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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 18, 2024 5:55am-6:26am MSK

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hello, father sergius, hello, radonitsa, radunitsa, radonitsa, whoever says this or that is acceptable, but please tell me what is the meaning, what is the essence of this holiday? well, probably, in order to understand this, you need to somehow start from afar; orthodox worship has its own specific rhythm, and i would even say a certain style. that is, it was formed over many centuries; in principle , the divine service is thought out, that is, everything is there, there is a prayer for the living, there is a prayer for the dead, it must be said that this rhythm is maintained not only, say, for a year, but it is aged for a week, a day, and everything is there, again, the service is concentrated, naturally, on the memory of some church events, but again the church never forgets the departed, that
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is, every day we commemorate not only the living, but we remember the departed, but there are periods of special, perhaps prayerful tension, well, let’s say, this is great lent, in great lent, there the rhythm changes somewhat, since great lent, it is focused on the suffering of christ, naturally, it all ends with the holiday of easter , then the church is trying to concentrate. the thought of believers at these events reduces funeral prayers to a certain minimum, that is, the church really commemorates, but for this purpose, say, saturdays are set aside, that is, every saturday of lent, there is a a special, special, funeral commemoration, that is, on friday evening a prayer is performed, which is called parostas, yes, where the seventeenth kofism is considered and there is a special commemoration, on saturday
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a memorial service is served, why? so we are trying to compensate for the lack of prayers during the week, because the full liturgy according to the church charter is not served, we need to somehow not forget our departed ones, that is , well, everything here is thought out, as if logical, besides, if we take holy week , and there every day is dedicated to the memory of this or that another event from the last days of the savior’s life, then again we don’t think like...
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one big sunday day, stretched over the whole week, and then, when the week ends, this familiar liturgical circle of church life, it again. .. is restored from monday after the resurrection, accordingly, on this day the memorial service is resumed, there is a short litany, here we just came to the day of the day, yes, because this is the most interesting thing, i already said that everything is in the church charter thought out, there there is a place for prayers for the living and for the dead, but as for radonitsa, if we open the liturgical books there, our church charter. or to the church calendar, then we will see that there is no such holiday there, that is, there is no such festive event, so the question naturally arises, why there, hasn’t the church thought of all this, yes, but here, trying to understand it, it seems to me , yes, there are various hypotheses, how this is,
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why, that is, starting there from the hypothesis about the pagan past, that yes, this really happened back in the days paganism, spring commemoration of the dead, when... people naturally, after easter days, naturally, they go to the cemetery, they go there, where indeed, one might say, figuratively, a part of their life resides, yes, because with each of our loved ones a person, especially a loved one,
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who dies, leaves this life, something dies in us too, so there is a part of our life there, so it is quite natural that people -
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in russia for a long time, well, this did not happen at all, that is, there it's not some kind of thing a holiday, but probably under the influence of this practice that we have on the territory of belarus, already in the regions that border, for example, the territory of belarus, it begins to appear there, sometimes the administration of these regions introduces tuesday as a kind of day off, but this is already great, great, we have a good influence in fact, yes, yes, it’s interesting that why tuesday i... also thought, well, how can we really highlight from the point of view of liturgical practice, well, nothing changes, on monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, there, differences, strictly speaking, there really isn’t any, but the fact is that it seems to me that this is very logical, why, because the week itself, it
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also has a certain structure, that is, monday, wednesday and friday - this is in some way i mean, days are special. that is, on monday, for example, we remember the angelic powers, so in the folk christian tradition, there is, even in the monastic tradition, there is such a tradition, on this day, say, to fast, that is, it seems to stand out, these days, monday, wednesday and friday, they seem to be throughout the week become days, perhaps, of fasting, yes, somehow connected with ascetic labor and feat, so it seems to me very logical, that’s it... on tuesday, yes , this tradition arose of going to the cemetery there to commemorate the dead, well this is my hypothesis, and accordingly, the church is trying, already taking this tradition into account, to explain that in fact, strictly speaking, any tradition has two
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sides, it has a side, well, let’s say, a good one, that is, when we really go there, where are our loved ones buried when people they come for some time... they clean the graves, put it all in order, yes, by this they show some kind of care and love, yes, but at the same time we always have such a trait, we always have : something is definitely bad, maybe it’s wrong, the first wrong, well, so neutral, let’s say from my point of view, concentrating too much on one day, yes, in this case, well, for example, on tuesday, and just it happens, in modern practice, a huge number of people flock to the cemetery, to the cemetery people, who is doing what, who is praying, yes, someone is eating something, having some kind of funeral meal, someone is drinking there...
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on these days, stay in the temple if possible, yes, that is, concentrate on
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this easter service, yes, but i will immediately note that even during bright week we do not forget our departed; moreover, i will say that the divine liturgy is the center of our liturgical life, and the divine liturgy itself is such a bloodless sacrifice for the living, for deceased, that is, but this happens secretly, a person can don't see it. that is, the priest at the proskomedy takes out the particles, then at the end of the particles for the living, for the dead, he symbolically immerses them in the blood of christ with a prayer that the lord will cleanse the sins of these people, and moreover, when people come to the divine liturgy, when they take communion there, they in some sense, in some sense , some kind of sacrament of our unity with each other with the living, with the dead, some mystical, mysterious action is taking place, yes,
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therefore, well, let’s say, we don’t forget, yes , and in time of bright week, it’s just that our commemoration has a different character, yes, that’s how we remember the departed during bright week, and differently we remember them, say, on all other days, it’s still a holiday of sorrow or joy, because memories of the departed our loved ones, often cause this very...
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in the gospel christ says the following words: let the dead bury their dead, yes, that is, he is talking about people who seemed to be alive, but a person can... died, this is our inevitable path , yes, but we are worried that a person who dies will live he lived for god in god, yes, that’s why we pray and make some sacrifices for alms, for our deceased relatives, do we need to approach this holiday with any special preparation? no, no, a person should try to live the same way
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in all periods of his life, the only thing is... there is a certain, one might say, procedure, maybe commemoration, yes, correct, here they are, yes, you can say what the traditions of celebration are precisely from a church, religious point of view, well, traditions, in general, let’s say, remain unchanged, that is, the day before, as a rule, we perform the evening service, at the end of the evening service, often not in all churches, but... in many places a memorial service is performed, in the morning the next day we have the divine liturgy early, during the day we perform memorial services many times, that is, according to the correct way to begin one’s commemoration, a person must come, defend the divine liturgy, confess, take communion, stand at the memorial service, remember his relatives,
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then he can go to the cemetery, yes, that is here, this is the correct order, and there to prayerfully remember your loved ones, in addition, for people, as a rule, we perform more than one ponyhida, but after some time there, after an hour or two, well, in different churches, this different traditions, there is no single rule here, this will be determined by the abbot, a memorial service is also celebrated, from experience i will say that quite a lot of people come, and then a person can go to the cemetery, yes, that would be correct. ..
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the only thing, the only thing is the church, here, probably starting, well, as far as i remember, from the 4th century, yes, unsuccessfully struggling with the tradition of commemorating the dead, namely food in the cemetery, even blessed augustine asked and begged his mother not to do this, but he still
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couldn’t, nothing happened can’t help it, yes, that is, it doesn’t matter what kind of people.
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even on the days of bright week, no, the only thing that happens is that people sometimes actually come to the cemetery to work, sneak, let’s say, clean
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the grave, i think this is acceptable, since sometimes people have to ask for time off, maybe they can take some a day off, traveling many, many kilometers away, i don’t see anything wrong with that, yes, another pressing issue that comes up from year to year is the decoration of magic. how important is this to our deceased ancestors, to what extent is this the case? in general, we should bring fresh flowers, why? because everything we do in the cemetery is symbolic, fresh flowers symbolize our faith on sunday, just like a flower is alive, yes, so is the soul of a person , this custom appeared after the seventeenth years when people really stopped believing in...
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ansko's idea, we share a meal with soup, when we receive communion at the divine liturgy, then together with them we commune with god, christ and feed on him, because for the deceased, god is the source of nutrition and life , and this is important to him. sometimes one gets the feeling that this is such a holiday, rather even more for us because of its ritualism, the nationality that it acquires, is this so, is this what it is?
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go to the cemetery and do some things actions, maybe right or wrong from a christian point of view, but still in itself this is some kind of good manifestation of our, well, some deep foundations of our spirit, i think that over time this will gradually become a thing of the past, because well, as i see it, a person loses faith in ... well, eternal life, much less he does not believe in the resurrection of the dead, and so on and so forth, well, often
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the rainbow still comes down to such an everyday moment. come once a year to clean the grave, well, sort of this is where my memory ends, yes, again, how does the church feel about this, that once a year, roughly speaking, we remember our relatives, everything that is done is good, yes, it is good that a person does this, yes, at least once a year, yes, it would be bad if he didn’t do this at all, yes, we are talking about the fact that, of course, we need to remember constantly, well, i’ll say this honestly, that people well... probably most people, judging by the number of notes with the names of their relatives and friends, that is, people after all they remember, yes, maybe not everyone, but a huge, really huge number of people come, even those people who do not go to church during the year, but they still have such a desire to come, at least write the names of their loved ones, so that they would be remembered in the temple, yes, that is, so far people
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are coming, thank god. yes, often, not often, well, i would like it more often, and we constantly talk about this, yes, but it’s good that they come at least once a year and at least like that, yes. thank you very much for our conversation, so important, to me it seems that this is a topic that worries both believers and those who remember their relatives, even once a year, from year to year. i think it was useful for them and for our tv viewers to learn some new information for themselves. well, thank god, please,
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6:24 am
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shuki on tv channel belarus 24.


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