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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 18, 2024 12:20am-12:51am MSK

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matryoshka with a photo of marina apple juice, i ordered it while still on the iss, and lyagunovitsky - birch juice, there was also lard and cucumbers, this is how the crew was greeted upon returning to earth. did you help as promised? well, naturally, you were planned, and let’s say, it was necessary, in any case, i helped, the guys helped, after all, this is the first time a person has been in space and there is a little bit of its own specificity in performing all the work, and so the first woman of belarus was already welcomed at home. of course, when we were flying and already through the clouds, when we were about to land, we saw our native land, belarus, it’s incredibly beautiful, our fields, this greenery already, beautiful outlines, these little squares, everything is just clear, everything is even, of course, i felt joy, emotions, pride, happiness when we arrived at the minsk national airport, we we saw
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a lot of people who were happy, waiting for me, supporting me and i was delighted, and when we came out, of course, we were greeted with flowers, smiles and applause, and our belarusian flags, it was very pleasant to step on our native belarusian land. well then, for sure, if you paid attention, maybe already from the car, because there are beautiful banners with your photo, our space, yes, it’s certainly incredible, really. ours and we are belarusian such a space power, i would say so, we will strive to conquer space even further, because it is vast, it is incredible, it is very beautiful, powerful and of course unknown, so i will be very glad if belarus continues to engage in further activities in this area, and if there is such an opportunity, i will be very happy to continue, then there are ready to once again wave into space... before
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the flight, of course, i can’t answer now, i don’t want to give such big promises or hopes, i’ve already done what was required of me, my path, it seems to me that i went through a thorny road a star, as i already said today, so we will work on the ground in this area. first, a high award from the hands of the head of the belarusian state, marina vasilevskaya, hero of belarus, then from the hands of the russian president. order of gagarin, she is a persistent fighter, a fragile soldier who, few can imagine, and at all these moments on the ground, she was wearing special equipment called a centaur, and on mine on the lower part of the body, so that the blood did not descend very quickly into the lower part of the body, since in space, of course, everything rises up, the rehabilitation of an astronaut is a very important point, the body is weakened, marina vasilevskaya... accepted the congratulations under
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the supervision of a doctor, which she furtively pulled out to the press, but we could not be stopped. marina vasilevskaya, first cosmonaut of the republic of belarus, hero of belarus, our marina, girl, example, they say there’s already a line of those who want to repeat it, this is also her merit, and this is only the beginning of a continuation, to be sure. one of the books about ancient christian monasticism. begins with these words: don’t
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tell me about monks who never laugh, this is funny, the wisdom of our monastic asceticism should not be entirely focused only on self-eating, christianity is a religion of light, joy about oneself, about oneself saved. monasteries, the centers of spiritual life, are never... fenced off from the world entirely; the purpose of monasteries is to be a candle that burns for the present. i, iiro the monk zakeevzhnovets, monk of the lyadinsky monastery in honor of the annunciation of the most pure one, monasticism for me is the heavenly existence of earthly existence.
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lyadinsky-blagoveshchensky monastery is one of the famous shrines of belarus. initially , a wooden church was built on the site of the monastery . the most holy theotokos appeared to the villager kirik on mary hill and gave the command to build a temple not far from this place. and a wooden church was built. and you and i are in the very place where, according to legend, she appeared the most holy theotokos, the inhabitant of these places named kirik, here she appeared on that very
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stone, part of which has survived to this day, in the 17th century she operates here at a large monastery. in 1809 , a four-class spiritual-secular school was opened, a school for children of the clergy, and the monastery was engaged in charitable and educational activities. the monastery was the center of spiritual enlightenment of these lands. in 1794.
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healed, today we wish to fulfill historical justice in relation to of this unsurvived shrine and in this place to revive the temple, also from wood. in 2024. the revival of our monastery is 30 years old; over these three decades, we have managed to revive a lot in our spiritual creativity, correct a lot, and of course
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we have managed to revive the internal structure of manashic life. the monastery occupies a small territory; it includes a cathedral, the honor of the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary, a fraternal building, a bakery, as well as separate houses of the ruling bishop and a bathhouse. today the fraternal building the building represents the architectural, historical and cultural value of our republic. this zandash, which opens for us the ancient plinth of the 19th century, is a vivid reminder to us that the building in which we are located is
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an object protected by the state itself, as a good man, amen. in the monastery today there are 22 rapists, the people who came to our monastery are people of completely different backgrounds, it cannot be said that they did not find themselves in life, who, on the contrary, found themselves in life in this very place, we felt that...
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without prayer, no monk is a black mark, so the brothers of the monastery wake up with prayer on their lips, spend their work and prayer-liturgical day. with a prayer on his lips he falls asleep with a prayer on his lips. traditionally, a monastic cell includes a red or prayer corner, a small tea table, an area for writing and a relaxation area. the monk is in prayer everywhere and... the red corner is the place where the monk fulfills his keel rules
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in the morning and evening. the corner is called red, because this is the main place in the monk’s cell, which is a sacred place due to the presence in this place of holy icons, the crucifixion of our lord jesus christ. this is due to the fact that in this place a candle is lit, or a lamp is burning, there is spiritual literature, in the morning the monk goes to worship, in the evening the monk goes to worship, so every day, in the interval between the morning and evening services. after lunch there is supposed to be a short rest, then there are
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obediences, which each resident of the monastery has his own, some brothers work our carpentry workshop, in which furniture for our luxurious knives is made with us. there is also a framing workshop in which they work to frame our icons of historical importance for our photography lovers. we also have our own pikarny, in which once a week we bake bread, baked bread, which are intended for the liturgy, bake our own bread, which we practically eat. and are ready to persuade our guests with this, we ourselves
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develop the recipe for some confectionery products, make them with our own hands, cherbet, chocolate, black, white, mixed, peanut butter, cakes, in the summer, our brothers collect ivan tea, a sufficient amount of agricultural work, work that... everything should be in its place at the proper
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level monk in and around him. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, why do you need it, and where does the money come from, the two favorite questions, i would really like to look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, there they see more opportunities to use them according... .max 26 you have chickens, 130 chickens, who else
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do you have, a cow, a cow, a cow, ducks, that’s what you don’t have, it’s free time that you can spend on laziness and despondency, i understand, that’s definitely not the case, neither there is no time for depression, no discouragement and no time to be lazy, yes, the task of the presenter is to find out why rural life is still better than city life? then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange this, when we do it here in the future, we’ll have a reception room, we’ll do some coffee here somewhere , drink some coffee, maybe some kind of laundry , that’s what we have leftovers here. valuable, we we’ll probably hang an exposition here, now it’s fashionable to say, there will be a reception here, how it all happens, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, watch the project i’m from the village, on the belarus 24 tv channel, we’ll tell you how to choose quality products for healthy
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dishes, take the nuts in your hands and evaluate their weight, don’t take them too light, such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will prepare lasagna with pumpkin and spinach. quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if you have a difficult day ahead and you know what you need. and a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, raise your arms up, raise your legs and do such a cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, look v breakfast of champion project on the
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belarus24 tv channel. the main temple of the monastery is the cathedral in honor of the annunciated most holy theotokos, the stone church of the late 16th century, a temple that contains everything.
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the architectural style to which the building belongs, the logical church is borok, the temple has a main limit, and which is consecrated in honor of the blessed virgin mary, to the right of the main limit there is a limit honoring the holy trinity. this icon was painted over several years. the monks of the vatopetsky monastery for our monastery special rules of athonite icon painting, in which to paint an icon, paints are mixed with particles of holy relics, today this precious gift is actually from
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the orthodox church of constantinople, today it is a priceless relic. our egateriu, we live in the monastery in a mode of complete dedication to god, and in fact the monk, who lives a different life in relation to the world, has nothing left for himself. the lord, of course, enriches monk with something else, something. content, some other wealth than that which can offer a person peace. it is clear that this wealth is no longer of a material, non -material nature, these are spiritual gifts, uh, which are awarded to those who walk along the path of monasticism unworthy. house church
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of the fraternal building. lyadino monastery, a church in which the brothers, with the blessing of their abbot, pray only once a week on mondays, which is intended only for residents, the liturgy unites us all, around christ, around the holy cup of christ, from which... we are all brothers and sisters why we are called that, because we are strangers by blood, but after we became christians, we are nothing. one blood of christ flows in us, with which we partake. the oldest liturgical
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book today in the annunciation cathedral of the monastery is the throne gospel, which was published in moscow in the synodal in 1850. the gospel is kept in the altar of the blagovichensky cathedral, as well. in addition to this gospel, from the middle of the 19th century, our monastery has liturgical books from the beginning of the 20th century. it is a great honor for me that, as a monk, i can stand before the holy throne of god, performing the liturgy, performing. the most holy sacrament of the eucharist. so, you and i have entered the first week, that is, speaking in russian, the first week.
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the first week of great lent, one of the strictest weeks of our fasting. the lord has also merited me another honor, a very high honor for me, to be with those whom i can nourish. we examine, evaluate their dignity, antiquity, systematize, catalog and actually prepare these books for use
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by their brother monasteries. the main question that is on my agenda, when always, when i come to the library, why do people need books at all, why? they need, education is not only a person receiving some kind of compendium, knowledge from a student's committee, a person's education is a process that lasts a lifetime, and i first of all see in the book a textbook of life, in the book i... see an educator of high morality , human personality, the main
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thing we must learn here is to be immune to what secular people call the hardships of life, a monk is the one for of which everything is only in the bright light. really exists, the light for us is christ, our god, the sun of truth. the holiday of easter or the holiday of the holy resurrection of christ is a holiday that we celebrate throughout the entire church year, for which we generally have a sunday day, because sunday day, in fact, is a little easter, it is a reminder to us. for monastics , the experience of the easter celebration is
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a very special experience; it always teaches us to rejoice in the victory of the risen christ, rejoice in our salvation, rejoice in the fact that we have been given eternal life. you and i are in the office of the bishop's chambers, the former bishop of borisov and maritnogorsk veniamin, and the current patriarch of all belarus, metropolitan veniamin. vladyka veniamin was the abbot of the lyadino monastery from 2009 to 2015, and in this office of his, we see all the paraphernalia. the working environment in which our current vladyka exak vladyka veniam worked, many of our brothers
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in the monastery. set on the feat of ascetic deeds, the feat of monastic life, and was an example of how a monk should live in an offended saint, and we always looking at the example of bishop benjamin, try to imitate him, as our bishop, as a good shepherd. i have felt myself to be a religious person since childhood; i was raised as a christian who does not begin any serious business without prayer. the first person to whom i am grateful in my life for my serious religiousness is my great grandmother, thanks to whom i was already 5 years old in my childhood.
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prayer, this seed, less than 10 years later, bore fruit; already in childhood i began to feel within myself a calling to monasticism to serve the church in the sacred itself. i really wanted to imitate those people who found it.
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spiritual mentors, the first patriarchal exarch of all belarus, bishop philaret, taught me a lot in spiritual life both in his word, and in his deed, and even in his vision. as a child, i dreamed of being a policeman, but this is... the dream of every boy there at the age of 5-6, the word is warrior, essentially monastics, militia is a word of latin origin, the word milis, the latin word milis means they represent an army, but only of a different order. christ, and a monk is
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even more so a warrior of christ, well because, unlike a simple layman, he is waging a completely different struggle with his sinful self, this is a warrior who must constantly be on guard of order, not public, but his own, now . years later, and i tell myself that it’s good that i became, that i’m also a policeman, because i’m also a police officer, because i’m also a warrior, what’s on earth, those who represent the army of christ spend every day in the monastery and feel the drinking of their hearts to the notes.
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from your ancestors, it was given to you, it was given into your hands, so that you keep this inheritance carefully, and so that you thank god for the fact that you are the bearer of that great antiquity that our fathers and grandfathers had.


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