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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 18, 2024 12:50am-2:21am MSK

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the army of christ, spending every day in the monastery and feeling the singing of their hearts to the notes of the divine service that sounds in the temple. spiritual experiences are very connected with those historical realities that we have, as our inheritance here, within the walls of this ancient one. sometimes you feel that this, as the belarusians say, spadshina that you inherited, an inheritance from your ancestors, it was given to you, it was given into your hands, so that you keep this inheritance carefully, and so that you thank god for the fact that you are carrier of that great antiquity, which... our fathers and
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grandfathers had.
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my history, nature, culture, faith, people, scholasticity, adzin once you want and don’t worry anymore. everything here is consistent. presentation
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of opportunities at vdnkh in moscow, the days of the gomel region are held. heading to africa and the middle east. belarus is exploring the possibility of direct flights with aman and algeria. by uniting kind hearts, the next stage of the charity campaign for the restoration of shrines in belarus has started. and a new feature of the tourist season: nesvezh castle invites travelers on theatrical excursions. the events program is on air in alina lopo's studio. hello. achievement of belarusian regions in industry, agriculture, economics, science and culture. the belarusian pavilion at avnha is gaining popularity. since the beginning of the year , presentations have already been held in bresse, vitebsk, grodno and mogilev regions. now the gomel region invites guests. how do we attract potential partners? our
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columnist olesya vysotskaya knows tourists too. this southeastern region is famous for its production combines, oil production, delicious food, interesting tourist routes, but not only. as befits a hospitable hostess at vdnkh , the gomel region welcomes guests cordially and hospitably. sausages, cheeses, of course, rogochev condensed milk. however, the gomel region is primarily an industrial region. oil is not only extracted here, but also refined. 80% of fuel oil for... cars comes from here. the region produces all belarusian cellulose, sheet glass, mineral wool, paper and cardboard, as well as machines for metal. not a single gomel region borders on russian regions, but for some reason it is the gomel residents who manage to make the most of the opportunity of the russian market. and the figure that was mentioned - more than 7 billion dollars in goods last year - shows that the niches that have become vacant today in the... russian market
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are being used very successfully by gomel residents. harvesters are the calling card of the gomel region; their production dominates in the region. these giants work harvesting grain, corn, fodder crops. not only in their own country, they are supplied to 70 regions of russia; there is even a joint venture in bryansk, where they are creating a joint polese combine harvester, which consists of 96% belarusian and russian components. taking into account the serious economic pressure from western countries , suppliers changed, and this gave the opportunity to 40 belarusian enterprises and, in principle, about 50 enterprises in just 2 years. russian federation to fill out the import-substitution line for this combine, it is actually a 100% union combine. russia - the main trading partner of the gomel region, more than 80% of exports go here, more than 40 cooperation agreements have already been signed
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in various fields, from agriculture to high-tech industries. in the twenty -third year, the volume of investments in the economy of the southeastern region of belarus amounted to $300 million. and in 3 months of this year it has already increased by 18%. tourists from russia come to the region to relax. last year the flow increased by 6,000 people. the gomel region is known for its cultural brands and the main the attraction is the architectural monument of the 16th-19th centuries, the palace of the rumyantsev paskevichs. turov is one of the oldest cities in belarus and the small but interesting city of vetka. it is united with moscow by an interesting object. own red square. heading to africa and the middle east. belarus is exploring the possibility of direct flights with aman and algeria. why is the distant arc interesting to us? there are many interests, but in one of the markets in the region in egypt today there are more than 40 thousand mtz tractors. delegation of the government of belarus
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brought eight contracts worth $12 million from cairo. agreement on trade assistance, interaction between financial departments and free economic zones, our... the presence of a free trade agreement here is great, it’s promising, but everything needs to be calculated, everything needs to be calculated, we are working on several projects in the field of industrial cooperation and with egypt, with algeria, we were recently in algeria and very substantively worked on the issues of assembling
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trucks and passenger vehicles and tractors, there is great interest in our granaries, there is great interest in our construction equipment, this is all happening here... right now, if our enterprises see that it is profitable, we consider everything, we consider everything together with them, if they see that it is profitable, why do we must refuse. according to signed contracts, we will supply 280 tractors to the egyptian market this year, and we plan to double this figure in the coming years. the modernization of the country's industrial giants allows for an increase in volumes, quality, and ambitious goals. and a tractor plant for the purchase of new technological equipment plans. will acquire a modern appearance and comfort inside, at least the presence of air conditioning. the new and seventh series of belarus 742. the machine
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is primarily for working in cramped conditions, for use on farms and warehouses. the equipment can also be communal agricultural; the tractor has four sections. electronically controlled hydraulic distributor. there was also a question about expanding the production of energy-rich tractors; today we worked with the chinese company vechai, but this it’s not easy to take the engine and replace it, it was necessary to carry out the appropriate tests, fine-tuning, and obtain a certificate. therefore, today we have already delivered almost 200 units to the republic of belarus, and we will continue to work to expand this.
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consumer prices compared to the previous year. growth belarusians have a more positive view of the situation with prices; in their opinion, in the future it could reach 11%. in the first quarter of 2023, the feeling was much less rosy, almost 12.5%. inflation expectations approached the minimum. indicators since the beginning of 2020, in fact we have two times
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less. let me remind you that at the end of last year , inflation was less than 6%. in belarus the price growth was one of the lowest in the eac. this means that the measures that have been taken in the country over the past few years are working. the market is saturated with necessary goods, the population does not create an artificial rush. domestic production is envisaged by increasing the volume and range of production. vegetables in protected soil, work on, proven stabilization funds, which allowed us last and this off-season to provide a wide range of belarusian fruit products on the domestic market at affordable prices, of course, the activation of our producers to promote their products both in offline trade and traditional trade that we have today on digital platforms. task number one is to maintain price stability and availability of goods,
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recommendations and, accordingly, only if these recommendations are not followed, then penalties apply. according to the initiative of the committee , 53 economic entities suspended their activities last year for gross violation of trade. the joint program of action is already the third - it is a strategic document. a number of instruments are being polished, so there will be improved approaches to regulating dominants and monopolists, as well as approaches in the area of ​​protection. cup. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere
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not only on the website of our tv channel enterprises of the belalikprom concern are increasing the export of products and expanding their representation on the russian market. in the year of quality, the emphasis is placed on strengthening the position within the country. what innovative projects are the concerns implementing this year and are they ready to increase their export potential? let's ask natalia. hello, hello, what has changed in the work of the concern’s enterprises in the current difficult conditions? well, nothing really changed, the speed of work changed, i just had to go, one might say, a little out of the zone comfort to work in a slightly different direction, in such areas as the search for new supply chains, the search for new suppliers. spare parts, raw materials. as for import substitution, have you been able
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to completely replace foreign fabrics, accessories and other items? we do not set such a goal for ourselves, because it is, in principle, unrealistic, after all, light industry includes fashion, a domestic manufacturer cannot produce clothes, for example, from the same fabrics, that is, we also have textile enterprise, the largest producers of long fabrics. comfort fabrics, generally paper fabrics, mixed fabrics, of course, we make the most of our raw materials, our own fabrics, but at the same time we have also retained imports so that the range of finished products is more diverse. now there is active work to diversify new markets and search for new partners. how does belaligprom work in this direction, where are the products supplied? belaligprom is actively working in this direction, our enterprises. exports products to about 60 countries of the world, and for example, well, we are diversifying
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exports, this is our goal, the tasks set by the government to diversify exports, to increase exports of the far arc countries, naturally we are dealing with these tasks, so if you look at the statistics for 2 months of the current in 2019, we, an enterprise of the bellikprom concern, increased our exports. distant countries quadrupled, and exports to the european union increased by 17%. last year several enterprises opened for themselves new countries. so the confectionery began to supply its products to vietnam, australia, the arshan flax mill to nepal and egypt, so we are working. what are your export plans for this year? are there any new agreements? well, of course, we have plans, of course, the enterprise is already almost 80% complete, the products
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have been contracted, but at the same time we continue to search for new partners, we are actively doing so. we comply with the technical regulations of the eurasian economic union, and we are monitoring this very closely, that's why we are known for our quality. our main partner is russia, including through likprom. here are the areas in which cooperation is taking place today and what are the plans? well, our cooperation with the russian federation has historically developed through
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mutual supplies of raw materials and components. that’s why we continue to look at new projects, perhaps we are in the direction of wool processing, that is , we also have a very active dialogue with our russian colleagues, let’s say we are moving in parallel with them, now the list has expanded of labeled products in the russian federation of light industrial goods, we simultaneously unify the same thing, we will go the same way, that is, we have everything in this regard well, one of the most famous. and where else in the union state can they open in the near future? in the meantime, our plans, since this is a pilot project - this is just the beginning of the journey, we opened two stores in the russian federation in december in yekaterinburg, in
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novosibirsk, in the next 2 years we, in principle, set the task of opening ten more stores in cities with a population of over a million russian. federation, the closest one we are currently working on is ufa, and what products are the most popular in these stores ? it is planned to expand the list of these products, about 40 manufacturers from the republic of belarus are involved in this, let’s say, project, all these products are presented under one brand dodomu, and large enterprises, and not light industry enterprises, but artisans and that is, a very large assortment. well, of course, the basis of this assortment is belarusian flax, which is why they are very popular popular, despite the fact that the lorshan flax mill has its own stores, tableware is popular, the dobruzh porcelain factory, radoshkovichi, that is, in principle, the entire assortment
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is sold, each has its own consumer, the concern's enterprises are also frequent... here we will participate in exhibitions in china and turkey. what products will you present there? what is of interest to consumers in china and turkey? well, china, turkey, of course, semi-raw material positions are more interesting, if we speak, because we will share the light industry into several components, this is a semi-raw product - this is fabric, yarn, which is consumed, let's say, by the manufacturer, and finished clothing, which
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is consumed by the consumer, that is , therefore, accordingly, taking into account the fact that in china, turkey has its own very developed... thank you, natalya murashko, deputy chairman of the belolikprom concern, answered the program’s questions. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. president's cup - the most unexpected pair: zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again; never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached
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the golden series. and we are reviewing the most interesting event. british runner raskuk is known on the internet as the toughest eccentric who set his sights on the record a year ago. he wanted to run across africa from south to north. two-time world running champion anouk garnier set a new world record in hurdles. you are not so much an intellectual competition as a bright, unforgettable holiday. hello guys, we are glad to welcome you to our playground. it’s impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready
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to prove otherwise. was it really the ancient greek scientist eratosthenes who made the world's first globe? it seemed to me that eratosthenes came up with the first map. oh, well done little machine, she remembers these rules. so what's wrong with the globe, who invented it? for another. their erudition any adult would be jealous. is it true that a computer mouse pointer can change shape depending on what object it is placed on? the cursor has so -called context sensitivity, and it can actually change its shape depending on what object it is pointed at, a stick, above, below. i also see that he feels very comfortable, confident, relaxed. no, he's worried. we have an item in our chest, the graphic image of which is often used on email services to indicate a button that allows you to attach any files to a letter, maybe some kind of stamp, a push pin,
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it’s most likely a paper clip, here it is, an intellectual and entertaining show, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is an event program for belarus 24 and we continue. entrance campaign 2024. the ministry of education of belarus has approved a plan for the admission of universities and colleges for civil servants. find out more from our columnist elena puntus. this year, applicants entering the target direction from enterprises participate in a separate competition. for them, the stages of submitting documents and passing enrollment exams will take place at an earlier date. the number of target places is determined for specific specialties, indicating the organization of personnel customers. the admissions campaign will last from june 27 to july 12, entrance
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examinations from july 4 to july 10. the competition will be based on the average score of the certificate and the result of the oral exam. as for the conclusion of contracts with customer organizations, it has already begun on may 1 for teaching specialties. start june 1st. there are already about four in higher education majors. the young specialist will have to work in the organization with which he entered into an agreement for 5 years. uniting kind hearts, the next stage of the charity campaign for the restoration of the shrines of belarus has started in the republic. which
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objects were the first to be put in order this year? this is the church of the holy life-giving trinity in the borisov region. young families from every district of the minsk region came to improve the temple. volunteers cleaned up the area, planted tui, and also accepted participation in the digitization of this place. the guys rallied, even more, i think, they received a charge of emotions, made new acquaintances, and i think that, in principle, throughout the entire minsk region, our districts will continue this tradition and will attract young families to this action in the future. people are interested in the history of the temple and are interested in this place, and they come here even just to have a look. to the temple, and sometimes they come on excursions, of course, i would like even more people, of course, to come by bus, we always
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we’ll meet you, give you a tour and... tell you the interesting history of this region, that’s why a tourist route is currently under construction, the campaign to restore the shrines of belarus started 11 years ago on the initiative of the belarusian republican youth union, in 2016 it received interfaith status. during this time, not only churches, but also memorial sites, as well as objects from the times of the great patriotic war, are being improved in the republic. city anniversary gift to vitebsk locals masters create decorative panels, what makes it unique? just imagine, a canvas 44 m long, on which 1,050 flowers will bloom, exactly as many years as the northern capital turns. cornflowers, daisies, tulips, lilies, and various decorative elements nearby. the panels are made using the ancient molyavanka technique. the project is designed to last several months; painting is carried out not only by artisans, but also by representatives of organizations, public associations,
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students, and in general as a gift.
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excursion that this time we have prepared for travelers, immersion in the mystical world of the black lady nesvezh and direct acquaintance with the ghost queen. barbara radivil, sigismund augustus, bona sforza, historical figures become tour guides, witnesses of historical events that took place here over five centuries come to life on weekends. they hold quizzes and draws asking thematic questions to visitors to the radewilov residence. we started with a fashionable promenade. talked about fashion, traditions, 17th, 18th, 19th centuries, that is, ours the heroes showed what gentlemen of the time looked like, the next project - this already touched on such a historical topic as the cadet school, we know that in the old days there was a cadet school at the princely court and we also play this topic on weekends, well, the third the theme is completely
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fresh - this is: in the summer, guests of the castle can expect new stories with the participation of historical figures. thank you, the review was prepared by elena putus. results, analysis of the main events of this week in the information and analytical program of the telenews agency and main ether. all projects of our tv channel are available on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best, they were born in different parts of the world, i came to belarus from syria, i came here to study, i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, it’s very
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beautiful. i love the series subconsciously, and belarus consciously, because belarus gave me everything, there is beautiful nature here, i feel like at home, i want not only my roots to remain here, but also my children here to feel right at home stayed here, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, everything that modern people live with.
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watch belarus today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries of azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan. uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up
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the aitherspace-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. today in the ether 24x7 project we will tell you about the rules. current events and significant dates, we will remember the pearls of belarusian cinema, we will offer to take virtual trips around belarus and discover a new place on the map, and of course, we will present to your attention exciting and
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educational projects of our tv channel, stay up to date with all the most current news in the country and the world, watch our traditional friday project, in the section your choice, get acquainted with important news from: the world of sports: peat mining season, family day, which our country celebrated this wednesday, and preparations for the independence day of belarus . economy, social life, culture an alternative and efficient type of fuel that is always in demand in the energy sector. it’s peat mining season in belarus; the beltop gas enterprise plans to produce about 2 million tons of this alternative type this year. fuel. this volume will yield a million tons of peat briquettes. some of these products are exported, including to china. today , only in the structure of bitop-gas , 15 peat briquette plants operate throughout the country. one of the industry leaders is the sergeevichskoye enterprise.
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in addition to production, they also support the social sphere. an apartment building is being built in the village of pravdinsky, pukhovichi district. this place also intends to secure its status as a center for the peat football championship. production is increasing in belarus the use of wood pellets; housing and communal services are looking at this type of fuel. owners of cottages are showing interest, where they can heat the premises and get hot water precisely by burning pellets, when compared with gas, such equipment is several times more expensive. that is why the state, taking into account the nuance, will offer a subsidy to owners of pill boilers. there are already examples in the regions of belarus. today the borisov forestry enterprise is a supplier of wood pellets for... industry, there are prospects for export sales, the products are ready to buy in the middle asia, china, turkey in the minsk region, 154 heat sources operate on pellets, and this year it is planned to build another 61 facilities.
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the industrial complex of the mogilev region is increasing production volumes, thanks to preferential preferences; according to the presidential decree on the development of the south-eastern regions of the mogilev region, new production facilities have appeared in the region. the investment climate and the state program have revived one district, one project, so the elevator engineering plant is not slowing down, working in three shifts and up to 13,000 elevators per year, more and more new ones are in production technologies, another achievement has been the localization of production over the years, the contribution of the free economic zone to the general treasury, in the territory of the mogilev region there are 18 business sites, including in asipovichi, bobruisk, krichev, half of the exports of the magilev region. specifically for these companies. family day was celebrated in belarus on may 15th. the number of large families in the country is growing. today it is almost 124,000, raising 405 children. the most important
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area of ​​family policy is the protection of motherhood and childhood. a number of guarantees, an increase in child care benefits is ensured. a wide range of social services are provided. the republican action started this month. i am my country with charity events, conferences, competitions. educational institutions held a single lesson dedicated to family day. belarus is preparing to celebrate the day. depending on july 3, hundreds of units of military equipment will march in a column through the center of the belarusian capital. the military began preparing for the parade. more than 6.00 military personnel and about 250 combat units will take part in it technology. the ministry of defense of the ministry of internal affairs, the state border committee, the ministry of emergency situations, the investigative committee, cadet schools and specialized lyceums will present their parade squads. the sky over the capital will be decorated with combat aircraft and helicopters. it will be a bright finale to the parade. in the traditional heading date
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of the week, we will find out what reasons for celebration the outgoing week offers us, we will remember our outstanding fellow countrymen, we will visit the state literary museum of yanka kupala. on may 16, 1911 , he was born in yevlichi, sludsky district. krysko timofey vasilyevich, in the future, laureate of the state prize of the bssr, honored cultural worker of our country, vasil vitka. in his village he was considered the first gramatei. mikhas slynkov noticed seventeen-year-old samorodka and published his first poem. vidka is best known and recognized as a children's writer. his poems, fairy tales, riddles, coming out of print, immediately went into the series of christ.
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an honorary list of the famous danish storyteller, the work of vasil vidka is still in the national literature today. may 18, 1938 in the village of tsintsevichileisky mikhail kozinets, a famous conductor, teacher, people's artist of belarus, one of the largest representatives of modern musical art in our country, was born in the district. elder belarus. he devoted almost half a century to the conducting school to the national,
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academic, folk orchestra named after zhinovich. the team he headed triumphantly represented national art in almost twenty countries of the world. for two decades, kozenets was the rector of the belarusian state conservatory for his multifaceted creative activities and the maestra was awarded for his outstanding contribution to the development of belarusian and soviet musical culture. state prize of belarus, prize for spiritual revival, francis skarina medal and order of friendship of peoples. may 19 will mark the 80th anniversary of the creation of the yanka kupala state literary museum. one of the oldest museums in belarus was founded in 1944 and is the only one in the world that houses the largest collection of related materials. with the life and creativity of the first national poet of our country,
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collected in one place. the director was kupala's wife, honored cultural worker of the bssr, vladislav lutsevich, was appointed. the museum opened its doors to visitors on september 20 , 1945. in fifty-nine , the yanka kupala literary museum moved to a specially built new building, a multifunctional cultural complex.
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strives for everyone, we constantly monitor messages, information is processed, and, if necessary, corrective measures are developed. this teamwork is welcomed and present here; without teamwork, it is practically impossible to produce high-tech products impossible. watch the project, a quality mark on the belarus 24 tv channel. we are setting off on an expedition through the corners of our country. pragna will breathe out the water of the watery meadows, the forests and
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the pale forests, and the sadness of life in the distance. today we are exploring a folklore expedition that will happen many times before in the past. vitsebshchyny. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. to the great rulers of the village , mikalai khlyuscin was the lord of any horse. meў pan 150 galova violent ragatay zhively swedish people. and did you know that marrysya and stas uvakhodzina were having a wedding. chula, i'm asked. how did the yany geta get away like that? dziva neikae. good day at your house.
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next, we will get acquainted with the pearls of belarusian cinema in the cinema section. every saturday, the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts masterpieces of belarusian cinema. the event is dedicated to the centenary of russian cinema. krylova, krylova. musical comedy by sasha sashenko, directed by vitaly chetverikov, filmed according to the script by lydia
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vakulovskaya in 1966. the main character of the film is sasha krylova, she is an inventor and a dreamer. plot, who is equipping his apartment, they are taking measures to complete the construction of the kindergarten on time, good, put it to me, there is, i have already delivered it to you, and you replace it, having met a worker, kostya, who is interested in parachuting, sasha gives himself away for the artist, her deception is revealed,
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then, in order not to lose face in showing her love, she decides to jump with a parachute. what does it mean? where did you come from? it doesn't matter, i'll jump. what are you doing? it’s okay, even if i’m not an artist, i ’ll jump in anyway. fine. starring natalya selezneva. success came to the actress with the release of leonid gaidai's film, operation and other adventures of shurik, in which she played lida. subsequently, she successfully played in gaidai’s comedies more than once. vladimir vysotsky starred in a cameo role, but he remained in the film only in three episodes; the director disguised him as much as possible, repainted him and voiced him with the voice of another actor. of the four proposed songs, two were performed in the film, but the name does not appear in the credits. that house stood familiar to all the residents, because it had been there for two
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it stood for centuries, so the residents appointed it for demolition a long time ago, they left the house, but the house still stood. watch the film sasha sashenko on may 18 on our tv channel. time to go on another virtual trip. pinsk fascinates and captivates both foreign tourists and belarusian travelers. we will learn more about the architecture of this amazing region in the traditional section for travel lovers: place on the map. we continue to discover for our viewers unusual places in the most beautiful polesian city of pinsk. powerful, the monumental, impressive building of the jesuit college in pinsk attracts attention immediately. and the location
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of the architectural structure is advantageous on the main square of the city, on the banks of the beautiful pinna. the pinsk college of jesuits is considered one of the masterpieces of 16th-century architecture on the territory of belarus. two-meter walls, windows that look so much like loopholes, underground passages leading to the river, huge basements. supply of food, this building could withstand a long siege. quiet life continued until 1648, when the city was captured by the cossacks. nebaba squad. all wealthy townspeople and monks were killed, and the monastery was plundered. 7 years later the city was again captured and set on fire. after these terrible events, construction of a rectangular three-story college building began next to the church. the building was built in the baroque style, but some researchers see renaissance features in it. a gable roof with a figured
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pediment crowns the structure. in the center of the pediment there is a large chiming clock. the school at the collegium was considered one of the best at that time. over the years here there was a pharmacy, a printing house, and a library. in 1773, the vatican dissolved the jesuit order. during the great patriotic war, the collegium suffered greatly, they even wanted to demolish it. in 1965, an art gallery was opened here, which exhibited works from the radevils’ collections, works by aivazovsky, shishkin, vosnetsov. the new life of the building began when it was given to the museum of belarusian polesie. after a thorough restoration, the museum received its first visitors. another bright landmark is holy varvarian cathedral. the cathedral is located in the reconsecrated bernardine church, built in the baroque style in the second half of the 16th century. in 1705, hetman of the grand
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duchy of lithuania mikhail vishnevetsky, together with his wife catherine, invited bernardine monks here and gave them a plot of land to build a monastery. the laconic appearance of this crazy church with a figured pediment, pilasters and semicircular niches on the facade. characteristic of the numerous bernardine monastery saints scattered throughout the world. after november during the uprising of 1830-1831, the bernardines were evicted from pinsk, and their shrine was handed over to the orthodox. later, the monastery served as a city prison, then a hospital and even a granary. today the st. barbara's cathedral is a monument of baroque architecture, where you can see the grisaille. a large number of icons from the 17th to the 11th centuries were copied in the traditions of early classicism. welcome to belarus. in the
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guide section we will get acquainted with the best projects of the tv channel. let's find out how those who abandoned worldly life and chose to serve god live. let's do it gastronomic tour of novogrudok, and also learn about the latest changes in the economic sphere of our country. the ministry of architecture and construction has proposed approaches to simplify the construction process of facilities, for example, we are talking about such innovations as if the design and estimate documentation has been fully examined at the final stage of construction, the facility will be accepted only by state construction supervision, and there is no need to obtain other conclusions. investment in the belarusian economy is being restored. it will start working in the second half of the year law. in investments, the document provides a number of benefits for investors. at the end of last year , the top foreign partners included cyprus, russia, and
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the united arab emirates. the top five also includes the netherlands and china. the kirov region is considered agricultural, the flagship is large-scale farming, dawn. we have a multi -profile farm, of course we are engaged in a very diverse range of activities, ranging from traditional milk, meat, grain, rapeseed, but we also have gardens, and fish , etc. about the most notable events in the economy let's talk in the "sphere of interest" program. how did the history of the lyadino annunciation monastery begin? initially , a wooden church was built on the site of the monastery; the most holy theotokos appeared to the villager kirik on maryina hill and gave orders to build a temple not far from this place. how is the monk's home arranged? traditionally. the monastic cell includes a red or prayer corner, a small tea table, an area for
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writing and...
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sour cream by boiling it with other ingredients. let's find out what the dish tastes like, which, according to legend, was on the table of king jogaila himself. in general, to be honest, this is the first time i ’m trying a combination of products that, in my opinion, are incompatible. delicate butter, perhaps even sweet and vigorous. the belarusian horseradish may even be spicy and bitter, but in fact it turned out very tasty. what culinary delights can the first capital of the grand duchy of lithuania boast? look anywhere in the food program. these and other projects are broadcast on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. we are on the parade ground of the minsk military commandant’s office, where training takes place military personnel of the honor guard company, i am the commander of the second honor guard company, captain dashkevich maxim vik. this is where the training process takes place, the preparatory process for military personnel to support various types of events. the honor guard performs the tasks of ensuring state events, meeting and seeing off top officials arriving in the territory of our country, as well as laying wreaths. and
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as a result of our activities, this is a concert. the roto of honorable koroul was founded. february 17 , 1995, the composition of the company of honorable king, in addition to the first, the second company of the honor guard includes the roto of the honor guard of the ministry of internal affairs and the roto of the honor guard of the state border committee. as part of these four divisions, training is carried out, and as part of these four divisions , a parade ground is formed, which we will be able to see very soon on july 3. every year, on the eve of may 9, military personnel of the honorable koroul also take part in laying wine at the victory monument. selection of military personnel for the honor guard company carried out by studying the initial study of candidates for service in the military registration and enlistment offices. everyone
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who has the first group of health, who... height not lower than 185 cm, good physical fitness and absence of tattoos on visible parts of the body, correct facial features, every... there are various markings on the platform that allow us to hone our skills with our military personnel, here is a point that is marked here for the purpose of to
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train the concert so that everyone the soldier understood and imagined exactly what point he needed to come to, then we will be able to notice on the square there are squares marked on the platform for sharpening skills, moving with a marching step, the size of the square is marked in accordance with general military regulations, according to the length of the soldier’s step so that everyone can simultaneously move to the same length step to move forward. the size of the parade ground varies, ours is large, this was done for the purpose of conducting training on the basis of the minsk military commandant's office troops of the minsk garrison in preparation for the parade. on the platform for the equipment. does not use, the only thing in garrison training is that there are two passenger vehicles that simulate the passage of troops by the minister of defense of the deputy minister of defense.
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there are a huge number of elements depending, say, on how deep you go into this process, how interested you are in how this or that element turns out. we begin, of course, with a single stage of military training, then they train as part of squads, platoons, as part of a company, and then on occasion we receive. a weapon, a carbine, a simonov self-loading carbine, with which they also practice various elements, the initial elements are on guard on the shoulder, and then having the opportunity, having gained experience in these
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elements, the military personnel begin to move with the first step with a weapon, and as a result it begins the introduction of various elements, including the rotation of both carbines and checkers, with which military personnel also... take part in events, most often, with checkers, military personnel take part in events where famous groups are involved. during training, servicemen of the honor guard company use a simonov self-loading carbine, and each serviceman of the honor guard company also has a kalashnikov assault rifle. simonov's self-loading carbine is not a dummy, it is a military weapon with which military personnel take part in various events. we don’t shoot from it, we are for a peaceful sky above our heads, there are also military personnel who are the best trained, who have the highest quality
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in the shortest possible time we were able to complete a course in preparation for the event, we call these servicemen unique, who ultimately become virtuosos on the stage concert, the servicemen get up at 6:00 in the morning, then... they have morning physical exercises, morning toilet, breakfast, from 9 o'clock they start classes, from 9 to 13:00 from 15 to 17 o'clock on the eve of the event, military personnel spend 5-6 hours on the parade ground, these are these mesmerizing performances that take your breath away when you watch, this preparatory process takes about 3-4 months, which...
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preparation of the plast-concert begins on a piece of paper, when all people interested in this, including military servicemen, contribute. make their own adjustments, make their own proposals, then the officers work through these elements, look at how it will look, already on the drawing board, honing their skills, studying various elements, we build a logical chain of these elements, each unit commander in a kind of choreographer who consistently organizes certain actions of military personnel.
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during the preparation process, we emphasize that during the event itself, a serviceman should not allow various thoughts in his head that could distract him from the event itself. coping with the anxiety that they encounter at first is only possible by gaining experience during the provision of events, and accordingly, we somehow encourage and motivate them in different ways, everyone understands a soldier standing in line that he has no right to make a mistake.
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there are military personnel who, having completed military service, express a desire to enter a higher military educational institution to receive an education and then return as officers to the company of the honorary corul or to one of the units of the minsk military commandant's office, there are those who...
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guard to glorify this unit. traveling is not just about experiencing history and sights. in 1717 , anna rodivil, wife of the chancellor of the grand duchy of lithuania, built the first one.
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manufactory in the novogrod region in naliboki, they built this branch for 9 months, it was accepted in 1896 on december 28, and this branch was so good that it was accepted into the treasury. travel is an opportunity to try something new. to understand what kind of bull it will be, you need to make horns for it, that is, we made the horns from an exhaust pipe, an exhaust pipe. yes, a kamaz car. and, of course, join in.
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who and how helps make our lives better ? what are scientists working on today? a group of small devices is created, one device made by belarus and two devices made by the russian federation, this grouping is designed to study near-earth space, weather forecasting, only networks, surface netio stations are not enough, because the weather, as we know, is formed. last century, when meteorology was discovered in our country , the history of the belarusian synoptic hydrometeorological institute began in the thirties. watch the science nearby project on our tv channel.
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in my homeland in the postavy district of the vitebsk region, as a child i spent a lot time in the fresh air and... and often observed helicopters, planes, and so on in the air, since we live near the border zone, and helicopters were very often in the air, and in the military sphere , somewhere from childhood , an understanding began to form, the idea that i would like
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to try all this, there are no military men in my family, i am one of the first, my father served, but did not connect his life with the military sphere, in the thirteenth year. i entered the military academy of the republic of belarus at the faculty of air defense, in the eighteenth graduated from the year and was assigned the position of platoon commander of a company of honorable corolla of the minsk military command, where i serve to this day. like most parents, they are filled with pride that their son is serving in such a unit. an important point is that this unit is the only one in our republic.
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i haven’t connected my life with sports, but in the military sphere it is very necessary, since a serviceman must be physically, well physically developed, prepared, in addition to service, there are some kind of hobbies, sports are also part of the hobby, also in our free time from work there is an opportunity to analyze what we have been able to achieve today, have we been 100% realized? could we bring to life what we have planned for today, and of course, in addition to service, when there is time, this time is spent with family and friends, literally by the third year i had formed a full
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understanding, awareness that i would like to serve in the honorary company guard, since i had the opportunity to be a participant in the parade of troops of the minsk garrison. and garrison training took place on the parade ground in the minsk military commandant’s office, and i looked at these guys, fit, well-built, and so on, i realized that i would like to be in the ranks of these guys, i realized that i could invest something in them, invest something in this unit in order to glorify it in the future. the selection of military personnel to serve as part of the honor guard begins by examining candidates at the military registration and enlistment offices, that is, every man, every a young man of our country, from different parts of our
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country, can be in the ranks of an honor guard company. an important factor is this first group of health, height not lower than 185 cm, correct facial features. and the absence of tattoos on visible parts of the body, every serviceman who will be enlisted in the ranks of the military personnel of the honorable corolla, he will walk this path with honor and pride due to the fact that, like in any other unit of the armed forces, here is also a very responsible mission, very important the moment, the formation of you, when you perform various tasks shoulder to shoulder with your comrades.
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everyone masters the preparatory process differently, but on average it takes 3-4 months. basic elements are mastered within a month, the first month when they first join the unit. further, it all becomes more complicated, after 3-4 months the serviceman is ready, let’s say, to carry out any task to support any event. there are basic elements that are most often used. used by military personnel of the honorary corul, if this take the laying ceremony, this is the clock
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of the eternal flame, respectively, an element on the karau, which we could also see earlier, if this is a solemn march as part of a company, this is taking a carbine on the shoulder, we also have checkers, as we also said, checkers most often are used in banner groups, then it’s all very individual depending on the event, depending. requires, let's say, an understanding of what and why can follow. every action
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of a serviceman is honed during training; these are logical, let’s say, the actions they perform. there is no limit to perfection, and accordingly, during training, during preparation, during the actual provision of events, everyone knows the sequence of their actions, without certain, let’s say, sequences. will carry them out, since there is a program, a platform concert program has been set, accordingly, everyone knows which element follows which, we are in the museum of the minsk military commandant's office, and here we can have... awards of all units that are part of minsk military command,
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we focus our attention on the company of honorary guard. the most, let's say, memorable and valuable thing for me, as the commander of the company of honorary corul, with my participation these awards were received, is gratitude for participation in the international spasskaya tower festival. and the lives of military personnel of the minsk military commandant’s office, military personnel of the rotopochonny corolla can also be found out. from the telegram channel of minskayadatura, we do not lag behind, we keep up with the times, so that everyone who is interested in life can learn more about us. very it’s nice that our work is appreciated, we do not go unnoticed, this year we were awarded a prize from the hands of the head of state, a prize for spiritual revival. everyone is looking forward to the performance of the military personnel of the honorable corolla, namely the parade concert. preparation of the stage concert is carried out for. well before the event itself, it all starts with a piece of paper, when we draw some
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figures, display them with dots, and so on. there are military personnel whom we appoint for ... so that they unlearn certain elements, then we look at the plot, how these elements, let’s say, we can implement, bring to life, then we make some adjustments of our own, and in the end we end up with a full-fledged program of the concert, which lasts up to 10 minutes.
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what will best test your erudition and intelligence? that's right, tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? andrey, well, there was such a very interesting story, seth called. on the holiday of asiris, then it seems that he he was either cut, or immediately thrown into the river, cut, andrey should write detective stories, of course, or horror films, this spaniard went down in tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22, absolutely right, this is the correct answer,
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thanks why do the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexandraevich pushkin understand that... there is a stranger, the answer is c, because a girl came to them, i’ll call her that, she cleaned up their entire mansion, everything was so clean and beautiful, someone was tidying up the mansion, yes i was waiting for the owners, i want to catch up with lyosha at three. paris, london, new york, name the last city, provided that we are talking about tennis, melbourne, melbourne, that's right, look.
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information and analytical project current microphone on air on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24, with you the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guest, deputy of the house of representatives, head of the belarusian party belarus, doctor of philosophy. oleg romanov, hello, hello andrey, we are discussing important topics that really concern each of us, taking into account the information agenda that belarusians literally embrace the entire world community. oleg alexandrovich, i’ll read out a short excerpt and ask you to comment on it. georgia has only two options, either it will turn into a pathetic, wretched belarus, or it will become a free and fighting
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ukraine. what do you think about it? again, these quotes. its development and, in general, its preservation in history is reintegration - in the post-soviet space with countries that are friendly to georgia in historical, civilizational and economic terms, and here i would like to recall the history of why georgia came into existence at all, it took place because at one time the right
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decision was made at the beginning of the 19th century to become part of the russian empire, and this was well reflected in the poetic... form of lermontov in his emtsi such and such a king in such and such a year entrusted his people to russia and god's grace descended on georgia, since then it has bloomed in the shade of its gardens. for not fearing enemies beyond friendly bayonets, and this saved georgia then, two centuries ago, from being slaughtered by neighboring islamic powers, genocide of the orthodox georgian population would have been inevitable, but it was precisely as part of the russian empire that it was preserved. if we take the soviet experience, i remember very well the figures of soviet statistics, they were widely available, at one time i was interested in these issues. was even more substantively engaged, and georgia contributed about one and a half percent to the all-union budget, received
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about 5% from the union budget, that is, the contribution to georgia was more than three times less than its capabilities, which it received as a future part of the soviet union. of course this imbalance was eliminated due to shortfalls. russia itself, the bssr and the ukrainian ussr, they were donors to the soviet union. and i remembered these historical facts in order to show that the well-being of georgia has always been determined by its friendly relations with the countries of the post-soviet space, well then the soviet union, the russian empire, the soviet union, now the countries of the post-soviet space. i think that the successful, confident development of georgia lies precisely on this path. one could say which that georgia has prospects in the european union, but i want to ask a rhetorical question: which countries of the former ussr, parts of the former ussr,
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have achieved success on the european path, which of them have shown economic results, political development, cultural, demographic and so on, we we see that everyone who followed this so-called european path turned out to be historical bankrupts, ukraine. the baltic states, moldova, therefore, to believe that georgia will have some other path, other results will not come, i i think that by abandoning this pseudo-historical choice, the european path, georgia can find itself, its future, but these are value judgments. pushing belarus, then our country, according to many world ratings, which our president spoke about during his message to the belarusian people and parliament at the all-belarusian
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people's assembly, is the leader in world development in terms of provision of medical services, in child survival rates, in low levels of child and maternal mortality, by food supply, by level. security that we have in our country, and which allows our citizens to feel completely confident on the roads, on the streets, in their homes and so on, so this is not a miserable belarus, but a prosperous belarus, and if georgia would like to be prosperous, then it one must follow the path that leads to this result. oleg alexandrovich, i don’t know whether you agree with me or not, in my opinion, this is not even the evolution of such a political process in georgia, but an open revolution, because... we have repeatedly said that indeed, in this country, the integration of non-profit public associations, which are supervised by all sorts of western intelligence services and other
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analytical, let’s say, structures, is simply colossal, a lot of representatives of the state apparatus are really integrated into these structures, so today, when the law has already been adopted, you understand how it was difficult to form this majority, for example, in parliament. which will adopt this law, generally unite around this idea that for georgia this is an important and a necessary process, but this is, to put it mildly, a truly revolutionary process, especially when you remember that, for example, the president of this country is a citizen of france, most of the deputies also have various passports of other countries, in your opinion, this has something to do with , what preconditions occurred, that is, some kind of nationally oriented part... i don’t know
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how appropriate, but it’s really a deep, qualitative change in the path of political development of georgia, and the word revolution can really be used here, but i would probably you know, even use the concept of counter-revolution, if we believe that the revolution was a separation, yes, the revolution grew and the separation of georgia from... its historical past, from its roots, from national, religious identity, a severance of those ties that were, historically developed. between georgia and russia, now this counter-revolution, that is, an attempt to return not to the roots, we are not talking about that, it is still an attempt to get onto the path on which it is possible to find a future, i have already said this several times today used the concept, there is really a conversation about whether or not the country will have a future, whether it will be preserved in history, whether the people, the georgian people, will remain as a subject of political cultural development, as for the reasons for this process, i
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think... not multidimensional, of course, as always happens, and there are also tactical reasons that lie not so much on the surface, located in such - in the sphere of such prose, let's say, life, i think that many of those who are starting this process, the process of adopting a law about foreign agents, process some kind of liberation of the country from the dominance of ngos has economic reasons as well. along with other things, there is also a feeling of the need to interact with the same russia, other countries in the post-soviet national pride, a feeling, a sense of space, there are other reasons, but the fact that the future, here is the understanding that this future can and should be defended and fought for , i think that this also exists, so now... in
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this first approximation, this is far from exhausting all the complexity of that struggle, but in a first approximation we can interpret this a clash of supporters and opponents of the law on foreign agents, as nationally oriented people who see the prospect of their country and are trying to protect this prospect on the one hand, on the other hand these are non-national, anti-national forces that... indifferent georgia, indifferent to its future and which, as you are right they noticed that even in their personal destiny they do not connect their lives, the lives of their children with georgia, with its present and future, having, well, for example, foreign passports. oleg alexandrovich, your opinion is interesting, here it is regarding the formulations that are heard on the streets of georgia, regarding the fact that this law on foreign agents is a russian law.


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