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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 17, 2024 11:50pm-12:20am MSK

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do you understand what kind of authority, if you have already been selected and you get into the cosmonaut corps, then you have to endure everything and you can’t leave the race, you can’t leave the race, no matter how difficult it is for you, it will be unbearable, you will say, that’s it, i won’t go any further i can, but i can’t leave the race, some comments on facebook wrote to me that this is flying there on a tray to serve tea and coffee to others. crew members there, commander there and so on, no, of course this is not so, they constantly take exams there, well, let’s say, in that among other things, there were photographs of survival she sent there in the forest, there are girls there, it is clear that in winter conditions there to build a fire, a hut, try to survive there for at least two days, when it is in the forest, well, probably not everyone is even a man capable of doing this, why come to us?
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hold on, it was difficult, it was not an easy task, and the reaction was not the same, it depended on how it could and how much it could seem to many, that there was motion sickness or perhaps even some kind of nausea present in dizziness, no, that is literally, i would say like this that this is precisely the irritation of every cell of the body, and at the end of all these rotations i had the feeling... that my hands were suddenly very hot, then they were suddenly very cold when it was over research, my tongue didn’t chalk, it’s all normal, there were also pressure chambers, when you feel like you’re at an altitude of five or 10 thousand meters, lack of oxygen, dizziness, and your head should remain cold, you have to understand what ’s happening around , work at the same time, household things on the international space station, in
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space they are not as easy as on earth, it even seems that for us the most basic things are drinking water, washing your hair, using them there, that is, we cannot take a shower, but at the station, we we can only use a special wet towel, that is, it takes a lot more time, even in the first days, i couldn’t bring myself to let go of something, that is, i tried to pass my hands into hands. yes, in your hands right away, or you can let go and it will fly to the person like i wish i could calm down, the only thing is that you need to control yourself when you move through the modules, because i was seriously beaten, it’s very easy to fly, of course, today is the third day of my stay at the station and i feel great, my coordination suffers a little, but i..
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. yes, thank you very much, but i need to take off the microphone, and i ’ll take it off now, okay, like on the iss temperature, and you know, it was different in each module, in some places it was warm, in others it was cold, but many thanks to alexander grebenkin, he freed up his cabin for me, let me show you, it is on the ceiling, but if you turn over , then she is downstairs, such a door flies in. wow, i really like it here, it’s very comfortable, here’s my sleeping bag, which i fly into, fix myself, zip it up and sleep, also here is
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my closet, this is my flight suit, of course it was very nice, he himself rested in one module, then in second, because they changed ships. it will be you, how do you know, grandpa? i say, i know for sure, because you have no equal. would you risk flying yourself? i could take a risk, i'm a brave man.
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marina’s courageous character comes from him. in general , women among astronauts in the world are rather rare. only 10% of all conquerors are a wonderful part of humanity. yes, there. there is no division by gender, precisely because it is more difficult for ladies in preparation, the first from belarus, seventy-sixth in the world, this is prestigious, this is vladimir vladimirovich, alexander grigorievich agreed for a woman to fly from belarus, this is very pleasant, and i am pleased for the women of belarus, they are all beautiful, smart, talented, purposeful, businesslike, so... she is one of those businesslike ladies and i talked with them here we even had lunch for about two hours, because they are always under tension, but this task is quite difficult for her, because for a short period of time,
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we essentially trained for six months, in six months to learn what is necessary for an astronaut is a lot, i have to take in a lot,
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i took photographs of my relatives, and some of my notes i took the gospel, it’s like, of course, but i’m a believer and i know that with god’s help everything will be fine, and especially since we’re there, as i said president, we were a little closer to god, i took our stork in national clothes, it’s a girl, i took a lot of videos, photos with this stork, as the personification of friendship, love, joy, and of course, this stork constantly flew away from my cabin, and we caught him, but it was fun , of course he had a passport to watch, i i took a copy of my passport, which i also
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photographed against the background of the earth, as i promised, i put the iss stamp with our arrival date on march 25, so. in principle, it fulfilled its promise. so, six months of training are behind us, which usually takes 5-7 years; it is the main one for the iss mission. she was named a space flight participant, but... the results of the exams, because they reported, she wants to know more, she is trainable, she helps, i ’ll tell you a secret, she even notices, for example, some small deviations in her work, but the crew resembles, that is, in principle, well, in my opinion, she could be launched into flight as an on-board engineer, but we had no doubt.
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let's go, there was also an opportunity for the states to have the plane fly. a belarusian citizen on the russian segment of the iss, by agreement of presidents alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin, on april 12, cosmonautics day at the vostochny cosmodrome , it was initially determined that the flight would last up to 12 days.
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the whole country supports her at home, i love you all very much and will not let you down and do everything possible and even impossible, and the president with you mentally, you know, we communicate a lot in the morning, afternoon, evening, he is only interested in this project now, this is very important for him personally on a national scale, just as athletes approach their main competitions at the peak of their capabilities, so are all the trainings of marina vasilevskaya for day x20. march 1. that day in the baikanur steppe, her loved ones, family, friends, 3 km away. these are
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the safety measures. there are a lot of tourists here, people who love the earth, who love space. she must feel that we are here, her dear people, who worry about her. and i always say: marina, imagine that you are standing and how many supporting hands are holding your shoulder. we support you in a good, excellent, calm mood. in fact, as it should be. before marina vasilevskaya, crew commander, oleg novitsky, nasa astronaut tracy dyson will give a long interview. everyone is in excellent spirits; hardly anyone could have imagined how difficult this key stage of their journey into space would be.
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attention, the automatic cancellation of the bus has passed, something is wrong, something is wrong, it’s already gone there an extra second, and what was he saying, he was talking through the megaphone, you couldn’t hear anything, well, somehow it’s like this, you’re standing there, worried, looking there, you don’t hear anything, it’s just some kind of sawing, i couldn’t sleep the whole night until the morning. because i was worried, i think, how is she thinking, it would be good for us to listen here, and then what should she do, the reasons for the voltage drop in the chemical current source, the main thing is that the automatic systems that control the start worked clearly, how did they find the strength to pull themselves together, because well it is clear that this must be done and not refused, we went through all the emergency situations that were possible, but of course we did not discuss, did not go through... cancellation of the launch, yes, cancellation of the launch, and this was
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unexpected for everyone, but this situation showed the reliability of russian space rocket technology, which canceled the launch literally in 20 seconds, and i think it’s good that it happened like this on earth, and it could be corrected, i was more worried about my family, friends, for you, for the belarusians, who came to support us in such a distance, and we stood and waited for the rocket to launch, but the rocket did not launch. that is, we were more worried about our relatives, we calmly accepted this information that yes, there would be no launch, the launch was postponed, we were expecting evacuation, this happened for the first time and the crew had never been evacuated, it was from the rocket, it was cocked, we expected when there will be
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an operation to complete the construction of the sasa, so...
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of course, we felt this responsibility, we tried, of course, to minimize contacts, well, in general, traditions are important, yes, traditions are really important, because this has been since the time of yuri alekseevich gagarin, and of course, everyone is observing so that the start is successful and correct, as it should be, and of course, such a tribute to respect for these traditions, and we planted a tree in baikanur, it was very symbolic, and for me , too, it was a great honor to plant a tree on the alley. cosmonauts, we also watched the film white sun of the desert with the whole crew, it was of course unforgettable, well, all other traditions, of course, we followed, we did everything as it should, and twice, twice, yes, in the night on march 23, marina vasilevskaya slept well, the day before, without allowing herself to unravel, the crew continued to train, everything was fixed,
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the head of roscosmos yuri borisov will assure the belarusian president, to hear this...
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this is also very difficult to achieve in terms of what the technology has now reached , here is a ballistic calculation, and that cosmonauts fly into space in 3-4 hours, but we
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did it for two days, even almost 3 days, we only docked in the evening. it was incredible because the ship is in a spin, and it’s like a bullet effect when we must be in a certain orbit and were constantly in rotation, that is , we have the earth above, now below, now sunset, now dawn, now entering the shadow, now light, that is , it was so beautiful, you just had to see it, i i just admired our planet, this power, strength. with this ease, i don’t know why someone says that our land is very small and fragile, but for me it seemed, on the contrary , very powerful and strong, of course. i liked the fact that we involved everything - the controls, so to speak, in in terms of the living quarters, we slept and we ate, tell us how it was,
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we started roughly, several hours passed, we reported, everything was fine, what next? ah, further, when we were already allowed to go out into the living compartment, and we unfastened, it was very pleasant to feel this weightlessness, when you just take off and fly upward, the living compartment, and... and we took off our spacesuits, they had to be put out to dry, we did this work, then we re-opened the asu, this is a toilet, we also used it, drank some water, we also had to drain a certain amount there the amount of water, that is, also certain operations, they ate, that is, for me this was all the first time, this state, when the union is like a bullet, i slept as i slept for... you sleep very well in space, you fall asleep immediately, wake up, get enough sleep 100%, i slept in space for 5-6 hours, i felt
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great, realizing that everything worked out , just a little bit of sleep was left. union, as far as possible, with a smile in very beautiful suits, marina vasilevskaya and oleg navitsky flew into the iss after docking. i was already asleep here’s a phone call, there’s a number there plus one there we go, i thought they were scammers, but then i finally realized that it was marina. you can call from the iss; at different times, marina vasilevskaya dialed both her grandfather and her parents, and communicated via radio. with belarusian students via video, with schoolchildren from belarus and russia. hello, hello, i’m hello, everything is great, well, you’re cool, you
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lit up there, let’s say, you were the first to enter and kind of cover the camera, it was like that, yes, yes, it was, she, she’s beautiful, graceful, beautiful, she danced, well, in childhood she found it her investment, and she started dancing, as i remember now the song cha-cha-cha, so... she even comes into the room and rehearses, well , she traveled to many cities, well, she liked it, today i’m dancing for you, couple number 13, years old. it turns out me, how active she is, how cunning, like a fox, because the same ones there, let’s say, from the mother of the belt,
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she’ll probably do something, get it from me, because my older brother, she copied my essays, yes, an ordinary girl from a simple family who believed in herself, they believed in her, she promised don't let me down, this is a presidential watch, a gift. president, when we came for a reception, for the new year, when we visited minsk, and of course, it was very symbolic to take them with us into space, and i changed the time to -3 hours, because in order to navigate, not to confuse the time, get up on time of course, we had to do some work, but then at the landing we of course switched it to our time, literally like a 2-3 day flight.
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they still find out on tv, i say, my daughter is there, 12 days marina vasilevskaya spent on the iss, we add the road, it turns out 14, getting up at 6 am, end of the working day, after 21, the flight of the first belarusian female cosmonaut added to all of us the desire to look at the sky more often, there is an exhibition here where space food is presented, but at least merevitsky oleg viktorovich’s suit, maybe yours will be here soon, but it’s intact, oh. very interesting, i’ll tell him, yes, yes, yes, that’s it, i also have such a photograph, now, yes, with a flag, there is space power here, it’s interesting that you
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all. we ate there, you said that you really liked a certain cottage cheese there, that’s what besides, and you know that everything is very tasty, the food is very varied, a sixteen-day ration, but since we were at the station itself for 12 days, of course we left the rest of the ration a member of the russian crew, because every gram has a very great value, when it flies to the station, everything is very expensive , those same tubes are not the same anymore. there are no tubes anymore, the tubes contain only honey, mustard, literally some kind of sauce, that’s all the rest of the food is canned food, cans, large, small and freeze-dried food, that is, which needs to be diluted with boiling water or cool water, depending on what we want to cook, because the main thing, and this became known when marina completed the mission on the iss, absolutely all scientific work has been completed, she is a comfortable person to communicate with, she is a very obliging person.
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a very kind person, that’s why our relationship has developed, not exactly friendly, i look at her like that, i have two sons and five grandchildren, if only i had a daughter, if only i had one like marina, i would be glad, as for the attitude to the matter and just showing the direction, she will do everything, but marina also has one more good trait, she is always ready to accept a good one. advice and repeatedly turned to me with advice, when you give advice in such, in such a project, you yourself are afraid not to harm, that is, we were brought up together with her. the mission is completed, everything is complete, the results of scientific work in the union, the undocking of the iss and the spacecraft was deep, night and even morning,
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watched by so many... people, belarusians did not were sleeping, the meteorological situation in kazakhstan added to the excitement, there were heavy rains, there were floods, some regions were flooded, on the eve of the descent, roscosmos specialists once again worked out the evacuation algorithm in case of emergency situations, and were ready for a ballistic descent. soyuz ms-24 in the kazakhstan steppe landed exactly at the planned location on schedule, but sideways.
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this is how they greeted the crew upon returning to the ground, they helped as they promised, well, naturally, you were planned, it was necessary, in any case, i helped, the guys helped, after all
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man for the first time in space. and all the work has its own specificity, and the first woman of belarus was already met at home, of course, when we were flying and through the clouds, when we were already landing, we saw our native land, belarus, it is incredibly beautiful, our fields, this one there’s already greenery, beautiful outlines, these little squares, everything is clear, everything is even, of course, joy, emotions, pride,


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