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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 20, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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the details of what happened are still being clarified. a few hours earlier, on the same minsk-mogilev highway, but in the berezinsky district, not far from the village of vasilevshchina, a truck flew off the road and lay on its side in a ditch. the driver received life-threatening injuries and died at the scene of the accident, the regional traffic police reported. according to their preliminary information, the now deceased thirty-eight-year-old man was driving towards the capital when a passing daf heavy truck crashed into him from behind. why couldn't his thirty-four-year-old driver press in time. on the brake, it is still being clarified as part of the inspection. during the fire in the bunkers , the ministry of emergency situations rescued the owner of the apartment that caught fire. an accident occurred, which was reported by neighbors to the special line 101 in a house on karl marx street. as rescuers said, they found a twenty-seven-year-old young man on the floor in a burning room. the victim was taken by ambulance to the hospital with a preliminary diagnosis of smoke inhalation. the ministry of emergency situations suggested that the fire was caused by careless smoking. carriers from kyrgyzstan tried conduct transit through belarus. used
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cars, estimating their value in documents at 200,000 rubles. below market. vitebsk customs officers at the grigorovshchina checkpoint drew attention to the inconsistency in the information. according to them, among the goods transported from lithuania were 10 lexus, toyota, honda, bmw cars and a yamaha motorcycle. as the audit showed, their real total cost is 440,000 rubles. the department clarified that such a cunning move with customs payments will result in a fine of up to 132,000 rubles. administrative. processes have been initiated regarding carriers who tried to remove 40 tons of cargo from belarus for illegal sale to russia. two trucks with illegal cargo totaling more than 300,000 rubles were stopped at the entrance to a neighboring country. in both cases, the drivers were unable to present the necessary documents and phytosanitary certificates. carriers face a fine of up to half the value of the illegal goods. burnt out on a business idea. cyber ​​scammers, under the guise of the largest russian marketplace, deceived a resident of the rogachovsky district for 16,000. according
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to the investigative committee, the story began in the winter of this year, when the applicant returned home from working in russia. a thirty-six-year-old man received an offer to earn extra money in a messenger. the task was to buy certain products from sellers in an online store to increase their ratings. to do this, the new employee was given russian bank cards indicating the transfer amount. for each completed task, they promised to return the money deposited with... cents to an open account, but it was never possible to withdraw the earned savings; in total, the victim transferred more than 460 thousand russian rubles to the scammers. carlson is no longer the same; residents of baranovichi had to watch the unusual performance the day before. eyewitnesses noticed a naked man running on the roof of a local construction market; emergency services had to be called to bring him down to the ground. these shots ended up on the internet. according to one of the telegram channels, the afternoon performance was staged by a thirty-two-year-old local resident. the words. something went wrong for the wife when
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the husband woke up after a two-day solo feast, first climbed onto the roof of his house, and later climbed to the top of a store nearby, it is reported that the high adventure lover is now in the hospital. this was the news from zone x, stay with us on belarus 1.
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belarus, good morning, beloved country, a new satellite on the belarus 24 tv channel, a day with you on the belarus tv channel, we continue one of them, we meet nina mazhaika and tatyana matuseevich, we meet a new day called monday may 20 on the calendar, you said it beautifully, and of course, we are happy to welcome astrologer katerina korneva to our studio. katya, good morning, katya, you gave us a forecast, promised may 10th the best day of the month, this day has already passed, we need to somehow move on with our lives, in general, tell us what the stars promise us at the end of the month, and in general the end of the month will be very busy with planetary things, can
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someone anxiety or sentimentality, in general we will perceive some situations in life very keenly, well, as usual on a full moon, that is, our sensory sphere will be heightened.
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and we can do it again when we allow it in the last week of may or now, in principle, yes, since may 19, venus has moved into the sign taurus, it is already beginning to connect with jupiter, so in fact, from today until the end of may you can already afford luxury, but several times you said venus is in taurus, and maybe we’ll go through the signs of the zodiac and tell you what
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each of us this is what venus in taurus promises. and yes, of course, a very good period for personal life begins for taurus and scorpios, it is favorable here. get acquainted, propose, declare love, get married, submit applications, that is , everything related to some kind of romantic dinners, pleasant surprises for each other, and aries and libra will probably feel more changes in the material side of their lives, that is, for the better, for the better, this, by the way, is important for all zodiac signs, starting from the month of may and until the end of the year a very important period for getting rich, for increasing income, for profit, for revising your own in general...
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they will rather feel some kind of creative inspiration, that is, there may be new ideas, some creative ideas, they will want new projects, open a new business, changes v work, that is, something like this is the right period for self-expression, leos and aquarius will feel some kind of uplift in their work, that is, they can be assessed as specialists, there may be some certificates, increased bonuses, there may be new responsibilities , career growth, promotion, and i forgot someone else, pisces and virgos, here the story may just be connected with moving, with travel, with the purchase of housing, with arrangement, coziness, that is, comfort, maybe maybe renovations can begin, or there’s some kind of landscaping at the dacha develop, new, that is, everything that concerns the comfort of the space, by the way,
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there may also be some changes in the workplace in terms of renovation work, maybe moving to a new office, finally you will be able to dust off your computer sometimes there is a change in this too. there is one more circumstance: the sun and jupiter are in taurus. as far as i understand, although to be honest, i am still a novice in this matter, but thanks to you i am already learning, and this means financial expansion, including, this is correct. in general in general now here in such a golden calf, for enrichment, that taurus and this is exactly a good time, you know, in may there will be such a small parade of planets even in number for some acquisitions, that is , not only is it favorable to open, for example, a bank account or it’s good to start saving there, by the way, accumulating sums in the month of may, because it is believed that you are laying down your gold and foreign exchange reserves for the future, that is, this is such an energy well-being and it will increase materially. but also good acquires something, it is believed that everything that is acquired, as long as taurus is in the accent of this
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zodiac sign, will again delight you, and there will be new acquisitions, it could even be some little thing, or we are talking about all this in detail it begins, that is, if you, for example, want something in some area to expand your financial capabilities, abundance, even if it is a woman, she wants more jewelry, just some little thing, some beautiful pin, some ring you bought. already it’s like the energy will be good it will be very interesting, attention capricorns and the start, and by the way, i forgot venus is in taurus capricorn and cancer, but i saw these signs, so i also thought that it probably means there’s something there , cancers capricorns cancers, it’s important to take care of your health, including something you can do something useful, for example, contact a nutritionist or go to training, fitness, somehow work on the beauty of your body, that is , just like this - katya, thank you very much for
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telling us about everyone, not offending anyone, we are waiting for you in this studio again, but let me remind you that this is there was an astrological forecast from katerina korneva, right now we give the floor to our photoblogger anatoly moiseev, we will prepare banana puff pastry, bon appetit! good morning! i bring to your attention a simple recipe that even an inexperienced cook can do. we make a banana-chocolate delicacy in crispy dough, just an unearthly pleasure. prepare yeast-free puff pastry, chocolate, chicken egg, bananas and powdered sugar. unroll the thawed puff pastry and cut into strips wide near. 2 cm, cut the chocolate into small
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pieces, peel the bananas and use a spoon to make a small indentation along the fruit, partially remove the pulp, place chocolate chips in the indentation of the banana, wrap the stuffed bananas in strips of dough, placing it in a spiral slightly overlapping, one banana takes two strips of dough. we transfer the preparations to a baking sheet covered with parchment, beat the egg , brush the puff pastries with it so that they turn out delicious and golden, bake in an oven preheated to 200° for 20 minutes, before to serve, sprinkle the finished puff pastries with powdered sugar. the uniqueness of this dessert is that it can be served either warm or cold. crispy... puff pastry licking a fragrant banana filling with stretchy warm chocolate, oh, how
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delicious it is, have a successful, positive day and bon appetit! all children of any age love to dance, of course, to become a professional dancer, you need to attend special sports sections, but you can dance to your favorite song at 2 years old, at 10 years old, you can learn special fitness areas help to do this beautifully, kids dance, for example, kids dance generally includes different types of dances, it’s just that here we develop children’s hearing. plastic, first i warm them up, stretch them a little, to the music,
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everything so that they can hear it all, and then the sequence is small, short, that is, as much as they can learn, their memory also develops. children are divided by age, conventionally, preschoolers and children of primary school age. classes are held in small groups, because the trainer we need to find an approach to each child and give him special attention. and at this age, children are not always ready. listen to hear the instructor, new children come, they don’t know the sequence, and that is, every time there is something new, so that it is a little easier to explain to someone there, you also need to somehow contact the children. with new ones, somehow recognize them, get to know them. such classes allow you to master the basics of dance art and introduce various dance styles and directions. children learn to move beautifully to music, and also with the help of dancing, kids cope with their inherent shyness. there is physical activity, of course, but there are children who are given more, namely dance, something, there are children
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who already go to dance clubs somewhere, and there are children who have not gone anywhere yet, come to me. what is the miracle of belarusian politics is that we do not forget about people, the common man is at the forefront. china and belarus will work together as peace-loving states and peoples striving for common security.
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let’s start everyone with ourselves, so i want to reach hearts to make things better. everyone must become better here in belarus. belarus and china, without saying a word, came to similar points of view. the day of national unity has been established in belarus; there is strength in unity. the belarusian path of development is truly humane. the future lies ahead of us. project say, don't be silent. don't miss new episodes on the tv channel.
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good morning, we are nina mazheika and tatyana matuseevich, we continue to welcome monday morning, may 20 on the calendar, already this on saturday, the republican student olympiad in mathematics will be held at bsu, you can take part. all interested students of belarusian universities must register and submit an application before may 23 inclusive. participants in the olympiad will be asked to solve problems from a series of mathematical disciplines in writing within 5 hours. it is planned to include questions from the field of algebra, number theory, analytical geometry, and combinatorics and ordinary differential equations,
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the humanities specialist said. just think, 5 hours mathematicians, what a delight, said humanities specialist nina mazhaika. yes, with help. such events reveal the most talented students, it seems to me, the most persistent ones too, who then begin to engage in scientific work to help make our world a better place, after all, i admire people whose brains are sharpened in this way in the physical sense, in the mathematical sense, well done guys , an example of such useful research, by the way, can be the development of british scientists, namely an artificial intelligence model that can identify all types of hornets, yeah, in this way they intend to fight the invasive pest from asia, which once... initially they lived in southeast asia, but now their colony is actively displacing european hornets throughout western europe. and this process is causing great concern among environmentalists and farmers. scientists tested the operation of the new system on the island of jersey, where asian hornets periodically penetrate the northern
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coast of france. observations showed that the device always recorded the appearance hornet. in the vicinity of baits, she successfully determined their species, even with a large number of insects. after this , the user received warnings in the application with an image of the pest, that is, he knew the pest by sight. and according to experts, the new system is designed to optimize the fight against asian hornets, since existing traps often destroy a lot of beneficial insects and have little effect on the number of harmful hornets, but let’s hope that this issue will somehow be resolved. well, you see, it turns out that hornets are a threat not only for... a robot, for example, a hornet, which is potentially dangerous, is a good idea, but in fact, hornets are not the only threat to bees, so our correspondent alesya boyarskikh decided to look into this issue in more detail, on world
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bee day, she i went, wherever you might think, to the apiary, to the scientists of the national academy of sciences. some are afraid of them, others call them the most important creatures on the planet. let’s find out directly why bees are so important for humans. now these insects have long been beneficial to plants, the environment and humans, by transferring pollen from flower to flower, bees not only provide a rich harvest of fruits, nuts and seeds, but help increase their variety and quality. the oldest bee that was found is more than 100 million years old, and the main mass discovery of bees is 65 million years old, they survived everything, they survived dinosaurs, the change of the earth’s poles, these are the oldest inhabitants of our planet. and humanity disappears, the bee probably won’t notice it, but there is a clear opinion that albert einstein once expressed, he said that as soon as it disappears bee, humanity will remain for 4 years.
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it’s no secret that the percentage of yield increases significantly due to cross-pollination, so many agricultural enterprises prefer to pay maximum attention to these workers, placing bee families near the cultivation of any agricultural crops. belarus sows about 700 thousand hectares of rapeseed, the target is to sow about a million hectares. the entire yield of rapeseed, by and large, is on the small proboscis of the bee. all the income that beggars earn is just 10%. and 90% is the income that pollination brings to bees around the world. a garden cannot exist without bees. today, scientists count more than ten products that bees produce. these include honey, royal jelly, pollen, and beeswax. well, that's it. the benefits of these insects do not end there, even the air from the hive today is a medicine, probably many have heard about the concept of sleeping on hives, when you come to
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a special house, you lie down, breathe this air, breathe propolis. propolis is one of the substances, which is a stimulant, helps prevent cancer. you have a sore throat, instead of sucking on a special tablet, take a piece of propolis and chew it. the healing properties of honey are known. everyone, many people don’t even realize how beneficial bee venom can be for humans, but meanwhile, such a branch of medicine as apitherapy used to inject a small dose of bee venom into the body, and it must be said that it is quite rich various useful substances for our body. the main healing effect is actually provided by peptides, which have an analgesic effect and also... tones our nervous system. once in the human body, bee venom has both local and general effects. bee venom affects
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the cardiovascular system, reduces high blood pressure, thins the blood, and also affects the nervous system and the muscular system. all organizations of the academy of sciences that study these beneficial insects are united in a cluster according to beekeeping scientists. but for ourselves, of course, the most important bee is the drone, he does a man’s work vuli, give you one as a gift, you let him go, he won’t sting, and he will fly to catch his queen, he won’t sting, and now we’ll release him, that’s it, yes,
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oops, and he flew away after his queen, unfortunately, cases have become more frequent when bees are under threat, all this is due to air pollution and pesticides, all our bees, our other apiaries are in these illuminated fields, the sprayer spreads its wings and went to work with nesticide, like as a rule, cides are of contact action, that is , when they get on a bee, they immediately kill them; if the field was processed in the evening or at night , as recommended, in the morning there will be no problems, during this time the drug is absorbed, its activity decreases; the bee is already flying in an open field, collecting marketable honey, take care of the bees, because they are part of biodiversity, and our survival depends on them. it’s not for nothing that the houses on the pasik are so bright and colorful, the fact is that bees can recognize colors.
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can determine where their home is and fly, that is not to the neighbor, to yourself, how smart they are, wow, listen, well, in this way i want to draw a parallel and invite our viewers to also fly to the color, you working monday bees, to orange, of course, and turn up the volume in the program dobritsa belarus, because now there will be very interesting information for you, you know that today the traditional week of native nature starts, the organizers of the scientific organization and the department of biological sciences, the national academy of sciences, according to tradition , the event is dedicated to... the celebration international day for biological diversity, which will be held on may 22. the program includes seminars, presentations, lectures and an excursion program. and schoolchildren will be able to visit collection funds and laboratories, a scientific and practical center for biological resources, and also see the national treasure of belarus, the herbarium of the institute of experimental botany. the scientist also invites all nature lovers to familiarize themselves with the collection funds and exhibitions of the central botanical garden, including blooming collections. drona and
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siren, well, right now our broadcast continues, the profession section, let's meet alexandra zhdanovich, my name is alexandra shdanovich, i work at a household appliances factory with a woodworker assembler, i wake up at 5:20, wake up, take a shower, put myself in order. i drink coffee, take a good mood and go to my favorite job. first of all , my morning begins with greetings from my colleagues. i'm preparing my workplace, our shift starts at 7:00. this is my workplace, i am assembling the door for the washing machine. let's take the frame and look for defects, so that there are no scratches, nothing, we lay it down, take the handle, insert it, take the axle with the spring, fix the handle.
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the door is complicated due to the fact that it is large , there are a lot of different parts, we make sure that there are no cracks, we cover it with a base, in 2007 i saw on the news on tv that they showed the opening. this plant, i decided to try myself in this profession, i was actually a salesman, i came, i didn’t know how to do anything, they taught me, so i stayed and worked, i like it very much, i really like it here schedule, at 4 o’clock i’m almost home, free, i devote a lot of time, it works for my children, i love my job, the team is friendly, our team is friendly, they will always lend a helping hand in difficult times, it’s difficult. i
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don’t have any of these in my work; over such a period of time , everything has already become automatic. the speed of one operation is 27 seconds, so i have to do my work quickly and efficiently. i believe that my work is very important, because the products we produce expose labor for women. i love my job because... it makes the morning of my country good, and we wish our heroine alexandra a successful working day, that’s what she rightly said, she has no difficulties at work, that’s why, because she loves her job, well, the weather by the way, it can also be a favorite, the main thing is our inner mood. let's see right now what indicators today has prepared for us, and they are excellent today in minsk + 22:24, however, the same in brest,
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vitebsk and mogilev. gorde gomel +23 +25, in in grodno today the temperature is not higher than 23. at the same time, today weather forecasters promise us rain and in some places, even there will be thunderstorms. well, yes, of course, we will need an umbrella today, this accessory will not just be a stylish thing, yes, but also very important and necessary, although on the other hand, thunderstorms in may are quite a given and a phenomenon. but the weather forecast suggests that you urgently need to go for a walk; by the way, to make up for the lack of vitamin d, they will be happy to keep you company. lovely celestina, this adorable dog is looking for owners. good morning, today a dog named celestina will be looking for her way home. this smart girl is only 2 years old. celestina gets along well with both
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adults and children. at the sight of a man , he immediately runs towards him, happily wagging his tail, in the hope of finally meeting his owner and going with him to a cozy home. our girl is an affectionate baby, absolutely healthy, vaccinated, sterilized, and also treated for parasites. this beauty will never miss an opportunity to lick a person. when you meet her, you obviously don't want to break up. celestina has a light, inquisitive, flexible character. this girl is also unpretentious in food, is easy to train and is accustomed to walking on a leash. celestina is placed in a home without enclosures and chains, both in a large friendly family and with a lonely person who is in search of a faithful four-legged friend. if you want to
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get to know celestina better, call the phone number indicated on your screen. she is really looking forward to meeting her future owner. what will best test your erudition and intelligence? that's right, tricky questions: is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? andrey? well, there was such a very interesting story, seth invited his asiris to the holiday, then it seemed that he either cut him, or immediately threw him into the river, cut him, andrey should write detective stories, of course,
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or horror films, this spaniard went down in the history of tennis as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22, absolutely right, this is the correct answer, thanks to what? everything is so clean and beautiful, someone cleaned up the area, yes, i was waiting for the owners, i want to catch up with lesha by three. paris, london, new york, name the last city, provided that we are talking about tennis.
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this is an opportunity to try something new, in order to understand what kind of bull it will turn out to be, we need to make horns for it, that is, we made the horns from an exhaust pipe, this is an exhaust pipe, and a kamaz car, and of course, to join the unique folk art, and if we we want a pattern, a herringbone, that means click on...
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look at the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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in the gomel region in the exclusion zone, except the fact that this is also a border zone, yes, yes, we came there, marked this place with a qr code, digitized it, posted it on the safe history website, well, this is how we choose routes and villages, yes, in general, this is also and such research work , including, yes, but this time you started from the brest region, why did you go to the south, or rather, started from the south, and one of the first large-scale automobile rallies... in the twentieth year began precisely from brest, then the column
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moved from the vitebsk border with the russian federation in brest, so we started with this region, because there are a lot of, let’s say, places of memory that can be remembered, well, on different occasions, well, i must say that , of course, famous people are participating in the project, and not just activists, yes , in general, people are not indifferent to this. history, but in general , perhaps, a separate region or a separate point on the map, which, let’s say, was discovered quite recently, its fate touched you very much. alexander, irina, this question is addressed to both of you. hard to tell, or choose one village, or one settlement, because they all suffered very badly, they all have the same story, yes, each has its own separate story. we came across stories where
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the nazis locked children and women in houses, somewhere they were shot, yeah, the story is very difficult every time, so choosing one is very difficult, impossible, i would say, every time i read it, i’m imbued with these stories, well, there are tears in my eyes and it’s really very difficult to even stand near this places, understanding what was happening around us, so each place is very dear to us and... the pain in our hearts and souls remains forever. irina, please tell me, how can i join the run, where can i find information, what is needed for this? it’s very easy to join, all the information is posted on our patriotsby information channels, telegram channels, instagram, so we post all the points in full, and people can join on the way, it’s not necessary to come with us from minsk, maybe someone is in the region and wants to come to us come, so we will be glad, look at our posters, join us.
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ancestors, so you can join at any time, as is more convenient for you, and we can , by the way, make an announcement about where you will go this week, yes in the near future, yes, in the near future we will go on may 28, it will be the grodno region, and we will go early in the morning from minsk, literally. in a few days the poster will be posted on our information channels, so keep an eye out, come, it is important to remember, know and pass on our history. at the end of our conversation i would also like to ask a question that concerns the current project, its final took place in april, this is a republican military-patriotic “challenge” tournament, its idea belongs to the patriots of belarus, who was this project created for? this is such a grandiose project for us, i believe it was created for schoolchildren from 14 to 16 years old who were completely immersed in the army.
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south, i’m not looking for another country, this homeland is us, you are mine, land, homeland, it’s me, it’s you, homeland, it’s us, you! you are my land, my homeland, it’s me, it’s you, my homeland, it’s us, we will never forget, no
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brest, not khatyn, we will preserve the pile. soul, land of your sanctuary, you are mine, land, homeland, it’s me, it’s you, homeland is us, you’re mine, here... earth, homeland, it’s me, it’s you, homeland - may, land, you’re mine, against.
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you are my land, my homeland is me, it’s you, my homeland is us, may i, you, about you, it’s me, it’s you!
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news live on belarus 1 and belarus 24 in the studio pavel zovik, good morning in this episode, there are no survivors, government. meeting after the announcement of the death of the president of the islamic republic. the baltics are reaping the fruits of the sanctions policy in latvian ports are a sharp decrease in cargo transportation volumes. movements along a given trajectory to the robotic sumo. robot competition.
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