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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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this church, this is not the creation of some new church, and not the reconstruction of an old one, yes, it is a copy of the one that was in khatyn before the tragic events, but in addition to the church itself , the bell tower was also recreated, which was mentioned in the same documents, the bell tower on four on the pillars it had three bells of different weights, so everything is really this part of the village of khatyn, it was really recreated, well, let's say, completely in the house.
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the story is not told through facts, although quite a lot of information is presented there, in each hall has information panels containing information not only about the period of the great patriotic war, the first hall, for example, is generally historical, it covers a large period of our history, from the 10th to the 20th century, there is information about the post-war period, how memory was preserved about those tragic events and tragedies that happened on... but of course this is the emotional part, we influence our museum visitor through emotion and the artistic solution of the museum allows us to do this very reliably and people are like schoolchildren students, young people and adults, they note that this is truly a complete immersion in those tragic events. here you have data
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that at the end of last year, khatyn was visited by a lot of belarusians, about half a million, besides, foreigners also came, there are more than 11 thousand people, why in your opinion is our memorial complex so popular, the memorial itself is so open a book that allows you to see the result of any military conflict, any aggression, any war, to the share of belarus, to unfortunately, a huge, huge amount fell out, and today, thanks to the creation of a new...
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one associate professor once said: you know, you need to be smart with the skin. this is not a structure that
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needs to be poked. combustiology is a science. about burns, specifically about burn injury, which can be characterized by damage to the skin, such as a thermal agent, chemical, electrothermal injuries, radiation injuries, why is it needed, because this is, firstly, a military specialty, this is a specialty that characterizes the multidisciplinary nature of a specialist, so how is he must... know not only the structure of the skin, he not only must know approaches to treatment, he must know certain basics of traumatology, because combined ones are often used, these are reconstructive stages, that is, all combustiologists are reconstructive surgeons, after them
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many they go into plastic surgery because it is very familiar to them, well, when we say that combustiologists are not often remembered, but they are very often remembered when... well, for example, the same tank or combat vehicle is blown up, and a person gets burns burns from the point of view of military specialty, since such flame burns are enough. there , with fiery mixtures, there is a lot of damage to the skin, there is damage to the skin and underlying tissues, so people, namely military surgeons, they must know this fragment in order to adequately provide
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assistance, assistance on the battlefield, well, just for first aid , then i would like specialized, qualified help, the severity of the burn injury plays a role. since the patient arrived late, he requires even more careful attention very specific treatment precisely from the point of resuscitation, since there are already some
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moments that are already irreversible at the same moment, and which with our treatment they can be reversible and here we can find this smooth line in order to create maximum favorable conditions for our patient got better. therefore, it is usually difficult, but with a good team, this is all doable. as for lethality, lethality in burns also exists, and here not only skin damage plays an important role, but the presence of thermal inhalation injury, since these are more often fires, and sometimes the patient has 20% of the body area there, having a thermal inhalation injury, of course its severity is aggravated. unfortunately, he can die, thank god, in the republic of belarus, combustellology is at a very high level, and there is practically no child mortality, it also plays a very important role when our burns are circular, when
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a person received a burn, especially, for example, with a flame, it forms a tube, well, in another way, let’s say, a dense thick crust that will begin to compress the horse. or torso, then in such cases, you need to very quickly there within 6 hours, if this happens, perform such a non-cortomy operation, cut this crust in order to save the limbs, so that there is no compression of the neurovascular bundle. the provision of medical care is carried out in accordance with the regulatory framework, but it is so established that in every institution there is. also has its own school, experience, for example, in our clinic, without violating the same regulatory documents as the provision of assistance to these categories of patients, if we have, let’s say, let’s look at the case of thermal burn, ordinary, here a person gets a thermal burn, thanks to a small region, namely
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if we take the city there or nearby cities, that is, the patient, well, not even the cities there, for example skidel is a person receives a satellite city. within an hour, even within half an hour, he has been in our hospital, that is, we follow, unlike the russian federation, the rules of the golden hour, that is , providing assistance within the first hour, this very important. under conditions of adequate pain relief , the dressing is performed, vital
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functions are assessed, that is, pressure is assessed, heart rate is assessed, and then we obtain objective data, he goes to the intensive care unit for preventive infusion therapy and observation. who is the team? the team is actually everything we have, from doctors to the same nurses, because it’s a burn, a burn, if it’s a burn, let’s say up to 3 years, of course, he is there with his parents, his mother is there looks after, and there are children 15 years old and 16 years old, sometimes we had a case when a girl received a 70% burn and exploded. so , over the course of a circumstance, there were four people, two girls with us, two in the city of minsk, two
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people were treated with us, thank god, everything went well, they were discharged, and we observed them in the long-term period and the properties of their skin are good, in terms of the timing of initialization, it all depends on the area and depth, well , first of all, on the depth, if it is a second degree burn, this is usually for children 9-8, there are 10 days for... adults 14, and if the third is degree - this is a borderline injury, it heals on its own, but takes a longer time, but it leaves behind scars, maybe 3 weeks and 4 weeks, but of course, if we see the maturation of granulations, then we perform skin plastic surgery. in general, i specialize in pediatric surgery, but i have
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this hobby, the hobby was born from the moment i wrote my dissertation, i am also a combustiologist-surgeon. why is combustiology, when you come young, you don’t know which field to take in order to to work in it when i came, we have a health care institution, our hospital, it...
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think about it, everything is worked out here, there is a logarithm, when you begin to develop, you begin to understand, yeah, here you can go not to the left, but you can make a move to the right, and you can get a completely different result, but how will we improve, how will we help so that they feel less pain, how will we do this, that, that, and these questions are always the one who asks himself the question in advance, he is everything will still look for answers to them, and how would you i didn’t want to, it’s a normal phenomenon that we can revise some methods, yes,
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sometimes there are even general principles, sometimes it seems like that’s it, we’re going to prepare a child for surgery, everything is healing for her, someone is helping, yes, there are, there are many developments, i personally have patents, you know, there are developments as new methods, as new diagnostics, but...
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it’s impossible to make such a normal import-substituting technology, and i came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop our belarusian wound dressings for treatment, initially it was like burns, but if you have already cured a burn wound, then the wounds will be different, they will also be treatable with the help of these bandages, the first bandage with which i began to think is a traumatic bandage, this is the one that... gives a layer between the bandages, namely a bow, well, gauze, that is, it is placed here, here i can demonstrate it, here it is such a mesh, when a person gets a burn, this mesh is placed, just when it gets closer to capitalization and then we put a bandage, no a bandage, a napkin, a bandage on top,
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we perform the next dressing using a special impregnation, it doesn’t stick and there is no...
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there were more german ones, but we don’t see, even our bandage, it’s better, it has a wider mesh through which air passes, more fluid passes through, which forms inside the wound, sudat. we have created two more bandages, we have one bandage, this is a bandage consisting of a special material, so when a person first comes in, say, with the same burn or his wound gets wet, and so that it doesn’t get too wet... this a sorptive bandage, you put it on it, it absorbs, it turns into a gel, at the same moment it maintains a little moisture and at the same moment it basically takes most of the moisture away from itself, the third bandage is our antimicrobial bandage, it’s multi-layered, here there is a special natural sorbent, whose asorption is
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100 times higher than in activated carbon, it performs... they are also all silver, it performs both antibacterial and antimicrobial functions, especially with purulent wounds, when you put it in order to it all absorbed itself, the manufacturers at the enterprise where it was produced, now they are already launching serial production, now these dressings will be delivered to clinics, who can buy them and, uh, people will use them, including in pharmacy chains, that is, people they can, themselves... buy it, go have it in their first aid kit in order to provide first aid, put it in, then go to the doctor so that the doctor can look at it, because you have to remember, this is for ordinary people, what if you got hurt, remember one thing, it needs to be closed.
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what is a familiar life for belarusians may seem truly exotic to others. volkovysk, if you have already arrived at the swedish mountain, then be so kind as to count the number, and why do you need to count, this is a tradition, of course, these are coins of a rather rare mintage of the ninth-10th centuries, well, in those days, girls from wealthy families wore such coins . however, it is easy to become part of a foreign country, you just need to get acquainted with its history and culture from the very beginning. volkovysk stood on the ancient volkovy river and it was on this river a city was located, later named after the slavic-baltic toponym “vauka, vya”, which
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literally meant “wolf’s neck”. and this group has a special style of performing kupala and harvest songs, which are called “songs in perekhlest”. and our special manner of performing these songs is included in the state list of intangible cultural heritage. watch travel shows at home on our tv channel. who and how helps make our lives better ? what are scientists working on today? a group of small devices is being created. one device made by belarus and two devices made by the russian federation. this grouping is designed to explore near-earth space.
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hydrometeorological institute, watch the science project nearby on our tv channel.
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instruments, as they say, sticks, perform minimally invasive interventions in the intended abdominal cavity, but not only the abdominal cavity, that is, this is the development of such skills, well, it’s no secret to everyone that now minimally invasive surgery is ahead, namely laparoscopic, thoracoscopic operations, but they have a basic composition, that is, this is knitting knots, sewing, and of course, the student, starting there from the second ... third year, they must master this technique step by step so that later in real practice, when they encounter such a problem, they will be able
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to perform this manipulation correctly, thanks to this opportunity to learn how to perform such manipulations, students acquire not only practical skills, but it also makes it possible to subsequently apply this in scientific...
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we are proud that our university has become the first medical university, which created the school of young scientists, we provide basic knowledge for writing scientific papers, how to file a patent, how to participate in national competitions, this year we have set our sights on a new project, namely the creation of a belarusian-uzbek school of young scientists, today it is everything is free, this is very important, because well , you don’t have to pay anything for it and i hope that... at this stage there is a request from clinical
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institutions, from the republican scientific and practical center, from the university clinic, they are also ready to take part in this school, it will be online . they ask me often the question is, where do ideas come from? an idea is not something that you sit over some textbook on an article and think, think, think, think, so you have questions that... that’s all, you need to do it exactly like this, for example, one of my developments, this is emelent cream, gloderm - this is a development that was recognized at the republican competition as the best innovative development, which today has been introduced into practical healthcare, which is in the real sector of the economy, which is commercialized, which is not just development for the sake of development, i came to her very simply, i couldn’t believe it... i
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was cleaning houses, so i started thinking, we made the bandages, well, okay, what to do next, we prescribe patients, we recommend, i had a lot of experience, i used different ones, different creams, whichever i used, and i won’t say what the cream was that i applied, it was very suitable for everyone, i realized that i needed to create a product that would allow me to avoid the shortcomings that the same imported ones had. imported creams, i made my own... the most important thing, as they say we in science cannot cool down, because if you have cooled down, you have to warm up a little again in order to move forward, for a very long time we have had a problem in belarus, this is compression knitwear, that when a person gets a burn, especially one that manifests itself with scars, he needs to wear special clothes, a special sleeve, a special blouse, depending on where the rubes appeared,
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but these are not only burn wounds, these can be any post-traumatic wounds, exactly where scars mature, we have such in belarus no, our patients order from russia, we plan to produce such underwear on the basis of the technopark of the city of grodno, and we will not only cover, say, the social level with this development, it will allow economically, the state will benefit, but the most important thing is that doctors who treat these patients. they will be able to get the reverse medical effectiveness of their treatment, because when you have treated, it is very important to see what will happen in 6 months, in a year, we need to go forward, we need to try, if we don’t try, we will never know, once upon a time, well, they say the phrase that initiative is punishable, but you know, there is another side, that initiative is not as punishable as lack of initiative, so
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it is better to be proactive than... lack of initiative, because lack of initiative kills completely and completely. i was born in the city of mosty, the city is located in the grodno region, this is a city famous for its submyasny bridge.
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uh, what can a person in the tenth, tenth, eleventh grade decide, well , practically nothing, i was good at chemistry, biology, i have an older brother, he now he is the dean - ours at our university - of the faculty of medical diagnostics, and he was the first to enter medicine in our country, precisely as a student. i always wanted to be a prosecutor, i don’t know why, but i wanted it this way, maybe it’s something. .. just children's games, that there are robbers, and there are good policemen, we look for them, we find them, we identify them, maybe some illusions, today, i say that we know nothing more than to provide help, treat, so this is very, well, probably important, in some ways makes us stronger and in some ways makes us vulnerable, i’m married, i have two.
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uh we are classmates, we met at the university, she is also an associate professor at the department of uh internal medicine, every person should do something, uh, as a student, i played very often for the university within the framework, well, basically all my young life, although , probably, i’m still young - i played football, so one of my hobbies is playing football, of course, now it’s more difficult given the pace of work, one of these hobbies i love travel, travel, why travel, i love going to conferences, everyone, no matter how funny it seems that a hobby
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is going to conferences, traveling there, but these are those turns, turns of some kind of development, when you go, watch how people are on their own develop, how others live, this is culture, at conferences... tourism, this is the stage of education, this is the stage of development, not even to say that this is scientific development, this is the stage of life, what is happiness? happiness is, of course, a philosophical point, well, for me, what happiness is is, probably when...
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sometimes i fall asleep, scroll through my head about what to do tomorrow for surgery, how to do it, get up earlier to look at a book, how best to move it, what to do there, this is a certain life, this is a certain stage of life, and i will say that many say and many leave medicine, why, someone psychologically cannot withstand this pace, because... whether you like it or not, you still give a part of yourself, and you are at the expense of this living with this person , with this family you become somewhere a little bit in professionally, more restrained, you
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understand what you are doing, well, at the same moment when you are treating, the more, the more people, you become more stable towards the profession, you always want - of course, he will be there with you.
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the club of editors, which means the all-belarusian people's assembly for the country, is one of...
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the city in which alexander vasilyevich suvorov
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seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we go on exciting journeys. many centuries ago, the lower castle and the pasad were located here, and then the tower rose the town hall, where the city magistrate was located. so the kobrin princes of their squad definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish, with his own weight. 41 kg and 2 m long to show how unusually wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house-ship, but the term for floating stations has not yet been invented. landscapes full of thoughtful sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. look program cities of belarus on tv channel belarus 20.
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