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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 20, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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the main supply market is russia. we are jointly creating innovative mining equipment for the eac market, these are dump trucks powered by alternative energy sources, as well as belaz and drones. there is a chinese-belarusian industrial park in the minsk region; more than 130 residents from 14 countries are based in great stone. it’s easy to praise the minsk region, because they really are leaders in the level of exports in various proportions in terms of the number of signed ones. interregional agreements with russian regions on such wide representation in terms of trade relations, more than 80 russian regions trade with minsk residents in one way or another, they have gained a very good pace, this is the figure of 40 agreements that they want to achieve in the near future, including using the platform of the forum of regions of belarus and russia, well, it’s commendable that we strongly support these efforts and often use them as examples.
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the minsk region is rich in its historical places that will be of interest to tourists; this is the nesvizh castle, included in the unesco world heritage site dududki complex, introduces guests with the national culture of belarusians. a sacred place for our country is the khatyn memorial complex. when you get there, you understand how important it is to preserve the history of the great patriotic war and prevent something like this from happening again. at 19:00 more relevant information, see you in the evening news release. the flag is red, now it’s our flag, we’ll stand hand to hand in a coupling, a coupling is a priori an element of attack, of course the phrase “vtsepkustanem” is a call, here is a warhead with a flag, inciting social hatred of hostility, but this is different, probably smogar pro-ukrainian. this is a prototype of a wedding in
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malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing, now article 342, what conclusions were drawn, i was probably under the emotional influence of a very strong information flow in general, now there has been a big reassessment of values ​​in my life, i can have a constructive dialogue, here i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from belarus, on the poster in my hands i support. ukraine, why didn’t it previously support the residents of the bratsk donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years. why now, being in georgia and moving around the european union, does not take to the streets in support of palestine. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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poems are born to the sound of carriage wheels. agree, there is a certain magic in trains, the railway web is intertwined like threads of fate, along which lifeless trains deliver hundreds of human destinies. it was thanks to the laid steel track that in the 19th century most new points appeared on the map of belarus, which subsequently grew into cities. and they started. they are from train stations. the only city in belarus where you can arrive at one railway station and end up at another. we are located in the west of the country. welcome to baranavichy.
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city of railways. so baranoviche is called not only because of the two simultaneously operating passenger stations, baranoviche-central and baranoviche poleskiye, but also because of the history-covered steel highways that literally cut into pieces the second most populous city in the brest region. if the heart of the belarusian chigunka minsk, then baranovichi, its... artery, because it is here that one of the largest railway junctions in the country is located. the starting point of our journey is the baranoviche station - the central historical place from which the railway boom in the country seems to have begun. it was here that the first steam locomotive arrived at the end of november 1871. since then, railway tracks have run like a red thread through the entire history of the city. this locomotive
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is practically no different from the cars built in 1931; it is proudly frozen on a symbolic pedestal a monument to all belarusians. railway and the main decoration of the city's coat of arms. interestingly, in the year of the opening of the baranovichi steam locomotive, in 1986, the city widely celebrated its birthday for the first time. true, it was already the 115th anniversary, judging by the number of holidays celebrated, the baranovichi family is only 32 years old. then our locomotive is not flying forward today, so our creative group should hurry up, we are at the railway museum, they are greeted with an orchestra,
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it’s nice, there are a lot of people, the order is perfect, if only history is kept here railway transport, and entire eras. a this is another interesting steam locomotive of the b series , located in the city; a similar train, although half as long, rushed along the smolensk-brès route in its first steam, and here it is the first to greet visitors to the open-air museum. diesel locomotives, passenger freight cars of different generations, frozen trains are original examples of railway equipment, restored in the organizations of the baranovichi branch of the belarusian railway. today there are more than 50 units on display, each with its own era. it’s hard to imagine how much effort museum workers put into putting together a non-toy collection. for example, the weight of this diesel locomotive, produced in prague in 1974,
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is 123 tons. by human standards, unbearable weight. the main shunting diesel locomotive of the former ussr was delivered to units. touch with your hands, that is, it literally took a year, good news, the exhibits can be the engine, the assembly of just this piece of equipment , touch the history, the history of this museum , separate wheelsets, separate body, began on december 14, 1984, according to initiative of the head of the belarusian railway at that time, victor... however , the building was included in the list of historical and cultural values ​​of belarus only in 2002. by the way, at the same time, a museum of railway equipment was opened in brest. today he is the only competitor of the baranovichi brother.
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for some reason, the moscow square of three stations immediately comes to mind. there are two of them in baranavichy, but this open-air museum from the outside may seem like a third, though, unlike zlatoglav. here time doesn't turn back, ghost trains don't bother you passengers, no mysticism, only historical and cultural heritage. true, there is a mysticism in the appearance of the baranovichi themselves. today it is the sound of wheels and the hum of trains, the familiar voice of the city, but it was precisely because of the railway tracks that it might not have existed if the road had been laid according to the original plan, but by the will of... vodya , relay tracks and baranovich appeared. by the way, the origin of the name of the city itself is still controversial. where did the name of the city come from? perhaps it is associated with thickets
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of hazelnut, which was popularly called rams, or from the names of the ancient settlers who founded the village on the site of the modern city. before... the railroad passed here, it was wasteland with a few small villages, svetilovichi, dubova, antonova, baranovichi, when the railroad was laid, it passed near these few villages. why engineers and railway workers took this name is difficult to say, it is quite possible that maybe if someone had looked at the maps differently, the city and railway station would have been called svetilovich, uznogi, dubovo and so on. the svyatilovichs are euphonious, but as you know, it’s not the name that makes them beautiful. the very name svyatilovichi, svyatilovich suggests that it was a holy place. and one of the legends tells that once on the shore of lake svyatilovychi there was a pagan temple, the symbol of which was a large, large
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boulder. and people, adherents of the pagan religion, who were and still are preserved in our country, they performed their rituals there from time to time. unfortunately, during the construction of the northern microdistrict, old-timers also told this, this legendary stone was split by bulldozers and hidden under a pile of already fragmented material during... construction, centuries passed and not far from the pagan temple on the local svyatilovskoe lake an island of lovers appeared, and now this place is treasured not only for local newlyweds, but also townspeople and tourists . locks of love, symbolizing the strength of feelings, are everywhere here. belarus and uzbekistan are looking for new points of interaction; after the historic
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visit to tashkent of the belarusian leader , a delegation led by the minister arrived in minsk foreign affairs of uzbekistan. tell us the details. the countries have reached a new level of partnership; an impressive package of documents was signed in february, and these are not memorandums, but agreements that actually work in the energy sector, agriculture, science, and education. a roadmap for 2 years, it contains specific projects worth more than a billion dollars.
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experts and interesting facts, see the program events on thursdays. on the belarus 24 tv channel. you can do a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world, which happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema. and of course, an online journey through our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all
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this and more in the weekly project ether 24/7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening. each one was entirely made of wood, and even the sidewalks were made of wood, which was not the case in many cities of that time. it's a pity, today it is impossible to walk along the wooden roads of baranovichi; they have not been preserved, unlike arkhangelsk, moscow and even london. by the way, everyone knows that in the latter there is only one 24-hour pharmacy, like in baranovichi, but there is a special interest. is called by what was once called regino-apotheca, translated from latin, the queen
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of pharmacies. let's take a look! one of the oldest pharmacies in the country was located in a nice mansion from the thirties on telman street. in the twenties, it was opened by pharmacy pharmacist stanislav loevsky. the building was built in the art nouveau style under the influence of folk polish-polesie architecture. it is interesting that the building has lasted almost a century of its life. almost unchanged, as was the house number, fifteen. in 2007, the queen of pharmacies was included in the list of historical and cultural values ​​of the republic of belarus. after 3 years , reconstruction began here according to the project of sergei krishtalyov, a baranovichi interior designer. and it is a decorative finish in graphite style. an intermediate state between painting and relief appeared on the walls thanks to him. this place is not interesting only decorative finishing and architecture.
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in the cozy courtyard of the loevsky family, a tradition that has survived to this day, an apothecary garden was laid out in which medicinal herbs and plants were grown. album of incorrectly written prescriptions. what do we have here? all blank sheets. oh, how you have to work. of particular interest to me was the pharmacist's office, a cabinet with documents and books, a cozy chair, an old table, a typewriter, and a table lamp. glasses, the feeling that the owner of the pharmacy went out for a while and was about to return to his workplace, that’s just it was a different era. just a few steps from the pharmacy you can see another interesting building. today there are only two buildings of this type left, both
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are not so far from each other, one is in baranovichi, the second is absolutely similar. byten, ivatsevichi district. the function of the buildings is still the same, a fire station. in the nineties of the 19th century, in a city where almost all buildings were wooden, there was an urgent need to form a fire brigade. who was part of it? yes, those for whom fire would cost more total. large homeowners whose houses, shops and warehouses were located in the business part of the city. once this building was the tallest in the city, today it is lost among the high-rise buildings. well, in order not to get lost among the numerous attractions of architectural monuments, we will move in accordance with the plan. go ahead. and
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it’s really easy to get lost, both in buildings and in history. here you go, a two-story herpich. century , a local merchant, mr. bragman, lived here with his family, but the walls of this house, apparently, saw a lot and many. we just approached the pink building, the answers themselves caught our eye, that wilhelm ii was in the city twice during the first world war. says the memorial plaque on the building of the regional museum, a few steps, our creative group, together with tourists from yaroslavl, finds themselves in the past, feeling like heroes of events a century ago, the authors, directors and actors of the theatrical, costumed excursion,
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museum researchers, went with mrs. we were messing around, so, mrs. bragman invited me to her house for... you understand, there is a war, there are more and more soldiers in the town every day. the jewish violinist soulfully played one of his favorite melodies. mrs. bragman's guests reminded us visitors of poems and romances that were popular at that time. it’s beautiful, i adore someone, and military officer alexander zverentsev, who served in the baranovichi railway brigade on the eve of the war, used a cinematograph to show
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a newsreel from the town of baranovichi at the beginning of the 20th century about the stay of emperor nicholas ii at the headquarters of the supreme commander-in-chief. the tsar is in baranovichi. the periodical press of that time widely covered these events. one of the messages said that on sunday, september 21, his imperial majesty, emperor nikolai alexandrovich, arrived. by six o'clock all the officers of the headquarters of the supreme commander-in-chief gathered in the church at headquarters. i can’t say 100%, i can only assume that the pious emperor visited the orthodox wooden... church, which was built in 1908, was located on this territories. by the way, these houses here belong to the same era. soon they will tear down the rope in flight. 3 years after the execution of the royal family, on april 19, 1921, on the first day of easter, the wooden church mysteriously
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burned down. the next day, a meeting of parishioners decided to reopen the temple. warsaw architect nikolai andreevich obolonsky drew up a new project estimate for 147 thousand zlotys. well, well, one ruble at the prices of that time was equal to almost a gram of pure gold. consider for yourself how much money was spent on the construction of a unique temple with unusual fate. we are there, and this is the same holy protection cathedral. the main attraction of the temple are mosaics from warsaw's alexander nevsky cathedral, which
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was destroyed in the twenties of the last century. they made, dare i say it, masterpieces in st. petersburg based on the sketches of the famous vosnetsov, koshelev, brunet and vrubel. despite the partial loss, it is the mosaic compositions in the exterior and interior of pokrovsk. cathedrals create that unique artistic image that equally attracts the true believer, a secular person who wants to gain aesthetic pleasure from contemplating works of high art. 200 m from the orthodox pokrovsk church there is another object from the state list of historical and cultural values ​​of belarus, a picturesque wooden church of the erection of a saint... made in an eclectic style, it combines elements of gothic, baroque classicism. it is a miracle that the ninety- four-year-old church has survived, having gone through
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all the wars of the revolution and the change of power, and now masses are regularly held in it. please pay attention above the entrance of a cozy catholic church, a statue of christ and a high bell tower reaching into the sky. here in the courtyard there is an altar of the blessed virgin mary in a grotto made of natural stone. this is such a reference to one of the brilliant creations of the great leonard davinci. nearby there is a high cross with a crucifix. once upon a time, here on the territory of the church there were the graves of the founder of the city of baranovich, count jan razvodovsky and his wife elzhbetta. in addition to a good name and memory. unfortunately, there aren’t many married couples left in baranovichi, the street razvodovskaya, bread of the same name, a memorial sign and several buildings that i
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highly recommend taking a look at. they were born in different parts of the world, i came to belarus from siri, i came here to study. i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful and mountainous area, i had no one left there, everyone moved away , everyone found something for themselves here, these masks participated in several shows, which we first organized here in my village, then in the city of lida there was a discovery of such a creative space, i also had a fashion show for masses there, each character has their own unique... history and their own view of belarus, i love the series subconsciously, and belarus consciously, because belarus gave me everything, that there is beautiful nature here,
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i feel exactly like this like at home, i want not only my roots to remain here, but also my children to feel right at home here, stay here, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, good morning. belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people, you are a historian, yes, i have a technical education, a second education and a history education, but you decided not to teach, to immediately make a museum so that whole classes, well, the secrets of a good mood, i don’t know whether it is necessary to put on beauty a second beauty, let’s be so afraid, you you know, it will be very beautiful, imagine, girls, boys, he tells me about the roman patricians, and i sew him beautifully and so a needle. so god, this is just a simple work of art, and there are also many interesting educational stories, they were great, thank god for everything, he also
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the one that plays well, also works as a weapon, we saw that you were waving so that i was right, and then immediately, inspired , a song comes, so i’ll think so, my name is marie, mesya sustin, an artist, asked me to dress up in everything white, like a first communion, this particular work is one of the most expensive, in the fourteenth year it was sold for 18 million dollars, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, good belarus, interesting fact: count jan razvodovsky registered the purchase of the estate in the name of his wife, elzhbieta . even elizaveta aleksandrovna yanschevskaya was orthodox, unlike her husband, a catholic count, and had the right to acquire land in the western provinces. as we see, the estate.
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vodovskikh became a full-fledged part of the city; in the post-war years , a kindergarten was built on the site of the estate park and private houses are glad that fragments of the park were still preserved. but the razvodovskys really tried very hard to ensure that the place that belonged to them developed. many interesting people sought to settle here. close to mikhail kotlubay also built his nest on the gravsky estate. and this is the little that remains of the estate of mikhail kotlubay, the remains of a stone colonnade. the natural scientist built not just a house, he even grew not a chekhovian cherry tree, but i don’t hesitate to say this, a real heavenly apple orchard. oh, it’s not for nothing that before the war, residents called it an apple
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orchard. you could try it, your appetite would work up , it wasn’t there, there were more than a hundred varieties of apple trees, all for fun. visit baranovichi and not just anything forbidden for others trying the boats is like coming to venice and not taking a gondola ride. hello, please give me some. a boat is essentially a hot dog with a waffle instead of a bun, which has become a real national culinary brand, please, thank you, now having eaten enough, our film crew is ready to go to another interesting place, where wings grow. iron birds
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are located not only on the territory of the baranovichi aircraft repair plant, but on one of the central streets of the city. mik-19 installed on the territory of a former military town of 61 fighter aviation base. literally a block from the aviation monument, remember, on the street 50 years of the vlkm, production has long been firmly established. brand, a real industrial giant of the city, 558 aircraft repair plant. today , only its employees can enter the enterprise; excursions are conducted, but extremely rarely, but our creative group will be able to see all the most interesting things. this is the largest aircraft repair enterprise in the cis. if my memory serves me right, it is one of the five largest taxpayers of the brest region. by the way.
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unlike other similar belarusian factories, there are only three of them; they not only repair aircraft, but also produce parts for them. the appearance of the thirty-eighth mobile aircraft repair railway workshop was a necessity, because the history of the enterprise begins with the very first days of the war, june 26 , 1941. for almost 4 years of heroic battles and exploits, the workshops repaired it. 286 aircraft of various types. on april 5, 1945, the awards found their heroes. aircraft repair railway workshops, by decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, were awarded the order of the red star for military services to their homeland during the great patriotic war. the event
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of the great patriotic war is still in the memory of those living today. on bresskaya street in baranovichi there is a grave of 3,100 soviet soldiers who died in the branch of the concentration camp number 337 in 1941-44. and this is a section of a dirt road preserved untouched, in the gai tract. the bell sounds still. heart to heart with 3,000 jews shot here by the nazis in the summer of 1942. even with in the slightest wind, the bell gives off a quiet, intermittent alarm ringing. there is silence in the gai tsar tract. it’s hard to visit such places, but you can’t erase pages from history, especially the creepy ones.


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