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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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live you watch the main news at noon, pavel lazovik is with you, hello, in this episode there is a specific proposal taking into account the characteristics of the far north, a meeting.
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iran is mourning the official announcement of the death of the country's president in a plane crash; flowers are being brought to the embassy of the islamic republic in belarus. the last day of legitimacy, today vladimir zelensky’s term as president of ukraine expires. welder by profession and naturalist by hobby, residents of jaudin. creates a work of art and keeps the forest healthy. significantly increase your trading regardless of the distance. today at the palace of independence there is a representative delegation of the magadan region headed by the governor. in belarus, by the way, for the first time. a distance of 11,000 km should not become an obstacle to the development of ties. minsk does not divide russian subjects into remote and non-remote. you can and should work with everyone. it is in this case
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that the president sees good reserves in trade. now belarusian goods are imported to the magadan region, mainly through the central regions of russia. direct points there are growth opportunities across a wide range of areas, from industrial products to food and cosmetics. moreover, with the departure of western brands, markets have become more capacious and profitable. the first is mechanical engineering products. taking into account the richest natural resource base. gdansk region of your plans for the development of new deposits of non-ferrous metals, we see good potential for increasing the supply of mining dump trucks to your region, western brands have left russia, and i think that you will find a replacement for them with our products, with your support belas intentionally open a multi-brand store in the region. a center for
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sales, service, and comprehensive maintenance and repair of all belarusian equipment, as well as for the sale of tires of various load diameters. in addition to the supply of heavy-duty equipment, we are ready to participate in the renewal of the passenger transport fleet, we can offer various modern buses in both gas and diesel versions, and we will provide:
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our business, both the gold mining company and the companies that service heavy equipment, believes that the time has come to show fraternal relations, support in everything, not only in foreign policy, but also in domestic policy, we are very patriotic and committed to cooperation with the republic of belarus. there is a specific proposal for each direction. all taking into account the characteristics of the far north. belarus can build facilities, help with the development of the electricity supply system, supply the widest range of goods, and organize high-quality dairy processing on site. the import of fish products and the development of tourism look promising. iran is mourning, officially the president was killed in a plane crash. country of ibrahim raisi, an
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american-made helicopter carrying raisi and seven other people crashed in the mountains of east azerbaijan province. everyone on board died in the very first moment after the disaster; the bodies of the crash victims were transported to the city of tibris for identification. according to the statement, the iranian government will assume the duties of the deceased raisiya, first vice president mahammad mahber. within 50 days, the country must hold elections that will determine who will take the chair of the head of the executive branch of iran. words of sympathy are sent to iran by leaders of official departments from all over the world, including from our country, russia, and china.
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the islamic republic of iran in the world contributed to the strengthening and growth of its high status. states in the international arena. president ibrahim raisi will go down in history as a wise leader who devoted his entire life to selfless and selfless service to the iranian people. alexander lukashenko emphasized that he will forever retain the warmest memories of the meetings and conversations with mr. president, who
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was a true friend of belarus and cared a lot about the development of belarusian-iranian cooperation. his name is forever included in the chronicle of our relations. countries on behalf of the belarusian people and himself personally, the president also expressed sincere condolences and words of support to the relatives of the victims to the entire iranian people. the term expires; today zelensky ceases to be the legally elected president of ukraine. it was on may 20 that he was supposed to hand over the reins to his successor, who was supposed to be elected before march 31. swiftly the level of support for zelensky is decreasing. now, according to... american and european polls, it has dropped below 17%. the west is extremely concerned about the catastrophic drop in ratings, reports the russian foreign intelligence service. it is unclear what consequences the politicians' loss of legitimacy will have. western
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publications publish materials that try to justify official kiev’s refusal to hold elections, but not particularly convincingly. an overdue president, even if such an opportunity arises, will not be able to conclude a reliable peace without his legitimacy. a failed coup attempt in the congo or another example of western intervention. armed people tried to enter the residence of the current president of an african country. the residence of the candidate for the post of head of the national assembly of the democratic republic of the congo was also attacked. the rebels were stopped. their leader and his three followers were eliminated. total. about 40 people were detained, including several americans and british. according to media reports, the leader of the group, christian malanga, has long lived in the usa for a while. execution without trial investigation in britain is once again gaining momentum in the scandal with squadrons and deaths. why are the perpetrators not
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punished and how did the evidence disappear? let's show the facts. in clear politics this evening after the panorama.
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the group that attacked the trucks was detained in the gomel region, it is reported that they were parked along the highway. brest and gomel were controlled by a gang of at least five people. the attacks took place at night. the attackers used balaclavas and radios. while the driver was sleeping in the cab, the robbers broke the lock of the cargo compartment filled their minibus with goods and left the crime scene. the same facts were recorded in the brest, mogilev, minsk and gomel regions. the stolen goods were sold on the territory of russia, or divided among themselves and used for personal purposes. currently, six episodes of criminal activity are known, mostly theft.


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