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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:06pm MSK

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pavel lazovik is with you, good afternoon, the delegation of the magadan region led by the governor in minsk will significantly increase trade, regardless of the distance. aspects of cooperation were discussed at the palace of independence with the belarusian leader. the distance of 11.00 km should not become an obstacle to the development of ties. now belarusian goods are imported to the magadan region, mainly through the central regions of russia. points of direct growth are available in a wide range. from industrial products
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to food and cosmetics, especially with the departure of western brands, markets have become more capacious and profitable. taking into account the rich natural resource base of the magadan region and your plans for the development of new deposits of non-ferrous metals, we see good potential for increasing the supply of mining dump trucks to your region. western brands have left russia. and i think that you will find a replacement for them with our products. with your support, belas intends to open a multi-brand center in the region for sales and service, and comprehensive maintenance and repair. of all belarusian equipment, as well as for the sale of tires of various load diameters.
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iran has declared five days of mourning for the deceased president ibrahim raisi, and mass processions are planned throughout the country in the evening in his memory. according to a statement by the iranian government , first vice president mahammad mahber will take over the duties of the deceased risia, acting as minister of foreign affairs in place of the deceased head. his deputy, ali
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bagherikani, was appointed. six special government bodies are created to govern the country. committees. elections for the country's new president will take place within 50 days. robert fitze, who survived the assassination attempt, could become a problem for nato. this forecast is published by the financial times. european officials, as the publication assures, fear that the slovak prime minister, who previously opposed the supply of weapons to ukraine and its membership in the alliance. will be an even more destructive force for nato. the authors of the material recalled that before the assassination attempt he supported the position of the hungarian leader, viktor orban, who opposed the candidacy of the current prime minister of the netherlands mark rutte to be the next secretary general of nato. another wave of cyber fraud. this time we checked the quality of the mobile operator's services. the total amount of damage is 8,500 rubles. to the police. two
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residents of the minsk district contacted each other, each became a victim of a scam. allegedly, representatives of the mobile operator asked to install the application to evaluate the quality of the services provided. after the victims followed the link in messenger, the scammers received full access to their mobile phones, and this included access to personal data. asked to install application of this mobile operator and sent a link in the messenger. and where you need to download it, i downloaded the application, followed the link, and then i realized that i had provided remote access to my phone. during inspections, employees of the pervomaisky district department of the capital found that the links that applicants followed to install the new application were phishing. the attackers gained full access to the mobile phones of minsk residents, took possession of their personal data and stole money from their accounts. after which they stopped
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contact is made, criminal cases have been initiated. once again, we draw your attention to the fact that when you receive such calls, you must immediately interrupt the conversation and... contact the police. a monument to the classic of belarusian literature yanka kupalia appeared in ashgabat. the grand opening took place as part of the celebration of the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of the great turkmen poet and thinker of the east makhtum quli fragi. a new cultural and park complex is named after him, where a monument to belarusian writing is erected. together with monuments, poet and thinkers different countries. employees took part in the ceremony. the belarusian embassy in turkmenistan, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps and the ministry of foreign affairs of turkmenistan. may rains and thunderstorms with an orange danger level open a new working week in belarus. unfavorable weather is predicted in some areas.


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