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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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a thirty-four-year-old french woman used her hands to climb to the second floor of the eiffel tower. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. observing the trend of the last few olympic cycles, we see that in modern swimming it is not so much the records that are increasing, but the density of the result. all this is in sports projects on the belarus-24 tv channel.
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mom, what are you doing? what are you doing? yesterday we played spartak dynamo, yeah. spartak productrin fili, good, even though i didn’t see this disgrace, the men told me. with this damn
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job i forgot when telik was last i watched it, while i was watching it yesterday, i was blown away, and so was my wife. 8:21, occupied zone 3, started to complete the task, i understand you, complete it, 8:16, in the second zone i started to complete the task, i understand, complete it. 8:21, the task is completed, i’m returning to the point, i understand, carry it out, you’re going fishing,
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uh-huh, last sunday the whole coast was, i’ll poke you with fishermen, no, i love the winter, sit near the firewood, it’s winter, of course, under 100 g more. i love it too, i take fuel with me and a few 8:21, explosion in engine compartments, the fire alarm system was triggered, altitude 821, altitude 1500, began to extinguish the fire, zubin, zybin, 821, the fire cannot be extinguished, turn the plane to a safe zone,
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holy crap, the plane's marker has disappeared, i can see it myself, sasha, sasha. sanya, salya, her mother is a whore, you want to become like that, come on, come on, go ahead, come on,
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there are a lot of soldiers in the garrison, you want to have fun with them, come on, they’re all hungry, especially, lord, lord, my god, what debauchery, what debauchery, do you understand what? this is debauchery, this is debauchery, how could you, for what kind of life do i have, why do i have such a daughter, how am i not ashamed, how will i look people in your eyes, it’s a shame, you understand, it’s a monstrous shame, how will i go to work, the whole garrison will know about it now, how i will look people in the eye, but shame on you, i love him, what did you say, that i love him, mom, you love him, how dare you say such words, you? what do they mean, you know what it means, love, who do you love, what right do you have, you to your lips, what right do you have to say this word, love, you know what it is, it deep strong feeling, and you, how can you love, and in your lower place, yes, you
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know that, in your lower place, with your hair, how many times have i told you not to walk around with that hair down, i can’t stand it, why are you on the floor, what, why are you crying, that’s it, calm down, calm down my girl, calm down, girl, girl. your girl is no longer, ask what happened, i’ll feel sorry for her , ask what happened immediately, what zhaka can do, what zhaka can do, and you’ll find out what she can do, i said that with this charlatan, charlopy we need to communicate, i said, i said, i turned out to be right, i turned out to be right, in the end it all ended with this, with this, with this, and you don’t understand, with this, yes, he doesn’t understand how this debauchery ended. they were doing this in the hangar, antonina came running and said that she was doing this right on the grass, this, you know, debauchery, what a shame, and what a shame, lord, what will they say about us, what will they say about us, the whole garrison will look
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you in the face, pull yourself together, don’t get hysterical, sooner or later it had to happen, it had to happen, that the children grow up and these children love each other, you understand, they love each other, and they already love you there, marina, i ask you again. zhek, take the dog, let’s go breathe some air, i heard everything, dad, he died, he’s alive. in serious condition.
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my son, what a pleasant surprise, why are you here so early, you came to me, yeah, what a good start, my sweet, mish, mish, what, wait, what? "i came to talk, let's talk, let's talk, you
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know, for me, your voice is sweeter than any onski, misa, well, speak, speak, i ’m expecting a child, who, i’m pregnant, my son, my dear.” okay, wait, how is it, how is it now alechka, i’m married, what are you doing, what are you doing, my girl, you are my little veronica, where am i going to send veronichka, to afghanistan, send veronichka, let him fight, wait, why are you doing this, you don’t want to, yes, well, well, well
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, well, you know, baby elephant, this problem needs to be solved. somehow decide, somehow? abortion? i don’t know what they call it there, but no one in the garrison knew, i understand, no one at all, misha, i won’t kill my own. child, what are you going to do, what are you going to do, what are you going to ruin my life, what do you want , do you want me to be kicked out of the army, do you want me to be kicked out of the party, do you want this, well, say it, say it, no, there you go, well done, smart girl. well done, look, you, of course, can
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tell all this to my beautiful wife, you can even write to the gentstaff or you will fall in love like a dog, you can go there too, just know that after this story they will also trample you from the garrison, think about where you will go with two? even with three children, what will you feed them, where will you live, what will you there is something you will feed, think, okay, the day has begun, okay?
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well, at least i came to you, hello, otherwise, to be honest, i started to panic. where would i go? oh, thanks for the vitamins, good health. so, andryukha, great, i feel like a parquet board, now i’ll
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fly smoother. san, compression fracture of the spine after ejection. he earns money, there are men who, after three of these, fly like eagles, and there are those who don’t fly at all, like chickens, of course, surviving several ejections is another song, here one was enough for the very tonsils, you know what it feels like, imagine as if you were tired with cancer. and they hit you in the butt with a shovel from behind and at the same time with a fist in front of you, i imagine that after the simulator the feeling is not the most pleasant, for me it’s easier to jump with a parachute 10 times, yes, well, what
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do we do there? tikuchko, you’re flying tomorrow, i’m flying, into the night, into the night, okay, san, yes, okay, everything’s fine, sorry, comrade lieutenant colonel. your headquarters to the phone, i'm on the phone now, san, i'll be back, yeah, thanks, comrade lieutenant colonel, well, i'm talking about the phone
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so, i just wanted to talk to you. tell me, lieutenant colonel zabin, is your friend? tell me, this morning we took pictures of his head, i won’t rush to make a diagnosis, but it looks like he has serious problems, i think he already had them, but during the ejection the situation worsened significantly, he’s had a headache for six months now, but i have no doubt . they’ll write it off, they’ll write it off, plus things are bad with the spine, the disability is clear,
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of course, nothing.
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well, come in, come in, why did you stand up, as if your legs were glued, i came, then let’s go, no, then go away, i’m not going to drag you, fix your pants yourself, take off and lie down.
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lord, she will have eyes and i ’m going to cum her now, honey, why are you shaking, something is wrong, you’re not the first, you’re not the last one i scrape out, i... the midwife has worked for more than 30 years , you know how many women i looked between the legs of, damn it, a cloud of women passed through me, how do i take out the baby, how do i cum in the womb, how do i spit through my teeth, spread my legs, hey, open your eyes quickly. why did you show up here to sleep, you’ll kick off my skates here, and i won’t even notice, my eyes you will keep them open so that i
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can see you, move, open your mouth. so that i don’t shout bad obscenities at the whole village here.
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kalashnikov assault rifle, legendary advice. an assault rifle, the creator of which was the outstanding designer, mikhail timofeevich kalashnikov, the kalashnikov assault rifle served as the basis for the creation of a whole family of combat weapons, as well as small arms of various calibers . eat. every soviet high school student should be able to collect and disassemble a kalashnikov assault rifle. the time
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it takes every soviet high school student to assemble a kalashnikov assault rifle is 45 seconds. so, the first 10 people got ready. eight weapons, let's start. assembled, it didn’t work out for me, how come it’s not automatic, bow, why the automatic didn’t work, i explained the order in the last lesson. assembly of a machine gun, why is the machine gun assembled, what’s the matter, and if there’s suddenly fighting in the country, if your homeland calls you,
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but your homeland won’t call you anywhere. kotap, come on, i won’t see what you shot at the shooting range best of all, leave the class, yes, please, just no one gave you the right to shout at your wife, in general, assembling a machine gun is not a woman’s duty, if you want, i can assemble a machine gun for my wife, what can there be tomorrow, so that in the mother school, excuse me, matvey gennadievich, arc, what’s the matter, where, where, where? for the cat, he and tamara go around as a couple, why are you jealous, and he is jealous, height 1. sat down, sat down, van, let’s put on a jacket, van, didn’t you shoot for me today in tera?
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scary, then i'll shoot, matvey, man easy-going, tomorrow his mother will come to him, he will thaw out, however, more, more, valya, jelly, plane to years, come on, let's fly, come on,
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i sent postcards yesterday, one with a plane, here's yulik matvey's folder, as many as two , the second one with an olympic bear . van, do you like the olympic bear? i like it, but i prefer the hare, but wait, van, what is this? what did they spill here? van, what is this, blood? not some kind of blood. so, sit here, play soldier and don’t come out until i give you the command. understood? got it, what is this, some kind of game? game, sit and don’t come out, understand? got it, play, play. and...
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mom, what's wrong with you? everything is fine, i
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’m a little sick, i’ll get up now, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, lie down, oh, i’m getting married to you, do you hear, mom, mom, yes, you don’t look like yourself, mom, yes, you have a fever, it’ll come, son , you, pasha, feed, wait, your pasha. what have you done to yourself, you haven’t done anything, i said about it, quietly, quietly, mom, this is a woman’s, how
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affectionate you are to me. what a hand you have, son, good, masculine, warm, feminine, mother, feminine. and mom, what are you doing, you made a move, don’t say
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such words, i made a move, i wouldn’t think of it, but quietly, quiet, quiet, quiet, lie down, we'll have enough shame, what a scandal it will be, he'll drive us out of the garrison, how will we live, son? mommy, you feel really bad, vanya, bring me some oilcloth,
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remember, they laid out the porridge when he was little. little sister, your pashka wasn’t born, the woman who didn’t have any surgeries, she said it was a girl, but i wanted vanochka as a girl.
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i was sick, you all know me. bring the klionka, now, oh!
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vanya, vanya, what are you doing? nothing,
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i was just breathing air, this air is called vanya, i hoped we would never return to on this topic, it turned out that you, well, marina evgenievna, take the pashka, please, he can’t be there, i beg you, take the pashka. van, what happened, i won’t let you in, get out, mom died, why zhenya, pashka, van, i’ll go with you, van, zhenya, pashka, pashka, don’t leave pashka, let’s go , quietly, quietly, here. i
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need colonel khorostov urgently, urgently, and you, who are you, son, well , of course, colonel forostov flew off today, went to the bathhouse to take a steam bath. and i’ll shoot you, just like that, i’ll shoot you in the ass, even though you’ve got some baggage, but the horse has come, under the wheels of the le i'll shoot everyone,
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i won't shoot. then the good fairy told the boy that your mother did not die, she just fell asleep, she will sleep like a sleeping beauty, until you become an adult, she will always hear you. will always see you, and the kind one also said that the boy’s mother will always be next to him, she will be happy when he does good deeds and will be upset if he does bad things, but
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dad, i still have there is a folder, of ​​course, of course, pavlik, of course, you have there is a folder, but you know, your brother vanka, he is the best, he is better than any folder, he will always be by your side, he loves you very much, do you hear me? loves you very much, zhen, yes, you will sit like this for a long time, the child probably needs to be fed, mom, the child now needs to be cuddled and calmed down, go, we will figure it out ourselves, and i
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had a dream about it. so, guys, yesterday i visited the commander in
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the hospital, talked to him, andrey has a cigarette. he agreed not to make the matter public, now i ask you, each of you, as officers, as men, after all, many of you have sons. and god forbid they be left without a mother, vanka kotov has no mother or father, he and his younger brother were left orphans, you all know the situation with the commander and their mother well,
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but koto... died of blood poisoning, why do you need me i’m telling you all this, i ask you all to forget the story that happened 4 days ago in our garrison, i really beg you, i damn it, i beg you, guys, keep your mouth shut, you understand everything, comrade officers. thanks guys. everybody's free.
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wait here, please, uh-huh, comrade senior sergeant, there’s a woman here, she says, she came from saratov, she asks that they report to lieutenant colonel lugovoy, now i’ll call the headquarters, if all goes well... let the woman through, there is a switchboard, not on duty at the headquarters, comrade lieutenant, senior sergeant egorov from the checkpoint is worried, lieutenant colonel lugovoi is at home or at the airfield, i understand, i’m waiting, i wish you good health, right, commander, senior sergeant egorov, from the checkpoint, allow me to address you, comrade. colonel, a woman has arrived from saratov, they are in your house they live, i understand, in your entrance, that’s right,
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one floor below, that’s right, comrade commander, allow me to carry out, eat, let’s go, they told me to escort you, this is your first time in our garrison, the first is the last. if you stay with the eldest, let me carry your bag for you, oh, thank you, it’s just a blouse, but i probably won’t fit into it, oh well, and if i don’t fit, i’ll sell it to a flea market. we don’t need extra money, yes, what are you holding onto the mankin, i won’t take it away, it smells like mom, but you’re such nonsense,
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it smells like him, my dear, but you don’t remember him, where do you remember, you were 2 years old, they came, well, my genka is already in the second grade, he plays the harmonica at music school, make friends with him, like... like great brothers, will you be an older brother? i have an older brother, well that means you will have a middle brother, i’ll give you a place in kindergarten, vanya and genka will go to the same school, our living space is small, an old house in the private sector, so we’ll take you and your uncle to a room there in the attic, we’ll put it up sofa, you and vanka will sleep there. apartment of course good, proven sense, if there had been an alkina,
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they would have sold it now, there would have been money for completion, here’s my sister, she even died in an apartment, she didn’t leave behind her, my mother didn’t die, she fell asleep like a sleeping beauty, what did she do, she fell asleep, a stranger you're talking about this worldly thing, your mother is lying in the ground in a grave, your mother killed herself, she was killed by a waterless fool, no, she fell asleep, her good fairy bewitched her, well, i was wondering in my head, fairies to him, get up from the floor, you're unequal , you'll catch a cold, i we'll treat you later, let's get up, get up, get up, now we'll fold my mother’s dishes, i’ll definitely sell the dishes at a flea market.
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they were born in different parts of the world, i came
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to belarus from seri, came here to study. i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful mountainous area, i had no one left there, everyone had gone in different directions, everyone found something for themselves here, these masks took part in several shows, which we first organized here at myself in the village, then in the city of lida there was the opening of such a creative space, there i also had a fashionable show masa, each hero has his own unique...
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on air news in the studio yulia pertsova, good afternoon and briefly about the main topics of the issue. from baku to the southwest of the country, the state visit of the president of belarus to azerbaijan continued today in the revived territories of fizuli and shusha.


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