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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 18, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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approximately the quota for russian students is 1,300, ours, i repeat once again, this is important, it is very important for us that students return and make belarus richer, better, more successful, and so on and so forth. today, i am working on the cultural events of zaslavia, because it is not without reason that zaslavia is one of the oldest cities in our country. i’m visiting the village of malyavanka museum, and now the people of kalysty began to hang their clothes. i’ll play an old musical instrument.
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class! i try to please the spirit. and i’m all here in belarus. report to the station. belarus. passion of the ryzhskaya damova in 1921. godze, which fell on our land, the hell of zaslavia has passed not far away. the city became jumping, and the myastsovo gyganak dance was called “belarus”. all these historical stations are in belarus, and i am aware of the cities and i am sorry, i am in such a state of affairs, because it is not for nothing that i have received treatment from one of the oldest cities in our country.
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the zalўe is placed on the svislach race, which is a village of cities in two parts, here you can draw both the court system and the historical memories, otherwise i will spoil my known from the cities from the month, adkul yon nekali. i'm getting sick. garadziščy zamečak is a unique memorial of the archaeology of the 10th century. kalishtsi here would be famous for its rings, and the drive to the dance floor would be a step ahead. at the inner dance of garadz , the beautiful ladies, who were friends with their families, softened up. menavita here is increasingly diligent about izyasla, following the legend of izyasla and yago matsya ragnedze.
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when the wife's husband, prince uladzimir, married, she did not give her husband the care of her father and brother and daughter. there was no attempt at uladzimir. at the most difficult times, she was threatened with death at the hands of her husband, and their son died from the duties of his mother and father. the advagay of his son was struck, uladzimir changed his mind and was expelled. yon pasyaleў ragnedu z zazyaslavam u krapastsі ў...
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i know the kala ruins, lock the gates , the building, when i will kill the adzin only a short time, i am going to worry about it for a long time, when the heat is boiling here. of course, such magic is only in science fiction films, otherwise i will resort to cunning and try the history of this month from the tour guide igar. igar, tell me, kali weasel, great month, where are we dating now? we've known each other for a while now. zhytnyh castles, the castle is sapraudny, and tsikavy yon tym, that between different periods of its history, pershapachatkova, at the end of the 11th century there is a castle "draulyany" on low shafts with a 3-3 meter embankment nya, the beast draulyans zamak. in 1127 it died out due to the attack of the troops of kiev prince mscislav uladzimiravich. ale dziadzinets city hutka adradzіўsya, on the ramparts there were new draulins. abaron scenes, and
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perabudoўvaetstsa yon pazhej u 16 stagodzi i make sure to replace the stone type, and then pour all the above-mentioned shafts to a height of 8.5-9. the bastyyonny castle of the city manager jan yanavich glyabovich, the acres of the village were bastyyon, due to the place of kavyrou filled with water. to such chyns, on the territory of the vyalikag principality of lithuania , zaslau castle became the first abaron of the established astronomical type. and for my history, let’s say, i have suffered from, let’s say, the first draulians, others have suffered, i have known different, let’s say, misfortunes and ablogs.
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where he was from the family of the gentry, from the family, let's say, the menavіta of possible people and then worked as the gentry administered their jobs to europe, they learned from the taxes, they are there, they are sure to let the pratestants have a great temple, kalvensky collection, and the son of jan yanavich peraishoiv in catalism, and then the temple was handed over to the catholics and sanctified as a church in the name of archanel michael. during the most sunny hours, the sapegi yans add... to the royal castle and the damian temple, all the orders of the catalans, manskis, and then the arganizovo daminicans the monastery, the monastery on the territory of the castle, and the temple of the monastery, it is included as a hallowed temple of the monastery. in the 19th century, the hell of
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daminikan, then the temple was taken away, handed over to the righteous, and there was already a temple of the holy one, like the temple of the ancestors of god. i pa getim. iago scenes of saprauda capture history. the geta is so outstanding that on the next month you can swim for an hour. there was spachatku garadzishcha, then zamak, and then zeinichaya tsarkva. darechy, i want to learn the history, and this can be done in different ways, and adzin from them - visited the museum's bathroom. their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and rich. all my free
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minutes i ran to the river with fishing rods or just wander around and look at this beauty. we never returned empty -handed as children.
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farmers have something to be proud of, we are fully self-sufficient in food, enough for export, we sell almost $7.5 billion to hundreds of countries on the planet, and this is despite falling world prices. with good agricultural technology, with a good approach, you can get today the harvest is wonderful on our varieties too. our corn differs there by 3-4 centners out of 100, and if we compare that seeds for sowing are 10 times more expensive, then imports. belarus is becoming unprofitable in the top five countries exporting dairy products in the top 20 leading sellers of meat products, but there is no need to stop there, the well-being of our people, food security depends on the state of affairs in the countryside, our institute is engaged in visionary work. the main topics are on the main broadcast,
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. on the very right, i’m already on the territory of the museum and exhibition complex, here you can see several objects, and from them the malyavanka museum, but i just can’t figure it out. you are just a peep, such a jumper for me. i am very glad that the zaslavs have opened a museum of the belarusian little one. magchyma, this is not such a popular art as life sculpture, but it
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deserves no less respect. the belarusian little one is a unique type of folk art, in addition to all these practices, it has been successfully produced by a lot of bastards ab'ezdzits all belarus. but at the same time the museum has a collection of more than 250 pieces. we have a lot of little ones, both unknown ones and those known from this galina master. yanasa vіktaraўna, good day, we are very unprofitable little ones here, and we are very much a dachshund lvov. tell us, dear weasel, what this cost was for such a shame and what it means. good day, yes, i understand that the little ones are crying out for more than the great ones who are tortured. as simple as everything is created, so complex is it. how many thousand years ago is lvov, then this is the same year? nashaga of the malyavanka museum. such extraordinary
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lions, and this has become a style, and so familiar to all of us, that well, it is an unmagnetic phenomenon, once the destruction of the right little ones has passed, and we have not known these lions. so what is a little one? in order to point out this tortured need for re-measuring in the salayan house, the menavita here will begin its history. the little ones appeared not in the palaces, but in the village huts, and in the 19th century, and in the 20th-30th years of the 20th century, they were killed yul, here you go these duvans have pachali stvarats zhanchyny, and here the kantsy has 19 hundred years, what happens? yes , there were smoky huts, here stoves appeared with fireplaces, and there was a clear fire in the house, and in this clear fire, all these jumping sounds appeared. yes, if these yanks had been grabbed earlier, then it was already possible to give them and show them, and the spoons were shining,
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well, they slept on the pallets, the pallets were so sick, and there everyone lay down to sleep, here a spoon, as is typical for one chalavek, and a spoon, geta staic kala scyany, and here is adrazu when the paintings were hung up, they were embroidered, and then the ladies realized that it would be easier to paint, for this purpose they began to work... stencils and stamps, for example, could be expressed on the bulb, dip in the paste and transfer to the fabric, then the details were given to the panzliks, and so the little ones appeared. first of all, the house jumped and the month changed over the spoons, and there was already a jump, and secondly, the yakta adrazu became all, well, as if the abyarogs were at home, and hung up, people and said simply: at good times. i'm glad that when you look at the little ones,
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you feel very happy. it is obvious that some of the little ones were very sick and lethargic. on the damask tent there were working hets, and the wide leg of the tent was covered with a wide cross. and the noise there was extraordinary. from two shelves, and now you can have a meeting with us, here we are, alena kish, the most extreme, i was here adzin, two, three, navat, yes, three, three shelves sewn together these duvans, so yes, it was a lot, then no one presses the heta onto some frame somewhere, not, as it was said, who painted on the weak steel, often they put everything on the padlog. on the way to the ground, so here is alena dachsama, i washed it in a small room, sprinkled
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the berries with water, then applied the paint to the aloukam and only then began to paint the mixture. i appreciate the honors of alena kish. they have something asable, there is no doubt that their name was included in the worldly encyclopedia of the world, issued by yugaslavia in the 80s. vedaetse, dyvany - geta ўvogule soul of the belarusian. people, and these little ones, here they are, they were created by different people, so we said to the great alena kish, i’m a master who never studied, a self-made man like that, so, and a former and self-made master, she’s at the forefront of professional education, and he will take care of his work , geta yazep drazdovich. the artist in the academic pit was inspired to earn money on the life-course of work,
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the work of drazdovich is a model for the artist’s synthesis of the people’s and... professional professions. trazdovich is small as it is sapraudny master. that’s what’s unique about these little dudes, because he understands this folk principle, grabs it and gives it his profession. and there, in most cases, we find such a sardechnik at the center. and here we are with these stupid carcinas. and he also aims to educate people and learn their skills. that’s what i wrote to my son, and people understand well that for them, the little ones are masters of justice, and there they hang drazdovich’s works, and they say, what is it like in museums? the fathers of drazdovich, like many other masters, are the leaders of the museums, abavyazkova comes here to learn them. for example,
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it is easy to understand what a unique belarusian folk art is. it’s true that there is nothing magical about it even without music, so now i ’m trying to learn the cultural and musical sides of belarus. did you know that the most popular musical instruments are the piano and the guitar? here, unfortunately, you are not a student, but you can look at the musical instruments collected from all over belarus. the meat exhibition is illuminated by rural musical culture and hell variation in tools can irritate your eyes.
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padabrany yany not just like that, but ў adpavednastsi s kantseptsyyaya people's hanger. an ensemble, which is called a group. on the vessts there were vesel groups, chapels and archestras, geta such musical groups, yak grali on the vesella, finally the name of the expansive music of vyachorak, dy geta shone with vyachorkas, geta were so holy, kali youth danced fell to the music, all the music was going on, playing, there were dances , it was fun. as you are a doctor, what are the collected instruments here, the most useful ones, the most important, i’m so desperate for, are your tools, which... this history, and your tools, which are the most important for this period, this year, at the end of the 19th century, we have this, for example, geta lute, kanets 19 stagodja , geta cymbal, taksama, yany adnosyatstsa da kanza 19 stagodzia, not ўse, i may na ўwaza peўny kakkretny pryklad, we have navat cymbal syabry yanki kupala, і
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geta not adzіnae, what are the expressions, why i there was nothing wrong with the ubachyts here. geta shatland pipe. geta tool different peoples, not only, say, the irish, the scots, the belarusian dachshunds had a similar instrument, all and called the familiar pipe. duda, people feel the words of duda, they are looking for the dudachka pitiful adraza, ale duda - this is a very powerful instrument, and we are going to look at it from the very old days of the war , an instrument that is made from fur, from chickens, as they were reminded by the winds, then they pressed on the fruit. and then the people came out and then the people of the world gave their name, all the french have the same the instrument is called a musette, in bulgaria it is called a gaida, in belarus it is called a duda, in ukraine it is called a kaza, and in the irish and the scots it is called a valynka, in our country it is more than 500 years old. i would like to learn how to play on the skin with these
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instruments, as long as it is quick and easy, and i already know the instrument. how can you learn how to play practically? igar, what is the name of the instrument that you currently have in your hands? i have in my hands a lot of slings, and in your hands you have a little thing and a brass and some brass. let's get to know each other. it seems that although these are the most simple tools, there is no need for learning until now. they were picked out extremely, well, not rarely, quickly in their careers. there is music that plays on a serious instrument, and on the same harmonica. and other muggles understand all such instruments, simple, self-powered, they gave, let’s say, roars, and noise, useful for so that it was possible to jump dances, here and there and sing a song. it was possible to play on such people, and the skin from them would be thick in its own way, or even galloping, that is noisy, well, skin, as i say, i have my own buzz, we can save our money to play for
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trash, a good deal, the buzz of sapraudas is powerful, and all for the party on the jokes, you can use your imagination, and this joke and, i'm so timid, there are small children here, so there are little ones, small toys, and a collection of geta... only things that will hum at the same time with cymbals, pipes and songs. i was a great lady, i want a lady like that for myself. it's a
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pity, don't add it. you can work on your own. i'm sorry, this is a great idea, work hard the trash can be done with the help of friendly mothers. and yashche such a pralada abavyazkova spadabaetstsa dzetsyam. it is folded to appear on its own. from music, which at the same time, which is the hours of our sales, but an important frequent life of the old belarusians was mythology, and we can learn more from the museum of mythology and the forest. the museum was created so that the naval magicians would understand how our products were filled with light. over the past few hours, people... have been changing the nature and with the slow march the kingdom of the forests has been established. folk fantasy sparadzil many these are the mythical characters that
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are being told here. i don’t know how it is with others, but with me, if you know some kind of speech, i will ask the khatnik’s pledge at the meeting, if he is true to me. and yes, that's right. there i tsalkam gatova paverytsya that i sunny sustranuzza sapraudnye spirits. who came to my enchanting forest and destroyed my jumping? well, a good day, a good day, a good day in the forest, a good day, i ’ve had a good time with the vyaduchaya raganay, i’m
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the supreme knower of the spirit and i can tell you the right form of their tsikavaga, the most galoins in the hatse, geta not a gaspadar, a man, but all the same tsudouny, jumping cotton, hutnik. we are together with him in the month of september, and the whole thing is sweet, and this is my favorite meat in the house, there is a chicken, it smells good, and his love is delicious, because the hutnik does not allow light mischief and food into the house this delightful atmosphere, our children believed , that without it it’s impossible to forget, well, when they moved, abavyazkova took a few coals from the stove, since the hacker lived behind the stove, then abavyazkova went to the coals and perabyaretsa after
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this you are home and everything is possible if you call it good spirits, then the adzin of the most carefree characters is heta balotnik. once they lure people to the balots, their black terrible... balots are created in a flaccid jumping stick, the most painful istsi hutka and apynaetstsa in the balotse. lichytstsa, that a balotnik can be taken from one’s chalavek only then, kali toy zoydze ў balota is higher, champ pa kalena, so shpatsyruyuchyi in the forest, varta ўhaving a look at your own feet, if... not trapіtsa ў paws to my heart's content. yashche adzin tsikavy character belarusian mythology - geta vuzhyny king. yong are not angry, yong daba chalavek.
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yon... yon peraўtvarytstsa dachsama ў chalaveka, budze rasazulatsya іm, and then davedaetstsa, what kind of sertsa ў getaga chalaveka, kali evil, so vuzhyny tsar peratvoryts chalavek ў stone, and kali good, then not faucet. taxama vozhyny tsar lichytsa ahoinkam mustache treasures, if you take care of them, you will have a vadzitsa pennies, and if you forget the wuzha, i will... inherit from you now, you said that the tsar gotai mines, yon dapamagae lesavik, and forester, he is still so kind, but not great, my forester, kind, people are not bachat in the forest, and to the people he can rise like an old man, and the taxa was given by the father of the chalavek, and the kali chalavek is evil, drenna vyadzet,
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in the forest, oh, what is he timid, all the roads, the strains are overflowing, and the chalavek three days in the forest don’t let go, chat in a circle, hadzits, bradzits, budzes, you think you’re getting lost, but as with the smarmy spirits with the forest , you can get out of the forest, you need to wash it out... the approach is closed: the forest hey, woodsman, let me know the pump , then the woodsman gave a sign of the dawn of the sun and the ancestral run of the hare, like the path. well then, whenever i connect with the heat of the forest, both mythical and real, i will survive, i will become proficient in the knowledge of the earth, agul language, and i know for sure. the hour ruled, we learned
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more about the historical city, played the famous little ones, played on the noisy rattles and got to know the belarusian spirits, and these cultural events in the past.
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very different levels of hostility, they can be so polish authorities are our enemies, of course, but there are different ones, that two countries that are in fact at war can easily do business with each other, that is, they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko. is the keeper of the balance, balance is the best that a leader can give for the country and its people, balance is the golden mean, on opposite ends, whatever they are, this is radicalism, this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country and its citizens. igor tur's original project, propaganda, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
12:00 pm
. live news in the studio yulia pertsova, good afternoon and briefly about the main thing. don't sleep, it's time for the international event night of museums, what have you prepared a program for belarusian aesthetes? there will be a televised debate between trump and biden, but there is a nuance. the former us president will require doping tests before broadcasting. a suspect in the assassination attempt, for example, in slovakia will appear in court today, the activist faces from 25 years to life. dare, win!


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