothing. similar dramas for lithuanian citizens are now unfolding in the production of petroleum products, metals, optics and electronics, textiles and chemistry;
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trade has declined and the number of real estate transactions has shrunk. lithuania is a transhipment base with access to the sea between western and eastern markets. she earns the lion's share of her income over the years. received from the transit of the service sector, goods were brought to its port of klaipeda, there they were scattered on trains and trucks and transported deep into the continent. this was the shortest logistics route, beneficial to both customers and shippers, and it was profitable as long as these goods could be quickly transported across the belarusian border. however, in the spring of 2022 , the european union tripped up lithuania by banning trucks from russia and belarus from entering ... its territory. belarus, as expected, responded by banning the entry of trucks from the eu. but in order not to stop international trade, we have designated special places where european carriers can hook up their tents to cars of belarusian and russian drivers or transfer the cargo to our trucks.
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lithuanian truckers are on their hind legs, they get paid for travel days and kilometers. and before they had the opportunity to carry cargo even from klaipeda to vladivostok, but since 1922. russian and belarusian drivers began to receive money for this work, the european route was open only to 23 interchange points in the grodno, bresse and vitebsk regions, but this was not enough for vilnius. and in august twenty-third , lithuania closed two checkpoints on border with our country. shumskas from our side are losha and tveryachus. for us it is vidze. the reason given was funny. they say the lithuanian authorities are afraid that the wagnerites will come to them from us. at that time, there were still four checkpoints between us and lithuania; we had to squeeze the flow of cars into them, which had previously been distributed over six travel points. queues. the border has grown, logistics for lithuanians has become even less profitable, since march 1
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of this year, lithuania has closed two more checkpoints between our countries. lavorishkis, for us it’s a pit and raigardes is our resting place. the two narrow necks of the remaining working border checkpoints squeezed all the truckers and tourists coming to us from lithuania. in the last month , you can wait in line at the border for a sentence. the lithuanians are still delaying the registration of cars. trucks stay for 10 days, such logistics becomes completely uninteresting for customers of lithuanian carriers, delivery times are flying, goods spoil in trucks, shift workers refuse contracts, not only carriers suffer from this, there is nothing to load the port with, but people, who serve it, there is no work, no work, no taxes, and now there will be no profit from the sales markets of prohibited items, and the belarusian government simply did not see a single reason to allow the lithuanian... country to marinate people on our border to assemble thousands of cars there. those
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who transport goods in the interests of lithuania, but through the fault of their authorities slow down traffic between us and the eu, have been banned from transporting goods. cargo carriers who are banned will not travel here for now. those whose goods simply cannot be transported from the territory of lithuania will do a detour towards poland or latvia, and the checkpoints on our border will be unloaded. so think about who is worse off from the new ban. but ordinary people will not suffer from the innovations; the restrictions do not apply to products and goods that individuals bring for personal use. everything here will remain as it was, the new norms will affect only commercial cargo transported on an industrial scale. as for ordinary people from lithuania driving trucks, of course, it’s a pity, but the task of our government is to take care of belarusian citizens. the guys from lithuania have something for this their state apparatus, which they... maintain with their taxes.
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our visa-free regime for citizens of border states struck a chord with the lithuanian authorities. despite all the obstacles and horror stories from our own propaganda, only since the beginning of this year more than 52,000 foreigners from the european union have come to us without a visa. most of them are citizens of lithuania, 28,160 people, the rest are from latvia, etc. belarus introduced a visa-free regime for guests from these countries in april 2022 and since then 852,742 people have taken advantage of it, 523.00 of them are citizens of lithuania. they come here to take a walk in our cities, buy food and quality clothes, fill up with fuel, which is three times more expensive than ours, go to the doctor and not go bankrupt. the impression lithuanians bring home about belarus does not fit in with what their propagandists write and say about our country. you can't hold people back by force. lies about the horrors of belarusian
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reality do not stop anyone. the only thing that came to mind for the lithuanian authorities was to arrange an artificial collapse on border, so that their citizens simply do not dare to spend a day in line to return home from belarus. in general, the concept of revenge is inappropriate in politics. any movements that the parties to the dialogue make are normal. are called upon to establish a balance in their relations, the earth is round, you can’t hide around a corner, we all need to somehow divide the space on it, it turns out to be the hottest between neighbors, it doesn’t matter about apartments or states. imagine that your neighbors made a deal with black realtors and for the promised reward they tell everything entrance, that there is chaos and fights in your house, and at night they shit on your rug, steal your shoes , foam your doors. such neighbors simply... have to be brought to their senses, which is what we are doing, but pay attention to this: our trucks were banned from entering the eu on
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april 8, 2022, and a week later, on april 15, we allowed ordinary citizens of the european union to come to belarus without visas. our authorities decided to ban the transportation of lithuanian goods only when the situation at the border became unacceptable, and then we always give exploded puppets to evaluate the consequences of their actions. and change your mind. savmin resolution no. 182 is valid only until october 1 of this year. a bit soft for revenge, don't you think? observe and draw conclusions about how dangerous it is to let people into power who are ready to write your history under someone else’s dictation, about how stupid it is to shoot yourself in the foot for the amusement of others, about how obvious from the outside the fear of liars of the truth is, well, recognize the lessons of wisdom and diplomacy from the one who practically teaches us not to judge people for their actions his politicians always give their neighbors a second
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chance, i’m marina karamana and we figured out the latest restrictions for goods from lithuania: everything is clear, see you later, what will best test your erudition and intelligence, right. tricky questions: is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? andrey, well, there was such a very interesting story: seth invited his asiris to the holiday, then it seemed that he either cut him or immediately threw him into the river, andrey wrote detective stories, of course, or
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horror films, this spaniard went down in history tennis as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open.
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he’s also working with a weapon, and that’s what we saw, you waved so much that i just, and then immediately , inspired, he goes, that’s what i actually thought, my name is marie, mesyatin, an artist, asked me to dress up in all white, like for a first communion , this particular work is one of the most expensive, in the fourteenth year it
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was sold for 18 million dollars, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. good ransi belorusst luva.
1:00 pm
the news is now live with you. at the airport, the belarusian leader was met by ilham aliyev at the steps of the plane. presidents today visit revived territories, driving one car at a time.


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