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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 18, 2024 10:35am-11:30am MSK

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this is where i grew up, was born, oh, porcini mushroom, white mushroom, all this was laid down, forest crops, there used to be a collective farm here, the fields were on...
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and through my wife’s line, they are all here, i am tied to this land.
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it’s clear to god that the snow has melted into the damp earth, the hell has fallen on the road, the storms of revelry, the sun is warmer than the sun, the ice on the ground has been consumed. the sun is falling, the gloom of every day leaps upon us, everything is visible, the geese are crowing, the sap on the oak tree is crumbling, the cranes are dancing, and the winter has vanished like smoke, a greener meadow, like hell, pain yu ours felt.
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getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. today we are already installing elevators with cabin speeds of up to 2 and a half seconds. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that is engaged in the production, development, integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, microelectronics in general, an approach to business that everyone should strive for, we constantly monitor messages, information is processed, if necessary, corrective measures are developed, first of all , this team is welcomed and present here.
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work without teamwork it is almost impossible to produce high-tech products, watch the quality mark project on the belarus24 tv channel. maria, good evening, good, a woman who wrote a book, a prison diary, yes, and now a russian political figure, i won’t say that for our viewers this is an unexpected start, we have already recorded interviews from prison twice. but still there is a difference: you
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a young, beautiful woman, but this is obvious, she was in an american prison, by the way, you know that the pre-trial detention center in the belarusian kgb is called america, did you notice? but i didn’t understand why, i don’t know why either, there are different legends about this, i’ll tell you right away, i didn’t sit in a belarusian american, well, thank god, and don’t, this is just not the case, but let’s give it all for the uninitiated viewer -let’s make a small excerpt from your prison diary and tell you how a deputy of the russian state duma ended up in a real american, how i was accused of unregistered foreign agent in conspiracy? by itself, well, as far as i understand, you were accused more of trying to establish or lobby the interests of russia, no, well, this was from above, but they came up with it, in fact, i went to america to study, and i passed the most difficult exams for a master’s degree, receiving master's degree at the american university in washington, it's
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called the american university in washington dc, in general i entered there, i had two places where i was accepted, that's accordingly to washington and, well, to harvard the second, but from... yes , i refused, because i couldn’t handle it financially, as there i had to study pre-precourses for another year, the so-called pre-courses, and i didn’t have enough financially, so i settled on american university, well , plus the capital seemed to be interested, well , i graduated 5 days after i was given a diploma, i ended up in places not so remote, and well, you know how they asked me later, they said, well, when did you study there? - those clouds were obviously gathering, about they wrote a bunch of all sorts of nasty things about me in the american press, but i thought, well, they also wrote about me there, taking into account the fact that i was involved in the weapons issue there, in russia, there in other countries, well, they wrote different materials, not all of them were complementary, i just didn’t think that this
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was part of an information operation aimed at creating the image of a demon for me, and then imprisoning me, and then burning a witch, i didn’t know that this was possible, it turns out, it’s possible, probably, well since i... a living example of this, but wait, and maria, is it informational is this noise enough to charge a person? no, well, you know, this comes from this story with the witch hunt, by the way, you know that in america witches were not burned, they were stoned to death, and the crowd watched this and the last case, well, apparently the extreme one, most likely they still exist, but the americans still admit that they had a witch hunt, and do you know when it happened? in 2020, well, wait, well, this is still the time of macarthyism, they don’t wait, wait, they admitted that they burned, or rather, women were stoned to death only in 2020, before that time it was normal, in the twentieth year, at the request of citizens,
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relatives of the witches who were killed, there were 147, it seems, women were stoned to death, two men in salem, this is a well-known story salem...
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for me after the twentieth year, well, it is relevant, at least here, the belarusian security forces were accused of all mortal sins, knocked out teeth, rape with batons, and torture there and so on, there was no evidence, well, there was photoshop, there was no evidence although in general it’s a prison, of course, well, it’s not a sanatorium, and shouldn’t be, of course they don’t make flute there, and they don’t serve it, but what is a prison really like in the most democratic country, well, since you’re there for more than... 400 days 467 days, if exactly 117 of them in a punishment cell, i had quite a, well , conditional tour, because i saw six different prisons in one pre-trial detention center, different states, i saw what transporting prisoners is like, when you are not
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allowed to drink for almost a day , not to eat so that you don’t want to go to the toilet, but because if you want to, then under yourself, and if right during... transportation they transport with an airplane from state to state when you know they have films, a series called orange hid of the season and there is transportation of prisoners, well, everything else is there. comedy, this is quite realistic, when you, excuse me, well, a person, as if he needs some kind of needs there, there are no doors, then, when you are in transport prisons, there are not even partitions, that is, men walk around, that’s right here are the men walking around, and here it’s like in a kindergarten, this is how it will look, you see, this is all the basis, or rather, the task is one, how to break human dignity, that is, in fact, when i first saw the shutter, the doors in the restroom, i cried, because well, it was simply unreal, and before that yours - well, it’s natural,
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it’s like they erase everything human in you, when they force you to eat on the floor, when you ’re in conditions there, i don’t know, they undress you, they bring you in naked, that is , you know, here we are now i was just watching while they were putting on makeup, just footage from concentration camps. a prisoner has to go, it’s red, well , pasted on, well, or pasted on, drawn
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in different ways, and the fact is that in america there are shackles, you know, i’m just now preparing for, well, well, well, it doesn’t work out for publication, we’re filming a film based on my book, a prison diary, and i turned, in fact, to the federal penitentiary service of russia, i said: listen, can i rent shackles, as if for a film, they say they can be from the 16th or 19th centuries. i say, and they say, so wait, maria, they are prohibited under international law, i say, well, they are in america, she says, well, we don’t have them, we can only offer these, i say, well, we’ll probably have to do the sea, i read excerpts from the prison diary, however, you described yourself then, you had long red hair, that’s exactly why you had it, you know, i’m not a superstitious person, but they say that hair retains some energy and... when i cut my hair i felt easier, maybe it's from a cycle, you know the effect placebo and something else, but my hair
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certainly saved my life, but that’s in the past, yes, i was very cold, i was very cold, so i just pulled my knees towards me and covered myself with my hair, in america there is such a comedy, there is a creature called it, here it is with a dot, here it is such a completely hairy creature. well, it means it’s moving there, doing something there, well, it’s a comedy, and i very much resembled this creature, because it’s 15° in the cell, and the only clothes they give you are a robe and a t-shirt, so how to warm up, you won’t believe the hair, it’s incredibly warm, and you won’t believe it for sure, that’s why you cover your hair like this with your hair, find out, that’s why when i cut it off it’s easier, i don’t need a change of image here anymore, i’m at home... i’m here now directly in minsk, i understand that i am free and
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safe here, i no longer need to save my life from the cold by covering myself with my hair, that’s all, so i can afford it, you wrote both torture with gas and torture with light, what is this anyway, me too i was surprised, you know, i didn’t understand where i was, because - it’s impossible, when i remember, i slammed it. door, we had a gas leak in the prison, in the washington, alexandria prison in the city of washington, there on the virginia border, technically this happened several times, when the warden approached, she simply slammed the doors on everyone, the doors were on an automatic control panel, all the staff were evacuated, there will be no one to open it when i remember, well, it smells strongly of gas, and i’m sitting right there on the threshold of the cell, and there’s a black woman there such a woman, i don’t raise my eyes, i say: well... you can’t do it, we are we are people, we are people, you can’t do that, she tells me: this
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is a protocol, this protocol slams the door, who -someone is screaming, someone is crying, someone is just, i don’t know, some sobs, i’m standing in the middle of the cell, i understand that i’ve turned 30, that’s it, that’s it, and you’re thinking, like, what, what’s wrong , it’s all over or something, this feeling, yes, i thought too, then they opened us, then it repeated itself, then i watched a woman who was simply tied to a table, but she she really was crazy, well, that is, she really had a person talking there. something like that, but she needs to be taken to a hospital, not to a punishment cell, that is, it’s not possible, but she was causing too much trouble - so the warden brought a special chair with, well, a hole like this, well, that’s if necessary, so that’s it just like that tied to a chair , left in front of us in the corridor, in front of us,
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because we are all crammed into a punishment cell, but we can see in the corridor, well, what is happening, that is, well, just like that, a person. how so, then i looked in the next cell, a girl who is 14 years old, where should i put her? well, that is, she’s not yet old enough to be put in an adult prison, so what’s the right thing to do with her, throw her in alone for a year and a half, that’s fine, so she was just sitting in the corner there , squeezed in a bed, and you you look at all this and think, well, this is how it is, no, look, a prison should not be a sanatorium 100%, i understand, but what you are saying is in general. parallel universe, but yeah, but you, well , okay, you can imagine it, well, it’s probably scary, somewhere in africa this is probably happening, but this is washington, that is, this is the capital, at a time when the whole world is walking around, drinking this coffee, something else is happening there, it was hot outside , when i was arrested, well, why was it 15 degrees in the cell, that is, you are freezing and don’t understand why
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all this bullying, why, sleep like that, why can’t you?
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political prisoners are focused on the fact that if they poison you there, push you through the food, mix it in with you, then suddenly they will find you, it will be kind of inconvenient in front of the world, so to speak, community, although there is no supervision at all over the prisons, but you never know, the policy will change, they will have to change you there, something else, and then, well, it’s clear that they will find you, so what do they do, they you, to put it mildly, they convince me, in this way, i say, no, i won’t take the pills. but you don’t look for heroism in my actions, i just saw, when at one of the so to speak, in one of the prisons, i saw opposite a woman who was always sleeping, always, she ate in the evening at 7:00 pm, there were railings , well, between the floors, she crawled along them, lay down and snored, then got up again, and that
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is, i watched it, well, in front of my cell, camera to cell, opposite... that’s all i had, everything was taken from me, but you can’t take away a person’s inner freedom as long as you are of your right mind, this is what i have, you ask, well, when he asks, he says, well, what gave me strength and so on, i wanted to at least maintain my sanity, let me die, but i will die in my state, in my mind, in my memory. and i i won’t hand over anyone, so i was left alone, guilty of conspiracy by myself, so be it, no one was arrested in my case, i have no conspirators, i came up with everything myself, everything is wonderful and great, everyone made fun of me, everything is fun, and to this day they still continue, for them i’m still the local boogeyman, the boogie man is like that, you know what kind of boogeyman, it’s like we have a woman’s yoke, they have such a boogeyman, and i’m the boogie
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man, so when they need to destroy another congressman, they say , maybe he met her. i even there in this world i don’t participate in the magnificent, they have something with themselves there, one and a half million mentions on twitter every month about one of the reasons was that you tried to arrange a meeting between trump and putin, to what extent is this a reality, you know, it seems to me i even arranged it, well, yes, i was arrested on the day of the meeting between trump and putin in helsinki, two crocodiles were flying, one drunk, the other to africa, how old is the sheep, but it doesn’t matter, why do you need a refrigerator if you don’t know how to swim, this i roughly understand that this is part of the operation, because look, we already know, yes, based on leaks of various data, what was happening, that is, the countries really should have, well...
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okay, but today, such a meeting, no longer seems to you an illusion, let’s say, against the backdrop of events, oh, it seems to me, let them come to russia without problems, i have one
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friend who was, in fact, the one who betrayed me initially, an american, patrick byrne, i talk to him often, we still communicate, i often tell him, listen, i say, well, you come to russia, i’ll kind of explain, he first he ratted me out, and then he went on cnn and admitted it, said that... he always knew that i had nothing to do with intelligence, but my comrade lost heart, so to speak, well, he played a game with the fbi, in agent 007 he played, and he cheated me for something, but it’s not for me to judge him, i think that at least he made an honest statement, his company was taken away from him, that is, the man is now on the run somewhere , but i tell him, i say, listen, well, come to russia, he says no, lubyanka, lubyanka, he they just measure by themselves. i say, who needs you bubyanka? marya, i wasn’t going to ask this question, however, i know that you don’t like this topic, but still, you
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shoot great, no one has complained yet, no one has yet, sorry, he probably couldn’t answer, yes, okay , i’m really interested, throughout your entire life, starting from a small life, you are a very young man, but you are always lobbying for the sale of weapons, the free circulation of weapons.
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i actually spent 5 years leading the gun rights movement, i know i was more than in 15 countries, there are a lot of similar communities, where, somewhere they are more sports-
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oriented, that is, this is practical shooting, and this, well, let’s say, well, in soviet times, yes, in our country it’s more known for dosaf, that is, well, be prepared and armed the citizen has always been the backbone of the state, this is the key difference between us and the americans, probably, they have a second amendment, that is , why do they have weapons, yes, so that... people can take weapons to rebel against the authorities to destroy, it’s like it’s in the american constitution let’s leave them aside, because in our understanding, a person’s ability to shoot is his responsibility, because if you need to defend your homeland, who are we from the dssaf, and well-known snipers, shooters, partisans - these are the people who have received basic skills, or in family as hunters, i’ve been shooting since i was 10 years old, my dad is a hunter, that is, for us it’s... what
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to give to everyone, it was never discussed at all, it was then brought in by the same americans, they said, look, it’s her, which means she’s trying to in america, no, these are not related at all things, that is, in my understanding, when i started explaining this to the americans, they didn’t understand, an armed citizen is the backbone of the state, you must give your life for the country, for them this is generally incomprehensible, it’s not about the country, it’s about business, how would i live, where is it profitable, you see, americans are moving.
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who are on active duty, for example, military service, law enforcement officers , they have service weapons, but why shouldn’t they be allowed to take this service weapon with them when they are out of work, well, because look, here’s the tragedy in the crocus, yes, if at least someone has it, well, okay, let’s leave the citizens aside, because there may be discussions, they will say, well, that’s how it is, they may not they know how, but they don’t know how to use it, although citizens, as a rule, who buy weapons, go to the shooting range, they know very well. but, but those people who have a time card, so that they at least, and it turns out that they left the service in the safe, turned it in, and the fact that they catch criminals may be subject to attacks, the fact that the situation is now very difficult, and in general, speaking like doctors, you know, yes, that is, a doctor, having special skills, if he sees that a person is unwell, and he has, in his qualifications, those knowledge that can be useful in order to save a person, he
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is obliged, the same thing here, an employee who knows how to use weapons, if he sees what is happening, for example, some kind of terrorist attack, he will simply be obliged to do it, to intervene , now they talk a lot about the terrorist defense, all these moments, they should be taken into account when we consider the issue of weapons as a whole, but thank god, there is your program, i have the opportunity to explain what the point is, because so much has to break through the thorns, as they say, to the stars and explain what you see, it’s not this, this, that , well, unfortunately, the enemy’s propaganda works, and they put you in the category of someone who doesn’t understand who they are, they twist your words, simplify them to the point that you want to hand out weapons like hot cakes, then you 10 once you explain, listen, but that’s not what i’m talking about, but the fact that every responsible citizen, every man, of course, all the more must have a weapon in order to protect, first of all
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, his country, of course his own. we will talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine. the recipe for this cheesecake was found in the book of radivilovsky recipes, translated by our employees from polish.
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this will be the most combat-ready formation of the bundeswehr right next to our borders, they accuse us of carrying out some kind of escalation here, listen, we don’t need pro-russian pro-belarusian president, make him pro-european. the implementation of the treaty on the non-proliferation of conventional arms in europe and withdrawal from it are aimed at one goal, so that there is no war, we have always religiously complied with international agreements, but we understand perfectly well that this will not help, the west will attack us if it sees that he can win, the only way for there to be no war now is to be strong, these are the rules of the game now in europe, when politicians, i emphasize once again, go against interests of their citizens. against the interests of independent politics. the project is objective, not our national ones, today we are saving europe from a big war, our own competent one, skip the new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. i noticed that when putin presents the hero stars of russia, a personalized award weapon is awarded, yes an award weapon, yes i do i understand that it applies specifically to such cases, so that a person who has a weapon in his service has the opportunity to carry it anywhere, at any time, including not in uniform, first permission, second, a person had the right to purchase weapons for protection with appropriate medical indications, that is, he is... normal, he has the right and must ensure appropriate storage, well, okay, what else, this is all there in practice, but look, after all , a shoulder weapon is rather not a question here, firstly, not only active military personnel can receive it, it’s still
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a matter of reward, yes, that is, let’s kind of leave it aside, moreover, but it’s available not in any case not on a massive scale, so let's say, in the segment, from the point of view of personal weapons, this is only a long-barreled rifled weapon. and smooth-bore, plus there is also a traumatic weapon, which is a separate question altogether, because it is not perceived as a weapon, in fact, this thing is quite lethal, so this is such a frivolity, it is wrong, that is, there is still no need to come up with any names, like these are non-lethal weapons, usually causing injury, well, generally speaking, in world practice, these are weapons of the special services, why, because if there some, let’s say, are held there, or at protests or something else.
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only with permission, of course, but it would make sense to start with those people whom the state has already checked, that is , of course, as i already said, yes, those who serve, that is, this is their service weapon, those who retired, listen, we trusted them for 20 years, that they were trained by us, they went through everything with us, here we are like this once, we don’t trust them anymore, but let them at least have a simplified procedure for purchasing civilian weapons, including number short-barreled, let them have the opportunity to carry this weapon, we are talking about... general security, well, who, probably, our law enforcement agencies, our military personnel, we probably trust, does this, in principle, imply the opening of weapons stores according to like the american one, where free sales are allowed, no, no, i saw how they do it, that is
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, you go to some walmart, there are whole these stilages, so they go where you can buy packs of cartridges for this you just need to present your id, no, i don’t see such a system, you see, here again this is a deeper question than just that. buy not buy weapons, that is, we are our society, i mean both the republic of belarus and the russian federation, we are hierarchical, order is important to us, that is, if we are talking about a person’s trust there with personal weapons, then he must go through the appropriate procedures checks, that is, this is an unconditional and valid medical certificate, now in russia, for example, it can only be obtained in government institutions, and under it there is the signature of a specific doctor and there is experiencing the rebirth of the dsaf system, as a rule, this was dsaf’s history, here are the shooting ranges and so on,
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the dsaf has always had school shooting ranges, well, there’s mostly small things, that is, so that it goes through the state system, then there are not just any schools, so to speak, but certified schools, and let’s say dosafa is two, then what.
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to ask a more global question, our president noted that we have never come so close to the threshold of nuclear war, and our response to any aggression will be instantaneous, and i have no doubt about its decisiveness, i have questions about the adequacy of america, that’s what you think, you lived there, you communicated there, do our reds feel there or? nothing more, well
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, firstly , vladimir vladimesan grigorievich is not determined and determined, i have no doubt, and well, when i watched the interview at the border, it was about, probably, well, a month or so ago, alexander grigorievich was leaving to examine, and i noticed that he was directly saying, guys, here i was at the parade at the laying of...
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it was explained, so today in their understanding, what is allowed to jupiter is not allowed to the bull, so when we tell them that my friends, we, as it were, this will end badly for you, it will end with your defeat, and we will repeat this once again, each of our citizens, of our people, moreover, of our compatriots around the world, when the x hour comes, at the call of the ancestors, you will...
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you can’t buy us anymore, you can’t buy us with chewing gum or jeans, this is what caused this. absurdity or, let's say, recklessness, rage, this is post-mortem, look, when... i was once in america, i had a conversation with the americans, we had a rift in the economy, yes, that is, two systems, communism, which they strived for, yes, socialism and capitalism, at first it was there, and it’s like yang, you know, and yang is really black and white, but a little bit of each other is there, that is, this kept the world in
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balance, then the system changed, the system has collapsed, and i ask the americans, i say, listen, well, there’s no longer a contradiction, why are you, i say: no, there is, now we have liberalism and socialism, i say, that’s where the story with non-traditional values ​​comes from, it goes much deeper than the story that it’s just that they want to turn into men and women, no, they are doing this to us in opposition, why, but because they are hegemons, look, they have more than 70% according to statistics, according to opinion polls, this is normal. it doesn’t matter, they, you know, and we, i mean in a broad sense, and russian belarusians, americans, now you won’t like what i say, but i’ll say it, this and that group, i ’ll just say group, we are all missionaries, we lay claim to the ideological formation
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of nearby states, we influence this, that is, it’s not because we're there, we don't come with ours. there they often say why they are coming to us, wait, we claim that we, as philosophers, give a message to the world where to move, they claim this, only they are now putting in a story connected with rabid liberalism, i’ll tell you more than that, that's not the point liberalism, this story goes even deeper there, they thus destroy man as such, they don’t need him and... everyone else is replaced by artificial intelligence, this is not conspiracy theory, that is, when i taught in america, listen, i studied cybersecurity, one of the courses was devoted to artificial intelligence, and there is
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one film on the basis of which i even wrote a research essay, the film is called the tenth year, called her in english expression, in ours she. well, it’s not her that’s being translated, but her, and there, in general, if briefly, in the same place, you know this film, samantha is such a headphone, a program that adapts to a person, it becomes his companion, relatively speaking, well, that means the drama unfolds around this, i wrote an essay with the title i love you, samantha about the ethics of artificial intelligence, why? and there they were just discussing the question of whether there is artificial intelligence, since it is a thing that develops itself. and this is a question to duplicate, to multiply, this is not exactly reproduction, why did i use the english word, namely to duplicate oneself, clone herself, but she creates entities, she has a feeling, and then in class we
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deduced why artificial intelligence should be recognized as a living being, which should... they pull from there like a suction cup, and without resources they are nothing, zero, look, you television person, yes, that is, you understand perfectly well , you will probably confirm that if i create an artificial presenter, dress her, yes, she does not require a salary, she works 24 hours a day, she does not need vacations, and so on and so forth
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in ukraine the consul was seen, who is now comment, i really couldn’t tell the difference myself that this was, in short, not a person, no, not a person, but why did they choose dark? senile and you don’t feel it, you underestimate biden. biden is far from senile. biden, look, to analyze biden, his behavior, no, he, he is now aged, of course, he has periodic ones, he greets the air, yes, but biden has enlightenments, and it would be better
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not to have them, because look, a person has grown up, i’ll give you an example, i spoke at a conference in st. petersburg, has nothing to do with our st. petersburg, this is the state of florida, yes, i understand, just like georgia, this is not the same georgia, the city of st. petersburg holds a conference every year. these are those who used to serve in the american, that is, military, uh, well, different units, military personnel, now they are veterans, they all came to florida because it’s warm, sunny, you can warm your belly, they’re holding a conference there, so every, that means, uh, year, it was 2015, this is important, because back then there was no such anti-russian hysteria, and i speak there at a conference and then it dawns on me that they are saying: as if there is a cold war around. biden is from there, that is , he is a man who, like people of that age
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, celebrated the day of the launch of the first satellite in quotation marks, under the table, fearing that they were now being attacked by the soviet union. it was we who developed science. they have pumped up their population to hate so much that biden has it in his blood. therefore, in those moments of enlightenment. when the mummy suddenly wakes up, it would be better if she didn’t wake up, that is, he, it’s organically there, and you know, the danger of this situation, again, the world does not change, centuries go by, generations of pharaohs are replaced, once upon a time they were kept with corpses, just so that someone would rule for them, i now believe that the one who is the most powerful in biden administration, this is salvan, they call him a shadow leader, someone talks about...
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a candle of memory, a garden of memory, a victory dictation, a huge number of different events, we are participating, by the way, in the training of immortal regiments with great respect, so to speak, this is a great honor for us, except there are interesting stories about this, for example, the forum of regions, which was held in belarus, we also participated in its preparation in the organization, there are educational programs, there is a recruitment of students from belarus to russian universities, here... there are several important considerations, it is very important for us, so that these are not just visits of friendship, which is obvious, there should be visits of friendship, of course, people
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should rejoice at each other, but the plan of events that we are drawing up between the russian partner and the belarusian partners, exchange of some knowledge, technologies in the field of not only culture, where to hold what kind of concert, but in the region i don’t know about public utilities, road management and so on, here it seems to me that the russian regions have a lot to learn from their belarusian partner colleagues, but i am very pleasant, not surprised, pleased grodno, clean, cozy, comfortable, wonderful, beautiful city, low bow to the city authorities, because we have twin cities of the same grodno, this, as far as i remember, is tambov, it seems to me vologda, there’s a whole list there, right up to sakhalin, i think it’s necessary. our colleagues to come to grodno and see how it works. let's return to the topic of russian centers of science and culture, recently one appeared in grodno, what tasks do they perform
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? how many of these are there in belarus already? well, we have an agreement. this is a platform, a platform in demand among local belarusian non-governmental organizations, volunteer structures, various and some kind of memorial, historical, which are engaged in the protection of historical memory and quite social, who are now solving some social problems, this is a place where film screenings take place, there will be a small hall in grodno, we have a small one,
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a small city, a small hall, well, i think we will find partners. there will be exhibitions and some interesting seminars, we will bring scientists and speakers there from russia, belarusian children who choose foreign universities give priority to russian universities, and what bonuses are provided for our compatriots and what specialties they most often choose, us there are several programs in which belarusian children go to study at russian universities, this is simply a direct commercial admission there, they signed a contract, went to study, there is an olympiad movement, there is an opportunity to enter through the state belarusian exam simply with some additional one and there is that same quota, which was mentioned, this is the government of the russian federation, 1,300 people, we had almost 2,000 applicants, well, a good competition, mainly medical specialties, medical there up to
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dentistry and so on, there are engineering, it interests the guys from belarus and i repeat once again, this is a two-way road. now belarus is making it easier for russian students to enroll in belarusian universities, as far as i read a few days ago, based on the results of the unified state exam, russian students will be able to enroll in belarusian universities, great, absolutely, somewhere around a thousand places quota for russian students, 1300 is ours. once again ... this is important, it is very important for us that students return and make belarus richer, better, more successful, and so on and so forth further.
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today, i am working on cultural events in zaslavia. it’s not without reason that the doctor was honored by one of the oldest garads of our land. i’m staying with the extreme malyavanka. and now the kalistsians began to hang the divans. i’ll play an old musical instrument.


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