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tv   100  BELARUSTV  May 18, 2024 3:45pm-4:45pm MSK

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the strength of the brand, it is in this room, let me show you, we create masterpieces together with our team, olga antonovna works here, master, model designer, natalya, everything is here. products to combine the cell, we have a second floor, where our maxim works with leather, paints leather, installs accessories, collects belts, bags, also me, my brother, also dima, we all collect leather products there together, and like me leader, a softer leader, i try to keep the team united as much as possible, and my first task is how manager, i’m not building a business, i’m building human relationships within the team, we are open until 11 pm, a guest of the brand can
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come here to see how his product is assembled in person, the man came when the entire product was completely sewn, ready, and he said yes to me likes it, then he makes the payment, that is, we don’t take any advance payment, it’s just such a maximum open honest brand, so welcome, one of the only brands in belarus... deals with leather jackets and we collect them here, collects one leather jacket at once six people, that’s the difference between this leather, that’s italian leather cres is cattle, that is, a bull, so to speak, i’ll even get it, show it, and after a while this leather will become vintage, that is, even if you drop a drop on it - it will rain, these drops will remain, that is, she will collect all external factors from herself, of course the client can...
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i was born in the eighty-ninth year, oryol region, in a village called milovoye, i was 3 years old when my parents, mom and dad decided to return to their homeland, the chechen republic, where i lived until 6 years, since... in the ninety-sixth year
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, my brother and i woke up from a big noise, the whole two-story residential building began to shake, and we thought about it, didn’t understand at all what it was, so we ran out to the window, it it was about 4:00 in the morning, 1996, the war had begun, and my father’s brother put us on his red zhugul, we went to gudurma, the railway station, there to moscow, in moscow we were met by my father’s friends, also chechens, and we moved from moscow by train to minsk, we arrived at night, rented apartment, there we were met by this chubby, also a chechen, he sat, ate meat, as i remember, well, in the morning my brother and i jumped out into the yard to have fun and let’s roll this swing back and forth, we rolled it so much that by the evening we broke out of two swings, only one remained, that’s it ... this is how our trip
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from chechnya to belarus took place, unfortunately, fortunately, i’m here. in 1996, and in principle there was nothing in the yard except a swing, one neighbor, he led a healthy lifestyle, decided to give us kids a gift, he put iron tennis in the yard with his own money. on table, we all dug four holes there together in order to concrete the table so that someone wouldn’t drag it to another area at night, and after the tennis table he put a horizontal bar, that’s how i began to instill in myself table tennis and in the yard i did pull-ups horizontal bar, i instilled the sport, then i - in the first grade , a coach came from the tennis palace and he went to schools, telling me that there is tennis, he is a coach and you can come, sign up, if you like, you will train. but i
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fell for it, there was such a small introductory exam, i had to hit the ball against the wall with a racket 60 times, i passed it, but when the coach told my mother that i needed a professional racket, shorts... that is , buy a uniform, buy a racket, i didn’t have it, not me , of course, my parents didn’t have the finances to buy all this, well, sports were put off for him until he was nine years old, until the end of school, so to speak, i played tennis, and there was absolutely no thought, no thoughts about whether i would be involved in clothing, i was afraid to say dad, that i didn’t go to university, and i didn’t go home, i was afraid of getting bream from my dad, i went to my mom’s friend, well, i was still on the twentieth floor ... i was going up, i was thinking what to tell her, because in any case she would tell mom, mom, dad, i’ll still get bream in the evening, but i came to her and said that this is the situation, quickly told me that i couldn’t go there due to the fact that i didn’t have a grade book, in the end she just
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sat me down, poured me soup, i eat soup, and the woman, in principle, is probably wise, i asked, what else would you like to do and what you know how to do, i said that i uh, probably, i probably dress well, maybe i would like to learn how to sew, she put away the plate, says: get dressed, we got into her car, and we went to the sewing college , well and welcome, parents, when did they even find out that i was on the team, so to speak. five girls at a sewing college and specialized in tailoring, and dad most likely had an even longer conversation with mom, because dad was so stern since childhood, and i didn’t have much contact with him, because according to our customs, and neither the son nor the father, there is no such syuchu, mushyu there,
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a bunny, there a rabbit, with us everything is as harsh and dry as possible, so that a man grows up so stately, brutal, well, these are probably genes, customs, traditions. as i understand it, after the conversation that took place with my father’s mother, my mother told me that well, don’t let me down then, since you decided so, at this stage, in any case, my father’s brothers, relatives there called from russia, from chechnya to my father , and well , dad probably said that, that’s when he started to go into that craft, well, let’s go to chechnya there there are rumors there and not all are positive, that this is not...
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so that a personal brand, well, does not exalt itself over its main work, because you can simply, well, just develop yourself as a person, but forget about your, well, your other mission, for personally, it’s very difficult for me to talk about my family, to share some personal information, it’s very difficult for me, that is why.
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what i do, that is, for some it may be scary, but it seems to me, well, this is a step that everyone should take in their life, well, maybe yes, i can thank myself for the fact that i take risks, well, because they give me such an opportunity to take this risk, i don’t look for flaws in a person and don’t try to hide them with my clothes, i try to hide my flaws on myself, and the person himself really comes here, adults , people who already earn money on their own, they understand what they need, they don’t need help, tips, he comes, he puts on clothes, he leaves, but if there is some exception, i will never say that you know, here you go this color doesn't suit, this one suits because i can't about your clothes in general, say that they, well
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, they don’t suit you, so i want to believe in this, that any color suits everyone , every product suits everyone, but the fact is that the internal state of a person is they ready to accept it? i just did it,
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traveling is not only about getting to know history and sights; it was built in 1717 by anna rodivil, the wife of the chancellor of the grand duchy of lithuania. this is an opportunity to try something new, in order to understand what kind of bull it will turn out to be, we need to make horns for it, that is, we made the horns from exhaust pipe, this is an exhaust pipe, and a kamaz car, and of course, to join the unique folk art, and if we want a pattern, a herringbone, then press two,
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two on the knives, then the middle two, i just sincerely admire the people who they treat this type of art with such reverence and respect, because it is total work, look in the project, the route is built on a tv channel:
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music, dj, hello everyone, are you ready to meet our guest? alena, why do you think the children chose to talk exactly you? i have no idea. i will try to meet all expectations. are you prepared for the fact that children sometimes ask very uncomfortable questions. what about adults who act differently? do you promise to tell only the truth? certainly. dear participants of the program, today our guest is tv presenter, honored artist of belarus, alena speredovich. let's meet. i want to warn you that according to the rules
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of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, but now you have exactly one minute to briefly talk about yourself. time has passed. i've had very good teachers all my life. at school, at the university, and today, and today too, because i am not lazy to study every day, and at school i was an excellent student, this feeling, learning something new every day and doing my job better than many, it goes with me life, probably, great, great, yes, indeed, you’ve done it in one minute, and we’re ready to move on to questions
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our audience. so, we have 100 participants in our studio, each with their own question, let’s see how much time you have to answer. you are ready? yes. then let's begin. who's ready to ask a question? hello, my name is vasilina. what helps you attract other people's attention?
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she didn’t do it very well, but she tried, so there was no talk about punishment at all, they just loved me, but how you managed not to become spoiled, i don’t know, probably because of the same love, you know, i it seems that if a... you are loved, sincerely, selflessly, if you know, no matter what you do, you will still find understanding at home, even if you are wrong, even if your parents have to, well, let’s say
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, lie a little, but say , she still...
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finished, and then it turned out that by nature i’m probably not a newspaper journalist, so i came to television, as part of my assignment after university, don’t you regret that you followed in the footsteps of your mother and not your father? , and i didn’t follow in my mother’s footsteps, because my mother was a director, this is a completely different profession, i, well, i know absolutely for sure that when i came to work as a junior editor, and the editors of programs for children and youth, i didn’t want to be the presenter, but my first program was conducted by an announcer, it was approaching march 8 and
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i, the junior editor, was assigned to do it... dacha, there was this story: imagine, a woman gives birth to six children, her husband is a pilot, the pilot dies, she marries with six children his friend, who loved her all her life, and gives birth to his seventh child, and so do i. went. to this family, and i learned there there were twins, i learned to tell the difference between twins, and i did homework with them, i made dumplings with them, and i, well, i entered this family, then, when i wrote a lot, but then,
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when i came to the studio, there was only one presenter speaker. i sent him the script there in two or three weeks with all the stories, he sat there, rattled, said, oh, my god, i wrote so much, tell me quickly in 5 minutes what’s what, they’re my family already, well, i was impudent, young, because i was very, and i said that the next program s... i want to host myself, that's how i am, that 's how i became a tv presenter, and then somehow it went, went m... but - you see, there was no desire in this, now i'm about to be shown on tv, and tomorrow three people on
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the street will recognize me, so i have to wear the most beautiful earrings so that they will remember me better, well, somehow this didn’t happen, i somehow thought about something else, then it’s probably right. the line of the red sector alena will have to turn 180°. alena, many people know you only as the host of the slavic bazaar, you don’t it’s a shame, you run many other programs, don’t you? no, i’m not offended, because on the streets women ask me about recipes, because i run belarusian cuisine, because people don’t address me as the host of a slavic bazaar.
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they watch, well, roughly speaking, if i’m the presenter of a collective work, if they recognize the program of this program, then they are watching our program, not mine, another thing is that if for this program, television is some kind of mistakes, then it’s clear, it’s their fault presenter, and you yourself know how to cook, of course, i’ve learned belarusian cuisine for the twelfth year already, of course, let’s just say that the information that i cook well is greatly exaggerated, my friend vartan
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did a lot for this, so everyone believed that i cook, well, almost the same as he, no, of course, this, this is also a profession, and this must be done very seriously. hello, my name is maya, are you worried? before your broadcasts , how do you always cope with your anxiety? but i can’t cope with it, because it seems to me, my, that i don’t need to cope with it, it probably gives me anxiety a certain color to what you say, to the way you react to information, and it seems to me that in general there is excitement... they are asking about your life, in any case, if for some time, well, a week or two, you are not working , you start to miss this
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bird that beats in your chest when you worry. please tell me a few exercises for diction that help you conduct your broadcasts and festivals. listen, but i never. i didn’t do this specifically, but i said that i grew up in an acting family, yes, dad is an actor, and mom is a director, and dad constantly said some tongue twisters, yes, and as soon as i learned to talk, i already repeated after him, yes, well, like the ships tacked, tacked, yes... they didn’t catch, yes, or there in one breath on the rise you have to say: my dear magician, my maria, dreams, a flickering lighthouse, the world's shallows are marking me, my
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dear magician, my maria, i didn’t know why this was necessary, but i’m little behind him i repeated everything, so i probably learned it, alena, to your left, the red sector, the question is from there, tell me, do people recognize you on the street? yes, often, but how do people react? oh, in different ways, sometimes they are completely funny, like, oh, what a beauty you are in life, sometimes they say that, sometimes they ask if it’s you, sometimes, sometimes they just smile. this is the reaction i like the most, people look into your eyes and smile at you, and i smile, sometimes i say: hello, and they say to me: hello,
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have a nice day. you, do you watch other channels besides belarusian ones? of course, of course, i have almost 400 of them at home, so well, i have a choice, so i look, i watch the news in order to keep abreast of how today went, i watch analytical programs.
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i gave television many years of my life, and i love my work very much, and i value this work very much, very often people tend to attribute to television some shortcomings that television does not possess, television is a mirror, and if someone at some point...
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like this, should young people go to television or is the future in youtube? but it seems to me that you need, you, i mean all of you, choose for yourself some this kind of thing, i don’t know, on youtube or on television or maybe somewhere else. where you will spend time and not notice how this time passes, that’s when you find such a thing, and learn to do it very well, because the competition has always been and will be very great, and maybe over time it will become even greater, that’s what you need try to be the best.
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you see, the best, the best, don’t be afraid to want to be the best, then you will definitely succeed, in your opinion, how do young presenters differ from leading ones the older generation, of course they are different, well , firstly, age leaves an imprint on the way of thinking, on the manner.
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work, many people think that working on television is easy money, do you agree with this? without trying, you won’t understand, i’ll just say some of my observations, in order to work on television, you need to be, firstly, a very healthy person, you simply shouldn’t.
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that it was 15 minutes ago to do something else, i would never be able to work at such a job 24. and decide for myself what projects, i can, say so, working without money, this also
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happens in life and quite often, what kind of concerts can i hold, for example, without receiving a single penny for it, getting pleasure from it, but it will be... because this is honest television, this when you can’t talk, change, somehow express a thought differently, correct some
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mistake, this is when it’s important, well, i ’m talking about my profession, yes, what are you like, at this moment it doesn’t matter what you were the leader. there 3 days ago, here you are right now, here, this is important, and that’s why i i often work on live broadcasts. on february 23, we were live, and we bought mugs with funny inscriptions for our guys, presenters, and colleagues, and during the broadcast we... at the end, we started to congratulate them and put them on the tables, while we sat - strapped in, we have a lot of microphones behind the chair, and the chair also
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fell from the chair onto a mug live, well, what’s that, it’s a funny story, well, funny, yes, yes, it was really great, applause, thank you, life outside the city, why do you need it, and where from? money, my two favorite questions, i would really like to look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, where they see more opportunities and use them to
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the maximum. 26 piglets, do you have any chickens? 130 chickens, who else do you have? ducks, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's what you don't have? the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life is still better than city life, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange this, when we make a reception room here in the future, we’re doing some coffee here somewhere, maybe some laundry, that's what we have left over here. valuable, we will probably hang an exposition here, now it’s fashionable to say, there will be a reception here, how it all happens, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with portions of applause, smiles, thank you very much, watch the project i’m from a village on the
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belarus 24 tv channel, we’ll tell you how choose quality products for healthy dishes, take the nuts in your hands and evaluate their weight, do not take ones that are too light. such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. the ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell. with a light milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if you have a difficult day ahead and you know that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will help you. don't forget about invigorating exercises. we raise our hands up, raise our legs and do something cool. cockroach exercise, we start shaking our arms and legs, our
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lymph flow, watch the breakfast of champion project on the belarus24 tv channel, get acquainted with belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. today we are already installing elevators with cabin speeds of up to 2.5 m/s. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. in belarus this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that is engaged in the production, development, integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, microelectronics in general, an approach to business that everyone should strive for, we we constantly monitor messages, information is processed, and, if necessary , corrective measures are developed; first of all, you are welcome and present here. this is team work. without team work
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, it is almost impossible to produce science-intensive products. watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel. alena, on your right is the yellow sector. and a new question. alena, hello, how do you manage to fight star fever? you know, some are sick, some are not, but i know that this is very serious, and you are absolutely right, this is actually a disease when a person thinks that he is very good, very talented, very smart. everyone doesn’t notice this on purpose because
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they envy him, it’s akin to a serious psychological disorder, this hasn’t happened to me, but i really sympathize with people who have encountered this, that’s why there’s no need to fight the disease, just get treatment. hello, alena, my name is gleb, what was your favorite school subject , why? favorite school subject literature? well, at school there was only russian and belarusian literature. and why? because i read, i read a lot. hello, i'm lilya. how were you doing with math? i still don't know the multiplication table. can you imagine? i still
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can’t do without a calculator, but then can i ask you a few easy oral math tasks to calculate easy examples, but i can’t do it, i told you, i don’t know the multiplication table, well , i know 2:2, 7x6, well, i admitted 42, the hall is right or wrong, let's go crazy, let's point. let’s leave it, well, that is, i understand that later in the edit my incorrect answers can be removed, but you and i know that there were no wrong answers, so let’s put an end to it, i’ll be so happy, well, okay, so be it, but how do you think there can be friendship between the presenters or just competition? no, it turns out differently, the profession here in general. nothing to do with it, i have uh friends with
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whom i see very rarely, for various reasons, some of them live in other cities, in other countries, some of them, well, i just don’t have enough time to to see them often, and this is such a reproach for me and such a headache for me, and such my... sadness, it’s constant, that is, i think, oh, i have to, i have to, i have to, unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out, uh , presenters... after all , if the presenters are friends, it means that they either work together, yes, that means they often meet if there is a lot of work, therefore, if they coincide in some spiritual qualities, in their outlook, because a lot is needed for in order for people to make friends, yes, which
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tv presenter are you close friends with? no friends like this, so close, no, it didn’t happen like that, although when, for example, sometimes they call me and say that there is such a job and you don’t mind, that’s who you’re with, i immediately say that i’m working with everyone, that is, with me...
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yes, this is a great, great happiness, but, well, let's just say it doesn't mean that when you fall in love, you don't know whether it's for life or not, sometimes it turns out that not for life, but that’s not it. means that this is not love, really, that's it, but believe me, i live a lot when the moment comes and you meet a person, well, in general, something can
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happen in life that you see a person and understand, this is the person i would like to walk next to all my life. and this is a great happiness, and if this person also reciprocates your feelings, this may not happen either, really, but what do you think, what is the secret of a happy family life, this is work, this is very difficult and daily work on yourself, i it seems that all family relationships where partners decide to remake and improve each other are doomed to... failure. briefly speaking, here is a man who has lived with the same man for 37 years. this is the second marriage in my life.
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in 1987 we got married. listen, we will have an anniversary this year, because before that we just lived together for 3 years, that is, 40 years, now, but this is work, because what you need to do with yourself, what you need. do with yourself every day so that with you it will be interesting, comfortable, cozy, fun, good, not only to live,
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talk, be silent, even quarrel. alena, how did you meet your husband? "i'm at work all the time, apparently he too, yes, on television, yes, of course, he, at that time he worked as a director, information editors, here, the news is his, he was a news director, and i, well, i just walked past and, but this was that by the time i came to work on television , i was already divorced and hid it, but my future
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husband was married and did not hide it, so we met, and the last thing i wanted was to date a married man. so i gave a stop, but then he got divorced, and somehow i realized that happiness was close, but he was very afraid to marry me, he really didn’t want to should i marry, he was not very good. previous experience, so, but that’s why we
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lived together for some time, and then we just realized that together we are much better than in russia, what we tried this way and that, and imagine, this is all already going on, 37 years, i read about you that you really love the color yellow, and why, the color of the sun, the color of joy. it’s just that i generally love bright colors, especially when it’s gray outside the window, it seems to me that it somehow happened by itself, it’s actually my love for the color yellow, it was most likely done by my friends, because i bought a few yellow things for myself because i liked them, so i started wearing them.
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how do you know, yes, this happens, well , it happens in different ways, yes, the mood and well-being, but not, i told you that you need to be a very healthy person, yes, you also need to always be in a good mood and in good shape, emotional.
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good mood, and that i have to do something so that you don’t regret the hour we spent together, so i have to, i have to try, this is also part of my job, to be in a good mood, despite everything.
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hello, my name is aksinya, do you have an event in your life that you would like to forget forever? no, because even the most terrible, unpleasant things that happen on... and maybe not about trifles, maybe about some troubles, true, but we forget, well, i forget in the same way, and if
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you was there a chance to write to yourself? a letter to the past, what would you warn yourself about, i wouldn’t warn myself, i probably would tell myself or write, don’t be afraid of anything, smile, go forward, tell me please, but what are you most afraid of? i am very afraid. letting some people down, well, not that most of all, i’m just very afraid of letting some people down, not living up to someone’s expectations, my biggest horror story at work, yes, for example, here i come, the host of some concert , and they tell me: that’s it, i came from the front office, everything will be fine, i have a heart
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like a hare, well, that is, i think something must happen now. will happen, god forbid, well, that is, here i am, i’m very afraid of it, i’m afraid most of all, i don’t know, there are different fears, i don’t even want to talk about it, because ours, i generally try not to even think about it, because our words and thoughts, they are material, why talk about bad things? what is the most important award in life for you, great happiness for any person, for a person who is engaged in a wide variety of professions, when he is awarded, it means that he was noticed, it
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means that his work is needed. in some team, in some city, in some country, in my life there are awards that i value very much, i won’t say that the most expensive. but it is the last, this is the last thing that happened to me this summer on the stage of my favorite slavic bazaar festival in vitebsk, and the head of state presented me with a special award, it is called this:
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a special award from the president of the republic of belarus through art to peace. mutual understanding, he presented this award to me personally, and for me it is very honorable and very dear, because as creative people, they always, this is normal, they always doubt what they are doing when you are awarded and they tell you how... some good words, this, well, this just gives wings, and also this same summer in vitebsk on the avenue of stars, there is such a place, very beautiful near the amphitheater, a star was laid, well, one might say, in my name, people walk, look, i have there are very good neighbors there, in
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starry places, and they are very famous, talented people who came and worked at the slavic bazaar. hello, alena, my name is mark, if uh, do you have bad habits, and what are they? and if i don’t want to tell you about my bad habits, uh, television. you have. the right to refuse to answer question three, i’ll explain, mark, i’ll explain why? no, well, i’m not saying there that i abuse alcohol, no, but there are other bad habits, you know, i don’t want to talk about them, because i was faced with the fact that for many people i can be
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an example, can you imagine if what if they take... they think and i need to do this, but i don’t want to, because i’m struggling with my bad habits. thank you for your honesty, alen, but this is still just a refusal to answer the question: you used one out of three chances to do it. okay, many stars undergo plastic surgery, have you done anything similar? well, depending on what is considered an operation, i will say this. my friend, a cosmetologist, she knows what time of year i need to do, accordingly, well, keeping in
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mind my age, she carries out these procedures, it’s also work to take care of your face, your hairstyle, your hands , with your own eyes, for...
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this is a kind of internal concentration, when, well, some time before the start of the concert, whether the program, you need to do something like this stop for a second, i do it this way, it ’s like i’m putting such a cap on myself. at this time, by the way, there may be a lot of people around who will tell you jokes about some of their affairs, they will tell you something, you can even
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answer them something, but you are in the cap, and you from start to finish, from the first minute to the last, it’s not like you’re talking about it. and you go through the entire concert, the entire broadcast, that’s all, from beginning to end, that’s when you did it.


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