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tv   247  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 7:25pm-8:00pm MSK

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ena nikolaevna, this interview matured after reading your book in spite of, when donbass really stood in spite of everything, is still standing , you at that time, fourteen or fifteen years old, had to take on a huge burden of responsibility. you
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headed the ministry of information of the dpr, tell us in general how the work with people was formed, how your ministry worked , what difficulties did you encounter then? well , in order to say how the ministry was formed, i must say why i ended up in all this, because i’m ordinary a donetsk woman, she was engaged in entrepreneurship, website development, yes, she was engaged in advertising, publishing, well, that is, completely peaceful professions, i did not...
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opposed the anti-maidan, these are aunties, these are separatists, these are terrorists, that is , all the media immediately began to describe who who is white, who is black from their point of view, who is friend, who is enemy, it turned out that people from my point of view are enemies, from the point of view of the events that are happening there, i understood that technology works, that this is necessary resist, and since, among other things... journalists and media who in donbass sat on the us grant needle for a long time, i witnessed this, how they received grants, they were there, they acted very subtly, because it ’s not that they are against the authorities or something else or against russia, no , there was no such thing, there were grants on how to defend freedom of speech, how to media advocacy, how to protect journalists who speak out against the authorities there, how to write critical materials, that is, it was delicate work, but it did the job.
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for a long time and virtually all the media were hooked on this, when everything happened on the maidan, they everyone began to write as simply as a carbon copy according to the topics they received, because actually.
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in general among the next generation, and i understood that if we allow this now, that’s it, then you will pass the point of no return, and it will be absolutely impossible to rewind it, this is how it is happening now in ukraine, then with the amount of
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television, radio, somewhere else there was the internet, there was a hunger for information. uh everything, all these games are against the rules, that is, of course, it’s impossible, if you paid for a domain, if it’s listed for this, take it and will knock it out, well, without any hesitation, that side did it, and this is the least of what that side did in general, if you remember, in fact, everything that happened that
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was against donbass, although kiev declared an anti-terrorist this this ato, yes, but , but in reality it was a war. did not limit, lies can be decorated with any frills, wrapped in any wrappers, shiny, beautiful and compassionate and influence people, in fact, this is what they do in ukraine, we also watched, we watched for a very long time how they act and what
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somehow they basically turned off people’s brains, how they clouded it all, and it’s absolutely clear that there was a total, total flow, that is, they were all upside down... you’re a person who understands all the reasons for all of this all of this conflict, and nevertheless says: well , against your will, well, you can’t lie so totally, you can, they lie so totally, that’s why the people of ukraine are so misinformed, that’s right, and
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we have always divided the people of ukraine, so vladimir vladimirovich putin often says that we have no questions for the residents of ukraine, we i should just sympathize with them, well, poor people, but we clearly share.
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in 1414, when i published this newspaper, i had an article: the front of a geopolitical battle is passing through us, that is, i was aware then that what level this was, that of course, ukraine was being blown up, and donbass was being blown up, not because there they need the land of donbass, of course, of course, they need it, because it is really rich in mineral resources, and industry is developed and so on, of course they needed all this in order to...
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minorities, you know, that is, it was all
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thought out, when they pressed this red button, we exploded, because we understood, or russian, well, or rather, we made it a language that they had already come for the secret, for our soul, for our thoughts, in what language we think, that is, everything, this cannot be allowed, otherwise i repeat, our children will not understand later where is black, where is white, who they are, do you remember how a foreign journalist suddenly... changed their rhetoric in donbass, when at first they tried to describe the events in real words, with a real picture, and after that everything changed, you remember this moment, of course, because then there were really a lot of foreign journalists, and i was even amazed that sometimes cnn could admit that there were poor people there to tell how people live there in this in this in this war, everything changed, you know, when very sharply... when again there was a cynical, monstrous, terrible provocation with the boeing, when
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they shot down the boeing, i immediately understood the provocation, you know why, because we are in the ministry of information we were accrediting journalists, and in order to... suddenly the next day , it was as if they were waiting somewhere at a high start, 350 foreign media registered with us, that is, the impression is that they were there at the start, that that’s all for them, they went to unwind this story from the point of view of the fact that these are terrorists, that is, we and the militia
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are terrorists, russia, we then carried out a lot of investigations on this topic, beech, from which, yes, from which.
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more than 200 people died, innocent of anything, that is, they are just theirs, well, in for the sake of their own interests, they were destroyed, and that the next day or the day after immediately sanctions against russia, that is, they had all this planned out like clockwork, and international observers or experts suddenly did not go there, but journalists arrived, they were able to pass, everything is fine, we provided them there, please go to the scene of the disaster, please there, please here, we were completely open. i was present when these black boxes were handed over to the malaysian, he was so happy, apparently, i don’t know what they told him when he went there, when he realized that we were handing over these black boxes intact, he smiled inappropriately, well, because this is a tragedy for the malaysian people, he smiled, realizing that he would complete the mission that was sent, and what we then see, they still got everything wrong , so when we
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saw step by step the level of provocation and... the use of information warfare, that’s all, all the cynicism of our enemy, we understood who we were dealing with, i’m not even talking about the minsk agreements, which lasted for so many years, and we also understood that what was wrong with them you agree, next time they either say that they can’t, or they refuse their words, or something else, and they never wanted to record it on paper, that is, this is an enemy with whom you can’t talk about anything negotiate.
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like the new trams in the hands. they gurgled old one after another, sniffing at the words of the skin, from all of us the greatest creative people, the most meaningful and useful ones - these books. the books contain the thoughtful thoughts of the people, the reports and expressive chatter of people. everything that chalavetstva cooked up, hogged on old books, bytstsam enchantment. read the chalavek perazhyvae stagodzi. reading closer to the past, we value the past for our daily life.
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belarus 24. after all, we have a profit, our need for jobs is our land, we negotiate everything well, then something clicked for the polish authorities, it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in their heads, they revised their attitude towards us to openly hostile, you cannot leave european markets. the polish government, of course, is our enemy, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different that the two are actually at war countries can easily do business with each other, that is... they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko is the keeper of the balance. balance is the best leadership can give a country and its people. balance is the golden mean; opposite ends,
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whatever they may be, are radicalism. but this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country and its citizens. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city. why do you need this? where does the money come from? the most two favorite questions. i would really like to see what a school looks like when it is no longer a school inside. there they see more opportunities and make the most of them. 26 piglets. do you have chickens? 130 chickens who else do you have? cow, cow, cow, ducks. what you don’t have is free time, which can be spent on laziness and despondency. i understand, this is definitely not the case, there is no time for depression, no time for discouragement and there is no time to be lazy, yes, the task of the presenter is to find out why
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rural life is still better than city life, then in the future, maybe we will arrange this, when we make a reception room here in the future , we're making a reception room here, somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of laundry, that's what we have here, the leftovers are valuable, we 'll hang them here, there's an exhibition at the top, now it's so fashionable to say a recipe ? in the morning, the president of belarus flew to fuzuli. ilham
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aliyev met him at the airport on the plane. fizuli international airport is one of seven airports in the country. construction began in january 2021, and the first plane landed here in september. alexander lukashenko got acquainted with the new airport, then the heads of state headed to the city. the day before, alexander lukashenko and ilham aliyev held. official negotiations, where one of the topics of the meeting was the post-war restoration of territories. earlier in december last year, at a meeting in st. petersburg, the president of azerbaijan accepted belarus’s offer to take part in the modernization and construction of infrastructure facilities in karabakh. issues of the situation at the borders became a topic of conversation at a meeting of the board of border agencies of belarus and russia in grodno. during the meeting, a complex was developed measures to adjust the structure of border protection, taking into account existing ones. calls threats. the main focus is on modernizing infrastructure and technical equipment. we reviewed the progress in implementing the joint program for the development of border security until 2027. the adopted decision
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will increase the level of interaction between border agencies to suppress violations on the external borders of the union state. this is our fifth program, which has been implemented since 2023 during its implementation due to technical re-equipment segmentation complexes. the density of state border security has been increased due to automated technical surveillance posts, the likelihood of detecting state border violators has been increased, due to the acquisition of automotive equipment, engineering equipment, and the technical equipment of the border unit has also been increased. effective regional cooperation is the basis for the successful development of the union state, chairman of the grodno regional executive committee vladimir karanik expressed confidence in this during meeting with the delegation of the kaliningrad region, which opened a series of international events within the framework of the russia belarus strong partnership project 2. during a two-day visit to the region, russian guests will learn about best
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practices. creation, development of strengthening fraternal relations between civil communities of the kaliningrad and gruden regions, the result will be new documents on cooperation. a small example, we said that there are things that do not require any investment of money at all, there is a page in the regional newspapers where they write about the sister cities, what happened in your country over the past month, and you know, in general, it is very interesting for the population to read that our...
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friends, farmers in the minsk region have started collecting feed ; hectares are allocated for annual and perennial plants, the agricultural trend is alfalfa and cereals, these crops are still growing, in the meantime the mower is working on an experimental yellow-green plot, these are the so-called rocker crops, alternating strips of winter rye and rapeseed, just for testing over 100 hectares, the new technology allows... to get the first synage earlier, and it is also immediately balanced feed. the chervensky district farm plans to produce over 10,000 tons of synage and 12,000 tons of corn silage. the belarusian holidays for syrian schoolchildren have begun. boys and girls under the age of 15 flew to minsk. and it was from the capital that my acquaintance with the country began. the program includes visiting the sights of historical places of the water park, and after that the zubryonok camp.
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since 2017. heart to heart. this summer three groups of children will come, there will be three races. there are 75 children in the first one, but in total we are expecting 225 children over the summer. the children are very happy to be here, because the program is incredibly intense. we thank both the ministry and zubryonok for this. an excellent program, they get to know children, see historical places, get acquainted with the culture of the republic of belarus, they like it, and they really need it, because orphans especially need such impressions so that their lives sparkle with new colors, we thank belarus for such opportunity, it is very valuable for our country. the museum of the history of minsk is ready to stay awake for the sake of aesthetes; art insomnia in the scenery of the international event night of museums will envelop
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the exhibition area on may 18. until midnight, the temple of the muses will explore the theory of love for romantics and skeptics, the route, with it and the thematic quest extend through four main exhibitions: the sovitsky gallery, new exhibition halls on rakovskaya, the city hall and the archaeological museum, on the night of the museums permanent exhibitions and exhibitions are available to viewing with a single admission ticket. you can complete the quest starting in any of these locations; this year we paid attention to a common theme. museum nights are a study and this year we are exploring the phenomenon of love, this love inspired us to unite all these objects that are very different from each other, for example, in the archaeological museum visitors will not only meet a valiant knight waiting for his beautiful lady, but also with the exhibition the roar of lad and the ring of calch about historical
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military reconstruction, also on... foreign guests who come to the slavic bazaar festival in vitebsk will be able to visit belarus without a visa. for organizers of participants, preferences are provided that will be valid from july 4 to july 21. to take advantage of the visa-free regime, participants will need an invitation from the vitebsk cultural center or the ministry of culture, and guests will need original or electronic tickets in the summer. amphitheater or concert hall vitebsk. also, guests will not pay a state fee for registering a temporary stay. residents of 73 countries will be able to enjoy a visa-free regime.
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and... it is clear to god that the snow has melted into the damp earth, the hell has fallen on the road, the revelry has fallen, the sun is warmer than the spring. the summer is exhausted, the sun is falling, the gloom of the day we jump, everything and buses are visible, the geese are croaking, the sap on the oak tree is crumbling, the cranes are dancing, and winter is disappearing like smoke, the greener meadow of the king. our native land was chattering like hell,
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let today's game become for you not so much an intellectual competition, but a bright, unforgettable holiday. hello guys, we are glad to welcome you you on our playground. installed, the cursor has a so-called context sensitivity, and it can really change its shape depending on what object it is aimed at, there is a stick, two, above, below, i also see that he is feeling very comfortable, confident, feels relaxed, no, he
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is worried, we have an object in our chest, the symbolic image of which is often used on email services to indicate a button that allows you to attach any files to a letter, maybe be some brand? a push pin, this is most likely a paper clip, here it is, an intellectual and entertaining show, i know, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, that for belarusians, the usual life for others may seem real exotic, volkovysk, if you have already come to the swedish mountain, then be kind , count the quantity, and for what?
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for a moment i want to stop running to see how it rains, the leaves move, the sun shines, and how our life is built from all these little things, i want to look at this world
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differently every day to discover something new. and it’s so interesting to us because we do it with love. with love from belarus, now there are many thousands of nato contingent at the borders of belarus, as part of the exercise they are practicing the transfer of forces to poland.


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