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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 20, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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local residents, to the surprise of the prisoners , still sympathized with them in a foreign land, often shared products that they themselves lacked, strangely, but our healing somehow quickly got used to the fact that these were no longer fascists, not occupiers, so we lived in the area of ​​​​the komarovsky market, along artennaya street there was a road for them, they drove columns, peasants threw a piece of bread, and the germans, you know, learned to make children's toys, all kinds of wooden ones, and the guys were already saving something even from their radion to exchange with him, and it was so different from how the nazis treated civilians, prisoners of war, prison camps, torture, inhumane conditions, but also... the history
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of eyewitnesses is amazing. from the memoirs of ballerina galina aleksandrovna chernoyarova. there was no housing. we were accommodated in the opera house. in one half there are artists, in the other there are captured germans from the elite part. they were doing renovations. peaceful life still took its toll. and soon the prisoners who lived side by side with us began to invite us to their concerts. “the humanity of the soviet people, who survived the horrors of war, never ceases to amaze. i don’t remember that they demanded, let’s see what they are being driven here, let’s shoot, he says, no, that didn’t happen, many, of course, who lost loved ones, looked at them with evil eyes, but they were treated more or less humanely.”
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minsk was restored by the whole world, with the heroic efforts of its residents, workers, builders from all over belarus, as the belarusian promised. its decoration was stalin avenue, built in an unprecedentedly short time for such architectural ensembles. indeed, this is a unique situation when it was possible to create after the war. a grandiose work.
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architecture is a way of life, this is what they wanted to give to the people who survived the war.
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at the station. through the efforts of skilled workers and ordinary workers, a new structure of the belarusian capital was created. in my future, your heroes appeared. mulyar, stakhanavets, dzyanis bulahau. more than two norms per shift. already in the muravannah of minsk gum. only in the 47-48 year, minsk acquired more than 100 new streets. old ladies forget the streets yes. lenina and kamsamolskaya were created two new boulevards of gascei stalin are the same new non-painted boulevards and their architecturally advanced stalin avenue. the central stalin avenue was erected in just 5 years, created in
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the style of neoclassicism in the stalin era for its pomp, solemnity, and grandeur. people christened it the stalinist empire style; built in the most difficult time for the republic, it became not only the calling card of the country, one of the best masterpieces of world architecture, but a symbol of another labor victory of the belarusian people.
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hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina caroman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we are talking about how the new law on entrepreneurship will change the life of individual entrepreneurs, what is its benefit for those who do not run a business, and what is it better for us to leave forever in the 2000s? go! on april 22, a new law was signed that regulates business activities in belarus. the document changes the architecture of entrepreneurship in the country, and since everyone who does not work for hire in our country considers themselves either residents of tunisia or businessmen of various levels, discussions on the internet about whether the law is good do not subside. or bad at someone interests, it was accepted, so we’ll sort it out. firstly, i immediately refer those interested to the national legal portal, where they need to find the law itself, number 365-з dated 04/22/2024.
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title about changing laws on business issues. if you have a small business or a money hobby, this legal act is worth reading carefully and studying the references in it. to other documents. now an important prelude: the new law does not force anyone to do anything, it does not force individual entrepreneurs to switch to the status of legal entities, or the self-employed to open individual entrepreneurs. he brings order to the market and gives private owners the opportunity to grow into a large enterprise without pain and withdrawal. and for individual entrepreneurs, for example, the transition to a legal entity was painful and brittle for years, because it was only called a transition. in fact, it was liquidation. individual entrepreneur and opening a legal entity from scratch: it was necessary to pay off debts, pay off loans, pay salaries to employees, reset on all fronts, close the individual entrepreneur, register a legal entity, start all over again, hire people again, build a customer base, conclude contracts, apply for loans, receive
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certificates and licenses. you won't need to do this anymore. an individual entrepreneur will be able to simply submit an application to local executive bodies about his desire to change his status. and drag your merits, debts, permits, licenses and clients to the new legal entity. those who have an electronic digital signature will generally be able to do this online, through the unified state register portal. and he will be able to use the documents that were issued by government agencies in the name of an individual entrepreneur to work with his legal entity for another year. you can plan trips for this year through the authorities and calmly update all the papers. and here everything will become much simpler too. it will be necessary to prove that a document that previously belonged to an individual entrepreneur now belongs to the same owner, but in the status of a legal entity, there will be no checks, the newly minted manager will only need to write an application and provide confirmation of the transition to a legal entity. the requested documents will be reissued for him without delay.
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moreover, both the transition and the renewal of documents will be carried out free of charge. previously, you had to pay for each piece of paper. after the transition the newborn legal entity will not be included in the random inspection plan for another 2 years. only those who received a complaint and who were included in the inspection plan while still in the status of an individual entrepreneur will not be able to avoid control. one more point: according to presidential decree no. 6, dated may 7, 2012, for individual entrepreneurs and commercial organizations that operate in medium and small urban settlements, as well as in villages, a full 7 years from the date of registration. preferential working conditions apply, they relate to the payment of tax on income tax, various fees and deductions, as well as the mandatory sale of foreign currency earnings. so, for individual entrepreneurs who change their status to a legal entity before january 1, 2026 , the validity of the benefits will be reset to zero and will start
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from the beginning, that is, if an individual entrepreneur who has already worked for 6 years on preferential terms and in a year must... to a full-fledged payment of bills, his seven-year preferential regime is restarted, he has seven more preferential years of doing business ahead of him. and... if not wants, then it is not necessary. another question is whether the product or service from which an individual entrepreneur makes money will be included in the list of types of work that the government will draw up for this form of ownership. before july 1, a list of types of activities that can be worked with as an individual entrepreneur will be published. experts from relevant ministries are now deciding what this list will be, and ordinary citizens, of course, will also be asked. in mid-may on the national legal portal for 10 days. will launch public discussion this list, we will all be invited to speak out and propose adjustments, but not in the format, but i
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want it to be so, with a reasonable justification for why, in your opinion, this or that type of activity should be left for implementation as an individual entrepreneur. in fact, there are many options. the first is, of course, the opportunity to switch to the status of a legal entity, quickly, profitably and conveniently, especially for those who... for many years, small medium-sized businesses were divided into three categories: micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, micro - staff of up to 15 people , small - up to 100, medium - up to 250. after the system operates in the updated format, there will be no micro-enterprise category, small and medium-sized enterprises will remain, but among them there will be a new subcategory, commercial organizations with a number of people. employees up to 50 people, they will receive a special operating mode
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closest to the one in which they use individual entrepreneurs. such enterprises will be able to pay simplified taxes, the amount of fines for them will be reduced, that is, for those who have grown out of the ip panties and are ready to move on, they have created a little place where the business can grow stronger and grow. if the individual entrepreneur does not find his type of activity on the list, which the government will approve by july. understands that he categorically does not agree to become a legal entity, he will be able to become the so-called self-employed, an individual who works without employees and pays tax on professional income. the list of types of work for this business format is set out in resolution of the council of ministers no. 851 of december 8, 2022. this category of taxpayers is now also officially included in the list of entrepreneurs. because too many distortions have accumulated in the business environment, according to the new law,
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the category of individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities includes individual entrepreneurs, self-employed people, artisans and owners of agricultural estates. for years , people who offered the same product had completely different costs, one was in the ip format. the second, doing the same thing, managed to be self-employed, the third did almost the same thing. in the status of a legal entity, the profit plus or minus is the same, here are the payments and the obligations are completely different. now everyone will be sorted into categories to ensure healthy competition in the market, comfortable working conditions, and protection of the rights of employees. many wanted a fair market economy. here it is , just with a shock absorber again. but we don’t know how to throw people into the realities of capitalism, even when they ask. if you are small and your business is not very profitable, choose a design format that suits your pocket and work calmly. until you decide that you have grown to something more, you want to grow, but you don’t know how, here are the tools for growth available to you,
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entrepreneur. there are support centers and incubators for small businesses in belarus; these are organizations that are ready to help promising and entrepreneurial people develop. support may be financial or non-financial. that is, if a person comes to such a center with a good business idea, but without money, they can allocate funds to him. for the purchase of equipment and materials, rental of premises, transport, and if he has money to start, but is afraid of using it incorrectly, they will give lawyers will be sent to courses or seminars. if the idea is really good, and a person is already burning with a thirst for implementation, they can give both. at the same time, in such centers there are free assistance packages, there are cheap and expensive ones, for every taste, budget and stage of development. information about support centers and entrepreneurship incubators. can be found on the website, there is an interactive map with contacts and a lot of information about where and
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what kind of help you can get. once again i draw your attention to the fact that it is now available individual entrepreneurs, self-employed people, owners of agricultural estates and artisans. previously, they did not have access to such services. now about positive changes for commercial organizations. first: small medium-sized businesses will be able to apply for financial support. if the founder does not have enough money for the project, he can come to the bank to ask for a loan. the bank gives money on the security of property or guarantee, let’s assume our businessman has no property, but according to the law he cannot mortgage his personal... apartment, it must be registered in his legal entity, so here it is according to the new norms , the belarusian fund for financial support of entrepreneurship will be able to act as a guarantor for the founder; if our businessman goes bankrupt, the fund will pay for him. in case many businessmen who took out loans under the guarantee of the fund go bankrupt at once, the
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development bank became its guarantor. the second change is that legal entities will be able to use development grants from local budget funds. how will it work? for example, the leaders of a certain region assessed the economic picture and decided that their location lacks a small production of paper napkins; a legal entity that offers a sound business plan for creating such a production will be ready to implement it and allocate money to launch the project. this assistance will be free of charge and irrevocable, that is, you will not have to return the funds. the third change is still in development, but the point is to compensate the commercial organization. costs for an investment project if she took out a loan for it from a development bank and implemented her plans within the time period indicated in the business plan. i tried the manager did what he signed up for on time, receive encouragement. the main thing that the new law will give to people who are not engaged in entrepreneurial activities is
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legal protection of their rights. once self-employed, artisans and owners of agricultural estates are now officially. working in this country, as in other civilized countries, you will have to rely on economic growth, and not the preservation of outdated business schemes, finally say goodbye to zero, black cash registers, trading without receipts, unprotected buyers and attempts at legal entities to save taxes through individual entrepreneurs remained there, well, don’t look for attempts in the new law to oppress yesterday’s individual entrepreneurs. those of them who are ready to work
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understand well that for their business it is an elevator, and it goes up. i am marina karaman, who brings new things to our economy. we have figured out the law on business activities, everything is clear, see you later, let today’s game become not so much an intellectual one for you.
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any adult is jealous, is it true that a computer mouse pointer can change shape depending on what object it is on? it is installed, the cursor has the so-called context sensitivity, and it can really change its shape depending on what object it is pointed at, there is a stick, above, below, i also see that he is very comfortable, confident, relaxed feels, no, he is worried, in our chest there is an object, a symbolic image, which is often used
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