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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 20, 2024 7:50pm-9:00pm MSK

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lake khasan in 1938. for impeccable service he was awarded a personalized watch from the people's commissar of defense voroshilov. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, he found himself surrounded with a handful of fighters and made his way to the east. they managed to get to the logoisk region and organize the avenger partisan detachment, which later grew into a brigade. voronyansky's partisans. killed more than 13,000 german police soldiers, derailed 161 trains, blew up 152 bridges, destroyed seven aircraft, five tanks, 325 vehicles and six guns. in september 1943, the plane on which voroniansky was flying to moscow came under fire. the commander of the partisan brigade received death. soon
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after the death of kambrig, the partisans received a radiogram informing them that the people's avengers partisan brigade had been named after its commander and organizer. today, streets in minsk and lagoisk pleschenitsa bear voronyansky’s name. their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and eventful, all my free minutes i ran to the river with fishing rods or just wandered, look at this beauty. we never returned empty-handed as children. and once there were a lot of fish, now there are a lot.
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this is belarus main on the air of the belros tv channel, in the studio pavel lazovik, hello, state visit of the president of belarus to azerbaijan, we have no closed topics. everything is open with us, we discuss, even if someone heard what questions, they thought what kind of relationship we have, the kindest, closest, we communicate like brothers, the situation in the region and in the world, interaction in integration strengthening structures trade and economic ties, our confectioners tried very hard, our artists will bring you an open chocolate book, and a chocolate book, an open book, i’ll take it right away. strategic partnership, a guarantor
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of security in the face of common challenges, we are faced with the task of forming our own macro-region, in the conditions of regionalization, there will be no global peace, there will be a world of macro-regions, completely independent unions, sovereign states, nuclear deterrence, eurasian integration and a new government composition in what can russia expect from its allies?
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movies on this topic. for the first time , authentic episodes of the genocide of the soviet people will be shown on wide screens. this will be a joint union film project. what enriches us. an evening of choral music, the history of icon paintings and an exhibition dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the novodevichy convent. the novodevichy convent, by the way, is largely connected with belarus. in the 18th century. the monks of nikutenskaya biteri come here, this is the city of orsha. a unique combination of traditions, the basis for the preservation of moral values ​​and the union state. the best samples of russian art were presented at the days of spiritual culture of russia in belarus.
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the situation in the region and in the world, interaction on integration platforms and expansion of trade and economic ties. a large negotiation marathon in baku as part of the state visit of the president of belarus to azerbaijan. emphasis on the development of cooperation in industry and agriculture, common approaches to food security. the countries are implementing joint projects in the agricultural sector, and export opportunities were presented at largest exhibitions in the caucasus. the details of the agreements are at the highest level; this is the main theme of the program. zagulba is the official country residence of ilham aliyev. shore of the caspian sea. they have been waiting for alexander lukashenko here since the morning. it’s a state visit, which means it’s greeted with all the ceremonial paraphernalia. first in a one-on-one format,
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then in an expanded format, the parties discussed the entire range of bilateral relations.
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someone heard some questions, they thought what kind of relationship we have, the kindest, most close ones, we communicate like brothers, we understand the world equally, we understand where it is moving, and you know, i told you, there was one on one about heydar, if he saw how azerbaijan was developing and so on, but i also remembered our conversation , when we were talking philosophically at dinner together, we agreed, you then raised this question, that after the war the most difficult time will begin, when it will be necessary to begin revival, that difficult time has just come when it is necessary to revive these lands, it is necessary bring people back therefore, ilkhai gedarevich, if we
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can help participate in this in any way, you have enough assistants here now, but if we can participate in such a friendly basis... it is cooperation. a meeting of the intergovernmental commission will soon take place in minsk, taking into account the new agreements; the parties decided to update this document. billion dollars in trade turnover, the plan for the near future of official minsk and baku. azerbaijan is also interested in the production of mobile railway
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equipment, platforms and tanks. belarus is ready share your experience in this area. the traditional area of ​​interaction is the supply of timber, an equally important area of ​​cooperation. in ukraine in the most detailed way, our assessments of the point of view are either close or coincide,
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you know our position, it’s not easy for us there now, but we will do everything so that there is peace there and we will move in this direction, azerbaijan’s experience of the post-war system here, peaceful devices is very important for our region. there are plenty of niches for cooperation, the presidents were convinced of this. at the caspian agro exhibition there are 500 companies from 38 countries, all the most advanced from the agricultural sector and processing. it’s very difficult to compete here, but it’s possible. the belarusian pavilion, by the way, is one of the largest. our artists will bring you an open chocolate one. yes, chocolate book, open book, we are through the protocol service. thank you.
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lukashenko presented it to the city of shusha; now restoration work is being carried out in the region and housing will be built. use it, you'll like it. post-war restoration of the territory, the topic of the next day of the visit of the belarusian leader president. showed models of the new airports fizuli and zangelan, both built in the shortest possible time in just a few months. it looks like it was built normally, this is the main gate of karabakh now, the road here to shusha. a short city tour from ilham aliyev. fizuli is a city with great transport and logistics potential; according to the general plan, by 2040 the population
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will increase to 50,000 people, now only a few thousand. well, this is the city of fizuli, and other cities, which is also all, other cities, yes, but lachini is already inhabited here completely practically, the process is underway there, but there are already 450 families there, which means the vakdam is here, which means it’s being built. this is our minimum plan, but there may be more, this model that we are now implementing in karabakh and eastern zangizur, then it will be in demand in other regions, in terms of urban planning, in terms of management, in terms of.
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andrei savinykh, foreign policy expert, diplomat, deputy of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus of the seventh convocation, chairman of the standing commission on international affairs, was deputy chairman of the parliamentary assembly of the union of belarus of russia, graduated from the minsk state pedagogical institute of foreign languages, institute of advanced studies. retraining of management personnel at the belarusian state institute of national economy, british
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institute of certified managers, master of linguistic sciences, 44 years of work experience, worked as a translator, assistant, head of department in youth public organizations, was head of the information department, press secretary of the ministry foreign affairs of belarus, worked as first secretary of the belarusian embassy in the kingdom of the netherlands, deputy permanent representative... at the un office and other international organizations in geneva, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of belarus to turkey and iraq, awarded the anniversary medal 100 years of diplomatic service of belarus. andrey vladimirovich, in the era of global transformation of the political landscape, what is our place as belarus, russia, a union state in this world? well, i think the most important thing is that russia, as a system-forming core state, and belarus as russia’s first ally,
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we are actually faced with the task of forming our own macro-region, in conditions of regionalization.
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countries that can enter our macro-region, here i would talk first of all about the countries of the post-soviet space, the cis countries, these are also countries such as iran, azerbaijan as well, well, it is included here and there, and these are countries, allies, this is not will be our macro-region, but these are allied countries
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that also form their own macro-regions, who are ready to interact.
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and iran, with india, by and large with most african countries, this is a situation
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that will change the global economy, especially since this route.
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throw the whole world into chaos, then have time to reformat yourself, in order to prevent this, integration associations such as the sco, brix are created, these are associations that allow countries to interact with each other, build a completely new policy on new principles, try to smooth out this transition from hegemony of one pole of power to a multipolar one to the world, and here, too , the position of china is very interesting: china as a strategic partner, the united states of america, in an attempt to maintain its hegemony, is essentially trying to use pressure, sanctions,
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color revolutions, force, and where a direct armed invasion does not work , we know all this well, we have seen this for decades, against this background china looks completely different, another ally, another country that preaches...
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how can this, so to speak, change for the better for a union state side, intensify interactions, what will the future be like? well, of course, pay attention to the logic of the formation of this government, it is headed by completely different priorities, this is the acquisition of complete technological sovereignty, this is large-scale privatization, this is the restoration of those sectors of the economy that...
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those living there really in a vacuum somehow do not understand the truth, what is happening in belarus? well, i don’t quite agree that they don’t
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understand that...
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from the executive branch, ministers, in no way below, well, parliamentarians of the ruling parties who determine policy in the country’s parliaments, this is the highest echelon of the elite, as a rule, this elite does not attach corporate interests, and here we see a very clear case of such a partisan, let’s call it that, although i understand that this the man did this consciously in the interests of his own state.
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for their countries, but another question, they are not subjects, they do not make decisions, they are forced to accept the dictates of this corporate oligarchy. well, we see how people ask questions, their people, because they they go out into the streets, ask, but they just don’t get an answer, if they get it with water cannons, but let’s return again to the issue of defense capability, it is very important today to keep, so to speak, an alert ear to what is happening at the border, the escalation of the situation and
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provocations. and the growth of these maneuvers on the part of nato and the strengthening of the contingent, nuclear deterrence of belarus by russia, a timely decision by the president of our country? i think that it is not only timely, but also the only possible one. the point is that around our borders, a serious combat, offensive group has already begun to form, from 60 to 120 thousand, now, in my opinion , about 70,000 people have already been deployed.
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well, the question is obvious, the point is that this victory is a historical phenomenon that unites and cements all the peoples on this territory, this is what unites us and makes us stronger, we often talk
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about values, values ​​that determine human life , which move us forward, motivate us for some achievements, but there are concepts of ultimate values, this is not only what you live and work for, but... also what you will be ready to give your life for, this does not mean that you really really have to fight, but this value is the product of this victory, so deprive us this will, this is their great dream, this is precisely why attacks on the great patriotic war, on the feat of our fathers and grandfathers, are coming from here, there is no other explanation and there cannot be, andrei vladimirovich, thank you very much, our interlocutor was a foreign policy expert, diplomat andrey savinykh. an active course towards restoration,
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ready allies to help in the regions of the dpr affected by military operations, especially when it comes to food security. a zealous owner on the donbass land in the city of volnovakha, a belarus tractor, reliable and unpretentious. this is what hangars for agricultural machinery look like now, located near the town of volnavakha. even tractors and combines that are on the move in the donetsk people's republic pose a danger to ukrainian military formations, security it’s also in food, it’s not just given here. on march 11, 2022, they immediately began cultivating the land that had not yet been cleared of shells. on march 17, the enterprise essentially began to recover immediately, well , almost immediately, well, it was
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psychologically difficult to bring people back to life, because they crawled into the basement, they saw one city, and then they came out, ukraine destroyed it, and it was... . shock there is no electricity, communications are destroyed, no, there is no city, volokho was badly damaged, someone lost someone, lost in terms of that, that someone’s parents are in a neighboring village , it’s unknown, that it’s impossible to get there or else, someone actually died, work somewhere even helped to distract them, the belarus tractor is working now, rolling our peas, tell us in general about belarusian equipment, that’s why you buy it, belarusian equipment is very reliable, it is...
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one of the best tractors, probably, that exists now, and we are not going to, this year we have already bought mtz equipment , we will continue to buy it absolutely, hello , hello how are you doing, it’s normal, like a mtz tractor, here it asks you, an airplane, well, you heard it yourself, everything is equipped there for human comfort.
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machine operators are all from here, so agriculture and the food processing industry are one of the main economic areas of donbass. we have developed a number of directions in which we are moving. quite a lot of work has already been done, serious meetings have taken place, we visited the beloagro exhibition for the first time last year. as a result, a number of agreements were reached, the first contracts, that is, belarusian products are recognizable and present in donbass, our food production uses. raw materials that we bring from the republic, we can
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act as a good, reliable supplier for you of a whole range of grain crops and industrial crops that will be in demand by your processing industry and your industries related to the livestock sector. before our eyes , a representative of western agricultural machinery is leaving the race, once on a land that has undergone war and relatively recently cleared of mines, this has its own symbolism. valentin, why are you, for some reason i can’t sit, it’s another matter for a belarusian, a reliable friend, comrade, here these fields were very badly damaged by shelling, we dug in, but still there are still large craters somewhere, here there were artillery arrivals and hits hail on this field, but they often cleared the mines themselves, that is, the machine operators, the big heroes in march...
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with shrapnel, but that’s fine. there are people who ensure the security of the state, there are people who ensure the security of the state with food, they they are also heroes, they are practically in combat. this is belarus the main thing, and further on the program is the final step on the way to the forum of regions on the readiness of objects in the vitebsk region of conservation. moral values ​​and the union state, how
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the days of russian spiritual culture passed in belarus. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. belarusian russian flags, bread and salt laying flowers at the monument to gagarin. the crew of the soyuz ms-24 ship was solemnly honored in the star city. the finish line on the way to the forum of regions. about the readiness of objects in the vitebsk region, about the main thing briefly further in the program. improving the quality of education, training, and joint projects were discussed in minsk at a meeting of the board of the ministry of education of russia and the ministry of education of belarus. the emphasis on digitalization in the training of qualified specialists with secondary vocational education for modern industries also affected the exchange of best practices in the field of inclusive education. the creation document was signed.
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state, issues of the situation at the borders measures to protect the external border of the union became a topic of conversation at a meeting of the board of border agencies of belarus and russia in grodno. challenges and threats require modern approaches to ensuring the security and protection of allied borders. the focus was on modernizing infrastructure and technical equipment, and reviewed the progress of the joint development program. border security until the twenty-seventh year, this is our fifth program, which is being implemented starting in 2023, during its implementation due to the technical re-equipment of signaling systems the density of security of the state border has been increased, due to automated posts, technical surveillance,
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the likelihood of detecting violators of the state border has been increased, due to the acquisition of automotive equipment, engineering equipment, also increased technical... decisions taken by border agencies for crossing the decisions will increase the level of interaction of violations on the external borders of the union states. the vitebsk region is actively preparing to host the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia. its feature three locations at once: the regional center, novopolotsk and polotsk. the latter was not chosen by chance; it is the most ancient city in belarus. the buildings here are currently being reconstructed. today, those buildings, even those that have not been in use for a long time, like the officers' house, are taking on a completely different look, and this will be a good building, a good auditorium for the polovsky university, we were in the building of beloagrobank, and this was once a house governor, if we talk about the place where we are, it was once
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a hospital in soviet times, but today it’s here cadet school, a wonderful cadet school, where all conditions have been created for the education of our youth, therefore. we want to show all this to our colleagues, not only the topics announced at the forum, but also our belarus as a country, with its own statehood, with its own history. the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia will be held on june 27-28. nine thematic sections are planned. the main directions are innovative approaches in education, culture, healthcare and economics. participants and guests of the forum will enjoy an extensive cultural program. belarusian russian flags, bread and salt laying flowers at the gagarin monument. the crew of the soyuz ms-24 was solemnly honored in the star city. this is the first female cosmonaut of sovereign belarus, marina vasilevskaya, and the hero of russia, cosmonaut oleg navitsky. on marina’s chest is the golden star of the hero of belarus. she received the high award
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personally from the hands of alexander lukashenko. but as vasilevskaya noted, she is not familiar with star fever. rewarded attention from compatriots and journalists.
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correct, these are completely different tasks, more short work time, but nevertheless everything worked out, to remember your roots, your small homeland and fellow countrymen, the unshakable connection between generations of age-old traditions, to remember with a kind word those who are no longer around, to visit the burial of loved ones, to honor the memory of the orthodox rainbow, they come to the border regions. nikolai varekhov came to the mogilev region in the village. from moscow, the day before he visited five cemeteries in russia, his father was buried there in smalenshchina, his mother was buried here in belarus. today , the parents’ grave is separated by a state border, but this border does not exist in...
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they have been living in russia for 50 years, but they always visit their small homeland on radonitsa, their parents’ house in the agricultural town of borshchevka is a place that warms the soul and brings back the warmest memories of childhood and youth, they come here for the whole summer, they teach their children not to forget their belarusian roots. now the children are in moscow, but they so want to come here on vacation, they dream, so they suffer, so they can stay with their grandmother in the village, even though the grandmother is no longer there, but nevertheless... they are very drawn here, we support and come us pull, very pull
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to belarus, because we ourselves are native belarusians, one might say, even though we lived partly in russia, belarus still feels like home, we feel like we’re home, i’ll also add such feelings that when we leave, it feels like, that we are leaving from there, here home, there home and here home, that’s the feeling, well, a good feeling. how many people i know, how many more i want to add, that belarusians, well , russians, well, come from belarus, are completely uneasy, i know a lot of people like that, we’re friends together there, the relationship is very good, that russia, that belarusians, on the bright side, alexander and tamara visit the burial places of their loved ones, meet with fellow countrymen, the semkovsky family is confident that everything will be fine with the graves of loved ones on belarusian soil, they know that there is always... to look after it, and this is the agricultural town of lenin in the gomel region, here students of a local school are caring for the grave of a former teacher,
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war veteran leonid grebenok, he devoted his whole life to work and raised more than one generation of belarusians, due to circumstances, to look after the burial, now belongs to his fellow countrymen. in connection with all these events that are happening among our neighbors in ukraine, there is no one to care for this grave. and our school, lenin...
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the memory that cannot fade, the victory of the great patriotic war is sacred for the peoples of belarus and russia. almost 80 years have passed since the victorious may of 1945, but even today shocking details of nazi atrocities are being revealed. it will be shown on wide screens for the first time. authentic episodes of the genocide of the soviet people, this will be a joint allied film project, the site of the greatest tragedy 20 km from minsk, the former khmarov estate in the agricultural town of syomkogo. in soviet times, it was a children's boarding school, which during the great patriotic war, the germans turned into a donor concentration camp. in memory of the children of prisoners, rem rally and fresh flowers. this place is soaked in blood, the blood of children, there were
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excavations here this summer by the prosecutor general’s office, right when the employees took the earth, they couldn’t even insert a shovel, but there were children’s bones on every centimeter, why did the germans actually gather here, this was it’s already the forty-third year, the turning point of the war, the beginning of the forty, when the non-meshist invaders carried the colossus. it was from children that they began to pump blood, why? because the children were just approaching the period of hormonal maturation, well, no matter how it sounds, in order to transfuse the soldier’s blood. the extermination of children, a black page of history, they were from 6 to 12 years old, the people's writer of belarus nikolai cherginets spoke about the tragedy in his book, blood surgery, a tribute to bitter memory and the terrible truth. was there was a lot of talk, but no one imagined the massive scale that they were doing to our
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children, and they were taking blood and testing them.
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from 500, according to some sources, 700 children survived , 274, in the winter of which forty of them were taken to the lagoi region. the children were distributed among the villages and the villagers, having two or three children, took the child at the risk of their lives; if the germans had known, they would have shot my whole family. this is the character of our resident, our man, our citizen, i tried to show this in the book. film industry, there will be a large, complex project, the film will attract the best specialists from the union it is already supported by the ministry of culture of russia, it is very joyful that we are all doing this together, because well, this is not a story for syomkov specifically, not for minsk, not for belarus, this is a story from silence, the book is being filmed, to work on it for all our peoples, because it is important to convey this story to everyone, there if
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we talk about the territory to every corner there and... a third of them were created for complete donation, that is, to the last drop. given what's going on in the world and how anglo-saxon society suppresses the results of this war to a greater extent by covering it up, we are obliged as filmmakers to make as much quality cinema on this topic as possible so that it can be seen. not only our post-soviet audience, but also the world, our film operation blood, it seems to me, will be the first step that will allow world society to learn the truth about what the fascist occupiers did on the territory of belarus in all countries of the former soviet union. one lost life is a tragedy, tens of millions are a global tragedy. belarus has become fraternal a grave where every third person died. defending
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the truth and preserving the memory of the union. the state pays great attention to the memory train, patriotic marathons, and exhibition projects. we have a lot of projects dedicated to preserving the memory of the great patriotic war, the feat of our peoples, projects aimed at countering the falsification of history, this is a big project, the victory waltz, an international project that we are implementing together with our partners from the republican public association belarus, these are projects all-russian, but also higher. at the international level, such as a garden of memory, planting 27 million trees in honor of all those who died in the year of the great patriotic war, this is the fire of memory project, these are numerous round tables, forums of historians and experts. cinema is a universal language; it forms a connection between generations and helps us understand what happened in those years. among all the regions of belarus, brest
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has been secretly called the cinematic capital for several years. the fortress hosts mass screenings of military-historical films, where possible veterans come to the shows, and spectators come from russia. we were lucky enough to be at such a meeting, we came here quite by accident, and we are simply happy, and we urge you to come, bring your children and grandchildren to such meetings while they are still possible, you know, to the point of tears, i haven’t had such feelings upon arrival in belarus for a long time , everything stirred up again, in the past. europe and america are closed to this. the white house press secretary said the americans won the war. you can ask every american a question, he also
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will answer. and once upon a time the powerful worlds of this spoke so. syomkogo there will be a memory center for all the children who died during the war. they plan to open the memorial on september 17, the day of national unity, because memory is what unites us, it is a source of values, a
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reference point for making the right decisions. an evening of choral music, the history of icon painting and an exhibition dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the novodevichy convent. unique.
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russian seasons has been introducing the world to the art of his country since 2008; the tradition itself
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began more than 100 years ago, the outstanding russian cultural figure, sergei dyagelev. this concludes our issue; we’ll tell you about the main things in belarus.
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three traditional bakings of bread and four slaughterhouses are part of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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analyzing the opponent, working on mistakes and choosing the right strategy for the match. athletes have to work very hard to become a champion. they know exactly what success is on sports grounds. but still, what does it feel like to become a champion? emotions subside, some realization is already coming that actually achieved such a significant goal for both the club and the fans. but what will be the result in a real battle?
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while he is the only one, in fact, he always considered himself, he always considered himself the only one, this is jose mourrinho, this is the correct answer, absolutely true, portuguese specialist, watch the intellectual sports show, heading the game on our tv channel, what is the miracle of belarusian politics, the fact that we do not forget about people, the common man is at the forefront, china. and
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belarus will fight together to work as peace-loving states and peoples striving for common security. let’s start everyone with themselves, so i want to reach the heart so that it becomes better, everyone should become better here in belarus. belarus and china, without agreeing, came to similar points of view. the day of national unity has been approved in belarus; there is strength in unity. the belarusian path of development is real, humane, the future awaits us. project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. belarus and uzbekistan are looking for new ones points of interaction, after the historic visit to tashkent of the belarusian leader , a delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs arrived in minsk.
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experts and interesting facts, watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. live panorama in the judge.
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