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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 20, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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the group that attacked the trucks was detained in the gomel region, it is reported that a gang of at least five people was operating in the parking lots along the brest and gomel highway, the attack...
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the detainee was detained, a criminal case was opened for committing thefts on a large scale. organizationally, everything is ready for centralized testing and a unified exam. deputy prime minister igor petrishenko announced this today. before the meeting of the state commission to control the preparation and conduct of entrance exams this year. this is the first meeting of those responsible with
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recruitment of universities and colleges, communications all regions of belarus. we will learn about the main issues for discussion from svetlana lukinyuk. svetlana, you have the floor. good afternoon, colleagues, now the commission meeting is being held here in the government behind closed doors, well, the admission campaign itself in belarus actually started in february. at that time, university olympiads were held in regional universities, and then in march, republican school olympiads took place. so, according to their results, 677 graduates of belarusian schools can enter higher education without exams institutions of belarus in those specialized subjects in which they showed the best knowledge, but the main thing is still ahead for her and the introductory company of the twenty-fourth year is may 27 and 30. the single day of centralized testing is may 27 , also 30. for those who, for example, did not enroll last year, but want to enroll this year, they will also need to come and take the test.
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the unified exam is the russian belarusian language on may 30, and on june 3 and 6 graduates will take exams in those subjects that they need for further tests, for further admission to a higher educational institution in belarus, as well as college, it is important that it was noted that during all these tests, for example, a mobile phone or other improvised means cannot be used only with one’s own knowledge, but the commission assured that they will create... comfortable conditions for admission. let's listen to what the deputy prime minister said about readiness for this inaugural campaign. as always, last year we tested for the first time 144 points of the centralized exam and 40 points centralized testing. all of them are prepared, equipped, we have assigned appropriate commission chairmen to all higher educational institutions. therefore, everything. organizational work
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has been carried out more than 50,600 more precisely, we will accept higher educational institutions, of which 31,200 are for budgetary uniforms and 19,400 are for paid education. well, we are carrying out corresponding work in our colleges; accordingly, we will admit 39,000 applicants to one college. it’s worth mentioning about the recruitment of target people this year, as he assured deputy prime minister, their number will increase, exams will also take place from june 27 to july 12, so in the last company the target recruitment was 4,900 people, colleagues, thank you, svetlana lukinyuk, about the details of the entrance campaign. he was born and lived literally 100 meters from the forest, so he knows everything about it. a resident of zhodino,
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a mushroom picker, a berry picker and a collector of dekovina roots, mikhail poznyakov with his own hands creates a work of art from materials that an ordinary person would not pay attention to. shkatu.
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now the artist is retired, mastering new techniques and methods of needlework. my colleagues from the tv news agency project will talk about sports further, they are also available on social networks, in the mobile application qr code on the screen. new information already at one o'clock in the afternoon. see you. dynamo minsk beat soligorsk shakhtar in the final match of the ninth round of the belarusian football championship.
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the situation, the situation is unenviable, the team did not score points in the last matches, but today they came out charged for the game to change this situation, so today we were convinced that that even having achieved a victorious result, with what efforts and what emotions it was all achieved, and, of course, i am grateful to the team for its character, for the fact that we snatched this victory in the end, probably, based on the totality of scoring situations, we deserved this victory, in the standings after neman is in the lead for nine rounds, torpedo is one point behind grodno. dynamo brest and minsk have 19 points each, and these are third and fourth positions, respectively.
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in june 1998, the belarusian press reported. about the visit of the general director to the republic unesco, united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization, federica mayor zaragoza. it aroused interest. main avenue of minsk. it impressed the eminent guest not only with its architectural design. it was hard to believe that it was built in the first post-war years. the result of the visit of federic mayor zaragoza, in 2004 , the republic of belarus has already submitted an application to unesco for inclusion in the list of world cultural heritage, architectural ensemble of post-war socialist architecture, avenue. addictions in minsk. applicants there are many nominees, among them post-war
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architectural ensembles of eastern europe: moscow, kiev, warsaw, karl-marx alley in berlin. but an authoritative commission assessed minsky prospect as unique, which deserves to be among the iconic objects of world culture. minsky avenue has a unique... the authoritative commission
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could not even imagine what passions were boiling around the belarusian capital and its main avenue in 1944, immediately after liberation from the nazis, and with what labor, what heroic it was built through the efforts of its inhabitants. in july 1944, in the high offices of the party central committee in moscow, the fate of the belarusian capital was decided. a group of authoritative architects was invited to the next meeting with the secretary of the cpsu central committee malinkov. their opinion is clear. the capital of the bssr must be built in a new location. this will cost less than restoring a practically destroyed city.
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borisov and arguments were proposed as one of the options. in belarus, rich in water resources, all large cities arose on the banks of high-water rivers. invited to meeting of the first secretariat of belarusileimon. marenko was categorically against such approaches; he insisted on the need to restore the capital in its original place. he convinced me otherwise, the republic would revive minsk in the shortest possible time. calculations and arguments of belarusian specialists support this. in august 1944, at one of the first meetings of the bureau
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of the central committee of the cpb, a decision was made to preserve the capital in its original place and restore minsk. at the same memorial bureau , a plan for the restoration of the city was already considered. sketch of the idea for the layout of minsk. was in several competitions they were all-union. leading architects of the soviet union presented their projects, whose works were heard:
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shchusev, mordvinov, kolli, semyonov, rubanenko, langbart, trachtenberg. you have to understand that not only architects took part in this, engineers took part, because this is a conversation not only about the architectural and artistic solution, but about the transport network, about the economic justification, because... everything was accepted , everything was designed in the general plan and in the capital itself. among the proposals it would seem incompatible things, classics and soviet symbols.
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the construction of the avenue is under special control of the country's leadership. it must embody in the appearance of buildings the best achievement of soviet architecture and symbolize the victory of socialism. but the main task had to be solved - to clear the capital of rubble and provide the construction with workers, of whom there was a catastrophic shortage. on october 8, 1944, belarusian radio reported on the mass enthusiasm that gripped literally all residents of the capital.
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sunday was held in minsk. there was no need to drive people away, by force, go, work the allotted time, everyone went, there was great joy that people were working on their own, that freedom had arrived, thus began the revival of the capital, the bold architectural
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decision of the country's leading and... for the revival of minsk, the construction of its main avenue, two integral, interconnected unique phenomena post-war history of the capital. for builders, workers, engineers, this was truly selfless work; they had to not only erect buildings, but also master new directions: decor, stucco, tiles. the first building that started erect on the avenue of the state security committee of the republic. special attention to him. it is necessary to comply with all the requirements for such objects, and not only. the building set the tone for the entire architectural design
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of the avenue. this placed enormous responsibility on its architect. the avenue did not meet the expectations of official buildings by any criteria, and
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there was a lot of criticism regarding the decisions of architectural ensembles in the belarusian capital. architectural and art critics of the forties wrote that in minsk this formal constructivism still dominates and the new era of socialist architecture is not coming. in the same style, parusnikov, together with the architect badanov, built an edition opposite the kgb. it clearly shows the trends of english architecture. a characteristic tower, but with a clock. the building continued the theme set by the architects and organically fit into the overall ensemble. the gates of minsk on the station square, the unique building
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of the main post office, the boldness of the decision of the guma building, it is also not in the spirit of the times. unique in throughout soviet architecture, the unique building of gum, ligart and melega, this is also such a neoclassical rhythm, this is also the use of neoclassical proportions, but at the same time very, very free plasticity, and you see what, for example, huge windows are in this building. this is the result of this industrial design.
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the supreme council of the bssr, the council of ministers of the bssr, the regional party committee and the regional executive committee. the main discussion took place between the architects trachtenberg and osmalovsky. projects presented by langbard, parusnikov, levinson and fomin, the king and osmalovsky. and in the projects of lonbard, and parusnik and other authors, we see that... that not everyone preserved the theater, which we now call yanka kupala, the city theater, oland, by the way, it was preserved, but what was interesting about it
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a project that was not accepted, because it would completely unexpectedly turn our thinking towards the opera house. the final design of october square was never approved. the question was postponed. until better times, everything was very controversial and controversially, at the same time the square was decorated by the palace of trade unions, embodying in its facade the classical trends of the palace style: a nine-column portico and stucco on the ceiling in front of the entrance to the building, an arched pediment with a sculptural group of glory to labor, and others. elements. disputes surrounding the design plans for the victory square. it crowned the architectural
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ensemble of the minsk center along stalin avenue. the competition project was proposed by the architect baklanov. the basis is the use of the principles of the construction of ancient temples, the placement of buildings in a circle, a combination of styles, solemnity. but the project was not approved; in fact, only the idea remained. the decision we see today makes it no less solemn. construction of the avenue was carried out at an accelerated pace. the architects did not leave the sites for days. each new building amazed with its... originality, uniqueness, but the uniqueness of the avenue was in its relief design. the relief was amazingly designed, despite everything being
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a plateau. and the house of political workers, they were all connected by arches, and these arches are also part of the historical and cultural heritage, that is this is also an integral element of filling the space between the courtyards; there were no simply separate buildings; each arch had its own decor and address. solving the most complex architectural designs required incredible
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efforts. and internees from germany, hungary, austria, romania, and other countries; in total, around 1946, 1,030 german prisoners of war worked in the national economy. about 25 thousand prisoners worked in minsk alone; they were employed both in the restoration of enterprises and in the construction of social facilities and a theater opera and ballet, the academy of sciences, a train station, the main post office, residential buildings along stalin avenue, and during the construction of the avenue itself. the labor use of foreign prisoners of war in the soviet union was fundamentally different
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from how the nazis used soviet prisoners of war during the war; if, as a result of the labor use of soviet prisoners of war, a significant part of them died, then in relation to german prisoners of war, labor legislation was observed here. late evening in the summer of 1946, prisoners of war camp, located near the opera and ballet theater, traditionally gathered together after a working day. in the short hours of rest i wanted to discuss some issues and share my story. everyone in the war had their own. some just wanted to be alone with their thoughts, to remember home and
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family. the sounds of a harmonica were heard, someone was making toys from wood, local children usually came running for them at this time, in return for this they paid the prisoners with a piece of ration bread or crackers, and if lucky, a piece of sugar. local residents also came, to the surprise of the prisoners... they still sympathized with them in a foreign land, often sharing products that they themselves lacked. it’s strange, but our settlement somehow quickly got used to the fact that these were no longer fascists, not occupiers. here we lived in the area of ​​​​the komarovsky market along artelnaya street, there was a road for them, they drove columns, the peasants
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threw a piece of bread at them. and the germans, you know, learned to make children’s toys, wooden ones, and the children were already saving something from their diet in order to exchange it with him, and this it was so different from the way the fastas treated civilians, prisoners of war, concentration camps, torture, inhumane conditions,


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