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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 7:00pm-7:25pm MSK

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this is to protect the country from ever having to start rebuilding it. don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel . the news is on air in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening, at the beginning, briefly about the main topics of the issue. from baku to the southwest of the country, the state visit of the president of belarus to azerbaijan continued today in the revived territories of izuli and shusha. neither
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democracy, nor freedom of speech, the polish dissident, judge thomas schmit, was able to reach the polish embassy in belarus. the european union continues to close its ears and eyes to its citizens. the eu council has banned the broadcasting of a number of popular russian media. symbol of courage and heroism. a monument to the hero of belarus nika kukanenko was unveiled in polotsk. youth celebrates victory. busy agenda of the state visit of the president of belarus to azerbaijan. this morning alexander lukashenko flew to fizuli. the air harbor connects the capital baku with karabakh. at the airport , ilham aliyev met the belarusian leader on the plane. the leaders were shown models of the new airports, fizuli and zangilan. both are built in the shortest possible time. deadlines
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in just a few months, fizuli international airport, the first air harbor in the world, built in such a short period of time in a mined area, in the future it will be a dynamic tourist hub, in general, azerbaijan has big plans for aviation in this region, eight stops, but to increase is it possible, at the moment there are quite enough parking lots, at the moment, well, in the future, when there will already be like...
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fizuli was returned under the control of azerbaijan in october of the twentieth year, this city with a large transport and logistics potential. according to the general plan, by 2040 the population will increase to 50 thousand people, now only a few thousand. already 822 have moved. today they are very happy and working, they are all landscaped, they are all employed, there is already a second complex nearby, we are starting its construction by the end of the year, the design work is underway, it consists of two parts, a total of 653 in apartments, then there will be about 10 already thousand, about 10,000 in the city of fizuli, in the whole fizuli region the population is about 25,000, we are also villages we are restoring, now there will be 10 villages here.
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the presidents also inspected one of the residential apartments in shusha, the city was founded in the 17th century and this year was declared the cultural capital of the islamic world. alexander lukashenko donated belarusian tractor equipment to the city, now restoration work is being carried out in shusha, and housing is also being built. use it, you will like it, thank you, we will add it. the parties agreed that belarus will build a settlement for 420 families in karabakh. it is planned that the new facility will be built in the akdam district in central parts of azerbaijan. its architecture uses belarusian flavor. let us remind you that alexander lukashenko and ilham aliyev held official negotiations the day before.
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good morning, dear consul, my name is thomas schmidt, judge thomas schmidt, i would like to convey a letter in connection with the violation of a number of laws, both polish laws and the constitution, as well as international ones.
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moscow will respond to the ban in europe on broadcasting activities of russian media. mmi is already working on adequate measures. the day before, the eu council banned the broadcasting of rionovosti, izvestia russian newspaper portal voice of europe. barel's office accuses these media of allegedly manipulating information and grossly distorting
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facts about the course of the ukrainian conflict. in addition, brussels stated that russia would destabilize the situation in neighboring countries. instead of searching for peaceful solutions, the european union can only speak one language, the language of sanctions, while leaving its peoples in an information vacuum. freedom of speech, as ryan defends from the high ss rostrums, in fact remains a declarative political element. the european union instead in order to condemn the adoption of a law on the transparency of foreign influence by georgia, he himself must follow this example, this opinion was expressed by the political adviser to the prime minister of hungary. according to baliz orban. protecting sovereignty from unwanted foreign influence is not a threat but a precondition for democracy. our intention is not to veto the georgian law, but to encourage the introduction of similar laws throughout the eu,” orban said.
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charity they do fugitives are an ideal legend for collecting not only money, but also information. the data fell into our hands. more precisely, they were provided by the next hero of the remark project, today we are talking about the founder of the free belarus foundation, frantskevich, long before he had time to travel around europe with the nazi flag, supported the maidan, and after the twentieth he finally moved to square. about the filled warehouses with humanitarian aid for belarusians who are trying so hard to make every effort for the supposed sake of ukraine’s victory over the russian occupation, why it didn’t work out cooperation with kalinovsky's regiment? all the details will be on the evening broadcast today. the fugitives sleep and see how ukraine, with the help of the united states , defeats russian aggression; together they build, in their opinion, a new free democratic belarus. the founder of the fund
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is alexey frantskevich. we have no warehouses. they claim that they do not have funding for this whole grant story. but there is money to rent premises for organizing a tour with an exhibition, where does it come from? he provided us with very valuable data on the work of the armed forces of ukraine, they were only sent. what did frantsevich fall for? we know everything. me name is daria rochko. hello. testing the interaction of the ministry of defense of belarus, territorial troops, including the people's militia, military commissars and heads of regions in countering illegal military formations. in mogilev and mogilev region. today , the annual meeting of military security and state defense was held using illustrative examples. according to the scenario, an attempt by a sabotage group to seize
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a school and the village council post office using firearms in the agricultural town of knyazhitsy was stopped. second combat location mogilev airport became a strategically important facility where rapid response teams demonstrated modern combat tactics using aviation, artillery, combat robots and drones. we demonstrate the defensive orientation of our military doctrine and why territorial ones are needed. troops, so these gatherings are necessary in order to always receive up-to-date information, understand what technical means and tactics have appeared, and at the same time do it more effectively. i am like participant of the first meeting of the seventh belarusian people's assembly, i clearly see that we are making forward progress in the defense of our state, we are ready to defend our homeland if there is any aggression. in the republic of belarus, the principle of defense of the homeland is national. the use of air defense systems and shooting from stable weapons on the basis of the renovated
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orlovsky college became not only skills development, but also training. the relevance of such gatherings, they became the tenth in a row, according to the organizers, is dictated by time and situation around belarus, so this practice will continue in all regions. we see that our people today do not need to be convinced of the importance of joint defense of our state. people understand that only unitedly can we resist those challenges and threats, only in unity is our strength and we are in unity, we are not afraid of any modern weapons. the relevance of such events, indeed, it is confirmed by life, such events are planned, well, they are being carried out, well, they will be held in the future, because they show their effectiveness in primarily protecting our national interests. the gathering was marked by the opening of the alley of heroes of belarus, a permanent exhibition of military equipment and a memorial bust of colonel voevodin.
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in the first years of the great patriotic war, the military commissar headed the mogilev garrison, as well as the new building of the regional assembly point. today it meets all modern requirements. a monument to hero of belarus nikita kukanenko was unveiled in polotsk. this is a symbol of courage and the highest level of skill that the pilots showed in the baranovichi region andrey. nicheporchik and nikita kukanenko, they directed the plane away from residential buildings, avoiding the loss of life. the flight on may 19, 21 was their last. nikita kukanenko, graduate of the polotsk cadet school. that is why it was decided to erect a monument next to the cadet corps. the school has created an exhibition that also preserves the memory of the hero of belarus. i'm glad that the city is doing, remembering. remembers nikita, always smiled, always consulted, mommy, do something, what is this, the
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best child in the world, here is this one memorial sign, they could bow to him, they could read the story of the feat on the reverse side, that is, it is a symbol of patriotism, a symbol of heroism, it will undoubtedly serve, first of all, for our guys as such a source of courage, courage to debug, a tribute to a patriotic man, a hero of belarus. who, at the cost of his own life, generally set aside the veda, i think that this monument will organically fit into that historical and cultural environment in order to educate true patriots of our country. this coming sunday is the anniversary of the tragedy in pototsk will unveil a memorial plaque in honor of the legendary fellow countryman. relations between belarus and turkey have been built on the basis of friendship and mutual understanding for a long time. three took place in minsk.
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women for whom the project became an incentive to take care of their health. dialogue platforms have been organized in different parts of belarus. today, a detailed conversation with doctors took place among the women's team in one of the capital's banks. specialists from specialized republican scientific and practical centers spoke about the need for early
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diagnosis of onological diseases, and also about the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and nephrology. since a woman plays a huge role in our country, in our family and surrounded by those people who are nearby, therefore this kind of action certainly contributes not only to the development of a woman as a woman, but it
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touches on very important aspects of life, since all the delights depend on health, which a woman carries with her. including work, education. such meetings are not just theory; within the framework of the project , medical organizations have been identified in which women will be able to undergo cancer screenings. if problems are identified, doctors offer additional research methods such as ultrasound, computed tomography or mri. future stars of belarusian volleyball. minsk these days is hosting the final of the republican competition, the ball over the net. through the preliminary sieve.
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short hockey, for example, a contender for the olympic program of the thirtieth year, it is no coincidence that the 3:3 hockey competition, but in the figital format, is a synthesis of real sports and computer games, took place as part of the games future in kazan. at the olympic arena
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, fans could try their hand at a computer hockey simulator. but now we need to prepare the team. when all the teams get together on vacation, once again feel this thrill, adrenaline, when all the teams are fighting, and there were a lot of spectators, that is, it was very pleasant. in the future,
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the tournament may become permanent and serve as the basis for the creation of a full-fledged league. that's all i have. more on other sports news. the informational results of the day in panorama at 9 pm will be summed up by elena nasacheva. thanks for attention and all the best. basketball club minsk is one step away from the sixteenth title of champion of belarus. the capital club also won the second match in the final series of ugrodno-93. at the sports palace, the guests were left with the first quarter, but then the hosts neutralized the opponent's advantages. result 88-79. we had to fight really hard the whole game, and in the locker room we tried to adjust a few things during the break. basically this. worked, we dominated the third quarter, won 27:18, in principle, well, this already allowed us to feel our game and confidently bring it
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it's up to the bitter end. the third meeting of the team, possibly the final one, will take place on may 22 in lida, starting at 19:45. and at this moment the second match of the final series of the national volleyball championship among women's teams is taking place in grodno. the minsk resident aims to defend her title. in a duel with the capital's municipalist olga polchevskaya, they won the first meeting on the home court, the second match between the teams in these minutes was broadcast live on the belarus 5 tv channel, the series will last until three victories of one of the clubs.
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