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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 3:25pm-4:21pm MSK

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the best varieties are belarusian selection, white and lilac-purple, spiderwort, pearl, lyabedka, and the best water can be found on a dry or sunny day. the atmosphere is good, i really like it, it’s very beautiful, everything smells very delicious, i ’m delighted, we go here quite often, i really liked the lilac, there are flowers, well , colors that are just... yes, asshole, we go for emotions, for joy and for photographs. it is not necessary to tear up the weeds without any color, and all abrasion is required, other than just greasing it, as raslina adtsvitse. with such a lunge, in the coming years, you will be able to get more magnificent and jumpy hairless succumbs. this concludes our issue. news of the region and other projects of the belteleradio campaign are available on the website. premnaga of the day.
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white and red is now our flag. let's form a hand-to-hand grip. the hitch is a priori an element of attack. and of course, the phrase “vtsepkhustanem” is a call. here is the bc flag, inciting social hatred and enmity. but this is different, i guess. smogar pro-ukrainian singer. this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka. the power is changing, changing and... words, views, now he is exchanging article 342, what conclusions were drawn, probably then i was under the emotional influence of the general information flow, very strong, now in my life there has been a big reassessment of values, it is possible to conduct a constructive dialogue, i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from belarus, on the poster in my hands, i support ukraine, why didn’t it support the residents of the fraternal donbass, which... ukraine bombed for 8 years, why
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now, being in georgia and moving around the european union, he does not go out into the streets in support of palestine. the author's view of ksenia lebedeva on the policy of double standards. this is different in the project, watch it on the belarus24 tv channel. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events.
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uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait. bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. customize satellite dish satellite azer space 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. she fled so much in the hope of finding freedom that in the end she did not notice how she ended up under the rule of the kiev
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regime. agree, this would be a good plot for writing a book at the end of which the main character finds out that all this time she was leaking data to employees. law enforcement agencies, which is why most of what you will hear today - exclusive. and this story will definitely have an ending, how happy it is, one can only guess. my name is daria rochko, hello! for little girl elena zharkevichi , it’s true that everything turned out well at first; she worked as a deputy director in a network of confectionery shops, baked cakes, raised her son nazar, and was far from politics. in the twenties, like her. fell for the provocation and a year later ran away from the country to square, where a bchb activist organized a shelter for the same refugees, stood up for her own people, for the truth, they say belarus is occupied, come here, we’ll help, everyone who somehow got there, according to her, through the forests and through the swamps
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, was escorted illegally, without documents, zharkevich and a couple of her associates were even detained by the sbu, the cook’s offices were also contacted, it’s clear there, there’s no time for that, no one at all did for sure it was. headquarters, lena ridkova lived with me, this is a confidant of svetlana tikhonovskaya, she wrote to the headquarters, she wrote to the headquarters more than once in my presence, and she, well , she was simply ignored when sharkevich understands that the money is already running out and financial support , as it was not, so it is not, quickly changes her shoes, under the guise of a white fluffy volunteer, they ask the ukrainian authorities to help create a volunteer center, they give her office space for free, and she , in turn, according to... her plan, collects all the fugitive radicals from different countries and, mimicking the circumstances, lures they have funds for various needs, for example, helping children for a good cause or investing this money in drones or illegal transportation of cars for the armed forces of ukraine. however, then no one
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will have to help. the fewer civilians, the less. so, may tenth twenty-third they announce the creation of a meeting center in kiev on yerevanskaya 30. inherited. preparation of these daily road maps, identification of key issues. first of all , belarusians, who are located on the territory of ukraine. the third direction of our activity, and appreciate it. in other words, they created a money laundering machine. there are no specific goals, as well as a clear plan of assistance, then together with kolinovtsy they will bring flowers to the monument, organize
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a game or a festival. by the way, here are the same shots of the office from yerevan 30. we go into a two-story building on the wall. please pay attention, photographs of so-called political prisoners, the truth is... what our people completed was zharkevich and her team in a family-type orphanage in
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chernigov, these numerous boxes with humanitarian aid, a couple of books to coloring books, organized a mission to kherson, there were no once, they brought warm clothes, medicines, food, hygiene products, only then suddenly it became uninteresting, you see , kherson is not the only city in ukraine that is suffering, and they should also get rid of mothers and children, something really... but they escaped, saying, the security forces are watching me, they are better than the ukrainian
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mercenaries, the latter would rather arrange an excursion along the same bank of the dnieper than just talk, it would be a pity for the minor son, who is unlikely to know what his hypocritical one is doing now mother, raking in money from other people's grief, if you choose between children, parents, whom to spend money on them, then for two grand bucks it is better to go buy a drone and hand it over... you know, so that they protect these, and this is the whole story in the background how they really help real belarusians, those who really care what happens on the other side, since twenty-one , children from donetsk, lugansk, and mariupol have come to us more than once for their health. just recently , guys from the kherson region vacationed with us, thanks to the union state and the alexei tolay foundation. and here are these shots from my film, the guys told how they had to sleep in... for those who do not yet fully understand what is really happening in
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ukraine, i suggest you look, there is a flowerbed opposite the hospital, girls fly there they just tear off the head, it’s time to be in those conditions and suddenly get here, where they just open the screen, here the water is flowing. let's get back to the topic. apparently, the volunteer center’s strategy was developed so poorly that there is not enough money again. working for mercenaries too, slogans have not been motivating for a long time, the organization is not just a screen that does not fulfill any of its functions, but zharkevich’s greed is simply off the charts. i have been asking your state for a year and a year to allow me to open this hub, then what do i do, ask them for money, give it to you money, and that very love for belarusians, about which zharkevich speaks so much in interviews, as well as the volunteer spirit, quickly evaporated. well, this is a classic of the genre, quite a typical scenario for fugitives. as long as the pocket
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is replenished, everything is fine, as soon as a hole appears, you need to sew it up, you just have to pull the threads, there is no one. you have to lie, and blatantly to your face. turn up the volume, it's about to get very interesting. i trust belarusians. a whole big country, i want to say that these want to help ukraine, fight russian aggression. essentially everything came down to. fugitive radicals have attached themselves to the ukrainians themselves, because it is much easier to take their money, their car, their humanitarian aid and pretend that they are such good fellows who are helping with all their hearts, or almost, however, it doesn’t matter who is where, as long as the account is on the card was in several zeros, several million ukrainians who are from this country, today they are all in poland, in europe, in europe, you know, they wash, as urbanovich says, they clean their shoes for us, so for...
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it sold so quickly and cheaply kiev regime, and in all this he is still trying to make money, but things are interesting, initially the initiative to help his own did not come out, they even called me... to a regiment conference, i don’t want to give them political power, i don’t think that kolinovsky’s regiment is those who can represent the interests of my country. and there are disagreements with my colleagues in the workshop, it’s like we’re at peace, we’re all together, but we’re separate, everyone does something different, that’s what they call an oil painting, a photo taken not so long ago on march 25, here is zharkevich with volunteers
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free belarus foundation. our people were close to the heroine for about a year, we have all the contact lists. who, where and when was involved in this, information about financial fraud and much, much more, this will be dealt with by the competent authorities. there is a saying: don’t bite the hand that feeds you, and also this: everything secret sooner or later becomes clear, but this is only part of the game in which they so shamefully lost themselves. i’ll tell you about the work of the kalinovsky regiment and the free belarus charitable foundation in the coming days, a... dear fugitives, you need to be careful with who and what you say, mind you, we have repeated this not for the first time, who knows what other organizations our people are in?
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the temple-monument of the great victory is the holy resurrection cathedral of brest, its height is more than 40 m. the sacred building is one of the largest in the country. the first rector of the temple is archpriest evgeniy porfenyuk. this is literally his dream. he dreamed of building a temple, he dreamed of building a temple. evgeniy himself experienced the great patriotic war and learned about its beginning even before the official molotov's appeals. the family lived in breshchina and
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woke up to the roar of german planes and the sounds of explosions. since the emergence of the first underground and partisan groups. because these people were often simply hungry, the whole family helped captured red army soldiers, prisoners, encirclement, the men monitored the occupation authorities, found out information, passed it on to the partisans, and were liaisons. church of the holy archangel michael in astromecheva. here, at the beginning of the great patriotic war, stefan
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porfenyuk served as a priest. his son evgeniy was the psalmist. in in the first days of the war, the church was damaged by shells, but the priest and his sons restored the church; in addition to providing spiritual support to the parishioners, they actively helped the partisans with food, medicine, clothing, and took wounded and sick people from the forest. the priest’s family aroused suspicion among the police for a long time, they were watched, and in november 1942 they captured the eldest son, anatoly. it happened in the courtyard of the house, in front of my parents and younger brother. he was shot for his connection with the partisans. is that, on the one hand, it is it was in front of his relatives' eyes, on the other hand, that he was not killed immediately, he was dying for another two days, it was impossible to approach him, there were those in the house who loved him, it was such vandalism, only a few days later the head of the local gendarmerie allowed bury anatoly,
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only because he was the son of a priest. anatoly is buried near the church of vastromechego. after the war, evgeniy porfenyuk returned to ostromechivo, but did not serve in the church; he graduated from the faculty of philology of belgus university and came to work as a teacher in school, then became a director, but the dream of spiritual service did not leave. evgeniy iksternom graduated from the leningrad theological seminary in 1947 and became a priest. the first place of service is the holy transfiguration church in the village of trostenitsa, very close to stromechevo. a real priest, he is a priest with more. letters, because the priesthood, most importantly, is the service of the liturgy. evgeny loved the liturgy very much, he loved the service, that’s if. loves service, he has succeeded as a priest. in the late sixties, father evgeniy was sent to argentina, in bennas airosi he builds an orthodox church, upon returning to his homeland,
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he serves in kobrin, brest, and was secretary of the brest diocesan administration. he became the founder of the tradition, served in the brest fortress on may 9, and began building a temple in honor of the victory. he walked along the walls under construction, along the domes, which, how high, he climbed. on the dome under construction, he was the builder, he did everything with his own hands, even the model of this temple, he also created it, and in general this temple is very similar to him, but he started building when he was 80 years old, this simply, it was god’s blessing, there were a lot of questions, when he was already sick, when there was also such a reaction, and he was in tears... i won’t die until i build. he managed to build a temple, the consecration of which was attended by patriarch of moscow of all russia alexy ii. in 2000, archpriest
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yevgeny porfenyuk became a laureate of the prize for spiritual revival. to the rector of the holy resurrection cathedral in the city of brest, dean of the church in the brest district. these were people of the same time, these were people of the same upbringing, these were often people approximately the same education, that is, let's say so.
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so that people know that the enemy can really be defeated not only by direct influence like this, in this way, by helping, by helping
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materially or by helping in spirit, in a word, there was unity, and this is the priest, how he rallied at the parish, all the villagers gathered knitted socks, some mittens, some some clothes, well, they lived - as if in poverty, so they collected everything for the front, collected everything in parcels and sent everything to the front. the parishioners themselves lived poorly, in each house there was five or six children, but the women gave their last to help the front. they didn’t know where exactly to send the parcels, so they simply signed for zhukova at the front. if the nazis had found out about this, people would have died. at each service, the shepherd instilled in people faith in victory and called for support for those fighting the enemy. during the occupation, the germans took away the bells, father eugene and his parishioners wrote a letter asking, if possible, to help us with
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the bells. now, well, probably two or three weeks have passed, the soldiers brought bells, here these bells are called zhukovsky bells and today, 80 years later, the ringing of three zhukovsky bells arrived in the pushcha village from east prussia.
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a small settlement on the border with the brest region. during the great patriotic war, priest boris kirik, the brother of pavel kirik, secretary of novogrudok bishop afanasy martos, served here. even before the priesthood, boris received a medical education. he was a paramedic. the occupation forced the priest to use his knowledge to the fullest. nearby
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nalibokskaya pushcha is a partisan zone, father boris actively helped the partisans with medicines, dressings, food, and then in the basement of a church house, he created an underground hospital with 10 beds. for many decades, the exploits of father boris were unknown, until an article about the priest, written by a former partisan, appeared in the local novogrudok newspaper. he survived only thanks to his father baris kirik. the priest himself had a medical education. his wife, they looked after the wounded, partisans, provided assistance to the population, not only partisans, but also to the local population who needed some kind of help. several years ago we managed to find out the name of the priest’s wife, mother catherine, her sister elena also helped save the partisans. thanks to her, it was possible to get binding material and medicine; often boris’s father’s brother pavel received medicine. to treat
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the wounded, more than just medicine was needed. but also people, yatra residents and church parishioners worked in the underground hospital, it was extremely dangerous, one denunciation would have been enough to destroy the village. priest, he's not a personnel intelligence officer, yes, and he could not, well , let’s say, fully know all those who are next to him, but how he relates, whether he really sincerely helps, there were cases when... a clergyman, while helping, received in response, betrayal on the part of those whom he helped, but one of those who was treated in the underground hospital of father boris kirik still betrayed the priest. after recovery, the former partisan did not return to the detachment, but went to the police. boris kirik ended up in the koldychevo death camp, one of the most terrible concentration camps on the territory of belarus.
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the guards here were policemen 13.
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according to some sources , a cross was cut out on his chest, according to others, a star; in such hellish turmoil, father boris suffered martyrdom. the priest boris kirik was buried in a common grave with other prisoners of the kaldychev death camp, and the commander of the partisan brigade of 20 years of the bssr michurin included the name of boris kelik in the list of killed fighters of the unit. his widow catherine was given a certificate stating that the priest had provided great assistance to the partisans for 2 years. a priest, being in difficult conditions, it is clear how a warrior acts, he fulfills his duty to the end, because he took an oath, well, in principle, the family of this person also understands perfectly well that their head, their husband, he fulfills his duty, exactly he also cannot act differently, otherwise he will be a traitor to his homeland, he will not be a defender of the fatherland, and the federal cathedral in pruzhany, here in the thirties of the last century priest fyodor dmitriyuk served, until 1900...
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this is documented, he helped the partisans, it was even preserved in his house it is known that he helped the partisans, the wounded partisan, who was looked after by his relatives, the relatives of fyodor’s father, also helped the partisan detachment with information and...
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took revenge on nearby villages, in particular the village of cherevachtsy. 56 people were shot, 18 houses were burned, and among those affected by the german punitive forces was the family of father fyodor dmitriyuk. the nazis destroyed the wife, eldest daughter, and son-in-law of fyodor’s father’s close relatives. the youngest daughter was seriously wounded. the priest was saved by the fact that at the time of the tragedy he was not in village, returned to...
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another priest who suffered at the hands of the nazis, nikolai mikhalovsky, was buried in cherevalkitsy. during the great patriotic war, he was the dean of a church in the village of ragozna, modern zhabinkovo ​​district. from the first days of the appearance of partisan detachments in the area, the priest helped them with weapons, food, clothing, medicine, ammunition, and the local elder gave them to the priests. during the next transportation of ammunition or medicine there, the germans grabbed him, found what he was carrying there and... confused it seemed like 3 days in the church, they hung him on bars, they even seemed to break his fingers with which he was trying to cross himself, at that moment he read himself the departure prayer of a half-dead man, the old church was the exaltation of the cross, and on the eve of the feast
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of the exaltation of the cross of christ, they forced him to dig a half-dead grave for oneself , they kind of threw it there, well, they buried it, the relatives were not allowed to the place of the death of father nikolai for several days, neither the parents, nor the wife with a small child could approach the grave, later the nazis gave the go-ahead for the reburial, they buried him on the territory of the church, and then after the war, this was somewhere in the sixties, his mother buried him in cherevachitsa, where his grave is now located. in principle , everything is degrading for them today, diplomacy, when a diplomat, whose obligatory function is to build bridges, to maintain this thread
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of communication between two conflicting countries, today these diplomats, on the contrary, incite war, they are the main hawks, the same goes for their politics, their economy, then what does the west care now? "if you are not lost, if you know who your opponent is, then you are moving towards victory, this makevialist approach is alien to us, according to which the end justifies the means, we are not capable of destroying everyone, we deny collective responsibility, we are not ready to lie, to meanness, cooperation with the devil and the devil just to win, so our path is long, but..." this is a conscious choice. project markov nothing personal. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. its history, its nature, its culture, its faith, its people, and
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you will feel her generosity once and will not forget it. never again, everything is for real here.
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what is the miracle of belarusian politics? in that we do not forget about people, the common man is at the forefront. china and belarus will work together side by side as peace-loving nations striving for common security. belarus and china, without hesitation, came to similar points of view, the day of national unity was established in belarus, there is strength in unity, the belarusian path of development, it is real, humane, the future lies ahead of us. project say don’t be silent, don’t miss
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new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. how it’s been a long time since you held a book in your hands, flipped through page after page, greedily devouring every word of all manifestations of human creativity. the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. the thoughts of past times live in books. people's voices can be heard clearly and distinctly. everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books. by reading a person survives
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centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present, belarus 24. people come to the church of dmitry of thessaloniki in ragozna descendants of father nicholas, three generations, the temple where she served. well, he is ordained, he takes an oath that he will serve until the end in the place where he is placed, to serve god, to serve people, to serve his fatherland, and not to those invaders who are trying... to enslave your people, your homeland.
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during the great patriotic war, the nazis declared all real estate in the occupied territory the property of the third reich, including the church. watchtowers and firing points were set up on the bell towers. the temple space was turned into barracks and stables. sacred buildings were used as concentration camp prisons. captured red army soldiers were located around the peter and paul church in ruzhany. for several days the germans didn’t even allow it. father ian novrodsky made sure that those soldiers, prisoners of war, were fed; they brought food from almost every street in turn. the wounded were placed in the church, the priest's wife was a doctor, she provided first aid, local residents secretly brought dressing material in buckets with
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lids, they also carried food for the soldiers there. the stone pool was covered with straw, because in the ancient temple, which was more than 150 years old and... under ruzhany, if the priest john had not saved it. the residents of ruzhany also owe their lives to the priest; for the murder of a german soldier , the police arrested all the men and teenagers,
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they were threatened with death. father ion navrodsky went to the local german authorities and... interceded for them as hostages, offering his family, himself, his wife, mother lidia ivanovna, and two daughters, lidia, she was 6 years old and the youngest milochka, well, that’s what they called her affectionately, that’s what lyudmila was, it was about a year, thank god that the germans cooperated and let the family go, it wasn’t tetsian who was hurt, his family wasn’t hurt, the local residents weren’t hurt.
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they burned the priest's house, the parishioners built a dugout for their pastor, there were not enough houses, since punitive expeditions took place here several times. in 1943, the priest suffered from the police. this is winter, because in the month of february, february 15, the meeting of the lord,
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father istignai was beaten, not only was he beaten outside the village, since he was most likely returning. from izlesu, apparently, some kind of meeting took place with local partisans, he was beaten and even took off his shoes, he would have been a son in the cold, he returned to his dugout, unfortunately, he could no longer get out of this dugout on his own, he died. often a photograph of father ivsigny is placed in materials telling about the partisan priest alexander romanushko, who served in the pinsk diocese.
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alexander romanushko, a priest who was not only in the partisan camp, he on his own initiative, he went with the partisans on missions, including reconnaissance, obtained important information, but did not forget about the main mission of the priest, spiritually supported the flock and performed services. civilians from the village arrived and asked for a priest, since the local priest did not, did not want to perform the funeral service for the murdered policeman, so. so we came to korzh, knowing that he had a romance, but korzh said: i can’t force you, it’s your choice, you can go, or you can... not go, and he went, we will not perform his funeral service, because he is a traitor to our homeland, and does not deserve a funeral service, as we
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will sing for him with the saints at the rest, that is , to a man who himself betrayed, not only betrayed, but also killed his compatriots, his own loved ones, that is, how can you kill yourself to sing rest with the saints, stepped aside a little, i think that he just prayed, asked god for strengthening, because in the gospel there are wonderful words that when the lord says that if you are... after all, to judgment, you will not you think what to say, the holy spirit will give you that moment, what can i say, probably the holy spirit gave him such courage, courage, to utter these words, which, well, morally made these people think. the priest’s lively sermon made the collaborators think. a few days later, many of the policemen went over to the side of the partisans, along with weapons and ammunition. after the liberation of pinsk, alexander romanushka ruled all the parishes of the pinsk diocese. gave a report to his holiness the patriarch on the affairs of the diocese, how many priests suffered during the war, from the nazis, yes, who were
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someone who was in prison was killed, that is, he sort of took control of this administration into his own hands, and then he was appointed, that is, to the city of mozyr, as rector of the mozyr cathedral. during the great patriotic war, the attitude of the political and military leadership of the soviet union towards the institution of the church changed dramatically. september 4, 1943. stalin meets with the hierarchs in the kremlin, and on september 8 a patriarch was elected, sergius strogorodsky. many military leaders, ordinary officers, soldiers, had icons and resorted to prayer, visited the temple, active and closed. “they are dedicated to their work, i am proud that
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i work at such an enterprise that makes special equipment that helps save people, our quality, your safety, protection, our enterprise is famous for its traditions, as well as many dynasties of cement workers, ready to share knowledge. in 1933, the state commission signed an act of acceptance for operation of the cement plant, the first ton of krichev cement was sent to the construction of the moscow metro and show one day in the life of each. our car is assembled by hand, because when you hold this part in your hands, you feel it. and how, if you don’t feel your work, can you produce or cook something like this... watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, they are dedicated to their work, i am proud that i
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work at such an enterprise that makes special equipment that helps save people, our quality, your safety , protection, our company is famous for its traditions, as well as many dynasties of cement workers, ready to share knowledge. watch the car on the tv channel belarus 24, i know you masseuses, they all look the same,
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go away, nah, why is it difficult for you to apologize, and do you also think that i just kicked him out, forgive me, i hope, i was so scared and alarmed you, it’s just that my mother is going to fire me from work today, and mishenka has nothing to do with it, he’s not bothering anyone here, and what, are you going to babysit him all your life, which means samsonov. that i cannot exist, lord, there is justice in the world, that means this is the way it is, or you come to your senses and begin to behave like a caring spouse, or go back to your hospital on a meager salary, i would open a small hospital, or a first-aid post, otherwise our old people have no one to rely on except me, but it’s just impossible, a first-aid post is also my dream, no hope , and her son, i needed to help, you never told him anything, watch the series rare blood type on the belarus
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24 tv channel . “when a person works with his hands, it is always joy, joy, when you sow something, when the seed gives shoots, you rejoice again, unbelievably, tied up in your history small homeland, once there was a very beautiful church here, we can see the remains
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of the foundation of this church, here they are stones, the zhabinka has passed. belarus 24. over the past year, the memorial was attended by more than 52,000 people, and these were citizens not only of belarus, neighboring countries,
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firstly, large-scale reconstruction work with elements of restoration of the memorial was carried out throughout the twenty-second. years, we tried to preserve all the elements in the state of their creation, since the memorial complex itself is already a historical monument, but it must be said that a very significant element of the memorial appeared on the open part of the memorial, it was a church that was recreated, a church that was lost, like the village was lost during the years... of the great patriotic war, the church itself dates back to the end of the 16th century, it was illuminated on november 6, 1794 in honor of the virgin mary, then it moved to the lonno orthodoxy and was the church of the holy mother of god when it was a decision was made to recreate the church, then of course we turned to written sources for this church, this is not the creation
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of some new church, and not a reconstruction. or is it also a new interactive museum, tell us about this project? yes, indeed, in addition to the open part of the memorial and the renovation work carried out there , a new museum was created and opened, a completely new exhibition, and it is rather a museum of emotions, a museum space in which, with the help of new information technologies, there is a complete immersion in those dramatic events.


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