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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 20, 2024 6:15pm-6:50pm MSK

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how long have you held a book in your hands, flipped through page after page, greedily devouring every word? of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. thoughts from past times live in books, clearly. the voices of people are not heard clearly, everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books, by reading a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together. we value the past for our present.
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belarus 24. their path to their own happiness is incredibly interesting in its own way complex. and this talent was given to me at the age of 40, and i say that it was given to me because it was so. i made my first work by accident.
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there are things that happen about once a year, and in order to see them, it is important not to miss the moment. i really hope that we will succeed today, because a lot depends on the weather, but what will happen is still a secret. first, let's get to know our hero. hello, my name is raya, i will release your program. and decided to take part in it, i’m from sri lanka, but i now live in belarus, well, i i wanted to see some of your local exotica, hello, hello, what’s your name, my name is raya, raya, my name is pash, today i’m your escort, and i’ll try to surprise you, i’ve been in belarus for a long time, i’ve been here for 3 years, 3 of the year. do you study or work? i am studying at
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the vitreb state medical university, and i am studying to become a doctor, a doctor, and what kind of doctor, a traumatologist, a traumatologist, listen, this is a very necessary profession, that is, you will, as i understand it, treat wounds, fractures, yes of course yes we are we thought for a very long time about how to surprise you and how to please you, we finally made a decision, the ideal couple of the year is now to try the sap from the tree, about never, we need to go with you to the forest and change clothes, okay, i suggest, let's go, well what, i’m ready to go into the forest, yes, the uniform we’re wearing is what we need, all we have to do is get into the special transport, let’s go. so we arrived,
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let’s say, at the place where the sap is collected, uh-huh, that’s what you think, what kind of tree will we take the sap from, i don’t know, what kind of trees do you know in belarus? but a little, very, a little, there are apples, uh, also, i’m beginning to understand our guest very well, because if i were thrown into the tropics, i would n’t name a single tree, i’d have them all , palm trees, hello, hello, viktor vasilyevich. i brought you a man from sri lanka, please tell us from which trees in belarus, at least, you can extract sap, birch sap is extracted and maple sap is also extracted, you see, even from two trees from two trees, well, mostly we extract birch, in what period usually
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they collect sap, end of march, beginning of april, maximum 3 weeks, sap from a tree, well, from a log, i don’t know what it is, i’m looking at his reaction. since you are from sri lanka, this is a tea country , ceylon tea, you drink a lot of tea, i don’t drink tea, but oh well. are you sri lankan and don't drink tea? hey, did you have too much to drink at home? yes, but in fact, you surprised me that you buy fruit here and prepare it yourself, so today we will also prepare this juice ourselves, we will completely extract it. victor vasilievich, we are ready for work and turnover.
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well, this birch tree, actually, how much are there liters? 50, 50 liters of sap, can you imagine, 50 liters of sap have already dripped from this birch tree, how do you like it, here it is, these treasured droplets, this is the same rubber in sri lanka, you still get some kind of sap, yes , yes, this is not juice, this is rubber, and this is rubber, this is a material, this is natural rubber, natural rubber. it was wow, a 50 liter package, well, it’s very big, i’ve never seen it, but the rubber in srilanka will also be coconut, well, it’s very small, it’s 50 liters, i think everything is like that, like so much water, as will be, mixer vasilyevich, tell us how
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the juice is extracted, like this, first you cut it with a saw like this, about 4-5 mm is cut, one side of the other at a distance of 5. centimeters , you hammer the tray with a hammer until it’s hard, how this actually happens, especially in the spring, when these groundwater flows , the trees begin to feed on water, water rises up the trunk and this particular sap is already flowing, it is already coming out of cracks, splits, how to choose the right birch tree for extracting sap, the tree is about to be cut down, the plot is marked with a spray can, all this tree is cut, then its sap leaves and...
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and he means, i will be a translator today, how long does it take to get a full bag with one birch tree, we can drain it in the morning, by the evening, it will already be more than half a bag, another can only fill two buckets, everything depends on the birch, and where it stands, how long it is stored in this bag, well, when we drained it here, probably yesterday, that’s all from yesterday , listen, and how many trees do you need to go around, here so drain it, were there 100 bags? well, i ’m just saying this, depending on the birch , father, well, here it is , it’s not easy, it works, look, and there we have packages and there we have the museum , does it help you figure it out, always please
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, we don’t mind, you can help us, i see you we began to understand each other well, so then we help little by little. pour into one bucket, into the second, and what is the next step? we take the buckets and carry them...
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we’ll work some more, let’s go, listen, i have your attitude on the one hand, of course it makes me happy, but on the other hand the other is scary, okay, let's go, many times we, i go there, there, there, i first started counting, and then i realized that this was a lost cause and somewhere around the fifth bucket i stopped doing it. i'm an athlete 200 l 200 l this is normal, decent
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, yes, you really want a wedge, you want to pick up a wedge, you want to pick up tree sap from belarus right from here, you're ready, what does it feel like, let's have fun. it was interesting, to be honest, i expected some more words from you, but it’s cool, no, i didn’t expect it, but you’re drinking, it was a new one, replaced, so if i said, i for some reason i was sure that he would have an ambiguous reaction, because he was used to drinking natural juices from fruits, and bright fruits, but here it is basically tasteless, maybe it can be compared with something juice from... from your side, yes it is, well, just like a coconut,
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there is juice inside the coconut, well, by the way, that’s for sure, it’s more coconut, in my opinion, more salty-sweet, even more, enhanced taste, and here he’s more depressed, yes, i agree, listen, belarus now has its own coconut water, maybe a little sweeten, add a little salt, here is a recipe for delicious birch. zoo milk, yes, childish curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty, sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? why do you think the children chose? a conversation specifically with you, i hope i can answer their questions, a talk show in which famous people answer
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tricky questions from the younger generation, how are you different at work from yourself at home, it seems to me that solely by appearance, i don’t turn from some grymza into a cute cat, no, i’m either a grymza, everywhere or a kitty everywhere, how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative, pity is not the same as sympathy, pity is an arrogant feeling, a feeling of superiority, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel, the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, why do you need this, and where does the money come from? two favorite questions, i would really like to see what a school looks like, which
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no longer a school inside, where they see more opportunities and use them to the maximum. 26 piglets, do you have any chickens? 100 30 chickens, who else do you have, ducks, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that’s what you don’t have, it’s free time that you can spend on sad laziness, i understand, that’s for sure. in the future maybe we'll arrange this when we do it here in the future we're a reception room we're doing something here somewhere some coffee to drink maybe some kind of laundry that's what we're here leftovers there's something valuable we're here we’ll probably hang it up as an exhibition now, as it’s fashionable to say, here it will be how it all happens 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you
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very much, watch the project i’m from the village on the belarus2 tv channel.
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hello for the juice. do you like juice? yes, what will you do with it then? drink, drink, this is just pure, this is what we just collected, thank you, just now. as a physician, how do you think it is useful? i don’t know, i think, well, let me give you a hint, it’s very rich in macro and micro elements, yeah, that’s why it is very useful because all this water is groundwater, which comes from underground.
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today i tried birch sap, maybe you can share with him some recipe of your own , you are a porter, let’s say, you are the breadwinner, and she is already, and you tell her that you got it in the forest, no, no, she stood in there was a queue, and i arrived under the menu, so you’ve actually been standing for a long time, but it’s already time, you can probably imagine how many people line up in advance to get juice, juice is extracted not only for the population, so that they drink in general. if you could see for yourself, it canned it, but a huge part of the testing in asokol shoza is sent to factories, where it is already processed, preserved, and perhaps some tasty treats are added, so you want to know how it’s done? yes, of course, i want to, super, this is our next point on the route of our trip, let's go there soon, yes.
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hello, hello, we are coming to you on an excursion, this is raya, evgenia, it’s very nice, we naturally want to know how you can harvest birch sap here on an industrial scale, you bring birch sap directly to workshop, and there we must process it within 24 hours so that it does not spoil, subject it to preservation and sterilization, because that’s all. naturally, after the juice is rolled up, it goes to retail chains and any buyer can buy it, so what? show us, of course, we'll pass, great, let's go, well, let's can the juice, it will become more and more interesting,
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so, we are ready, where are we going next, of course, to the laboratory, we need to check the quality of the incoming product, we have arrived, that is, we are qualitatively, correctly, of course, juice, juice, we'll check the juice, go through. now we will check the quality of natural birch sap using a refractometer. the main physical and chemical indicator when drinking juice is soluble solids. yeah, what kind of dry substances could there be in the juice? well, it's sugar itself. exactly. we drop a drop onto the prism of the refractometer. enough, yes, it works out very well, we also do the same in the laboratory, at the university, we look at bacteria and viruses, close it, and
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what do you see there, heaven, tell us, well nothing yet, nothing yet, what he should see there, well, there is an intersection of dark and light, yes, yes, i saw the device read on the scale. yes, the readings, yeah, well, there’s something dark there , there’s a dark light, so here you need to turn something, but nothing intersects yet, just some kind of graph, and oh, there’s a dark stripe, it’s at the bottom like this, it can vary light, they must intersect exactly according to the designations, when they intersect, you already look at the values ​​​​at the bottom of the scale, one. 33, which means that we have the sap is of very good quality, our sap is of very good quality, you collected it, how many more stages are there for testing the sap, we can
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test the taste, this is what we know how to taste , by the way, birch sap, it should be almost like water with this a little sweetish, tasty, yes, like water, so... this juice is different, well, like i drank before in the tree, but it was, well, a little sweet, that would be good, well, that would be good, we can send it to production at filtering or what? no, first we cook it, then we filter it we roll it up, add all the necessary ingredients according to the recipe, definitely sugar, citric acid as a preservative, additional ingredients, well, in words, this is one thing, i’d like to see it. we'll see, of course, let's go, great, let's go, so, which of
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the processes have we just come to, we've just come to boil the juice, that's how many liters of extra juice there are, here it's 350 liters, 350 liters, i've never seen such big fires, i'm nazca 30 -50 wind. and i think such a big one, more like what temperature is 85-90, that is, practically the boiling temperature, well, the fossoring temperature there is as much here as is needed for the jars to begin sterilization after seaming. i was always convinced that high temperature kills everything useful, but here they convinced me that it was 85°, it ’s not the boiling point, it’s everything. the beneficial properties of the juice leave, how long do you cook the juice, 45 minutes, and that’s enough, okay, let’s go, let’s start cooking, tara-taram, that’s it, the cooking has started, yeah, as i
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understand it, you’re adding different ingredients here, yes, have you already added or can, no, you can add, go ahead, add, come on, come on, come on, come on, help you, no, thank you, you can help, let me help you, that’s all you need. yes, sprinkle a little at a time my friend didn’t fall, yes, what yes, sprinkle, sprinkle , yes, it’s clear that it’s not boiling by the way, yes, that’s it , you’ve already brought some gifts, as i understand it, yes, we’re closing it, well, they actually helped you a little from the workshop small , but they process quite a lot of products, here they brew, there they bottle, yes, only a few people can do this, but everyone is completely busy with their own business, it turns out to be such a big, lively concert,
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well, we have it too. such a liquid can be preserved, well, we can preserve wine, mango, this is a popular one, grambutan, so what we are now covering, covering, you as an honorary, excellent, there is, well, these are our two cans, do you think they will be more expensive in cost , yes, yes, yes, it’s tastier, i think, what kind of bites are here, is it a birch stick?
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a special basket and send it off to be sterilized, great, neat, how do you like it, my friend, yes, stay, from here, yes, yes, maybe we can help, come on the three of us, so to speak, will work. so how many cans are we carrying here? there are 30 cans, and 30 cans of 15 each have two floors, two tiers, where we transport them manually, no, of course not, of course, we’ll take them to this crane and it will lift everything for us, i’m stunned, this is the first time i’ve seen faucet, from there such a small faucet, you are like real ones, you need to catch it, a little bit.
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here she has porridge, she is serious, she pressed the remote control, here she went, here wow, for me it was a little unexpected, in terms of production, especially in sterilization, that i i realized that 60 cans are loaded into this autoclave, there were four of these in production, they are sterilized there for 2 hours, apparently, in order for the juice to stand for a long time, it is heated again to a certain temperature, in my opinion 100°... they are removed, cooled and then they go on to the sticker on the packaging, so you will carry it, i will wipe it, we wipe the jar, and the lids, why does it not wipe, that’s all, thank you, my friend, now you need to stick it on the lid of the bathhouse, so you take it carefully, freedom for your hands here so, do you need it in the center or? glue
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label yes, okay, you can try it, wow, the juice is very hot, so we ’ll pack it first, yes, let the juice cool, and then we’ll definitely treat you, and me, thank you very much, only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we’re in polodka, oh, you know, i’ve been thinking for a long time that we’re here, that is,
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the guys received the correspondence, and we’re leaving.
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finally a tasting, i was waiting for this right from the forest itself, because i saw how people drink, they come straight from these huge barrels, and there is so much juice here, they don’t let us try,
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yes, i was already thirsty, i was tormented, these are all the juices that are produced here, yeah, so here’s an orange, well, take a glass. oh, it’s refreshing, refreshing, what’s here, you can take the field grain aroma, it ’s ale, well, your nerves are getting in the way, so you need something like that, it’s very tasty, natural decoctions are used, natural decoctions, yes, that is, the herb is infused and then they’re added in juice, you have pineapple ones, we don’t have pineapple right now, but this year we’ll already... start producing it, i’ll tell you the secret, you know? paradise, if you want try it with cumin, you know what cumin is, no, you haven’t tried that, it’s a spice that belarusian dishes add to absolutely everything, yeah, very tasty, don’t you think, it’s
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delicious to me, oddly enough, oddly enough, with knin is very tasty, i thought it would be because i’m used to seeing it in some spring... it plays with juices very well, i want to tell you, well, that would be normal, well, i like orange more, orange is good , and now you can try classic birch sap with the addition sugar, it's a pleasure, so what? for our interesting journey, ryan, i want to say that you are really lucky, not every belarusian can go to production to see everything with their own eyes, what do you
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remember most, well, this is a procession, this procession is very interesting, when it happens, yes , well, i liked this procession, like when the juice is taken from the door and... but i can say that this is real exotic for you, you tried belarusian, very exotic, yes, because we come to your country, we we always try something local, so you too, now you know what the most spring belarusian drink is and how it is extracted and made, yes, but if you don’t sit still and you are ready to study everything that surrounds us, then go ahead , yes? perhaps you will become the hero of our next program, ask a question, record a video, send it to us, and together we will find out how it is done.
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