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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 18, 2024 2:20am-3:11am MSK

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therefore, now, in this first approximation, this is far from exhausting all the complexity of that struggle, but in a first approximation, we can interpret this clash between supporters and opponents of the law on foreign agents as nationally oriented people, seeing the prospect of their country and trying to protect this prospect, on the one hand , on the other hand, these are non-national... anti-national forces that are indifferent to georgia, indifferent to its future and which, as you correctly noted, are not bound by their own life, the life of their children with georgia, with its present and future, having, well, for example, foreign passports. oleg aleksandrovich, your opinion is interesting, regarding the formulations that are heard on the streets of georgia, regarding the fact that this law on foreign agents is a russian law, this...
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in general, the hand of the kremlin is doing all this, but for some reason no one raises the question that a similar law, for example, headlights, has been in force in the usa, if i’m not mistaken, since the 19th century, europe is now actively raising the issue, you open euronews, there is constantly going on discussion of the fact that europe needs a law on foreign agents, but for some reason, not in the usa, not in europe, this law is not called russian, that is, they adhere to their national interests, they understand that hybrid... forms of attack by external influence on your national policy , at the moment they are almost the main ones, how they manage, in this vein, of course, you have already said that the truth is a lie, but are there really so many stupid people who cannot compare the facts, or are they so skillfully implementing it? such narratives, or everything everything understand perfectly well, but simply knowing that it is in their own interests, for example, because well, we openly understand that they are coming out to protest. precisely those same foreign agents
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who, to put it mildly, understand political processes, most of them because they are their direct participants, and by forming this narrative about russian aggression, russian law and so on, they cover up their own mercantile interests, thanks andrey, good question, there are several storylines in one question, well, let’s start with in general, what people count on when they tell an outright lie, well, here we can probably recall the discovery in quotation marks of goebbels, the head of the ideological system of the reich, who said that a lie spoken a thousand times becomes the truth, well, or a lie that is spoken a thousand times begins believe, modernity shows that this is really so, for me, for example, as a social scientist, a person who has been studying the issue of personality formation, personality development for quite a long time, i was interested in that monstrous experiment that was staged in ukraine, that literally in a few years... well, there in a decade they were able
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to form a generation of people who sincerely believe in the nonsense that pours out from tv screens, from ukrainian internet sources, people with a blue eye believe that the ancients the ukrainians dug up the black sea, that christopher columbus was to the ukrainians, well, in short, everyone who doesn’t take plato. his students were also ancient ukrainians and the like, it turns out that life shows these cruel experiments that are carried out in individual countries, that working with consciousness of people is very fast, that consciousness is very plastic, and if - using correctly selected methods, what the goal is, we are not saying now, then that the goal is monstrous - this is understandable, but if the methods are correctly selected to achieve this goal, then it turns out there is no need wait centuries for a generation like this to change; even people
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of mature age, who have formed a seemingly more or less adequate information environment, can begin to instill the most complete heresy, and this will be accepted. i think this is the method, it is implemented in to a large extent in georgia. speaking in particular, the following is obvious to any person, but a little immersion into the question shows us the following: in georgia there was an attempt to pass two laws: one law on the registration of foreign agents, another law or the first law on transparency of activities , some kind of wording there, yes the one who receives more than 20% of funding from foreign sources had to register on the website of the ministry of justice and show his financial statements, the second law is precisely the law on registration of foreign agents, this second law, it was almost letter for letter copied from the corresponding one. us law, which has
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the abbreviation fara, which was passed in america in 1938, so what? an example of double, triple standards, what we do at home is one story, what worries us is that here we see such a good thing that we allow or do not allow others to do it is another story, so to say that this the law has been copied from the russian one, it’s
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just funny, there are serious differences between them, both conceptual and textual, that’s how after all, this law on registration, which has now been withdrawn from... parliament, and another law is being discussed there, but the one that they wanted to pass was already submitted to parliament, registered in the georgian parliament, but then, under pressure from the opposition, it was withdrawn, not even had time to go through the first reading, and so it was just written, it was a tracing paper from the american law, right now a provocative thought arose, oleg alexandrovich in 2020 - part of, at least my friends, quite respected people in georgians, doctors of science, gathered in front of the belarusian embassy for a rally of support for the belarusian people, who directly opposed this very hybrid form of attack, are there any thoughts
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to support in some way, maybe send some kind of letter with words of support to the georgian parliament, or here is some kind of action to carry out directly in support of the georgian government and their initiative. thank you andrey for the proposal, i’m probably not ready to unequivocally either support or reject this proposal right now, it needs to be worked out, because that this is a serious, well, quite serious political action in the international arena and it should be worked out in order to really read not only the short-term, but the medium-term consequences of this action, so thank you for the proposal, to what extent we can implement it, i’ll think about it at the moment ... again, an interesting topic close to belarus is the polish border, where prime minister tusk came just the other day and announced that new resources would be allocated directly for expansion fortifications on the border, which
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is interesting, we discuss quite often, and in my opinion the same tusk has repeatedly stated that a huge amount of money was stolen when that same wall of duda morovetsky was built, now... here in different components, then that there is a corruption component here, i don’t doubt it for a single minute, it is clear that many involved in this hope to get their fat piece from the implementation of the construction of the wall, from the implementation of this project, and
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i would not underestimate this component, maybe she is even one of the leaders, because to promote this project, to break through all sorts of obstacles that still exist there and... their own, we will talk about this below, declare their protests, and a significant part of polish society is not very -that’s enough for everyone, and we remember the letter from businessmen from the polish voivodeships of eastern poland, which was sent to the polish government, where they demanded to soften these bans that are now found at the borders, and on the transit of goods, this causes direct damage. economic interests of polish business, which means the polish state, the polish budget, all these difficulties must be overcome, i only named a small part of them, there must be motives for this, but i think these motives are precisely personal interest, but it only leads to that , that this is a purely corruption project, i
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would not, i think that here we need to see more deeply, and what is deeper is that now europe is increasingly withdrawing into itself, becoming isolated. and it is separated from others - external - the reasons for this, well, or pretexts, they were called by jose borel, yes, we are the garden of eden, and the rest are the jungle, so they want to protect this... their garden of eden, but there are other reasons, they consist in the fact that europe is increasingly showing its russian, russian essence, and actively is militarized, such a hostile attitude towards the outside world is becoming an increasingly pronounced dominant of the european worldview, european thinking.
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separation from the outside world, opposing oneself to the outside world, now we see how it is realized, well the third thing that can and should be said is what our president spoke about during his address, that poland is becoming more aggressive, more, it is militarizing more aggressive, more and more these aggressive plans, expansionist plans are being hatched, and this is served by the formation of a strike group of troops on the borders with belarus in general, the formation of an army, which is offensive in nature, well, the equipment of which is training, which is offensive in nature, and i think that the construction of this wall, in principle... also included in this logic, the logic of militarization and the future, future aggression, prospects
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for future aggression, i recently came across an interesting thesis on the internet that at the moment on the territory of the modern european union, the ideology that results can be described as liberal nazism, very interesting thesis, for the sake of comprehension i ’m still thinking about it, this is so, including so that listeners can think about this issue, i’m interested in your opinion regarding increasing popularity ultra-right parties, ultra-right movements on the territory of the european union, again in the context of closing within their interests and so on, just the other day i came across the news that they are going to form in the future european parliament - such a party or coalition of the right, strong enough in connection with what is increasing. again, the popularity of this ideology, these movements in individual countries,
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in your opinion, is not even for europe, for us, does this pose any danger, or , on the contrary, does it indicate that these government officials will think about their national interests, and accordingly, this is, again, a more predictable policy that allows you to build pragmatic relationships, what do you think about this? let me speculate a little, maybe you... was considered as a sovereign being who has the right to independently form his
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opinion, his vision of the world, to freely express this opinion and vision of the world, to believe in what he considers to believe, the restrictions that it all had, well are considered as legal restrictions, that is, you can believe in anything, think anything, say anything, but don’t break the law, that’s the idea, it prevailed, many people liked it, it seemed like a good solution. uh , the tangle of contradictions in which europe was entangled in the 15th-17th centuries, i’m talking, for example, about religious wars in europe, about many other problems, but in what direction did liberalism move? this was shown very well by the soviet russian philosopher alexander sergeevich ponarin, he was at one time very popular in such a conservative conservative part of the intellectual community of russia, belarus, and he showed that liberalism was moving from personal freedom to freedom of instinct, freedom of instinct, that is
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, the freedom of expression of a person began to be imperceptibly replaced by the freedom of emancipation of his instinct, what i want... dostoevsky, his such aphoristic phrase: to unbridle in order to bridle, that is, first we corrupt, first we liberate everything, and there are no restrictions, and then, when... chaos reigns, when in this state there is no nothing is guaranteed, no rights, not even human life, then people themselves will say: take away this freedom from us, rule us, but just ensure that we live, that our children are not killed there on the street, they have a piece of bread, apparently , this request is visible at the moment, it turns out that now, indeed, the further, the more this demand arises
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to bridle the transition to a dictatorship, and people will happily agree, well, many to this dictatorship, because.. .then able to live such outright chaos and lawlessness is impossible, i think that right now the combination of nazism and liberalism, in particular , is ensured, determined by the process that i mentioned above, this is not the only reason, but probably this can also be thought about, as for the growing role of the right-wing forces, to some extent this is connected with what i spoke about above, that is , when people lose in every possible way the foundations of their lives, when it is impossible to believe in anything, not in god, not in the devil, not to the homeland, neither, no matter what, people cannot do that, a person must still have the foundations of his life, even if implicit, even if he cannot always say them to himself, but instinctively, intuitively, he must feel that there is something important for which you can live, and then,
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when these society... like now ukraine, we are talking about yes - ukraine is our mother and our father bandera, when little children sing this, here we see the transformed, ugly forms of this search for foundations, the search for those ideals, absolutes that can and should rely on a person, but uh, in
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itself, the desire to find them, the idea of ​​a nation in itself, it is good, it should not take on these ugly forms, therefore, if we talk about this, the word triumph is not yet suitable, but oh sharp increase, mm, sharp increase in the popularity of the right, i perceive this with an ambivalent feeling, on the one hand i see in this a healthy trend, a tendency to abandon this pseudo-liberalism, for which there is no homeland, no faith, no god, nothing, but on the other there is danger on both sides that the right can cross some invisible, but very real line and become fascist thugs, become banderaites like in ukraine and so on, these are very subtle and complex things, well, as we have already decided, these subtle things were really crossed quite a long time ago on the territory of ukraine and led to the events that
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are now taking place there, and one of the most actively discussed topics is, firstly... enforcement of peace, the onset of peace negotiations, secondly, that this is possible after some trigger events around kharkov , even representatives of the political establishment in ukraine have already begun openly without any embarrassment, which in my opinion is already a triggering thing, that these people are not afraid of being at the front, because the prospect is quite, well, open, and i have repeatedly seen when political scientists respond to some sharp... questions are thrown out as a joke, which today not everyone can speak openly, because those who do not agree with the state line have very good prospects of ending up on the line front, in your opinion - how events will develop now, and whether the situation in kharkov around this city is some kind of trigger for the start of negotiations and for the political crisis in ukraine. you know,
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andrey, i think that for the political crisis in general - the cause of the political crisis in general is the situation at the front, not only around kharkov, the fact that kharkov is now strengthening these trends is undoubtedly. because now everyone sees the successes of the russian army and the inability of the ukrainian army to cope with the wave - which brings down a wave of offensive that brings down the armed forces of the russian federation on them and therefore this inability to not politically resolve this issue, not to manage to manage the situation here... a lot of other things are mixed in, that is, look, it seems like mobilization, but mobilization is not for everyone, for example, in the same ukraine , luxury housing is still being built, this luxury housing is being bought, the golden youth are still
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having fun in the nightclubs of kiev and other large cities, that is, someone’s husbands and sons are dying at the front, not just for the sake of it tobacco, as others used to say, they continue their normal cheerful behavior. life, and this , by the way, also causes severe discontent in ukraine among people, in villages, in cities, where men are taken to the front without any preparation and thrown into the heat, where they usually die or become prisoners of war, while others for some reason avoid this in total, there are many such processes, plus corruption, plus frank, outright indifference to the needs of the common man, all this...
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on the part of ukraine and the west, mostly the west, ukraine is not independent subject, as our president, and the president of the russian federation, the minister of foreign affairs have repeatedly said, then they are possible, otherwise the issue will be resolved by the right of the winner. i will openly say that the broadcasts with oleg alexandrovich are, well, not for a mass audience, but for those who continue to develop, to think about some issues, in general, i also caught myself thinking. an interesting trend in our post-soviet space, on the borders of the union state, when to some key positions are actually being filled by people with scientific degrees, so we just see
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that the appointment of a new minister of defense of the russian federation, doctor of economic sciences, that is, to a certain extent, in my opinion, this trend is as positive as possible, and i think even in the short term will give a certain result. information and analytical project current microphone was broadcast on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24, with you was the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guest, deputy of the house of representatives, leader belarusian party "belaya rus" oleg ramanov. see you. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our land, breathing in the waters of the watery
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meadows, the forests and the pale forests, and the admirable, unforgettable life of the distance. today we are going on a folklore expedition. things have happened many times before in the past of vitsebshchyna. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. the greatest rulers of pasevišča would be mikalay khlyuscin, like the grandee of any horse. meў pan 150 gal.
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belarus and uzbekistan are looking for new points of interaction; after the historic visit to tashkent, the belarusian leader arrived in minsk delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan. tell us the details. the countries have reached a new level of partnership; an impressive package of documents was signed in february, and these are not memorandums, but agreements that actually work in the energy sector, agriculture, science, and education. a roadmap for 2 years, it contains specific projects worth more than a billion dollars.
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the majority of the film crew will be belarusian actors and specialists. news, analytics, comments, experts and interesting facts. see the events program. on thursdays. on belarus tv channel 24. how long have you held a book in your hands, flipped through page after page, greedily tasting every word, of all manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing
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and worthy of attention. these are books. the thoughts of past times live in books. people's voices can be heard clearly and distinctly. everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books. by reading a person survives centuries. reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present. belarus 24.
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within the framework of the state. construction began in january 2021, and already in september, the first plane landed here. alexander lukashenko got acquainted with the new airport, then the heads of state headed to the city. the day before. earlier in st. petersburg, the president of azerbaijan at a meeting in december last year accepted belarus’s offer to take part in the modernization and construction of infrastructure facilities in karabakh. issues of the situation at the borders became a topic of conversation at a meeting of the board of border agencies of belarus and russia in grodno. during the meeting, a set of measures was developed to
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construction adjustments. boundaries taking into account existing threat challenges. the main focus is on modernizing infrastructure and technical equipment. we reviewed the progress in implementing the joint program for the development of border security until 2027. the adopted decision will increase the level of interaction between border agencies to suppress violations on the external borders of the union state. this is already our fifth program, which has been implemented since 2023 during its implementation at the expense of technical support. re-equipment of alarm systems increased the density of state border protection due to automated technical surveillance posts has increased the likelihood of detecting state border violators due to the acquisition of automotive equipment, engineering equipment, and also increased technical equipment of the border unit. effective regional cooperation is the basis for the successful development of the union state, the chairman of the grudny
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regional executive committee, vladimir karanik, expressed confidence in this during a meeting with the delegation of the kaliningrad region, which opened a series of international events within the framework of the russia belarus project, strong partnership 2. during a two-day visit to the region, it is interesting to read what our neighbors have, what events are taking place, what new things have been built, what new things have been introduced, and they are also introducing the same thing here , and today we go to schools where there are medical centers and children communicate
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online with each other, which is very important, patriotism, and some new regional issues, well, we work very, very closely and we are right here... we come to his good, kind friends. farmers began preparing feed in the minsk region and the first grass cutting started. in the chervensky district , more than 800 hectares of new greenery are allocated for annual and perennial plants. the agricultural trend is alfalfa and cereals. these crops are still growing. meanwhile, the mower is working on the experimental yellow-green area. these are the so-called rocker crops. alternating stripes of winter rye and rapeseed. in total there are over 100 hectares to sample. the new technology allows you to get the first synage earlier, and it is also immediately balanced food. the chervensky district farm plans to produce over 10,000 tons of synage and 12,000 tons of corn silage. the belarusian holidays for syrian
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schoolchildren have begun. boys and girls under the age of 15 flew to minsk. and it was from the capital that my acquaintance with the country began. the program includes visiting the sights of historical places of the water park, and after that the zubron camp. since 2017, by the decision of the president of belarus , children from syria have been relaxing and improving their health in the country , in addition to intense leisure time, a range of medical services, this is a belarusian-syrian the shift is called from heart to heart. this summer three groups of children will come, there will be three races. there are 75 children in the first one, but in total we are expecting 225 children over the summer. the children are very happy to be here, because the program is incredibly intense. we thank both... the ministry and the children for this wonderful program, they get to know children, see historical places, get acquainted with the culture of the republic of belarus, they like it and they really need it, because orphans especially need such impressions to make them
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life began to sparkle with new colors, we thank belarus for this opportunity, it is very valuable for our country. the museum of the history of minsk is ready to stay awake for the sake of aesthetes; art insomnia in the scenery of an international event will envelop the museums in the night. on may 18, the exhibition area, until midnight, the temple of mus will explore the theory of love for romantics and skeptics, the route with it and the thematic quest extends through four main exhibitions: the sovitsky gallery, new exhibition halls on rakovskaya, the city hall and the archaeological museum. on the night of museums, permanent exhibitions and exhibitions are available for viewing with a single admission ticket. you can complete the quest starting in any of these locations, this year we... drew attention to the general theme of the night of museums, this is a study we are exploring, specifically this year the phenomenon of love, this love inspired us to unite all these objects, very different from each other on another, for example, in the archaeological museum,
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visitors can expect not only an acquaintance with a valiant knight waiting for his beautiful lady, but also an exhibition with the roar of frets and the clink of calch about the historical military... reconstruction, visitors will also enjoy a dance performance in the savitsky gallery, and many different master classes. foreign guests who come to the slavic bazaar festival in vitebsk will be able to visit belarus without a visa. for organizers of participants , preferences are provided that will be valid from july 4 to july 21. to take advantage of the visa-free regime, participants will need an invitation from the vitebsk cultural center or the ministry of culture, and guests -
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the qualifying start of the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup - the most unexpected couple: zhlobin metallurgist and brest. the history of the championship was rewritten again never before by the sixth and seventh squads of glodkos.
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we will have a hero who will answer everything, are you ready to meet our hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions, a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions of the younger generation. how are you different at work from yourself at home? it seems to me that solely by appearance, i don’t turn from some kind of grim into into a cute cat, no, me or the grymza. everywhere or kitty everywhere, how do you feel
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when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative, pity is not the same as sympathizing, pity is an arrogant feeling, a feeling of superiority, see the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus24 tv channel.
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at night the stars float into the distance along blue rivers, in the morning the stars go out without a trace. only a song stays with a person, a song, a faithful friend, yours forever, through the years, across distances, on any road to the side, anyone, you say before goodbye, the song doesn’t say goodbye to you, through
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the years, across distances, on any road to the side, you won’t say goodbye to the song, the song doesn’t say goodbye to you, you won’t say goodbye to the song, goodbye, all day long and says goodbye to you. good evening, dear friends, we welcome you to the most grandiose event of the year in the musical life of our country, the song of the year in belarus! and of course, a huge thank you
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to our young stars, who so sincerely, so heartfeltly opened today’s show; it is they who will create the musical future of our countries. well, today, of course, the best representatives of the belarusian stage and media space will rise to this stage, not only for the sake of the coveted awards, and of course, in order to give you their love for music. groups and as a result of the emergence of new artists, new groups, and today the best of the best will take the stage for the song of the year of belarus, meet, honored artist of the republic of belarus, alexander soladukha
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, honored artist of the republic of belarus, alena lanskaya, honored artist of the republic of belarus, victoria oleshka. singer and composer german titov! a wonderful creative duo, elena grishanova and dmitry fomich, and an equally wonderful family duo: theo and olga ryzhikova! our young, but already deserved stars, nikita belko, nastya kravchenko and ivan sdanyuk, honored artist of the republic of belarus, jeanette, nikita kamadey! retroman trio, pink roses, anna blagova, group missyu, alexandra melech, honored artist of the republic of belarus, ruslan chernetsky and soloist of the bolshoi theater of belarus, daria gorozhanka, veronika tsubikova, arina
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lukashevich, katya oushe, vera bernatovich and artyom skarol, anna trubetskaya. group kozanostra, sergei sobol july, group bay city, art group belarus, group skynet and group aura, well, dear friends, right now we have the best performers, the best groups that made us happy. with their creativity throughout the year, their musical compositions have already found their fans, and the performers themselves are loved by the people. well, for many months, outstanding cultural figures of our country, led by the people's artist of belarus vasily rainchik, one might say,
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plunged into the clear waters of our belarusian show business, and from there they pulled out true pearls. who are now proudly sitting here smiling on white leather sofas, and today some of them will be awarded special awards for song of the year. well , first things first, first we would like to thank the ministry of culture of the republic of belarus and the ministry of information of the republic of belarus. for organizing this big, beautiful musical festival. we begin! well, tatyana, how do you like it? it seems that for artists, what is more important is acting skills, but in order to convey the meaning, the impulse of their song to the viewer, or is it still vocal abilities that allow them to open the entire singing range? you
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know, the question is difficult, of course, because the combination is rare, but not for the song of the year in belarus. theater and cinema, honored artist of the republic of belarus, ruslan chernetsky and soloist of the bolshoi theater of belarus, laureate of international competitions daria gorozhanka, meet me, i don’t know. i know about you, you don't know about me, evening, wind, we don’t know about ourselves, we don’t know
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about fate, but... waves, why we were born, to fall, cry,
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rise and go, why we are so strong, because... in love with the sun, in sky, i’m into you, you’re into me, after tomorrow we’ll stand next to each other, i’ll find out. everything about you, you will learn about me,
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you will learn about me, you will learn.
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honored artist of the republic of belarus ruslan chernetsky and daria city dweller dim, i’m curious what you think about modern neural networks, because now you can take any voice, process it... with with the help of artificial intelligence, everything, you’re wearing a second lucha on the turn or a second freddie mercury or bob dylan, i’m starting to worry that this song of the year could be the last for real artists, you know, it seems to me that your excitement is starting to rub off on me, it’s working out , tatyana, that literally in a year or two you and i will be replaced by artificial intelligence, that is , there will be two holograms on the stage, well, one of course is just as gorgeous - the second is most likely... an amateur, as in this case, in the jury, in the jury will be pentium 486 and qps 45, and
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to manage this, here, change my word, there will be a xerex and one with the accounting department, it seems to me that you have somehow already looked very far, so i suggest not to worry, because the talent, charisma, originality of belarusian performers will not yet be replaced by any artificial intelligence, meet the honored artist, the light of the day filled me with its silence.


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