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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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a dark day for iran, today it became known about the death of the president of iran and the government delegation in a plane crash. the pain of the iranian people is shared by belarusians, cash, legalization and visas are being carried out under the pretext of helping those repressed in lithuania.
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execution without trial in britain , the scandal with death squads is again gaining momentum. elite special forces massacred afghan civilians, executions, executions, torture, secret investigation into the testimony of special forces officers, why the perpetrators are not punished and how evidence disappeared. let's show the facts. to prevent unreasonable increases in prices for medicine, the government and the state control committee adopted a joint action plan. all the details are on our broadcast. strategic directions of development. states and work for the future. the decision made at the seventh all-belarus people's assembly resonates locally. read more about the basic principles of development of small regions of belarus in the section “time has chosen us.” belarus is significantly intensifying cooperation with the most remote regions of russia. in these the head of the magadan region is visiting our country these days. today a very detailed dialogue took place at the highest level in the palace of independence. alexander lukashenko proposed to his partners. about a dozen promising
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areas in which cooperation can be expanded, from the supply of products, mechanical engineering and food to industrial cooperation and design of facilities, all this is in the gold and gold mining region, by the way, we have a certain interest, a place in the market has become vacant after the departure of foreign companies , and now they will be replaced by our brands. belas, for example, intends to open a multi-brand center in the region for the sale, service and repair of belarusian equipment. everything is detailed. it has long been no longer an obstacle to partnership; only positive examples of cooperation have reached the far east, from the construction of dairy farms to the supply of equipment, and we are disseminating the experience further. the delegation of the magadan region is in belarus for the first time, somehow this has never happened before, although the head of the region had relatives living here, and he spent his childhood in the brest region, so consider your debt to the past. you won't regret overcoming these 11 thousand.
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kilometers, we do not divide russian regions into remote and non-remote, we find common ground with all the work, i am sure that with the magadan region it will be possible to significantly add to our relations, primarily trade and economic, i am convinced that you will find everything you need with us, from industrial products, to food, medicines, cosmetics and so on. the indicator is mutual. trade does not reflect our capabilities in any way, we must decide today how we will work to radically increase the rhythm of mutually beneficial trade and economic relations. for the event, the head of state prepared a specific plan, the so-called road map of cooperation, in which there are not a dozen promising areas where interaction can be significantly strengthened. the magadan region is an industrial region with developed mining and gold mining exploration, our mazs, belazs, and road-building equipment are very popular. engaged in servicing heavy
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equipment, believes that the time has come to show brotherly relationships and support in everything, not only in appearance.
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all-wheel drive truck tractors mas; a passenger bus is also currently being supplied for operation in the city of magadan, on the magadan route. airport in the region, we see great potential in the development of supplies to the magadan region, currently mass is represented not only in the form of sales in this region, but in the format of service centers, today replacement is taking place and we believe that the presence
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of belarusian mechanical engineering can be increased by a percentage 40, 50 and it will be that's right, it will be worthy, because in... he will seriously increase the volume of supplies of belarusian food products to magadan. we offer to organize your production of dairy products from belarusian raw materials. we have enough first-class enterprises that are ready to share their competencies in
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milk processing to create tasty, healthy, high-quality products with a long shelf life. we also handed over projects for the construction of turnkey dairy farms in the region to our partners. there are problems with the food supply, so we will share technologies and help increase milk volumes, but obviously heavy engineering is a priority, it is important to close all issues related to the service of belarusian equipment, because there is more and more of it in this russian region. in the twenty-third year, we delivered 43 vehicles, of which 20 were heavy mining dump trucks, they are successfully replacing their japanese american counterparts today, even 10 of which were very powerful, these are 130-ton trucks. thousands of tons of machines that are currently working in quarries in magadan, 20 tractors and three trucks were supplied. on that in the twenty-fourth year, we also have plans to deliver 51 vehicles, of which the bulk will be maza equipment, five tractors and 16 belaz vehicles.
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considering that this is the first visit, the thorough program is designed for 5 days, there are many visits to industrial enterprises, they want to sign a cooperation agreement with this alone. we are waiting for children from the magadan region to improve their health in sanatoriums in belarus, this will be the beginning of the development of a tourist destination, but a direct flight, of course, is very necessary. ilona krasutska, svetlana lukenyuk, ilya tsvetkov and alexander oleshko, tv news agency. and one more item in the work schedule of the head of state is personnel decisions in the state security agencies. this will help strengthen our special service, the president noted. the kgb demands to resolutely suppress the activities of foreign intelligence services in the country. everything that is happening around us, you know, you know, no worse than me, to the good neighbor policy that we proposed to our neighbors, poles, lithuanians and latvians, taking into account the visa-free space,
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they respond in the opposite way, we see an attempt, in addition to the information war, to impose on us a war of sabotage groups, we... have also been noticing this lately and are fighting against it, we see that they are preparing various kinds of armed detachments. almost regiments, as they call them, in order to carry out an invasion of the territory of belarus, a lot has been said about this, our state, with your hands and mind, must in time reveal all sorts of habits and negative trends towards our state, we must stop , and very decisively the activities of foreign intelligence services on the territory of belarus, another task of the intelligence services is...
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providing both control authorities and law enforcement agencies, you must take appropriate measures and inform me if suddenly we have a desire for someone to expand their , so to speak, activities corruption on the territory of belarus, this is such a hidden, hidden kind of mowing, such as protection, as is customary in other states, we often see films on this topic on television and so on.
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a dark day for iran; the islamic republic has declared five days of mourning for the deceased president. today it became known that ibrahim raisi died in a plane crash. as the media clarifies, there were at least eight people on board the helicopter that crashed; the board on which iranian president resi, as well as the country’s foreign minister and the governor of east azerbaijan province were returning from official events, stopped communicating the day before at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. the search for the helicopter lasted all night for a successful resolution. syria.
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in addition to iran, mourning has been declared in india, iraq and pakistan and lebanon. the iranian people are mourning, in a single impulse from the grief of the absurd loss, people take to the streets in thousands, praying for the dead, without holding back.
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to a new level, despite western sanctions pressure. the politician's policy was friendship with neighbors and allied powers. during this time, iran became a full member of the brix shanghai cooperation organization and integrated as an important player with the eu. tyageran managed to resume and improve diplomatic relations with a number of arab neighbors of african countries, saudi arabia, kuwait, egypt, libya, sudan, djibouti and maldives. moreover, the state has maximally increased oil production, exceeding even the pre-sanction level. condolences.
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serving the iranian people, alexander lukashenko emphasized. i will forever retain my warmest memories of meetings and conversations with mr. president, who was a true friend of belarus and cared a lot about the development of belarusian-iranian cooperation. his name is forever included in the chronicle of relations between our countries. on behalf of the belarusian people and ourselves personally, the president also expressed sincere
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condolences and words of support to the relatives of the victims to the entire iranian people. belarusian-iranian relations have always been the focus of attention. minsk and tehran have consistently built a trusting dialogue and mutually beneficial partnership, but in the last 2 years a real breakthrough has been noted. countries have similar positions and approaches to many issues on the international agenda. the main thing is that both belarus and iran remained committed to the idea of ​​building a fair, multipolar world. the state resists attempts impose someone else's will on external pressure. and the leaders called the sanctions time. economy, it was then that a roadmap for comprehensive cooperation until the twenty-sixth year was signed between minsk and tehran. trade turnover between minsk and tehran exceeded $100 million, but there are immediate plans to increase this amount to a billion, and this year
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a visa-free regime began to operate for our tourists. throughout the day today, minsk residents carried. holy candles to the iranian embassy in belarus to honor the memory of those killed in the crash helicopter of president ibrahim reisi. the flag on the building of the diplomatic mission was lowered at half-staff, as is customary in diplomatic protocol to express grief. last night was very difficult for the iranian people. everyone prayed for our president, his entourage and officials. but unfortunately, it was fate. they died. there is a proverb in iran: a true friend is found in trouble. it is very important for us that the belarusian people were with us not only on good terms.
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the diplomatic mission expressed words of appreciation and gratitude to all belarusians who share the pain of the iranian people. tomorrow a book of condolences will be opened at the iranian embassy in minsk. ukraine. today zelensky has ceased to be the legally elected president. it was on may 20 that he was supposed to hand over the reins to his successor, who was supposed to be elected before march 31. swiftly. the level of support for the kiev leader is declining; now, according to american and european polls, it has dropped below 17%. in the west, of course, they are extremely concerned about the catastrophic decline in the popularity of their puppet, but they can’t do anything about it or don't want to. however, it is still unclear what consequences the loss of legitimacy for politicians will have, but one thing can be said: over these 5 years, zelensky has done so much that
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the next generation of ukrainians can hardly figure it out. about the achievements of the overdue president. evgeny belousov will tell you, the troops mutinied, they say the tsar is not real, this is how you can describe everything that is happening in ukraine. no, of course, the ukrainian armed forces are still obediently listening to their doom, but there are clearly problems with zelensky’s legitimacy. today he had to hand over his rights and duties to the newly elected president, but it didn’t work out; the elections, contrary to the initial position of the west, were cancelled. on the one hand, everything is supposedly legal; martial law directly prohibits it. holding any election campaigns, on the other hand, the constitution provides, without any exceptions, that presidential elections should be held in the fifth year of his term, but with a caveat: without a new president, the old one continues to work. the constitutional court could have put an end to this issue, but the authorities did not turn to it for a decision, and the recent visit blinkina made it clear that for now washington
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is happy with everything. zelensky will retain power, it won’t happen that he will come. the president's office, and the security guard will tell him where you are going, who you are, go there, your time is over, this won't happen, the security forces are working, the national security and defense council will work , and so on, the national security council, they will carry out his commands, yes, with this, everyone will be talking around that he is illegitimate, and his... now rests on only one thing: recognition by the west, as long as the west refers to him as the president, he will be perceived as... the president, it’s a pity that no one asks people, according to recent polls, zelensky’s rating has fallen to 17% and continues to decline. they even say that the usurper
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of power, in the hope of somehow maintaining his former popularity, began a media campaign, this is what he does best. recently, the sbu announced the detention of high-ranking employees of the state security department, who allegedly, together with three other defendants, were preparing an assassination attempt on the president. of course, nothing. trying to do everything so that the ukrainians would laugh, but i felt so in my heart that it was not only my work, but it was my mission, in the coming five years i will earn. all ukrainians, please don’t cry. during this time, it seems that the ukrainians, on the contrary, cried another black sea. hundreds of thousands of dead to please
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the western masters, this is zelensky’s main achievement. and how many more will there be, because the scandalous law on mobilization, designed to mobilize literally everyone, recently came into force. well, it’s not elovsky, it’s just damn it, there behind her car, that’s it, this is a diagnosis, as yura romanenko says, the second ukrainian republic is finished, if it exists for some more reasonable time, then several hundred thousand more people will die, and
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even if something clicks in your head and the west changes its position, allowing kiev should back down, schrödinger’s zelensky could play a cruel joke on the country, any documents signed by the ex-head of ukraine could be considered insignificant in the future, a situation could arise when... the same putin will say, guys, with whom to sign an agreement, with whom to sign , the powers of the president of ukraine have expired, today we will sign with him, say, some kind of agreement, tomorrow you will come to power, become president, you will not like it, but they know how to do it, as under the minsk agreements, remember, they will throw it all away, they will say, yes, it was signed by an illegitimate president, and i don’t know this at all, the new president will say
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that she has turned into a big laundress for money laundering through so-called solidarity funds, as under the guise of helping those repressed in the troubled waters of lithuania illegal schemes are being carried out, who
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this time will fall for the trick of our journalists to cash out visa legalization, how is the lithuanian ministry of foreign affairs connected with this. watch this evening's broadcast of a six-month-long prank investigation into the inside out. let’s open our fund, show the faces of those who are in the shadow of illegal schemes, and what connection they have with belarusian extremists. the boss also wanted to participate in that privatization process, in particular , interest in the petrochemical industry, yes, i understand that too, it was a good deal, 14 people, yes, you said it was about half a million, yes, as far as i remember, your arrangement is fine. what kind of fish can we catch in the troubled waters of lithuania? let's launch
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a stock market. laundress for money laundering and visa sales through lithuanian mit. new series prank investigation from the inside out. watch it on monday evening. die hard robert fitz, who survived the assassination attempt, can occasionally spoil the plans of the north atlantic alliance. this forecast is published by the financial times. european officials, as the publication assures, fear that the slovak prime minister, who previously spoke. in arms supplies to ukraine and its membership in the military bloc will be an even more destructive force for nato in the future. the authors of the material recalled that before the assassination attempt , fitzep supported the position of the hungarian leader orban, who opposed the candidacy of the current prime minister of the netherlands rute for the post of the next secretary general of nato. execution without trial in britain is once again gaining momentum in the death squad scandal. elite special forces massacred afghan civilians.
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execution. executions, torture, secret investigation into the testimony of special forces officers, why the perpetrators are not punished and how they disappeared evidence, we will show the facts in clear politics today after the panorama.
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belarus and china are an example of a new type of international relations. the chinese side supported the deepening of interaction between belarus and brix and the work of minsk within the sco. the days of the minsk region opened today at vdnkh in moscow. such a record trade turnover has been achieved with russia and what does the union belas consist of? the potential of the central region of belarus was studied by daria belausovo-petrovskaya. the central exhibit of the minsk region in the belarusian pavilion at vdnh has become a mound of glory. this symbol. the victory of the soviet people over fascism is the first thing that guests of our country see when traveling from the national airport to the capital. but belarusians are proud not only of their past, but of their present. the pride of the belarusian mechanical engineering is the famous bela, these powerful dump trucks are known all over the world, but russia remains the main supply market. today , more than 500 similar machines with a lifting capacity of 30 to 450 tons operate in the kuzbass coal mines. recently passed the test.
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and the allied belaz, it is 90% composed of domestic components, and under its hood there is a russian engine. if we translate into numbers, then last year was a record year for the volume of deliveries of belarusian dump trucks to russia; 875 dump trucks were sold, which is almost $900 million. in addition, together with russian partners we are creating innovative mining equipment for the market of the eurasian economic union. this is unmanned technology, this is electric technology.
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a similar business platform that has united more than 130 residents from 14 countries , companies are engaged in high-tech projects, from the production of eco-class engines. is a shareholder of many well-known automobile companies around the world, so i am sure that the company has an excellent future , including sales on the russian market. the minsk region cooperates closely with 37
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russian regions. last year , mutual trade turnover increased by almost 10% and amounted to about $9 billion. we are implementing one of the new projects with the somsk region, we are planning to create a joint chemical one. a large project is being implemented in the omsk region "ep-600". we agreed to jointly look at what volumes of foreign-made raw materials and components are used in these chains. and we agreed to exchange this information in order to offer both russian and belarusian companies to import raw materials and materials in these chains in order to increase the competitiveness of these products and reduce them. the minsk region is interesting for its historical places, this is the beautiful nesvizh castle, included in the world heritage site, the dudutki ethnic complex, which introduces guests to the national culture of belarusians, and of course, a sacred place for
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our country, the khatyn memorial complex; when you get there, you understand how important it is to preserve the history of the great patriotic war and prevent this from happening again. this is a panorama and we continue. they operated at night in places where there were no cameras, but they were caught red-handed. a gang from orsha has been detained in belarus, whose members are suspected of stealing from trucks at parking lots along highways. strategic directions for the development of the state and work on perspective. the decision made at the seventh all-belarus people's assembly resonates locally. about the basic principles of small development. districts of belarus for more details in the section time has chosen us. the challenge is over, and we continue to get acquainted with the finalists of the republican military-patriotic tournament. let's find out what the team from the vitebsk region dreams of, what
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the patriots of belarus are grateful for, and how they plan to build their lives further. the school year is coming to an end and exam time is ahead. meanwhile, the 2024 entrance campaign. started back in february with university olympiads, after which republican school olympiads took place in march, the winners can become university students automatically without exams, for everyone else, the busiest time is really ahead. on may 27 there will be a centralized exam in one of the specialized academic subjects, and on may 30 in the russian or belarusian language. it is planned that almost 56 thousand school graduates will take them. centralized testing of the twenty- seventh and 3 most popular items will start at the same time - english, physics and mathematics. from june 27
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to july 12, there will be a reception of target students in educational institutions of belarus, this year they are expected to be more than last year, which means over 500. the government spoke about this today, the first meeting was held there.
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to create the most comfortable conditions for the children to show all the acquired knowledge that teachers gave them in our educational institutions, in schools, strategic directions for the development of the state and work for the future, a decision made at the seventh all-belarus national meetings find a response, import-substituting production is created, economic growth is restored, specialists remain in... their homeland, this is a big job, the result of which depends on
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everyone. and the president always says: there will be an economy, there will be everything. this principle is laid down in the state program one district, one project. business responded positively to the initiatives. there are currently 190 projects on the list, and about two dozen more will be included this year. elizaveta senyak’s material on working for results in the section time has chosen us. the decomposition period of plastic products can reach 700 years, depending on the technology of their production, but if all conditions are met, polymers can be recycled many times, so about 3 years ago in the ivyev region, minsk investors bought the building of a former cattle farm and, under the program one district one project, created an enterprise with environmentally friendly clean and environmentally friendly processing technology, the full production cycle comes from raw materials to clean them of impurities, crushed, washed and dried. after
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after drying, the grain takes on this appearance. this is a polypropylene agglomerate, one of the types of products that is sold. it enters a special granulator, where residual moisture is removed and the material is given density. granules are already the second type of finished product, after which they are also processed. when we have received the granule, we pour it into the machine, where there are heating elements that are added to the mass. the eye of a person, behind the equipment ekaterina , compliance with those standards does not escape dubrovskaya, a girl originally from ivyevsky district, worked in minsk, but after 5 years she returned to... the enterprise
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processes about 150 tons of raw materials per month, import-substituting products, used in construction and agriculture, we recently purchased new equipment, what is it for, what will you produce in the future? this will be a new type of film, which will occupy an even wider range on the market, and we will fight with competitors, i plan... modernization of production will only double, about 3 years, moved to the ivyevsky district from lida, 4 years ago received apartment, as a mother of many children, by the way, she has six girls, two of them also worked at this enterprise. nastya worked for 2 years, anya worked for six months, now she’s on maternity leave, well, what does ksyusha find in the second grade, does vocals, sings beautifully, of course, we’re happy with our teachers, like ievskie, they always understand good relationships, to be honest, here i am i won’t change mine anywhere, it’s being created. import-substituting production, economic
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growth is restored and specialists remain in their small homeland, attracting investments to each region or city was an order from the head of state back in 2022 , and this is not the first time such work has been done for the future. i arrived here in 1992 during the collapse of the soviet union, then, unfortunately, many believed that the army was not needed at all, only thanks to the head of state after 1994. the concept of national security and military doctrine. by the way, the chairman of the ivyevsky district executive committee was also among the delegates of the supreme council, so he determined the significance of the documents not only for himself, but for the entire region. in all-belarusian at the people's meeting, the president said that each chairman of the executive committee is the president in his district, our head of state.
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the government and the state control committee have determined how they will prevent unjustified increases in prices for medicines and paid medical services. stabilization measures were prescribed in the joint action plan for this and next year. it is expected that documents relating to the establishment and application of maximum maximum tariffs and
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price formation will be adjusted. the plan provides for increased control over private centers and pharmacies, as well as tightening licensing requirements. joint. the program is focused on providing belarusians with affordable medical services and medicines. please note the violations of the instructions of the head of state in this area. with regard to the formation of the cost of providing medical services, we also identified such facts as overestimation of costs and the inclusion, let’s say, of those services that were not actually provided, or duplicate services, despite the fact that the ministry of health took regulatory measures, and limiting the number of manipulations. included in this or that medical service, nevertheless, unscrupulous business entities used it and even included medical services that are not regulated, and with such significant amounts of profitability, thereby maximizing their profits from the provision of certain services. as a result of the implementation of these measures
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, the procedure for managing and applying tariffs for paid medical services will be revised and updated. time standards for certain types of services, and improved control over the quality of medical care and healthcare organizations. separately, the state control noted the dental sector. during inspections in private clinics, violations were recorded when services were included in the list, but were not actually provided. the department also added that at the end of last year the ministry of health adopted a resolution that regulates the cost of medical services, but the practice of its implementation has shown certain shortcomings. it will allow you to eliminate them. accepted program. the ministry of internal affairs reported about the detention of a group that attacked trucks in the gomel region. according to information, a gang of five people stole more cargo at night, when the drivers were sleeping or moving away from the car. this happened in parking lots along the brest-gomel highway; a criminal case was opened for grand theft.
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victoria radevich found out the details. did they somehow share this product among themselves? yes, they divided it among themselves. one of the detainees. vision in committing daring raids on trucks gives his first testimony in the operatives’ office ugro, it was already pointless to evade answers, the man along with the counterfeiters was detained in march of this year, which is called sleeping, when they were removing cargo from another heavy truck under retchitsa. during the joint activities of detectives from the ministry of internal affairs, the department of internal affairs of the gomel region and the rechessky district department of internal affairs, with the force support of the riot police, a group of people suspected of theft from large cargoes was detained red-handed. at parking lots along the brest-gomel highway. the defendants are five residents of orsha. and in this way they operated almost throughout the country. in brest, mogilev, minsk and gomel regions. it is noteworthy that three of the suspects already had criminal experience. their biography includes convictions, including for similar thefts. they involved acquaintances in the case who
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had never had any problems with the law before. the youngest of them is only 24. another older entrepreneur was a driver. they went to work at night and used balaclavas and even for secrecy. communication station, while the truck driver was sleeping in the cab, the defendants broke the lock of the heavy truck and took out the stolen minibus goods, it took the accomplices up to half an hour to complete everything. mostly they robbed trucks with belarusian license plates, taking with them everything that might catch their fancy, and most importantly, what could be easily sold off, in most cases food.


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