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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:10pm MSK

3:00 pm
good day, the news is on air, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch this episode. governor of the magadan region in the palace of independence. we will tell you in detail what areas our president proposed to develop cooperation in. another event on the schedule of the first. new appointments, changes in the state security committee. true friends of belarus have passed away.
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it has been officially announced that the president of iran has died in a plane crash. flowers are being carried to the embassy of the islamic republic in minsk. latvian ports are going bankrupt due to the gap economic relations with belarus and russia, the figures in the published statistics are disappointing. significantly increase your trading, regardless of the distance. today there is a representative delegation at the palace of independence. gadan region, headed by the governor. in belarus, by the way, for the first time. the distance of 11.00 km should not become an obstacle to the development of ties. minsk does not divide russian subjects into remote and non-remote. you can and should work with everyone. it is in this case that the president sees good reserves in trade. now belarusian goods are imported to the magadan region. mainly through the central regions of russia. there are direct growth points in a wide range of areas. from industrial
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products to food and cosmetics. the first is mechanical engineering products. taking into account the rich natural resource base of the magadan region, your plans for the development of new deposits of non-ferrous metals. we see good potential for increasing the supply of mining dump trucks to your region. western brands have left russia and i think what. you will find a replacement for them with our products. with your support, belas intends to open a multi-brand center in the region for sales, maintenance, service, and comprehensive maintenance and repair of all belarusian equipment, as well as for the sale of tires of various load diameters. in addition to supplying heavy-duty equipment, we are ready to participate.
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for each direction there are specific proposals, all taking into account the characteristics of the far north; belarus can build a facility to help with the development of the power supply system, supply the widest assortment of goods, organize high-quality milk processing on site. import looks promising.
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not surprising, grains do not ripen, but feed and root crops, by the way, grow well, work is already underway to open a large store with belarusian goods in magadan, in addition to quality food products we are ready to supply furniture, textiles, carpets, shoes, household chemicals, cosmetics and other goods . the government spoke about the fact that it is important today to use the full potential of cooperation in the belarusian region of russia.
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in the summer we are waiting for children from this region in the sanatoriums of belarus, this will be the beginning of the development of a tourist destination. we also agreed with one of the largest dealers of our goods in the far east that he is serious. service of belarusian equipment, because it is important to close all the issues that concern the russian region, which is becoming more and more common, so the creation of our multi-brand service center is being actively discussed. we delivered 43 vehicles in the twenty-third year. of which 20 are heavy mining dump trucks, they are successfully replacing japanese and american analogues today, even 10 of which were very powerful, these are 130-ton, thousand-ton machines that are currently working in quarries in magadan, 20 three maz tractors were supplied, for this
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year, for the twenty-fourth, also we are scheduled to supply 51 vehicles, of which the bulk will be maz equipment and five tractors. and 16 belaz vehicles, we will continue to supply. guests will be able to evaluate the entire line of belarusian equipment at the hamkador and bilas enterprises and will also discuss cooperation in cutting stones and precious metals at jewelry factories in belarus. another item in the work schedule of the head of state: personnel decisions on state security agencies, this helps to strengthen our special service - the president noted, the requirement for the kgb to decisively suppress activities.
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this is the main reason that i invited you here in connection with the appointment, these are issues of preventing corruption and mischief in our country on the part of the bodies under your control, you provide intelligence and control bodies and law enforcement agencies, you must take appropriate measures and inform me if suddenly we have a desire from someone... to expand their , so to speak, corruption activities on the territory of belarus and this is such a hidden hidden kind of money-grubbing like protection racket, as is customary in other countries, we often see films on this topic on television and so on, this shouldn’t happen here,
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this is cremation, if it exists, it will hit our people very seriously, so this is a wild little thing, i’ll help you, you give me something there. in memory of the deceased president ibrahim roisi, mass processions are planned throughout the country in the evening; according to a statement by the iranian government , first vice-president mahammad mahber will assume the duties of the deceased president of russia.
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his deputy, ali bagheri kani, was appointed acting foreign minister instead of the deceased head of the foreign ministry. six special government committees are being created to govern the country; elections for the new president of the country will take place within. 10 days, words of sympathy are sent to iran by leaders of official departments from all over the world, including from our country, russia, china, and the united arab emirates. the head of the european council also expressed condolences.


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