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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 20, 2024 2:05pm-2:40pm MSK

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for the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup there is the most unexpected pair: zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again; never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series. we review the most interesting event. british runner raskuk is known on the internet as the most... he wanted to run across africa from the south on north. two-time world champion in steeplechase anouk guernier set a new world record for climbing the kanata. a thirty-four-year-old french woman used her hands to climb to the second floor of the eiffel tower. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. i have observed a trend in the last few olympic cycles, we see that the distance is increasing in modern swimming.
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little lynx do you have chickens? 130 chickens, who else do you have? trays, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's what you don't have, it's free time that you can spend for laziness and despondency, i understand, this is definitely not the case, neither for depression, nor for sadness and there is no time to be lazy, yes, the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life is still better than city life, then in the future, maybe it’s... when
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here in the future we will make a reception room , we are making some kind of coffee here somewhere to drink coffee, maybe some kind of laundry, that ’s what we have leftovers here, there is something valuable, we will hang it here, probably an exhibition, now as it is fashionable to say, the reception will be here , how does this all happen, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, watch the project i am from the village on tv channel belarus 24.
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telenews agency bel tv and radio company, the state security committee of belarus and the belarusian orthodox church present a documentary investigation about the religious movement during the great patriotic war. a time of testing strength, patriotism or betrayal, motivation.
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on june 22, 1941, the first massive attacks of the third reich were carried out on the territory of the soviet union. ignored non-aggression pact, nazi germany and its allies attacked the ussr without declaring war. the german propaganda machine , led by goebbels, explained this not as a war against the country by the people, but as a military campaign to fight the bolsheviks. nazi propaganda used this as anti-soviet. the thesis is that there is a crusade against the godless bolsheviks, but this seems to be purely at the level of propaganda ideology, somewhere, including in germany, it was told, yes, why we attacked the soviet union. apparently that's why the attack was planned for june 22. in the orthodox calendar, it is the day of all saints
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who have shone in the russian land. but it is not necessary to say that the religious issue was thoroughly worked out even before the attack. religious nazi policy of the occupiers on the territory of belarus. was largely situational and contradictory in nature, one must clearly understand that germany wanted to conquer this territory, quickly walk through it, reach moscow and solve its political problems. the leadership of the third reich detailed its goal developed the barbaros plan and the ost master plan in the strategic program. according to program documents, 75% of the population in the occupied territories was supposed to be destroyed, 25% to be left in service. special project on church policy germany.
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which essentially reflects the content of the attitude of the german leadership of this period towards religion is the letter bormann wrote to rosenberg shortly before the attack on the soviet union in 1941. in this letter he clearly stated that the concept of national socialism and the concept of christianity is incompatible. the top of the third reich, to put it mildly, had nothing to do with it.
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in the regions of belarus, church life was preserved, churches were opened here, monasteries and theological schools operated, dioceses worked, pinsk grodninsko and poleska. this was due to the fact that until 1939 the territory was under polish occupation, but in relation to the orthodox church, the authorities of the second polish-lithuanian commonwealth carried out quite tough and repressive policies, belarusian culture, literature and traditions that were studied in educational centers and social institutions operating at orthodox parishes,
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but by unknown attackers there were more than 800 orthodox churches throughout poland, and this naturally was such a planned action with the complete inaction of the polish police. after the reunification of western and eastern belarus, orthodox parishes and monasteries that were under the influence of the polish autocephalous church returned to the structure of the russian orthodox church. from under arrest in zherovichi archbishop panteleimon razhnovsky was released from the monastery. he was standing. so to speak, at the helm of the church, when the war came to our lands, he remained here in the occupied
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territories, continued to support and build church life. metropolitan panteleimon razhnovsky, who led the church under these conditions of occupation and is a patriot of his country, and an opponent of autocephaly, any divisions and an opponent of the intervention of the occupiers in affairs. yana, we've come to the fore for all these teritors; for them, such
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a madman, the trump card is important, this adradzhenne royal life, yana the propagandist propaganda emphasized that the german acupunctive regimes are everywhere in belarus, and in the dark side they are not aware of the entire reign of the tsar’s life. the ideologists of the reich knew what to bet on. royal life in ancient times was subject to prohibitions and people needed spiritual support. the population needs to be given this support and given the opportunity to freely visit churches. it was possible to flirt with the population in this way, to give the opportunity to resume church life. and the first month of occupation is showed. yes, in principle, hundreds of baptisms take place during this period of time, church marriages are concluded, and divine services begin almost the next day after one or another locality was occupied . despite the occupation of belarus, the orthodox church is doing everything possible. for a kind of renaissance of spiritual life in wartime, metropolitan panteleman sends two inhabitants of the zhirovichi
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monastery from the ruins to revive the church where it was destroyed decades ago. in august of the forty-first year, archimandrite seraphim, together with the priest of the zhirovichi monastery, grigory kudarenko, with the blessing of metropolitan pantiley manorozhnovsky, went to revive spiritual life in the eastern regions of belarus. the missionaries rode horses. in order to cover as many areas as possible, in almost every locality they gathered believers around them and wrote petitions addressed to bishop panteleman with a request to revive parishes and open them.
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holding services, confessing and giving communion to hundreds of people, and moving from one settlement to another. the task is not easy. the journey from minsk to viteb took several months, the winter was extremely harsh, frosts reached 30°. serafimi's father, priest grigory kudarenko, examined the surviving churches, baptized children, performed funeral services for the dead, and believers cleared the churches of various
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debris. after all, church buildings were often converted into granaries, warehouses, clubs, believers in...
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save help those people with whom they live, who are their parishioners. for some german leaders, implementation church strategy became the starting point for satisfying their own ambitions. the nazi intelligence services, the main directorate of reich security and the abwehr entered into confrontation. some supported bormann and his position to develop religious life in the occupied territories. the abwehr sided with rosenberg, who advocated using religion as a tool for realization.
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for the church, not for preserving the faith, they still set the distant goals of destruction, and christianity did not fit into the doctrine of nazism. controversies which existed in german religious policy in the occupied territories is well reflected by one of the regulations, this is operational order number 10, which was adopted by the rsh, the main department of imperial security in the summer of forty-one. it literally said that it was prohibited to provide any assistance in the resumption of religious activities, this means in the opening of churches, training... training of clergy in the occupied territories. by issuing various regulations, directives, orders, the nazis tried attract the clergy to your side,
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through them bring the necessary information to the population. during the occupation of belarus , the german administration gave the green light to the opening of pastoral courses. sometimes people who were completely far from the church were recruited there, but priests were also trained from them. the training was led by filofei narko, but a representative of the civil administration was present at each of the classes. sd security services. such courses operated in minsk, grodno, novogrudok, vitebsk, zhirovichi from forty-one to forty-five more than 200 people were ordained as priests. after training, priests were sent to parishes throughout the country. their task was to glorify the policy of the occupiers to turn the population against the partisans. the goal that the nazi authorities sought in relation to religious strategy in belarus was a split. the germans came to the task.
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the windows of panteleimon razhnovsky's kelga overlooked the central monastery courtyard, the main cathedral. today there is a house church in the metropolitan chambers. the bishop was actually sent to rest,
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he transferred the matter to the assistant archbishop of mogilev and mstislav filofei narko. the gauleiter of cuba supports the idea of ​​belarusian collaborators to create a belarusian autocephalous orthodox church. in order to implement this project, it is necessary to tear away the belarusian orthodox church and its pastor and flock.
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the clause stated that autocephaly would be accepted only after it was recognized by all local churches, including the moscow patriarchate. on august 30, 1942, he was saved in
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the preobrazhensky cathedral, that is, the main church in minsk, under the leadership of filofei narku , the all-belarusian orthodox council began work, at which the fate of the belarusian orthodox church was decided. the metropolitan was not allowed to attend the meeting. he set the condition that a would declare autocephaly. church, subject to the recognition of all orthodox churches, including the moscow patriarchate, letters were prepared to all churches, they were translated into those languages, but these letters to the general commissariats, there are different versions, either they were lost with them, or they were sent and didn’t get there. priests the clergy of the orthodox church saw their task as uniting the people and preserving them.
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sent its advanced forces, special services. the sd detained the clergyman of one of the churches in the minsk region, peter batyaan, for helping the partisans themselves, for helping the local population, he was sent to the minsk prison, well , not just to sit in the minsk prison and go for interrogations, he was harnessed like a horse to the plow, they were plowed prison garden, dogs were poisoned against him until he... actually died in the village of mokrogo, modern luninetskoye district in the forty-second year , more than 400 people were killed for contacts with the partisans, the priest ipefaniy voloshchuk served in the local st. george’s church, he kept in touch with the partisans, when he learned about punitive actions, he rang the bells, everyone was surprised, it seemed like there was no holiday, but they were ringing bells, these bells - it was
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such... father epiphany, he was brutally beaten for several weeks, not fed, not given medical care, he died from beatings, while saving hundreds of innocent lives. from this great virtue to love to people, love for god, so we see that from life’s example that father epiphanius accepted such a martyr’s death because of the love of god, and because of the love for the local residents and his beloved parishioners. the camp guards
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threw the priest over the fence. where prisoners were usually shot, the parishioners bought the body of their pastor in order to bury it, recognized father epiphanius only by his clothes, and buried him near the church in which the priest served. the belarus24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country beyond abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival.
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generous, picturesque and monumental, athletic and team-oriented. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it.
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with your own eyes, hello dears tv viewers on the belarus 24 tv channel, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. belarusian doilitstva, like its own jumping, is important for this time to learn and master. columns, or not such columns, are very important parts of the scene, and they also act as an active act. the eyes of geta abavyazkova are perfect. history of the creation of significant cultural objects.
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let's go on an expedition in the coils of our land, take a breath of water on the watery meadows, forests and pale forests, and a wonderfully memorable life in the future, let's go on a folklore expedition may it happen again and again. forward at the past vitsebshchyna. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. to the best of the rulers , mikalai khlyustsin would be the lord of any horse. meў pan 150 galova violent ragatay zhively swedish people. and what did you know that
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marysya and stasem were visiting the entrance hall. chula, i'm asked. yak yany geta so hutka pubudavalisya. dziva neikae. good day at your place. the skin begins to grow dull every day. and we, when you get up early, the sun just comes out from behind the village of polyatichi, just breaks away from distant trees, let’s say, how much beauty there is in all this, the zhabinka calls out the ardor of
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the zhabinkovites themselves, and not only the garadzhans, but also our gasians, i don’t love it and i wish they loved it as much as i do talented and prosperous when a man works with his hands. yes paselishcha, what kind of futures developed in 1871, chygunki, look at the paleshuki project on the belarus 244 tv channel.
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