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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 20, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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i think that such meetings should be practiced often, but from time to time giving yourself such an emotional shake-up is just a gift, so thank you very much for this invitation. i am asking our audience, do you think that our guest today was as frank as possible with you, and alena seemed very sincere to me, despite the fact that she did not answer some questions. it still showed her sincerity, the way she explained why she decided not to talk about it, and for me this is a great indicator of honesty person, she was very calm, it was clear from her voice that there was no waiting at all, and there could be no talk about it, for me she showed the best side, i really liked her positivity, her presentation, also somehow so homely, one might say the atmosphere is very cozy, our conversation is progressing. who
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thinks that alena still didn’t say something today, hid it, maybe even was cunning, disingenuous, or something, there are such people, raise your hand, probably someone doubts, but i have no doubt that alena is sincere and an honest person, alena, we have this as a rule, the last word always belongs to the hero, sum up the conversation that took place, i’m so embarrassed, it turned out that...
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today on a visit to the program 100 questions for an adult, see you in a week, see in the next episode, governor of the grodno region, ex- minister of health vladimir karanik. what mistake is worse than a doctor or a governor? would you like to become president? tell me, if your children wanted to study somewhere other than belarus, what would you tell them? what are you trying to save on? and you immediately realized that your wife is the love of all life? if you have a chance to invent a pill, what disease will it be for? 100 questions for adults!
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wow, once in a while you feel like it’s not working anymore, everything here is in common sense, from the city, they went to live in the village and don’t regret anything, they’re just very, very tired of the job that was before, in the village they changed not only lifestyle, but also diet, i brought the wiki and put it in. will you
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cook me some ulit? since then, they have not only grown and cooked shellfish, but also brought a new culinary culture to the masses. and on everyone's face such a relief, immediately classy, ​​delicious, but what was i so afraid of? they say if you don’t know what to do, do what people expect, boring, but reliable. stereotypes live in our heads, control us and give us a sense of calm, but if we need something more, sometimes it’s worth breaking them. just like vladimir and victoria rabkov did. well, life is good. my name is vladimir, and i am victoria. and we...
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the guys came to the village farm straight from minsk, where they lived before and where, by generally accepted standards, everything was like that of people: stable job, apartment, car and... and relationships i worked at various woodworking enterprises as a foreman there in lumbering, then i tried in another field, in the field of trade, but it turned out that there was no money, all income went to pay for a rented apartment, fuel utilities , nor the pleasure, the life of a squirrel in a wheel did not bring them, they were just very, very tired of the work that they had before, they found the first way out. glance by chance, although, as you know, nothing happens by chance in life, and arrived here for a visit, it was an easter day, i remember there was also a week of sleepover there, it was raining, she was crawling, the leg was so massive, i looked at it, and to be honest, how i wanted
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to take it straight and bite off this leg and chew, another girl if i were victoria, i would have rolled my eyes, or at least... a scandal, but she turned out to be up to any snail. in general, i always support him in everything, in any endeavor, i myself like to do something interesting and try, learn, so i was interested, i immediately went on the internet, started collect information, read, yes, that is , some kind of excitement immediately turned on, that is , oh yes, interesting, in belarus no one is doing this, determination is determination, but the first snail was given to the wiki with blood, albeit colorless, like all mollusks, very it’s hard, i didn’t have them for a long time... so first, like crayfish, you need to throw them into boiling water, i probably stood there with the snails in a bowl for about 20 minutes and i felt sorry for throwing them in the water, but of course i threw them in the end , i cooked it quite tasty the first time, well, there were already recipes, that is i had the knowledge of how to cook it all correctly,
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everything basically went on as it should, after breathing fresh air, trying belarusian snails and thinking thoroughly, vladimir realized that he was not living his only life at all the way he wanted, you didn’t feel satisfied with life , there is no happiness, joy, which sometimes i had in childhood, happiness is just a stone 's throw away in the village next to a loved one with a favorite business, and this is snail breeding, he no longer wants to go to the city, except for a day's visit, it's decided, done, vladimir quit my job, bought it from... spain, watched and studied with the professionals there, came back, collected belarusian grape snails, put together an enclosure for them, started working, we grew them for
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ourselves, i was looking for an alternative to replace protein food, i wanted something like a man because he worked physically. and i wanted something, something warm, when i eat an animal, everything happens completely differently inside me, and i chose a more energetic life, one that doesn’t make you fall asleep, in the first years, the guys admit, i lived not easy and not rich, on $100 a month, they ate what they grew, didn’t buy anything extra, didn’t go on vacation, but there was confidence that they were doing it. everything is correct, guests began to arrive, well, friends, we treated them, everyone liked it, they suggested it to me and said that vladimir, you need people to try it and so we moved on. then it goes
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from eating snails in a friendly manner to going out into the public, participating in streetfoot festivals, where the guys brought snail culture directly to the people. one grandmother. tried to do it i can try to tell you, shell, toothpick, meat, pierced, this is the most memorable emotion for me, everyone asks what it looks like, what does it look like? i say: well, take a beef tongue, cut it into a thickness of 5 mm, well, 6 mm, start surviving, something like this, soon cultured and snail-educated people began to knock on the doors of their village house and demand
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a tasting, for some reason they expect something slippery in the shell, for people a snail is something they compare with oysters, in fact these are two different products altogether, a snail - this is land. malyusk is not seafood, it is prepared, served hot, boiled meat, well, that is completely different, and people just expect something completely incomprehensible, then... they understand that it’s tasty and there’s nothing wrong with there’s such relief on everyone’s face right away, it’s great, it’s delicious, but what was i so afraid of? unexpectedly tasty snail meat, it turns out to be extremely healthy, if we take it so trivially just about the properties of snail meat, 96% protein in snails, no cholesterol, that is, it is completely safe for body, they are very easy to digest by our body, that is, never after lunch, even if we had lunch with a good portion of snails, there will be no person... from a very
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young age, we had a 1-year-old boy here on the farm, his parents gave him snails, he cracked for the promise. analyzing the opponent, working on mistakes, choosing the right strategy for the match. athletes have to work a lot with their heads to become a champion. they know exactly what success is on sports grounds. but still, somehow become champions. emotions subside, it’s already coming some kind of awareness that we had actually achieved such a significant goal for both the club and the fans. but what will be the result in a real battle of intelligence? what do they call it?
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the only one, in fact, he always considered himself, playing with his head on our tv channel. everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world, the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the most ancient cities in belarus . this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragnedi and yateslav.
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we have profit, our need for jobs, our land, we negotiate everything
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well, then something clicked for the polish authorities, it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in their heads, they revised their attitude towards us to openly hostile, we can’t leave from european. the polish authorities, of course, are our enemies, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different that two countries that are actually at war can easily do business with each other, that is, they may... not be absolute enemies. lukashenko is the custodian balance. balance is the best thing a leader can give for a country and its people. balance is the golden mean; opposite ends, whatever they may be, are radicalism. but this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country and its citizens. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. it’s delicious to eat, but difficult to grow, 4 years
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of trial and error, this is the price of the farm that exists today, this is sortalixpomatia, we often see them on the territory of belarus , we started with them, we got it - one might say experience, here in this case the cleaning is happening now, we are already starting to collect, because the night is starting to get colder, we are already slowly getting it out, we have already got it out. let's say about a ton of snails for storage and we will continue to do this. the technological process is scheduled by month. the season starts in april and ends. in october, during this time the number of snails manages to increase tenfold, this is an ordinary simple maternity hospital, they can be made in different types, but this type of maternity hospital is more suitable for me, it opens, a herd is poured here, which has already mated, or we can also carry out the mating process here, but when
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the mating period is over, so that they begin to spawn, for this we put these pots, with earth, and force them inside, force them, they begin to lay each pot every evening, i mark with a flag if this happens somewhere during the day, that egg-laying has already occurred there, but by the evening we start getting them back, we get them out, we’re already starting to turn them over, we’re already exposing the cocoons, it takes the guys 5-6 hours every day for farm maintenance, this seems to be a minus, but there is a plus.
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a very rare specimen, and just when they look aesthetically pleasing, they look good on a plate, gourmet gourmets in europe pay very good money to eat from the left-sided shell, it’s like a trophy, one might say, even for ordinary grape snails european gourmets are ready to pay from 30 up to
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40 euros per serving, you won’t find these snails anywhere during the day, so... on the belarusian farm , victoria is responsible for preparing the snails: the snails are eaten ready-made in boiled, not raw, drink it there, suck out the shells, there is no need to suck out the shells, the meat is boiled in advance in broth, the base is dry white wine, all this is boiled with herbs, vegetables, spices, it turns out so aromatic richness, then this already cooked meat is put back
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a creamy sauce is added to the shell, which in the future will warm up and melt, now the snails are heated in an electric shortcut with sauces prepared according to original recipes, the guys developed them specifically for belarusian tourists, taking into account our culinary habits and traditions. the snails are served in a special plate, traditional, if you go somewhere to france or italy, go to some restaurant, they will bring you snails, most likely on such a plate or on a ceramic one, there will be some other small probes, well, not like that , of course, these are standard ones, here in belarus we don’t have those, but well... we put the snails on a plate so that the sauce doesn’t spill out, we don’t put a special depression in the shell so that it’s as tasty as possible, boiling the snails is half the battle, the second eating half of them correctly, this is also a kind of art, everything should be hot,
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but if the pan is too warm and you can’t hold it in your hands, you need to wait, well, in this case, let’s cool down, take it... pat the meat in the sauce a little, bite it with a baguette we drink it with the sauce, this is the first method, there is another way: we take a baguette, put the meat on the first half of the baguette, soak it in the sauce. the part that we will bite and carefully pick up like a tartlet. well, life is good, the lunches are satisfying and this is not joke, a hundred-gram piece of kebab contains less protein than one snail, vladimir
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goes to the field, not with the horse, but after him, or rather after her. vladimir and victoria own not only a myriad of snails, but also a horse with the funny name of a bug. as soon as i learned it, i took it, jumped in, and went, and i wasn’t even afraid of anything, what was there to be afraid of, well, the first time i was a little scared.
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always by myself, but i galloped off.
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the club of editors, which means an all-belarus people's assembly for the country, is one of the mechanisms that will ensure sustainability of all absolutely branches of power, this is the foundation on which belarus will be built further, this is the foundation of the belarus of the future. we have it. country from ever starting to rebuild it. don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel. we'll tell you how
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to choose quality products for healthy dishes. take the nuts in your hands and evaluate their weight, do not take ones that are too light, such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach. quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if you have a busy day ahead and you know you need a lot of energy, this is the breakfast that will do the trick. don't forget about invigorating exercises. raise your arms up, raise your legs. look at the breakfast of champion project on
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the belarus 24 tv channel, in principle , everything is degrading today, diplomacy, when a diplomat, whose obligatory function is to build bridges, to maintain this thread of connection between the two conflicting parties, today... we are not ready to lie, to meanness, to cooperate with the devil and the devil, just to win, so our path is long, but it's
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a conscious choice. project markov nothing personal, watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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belarusian doilitstva, which is important for your jumping and this time, you need to learn and master knowledge. colons, these are not columns, these are the pelasters, these are the most interesting scenes. ale
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i act as a dastatkova actyina, eye for the getaga abavyazkova zachepista. the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. the paselishcha that became the sweaty meats of the fire was not here, there was a porch, a stone, an icon and boards. and the hell of the monastery itself began to develop. the steps of these ladders were maravanned by the muscles of the saints, and in fact eight... if they stood at the altar, then there was a great need for these ladders, and the faithful ancestors of this ladder on their knees, a cultural-asvetnic project, the texture of belarus, the architecture there is no such thing as a fallout, a little shark is there, there was a small one, there was a small one, there was a small one, there was a little one, there was a little one. glyadzice, on our tv channel. inpharmacy.
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weapons, propaganda is a weapon, they made a fuss about our exercises in order to create an information fund around the deployment of german troops, they are going to lithuania as occupiers, this will be the most combat-ready formation of the bundeswehr at our very borders, they are accusing us of being here we are carrying out some kind of escalation, listen, we don’t need pro-russian, pro-belorussian president, make a pro-european leader who thinks about europe, the implementation of the treaty on the non-proliferation of conventional weapons in europe and the exit from it aimed at one goal: so that there is no war, we have always religiously observed international agreements, but we understand perfectly well that this nothing will help, the west will attack us if it sees that it can win, the only way for there to be no war now is to be strong, these are the rules of the game now in europe, when politicians, i emphasize once again, are going against the interests of their citizens, against the interests of their national ones, today we are saving europe
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from a big war... the news is now on the air with you lyudmila kazak, hello, there will be a significant increase in trade, regardless of the distance, today in the palace independence.


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