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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 20, 2024 10:05pm-11:05pm MSK

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any decent prime minister would launch an independent investigation into the allegation that british soldiers, especially those in his elite units, committed war crimes, but britain has boris johnson, so what kind of integrity is there to talk about here? the scandal seemed to be hushed up, but last year new accusations were made. another investigation was published by garden. lawyers representing the families of the victims said at least 80 civilians were killed. afghanistan from 2010 to 2013. afghans have repeatedly been found killed in or near their homes after nighttime raids by special forces. according to the guardian, one commando personally killed 35 afghans in one six-month tour of duty as part of an alleged policy of killing all men of fighting age. in the houses of residents during raids. no matter the threat
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they posed. the new allegations are contained in a document submitted by law firm lee day. she studied emails from senior officers from that period. in them, the military warned that - quote: there is a clear disregard for people's lives. britain here repeats the same position of the united states, which actually ignores any calls for international investigations of its war crimes, and accordingly, well, again, they completely profane any role of muus.
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every time the story gets a very interesting continuation, this is what happened this time: after the lawyers presented new evidence, the smell of frying began again, the military began to cover their tracks, as part of a new public investigation, the lawyers are trying to get to the bottom of the truth, but when they came close to getting answers, it turned out that the materials they were looking for were destroyed, in direct violation of this order, employees ... of british special forces permanently deleted an unknown amount of data from this server, shortly before investigators working as part of operation nordmur, they arrived to check it, that is, once again, the elite of the british troops simply took and deleted all the data from departmental computers, including from the main server, everything that could confirm the massacre of innocent citizens, and this despite the fact that the sas commander gave the order to save all data on the progress of the operation until the arrival of officers.
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royal military police. the british press is shocked by such arbitrariness. the times and the guardian have published the results of a media investigation, from which it follows that commanders of the british special air service sas destroyed data from computers to hide evidence of the killing of eighty civilians in afghanistan from 2010 to 2013. commanders violated the order and instead permanently deleted an unknown amount of data from theirs.
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one frustrated researcher commented on how so many things could go wrong in one aspect. and now british justice is entering another circle. a full-fledged investigation into the killings of afghan civilians seems to have begun in the fall. most of the hearings, at the request of the ministry of defense, will be held in secret, without the presence of journalists and the public. man suriz, chii's brother and sister-in-law were shot dead while sleeping by british elite troops during night raid on aug. 6, 2012, said he hopes the investigation will determine why his home was targeted. two of their children were also shot and wounded, and aziz said he surviving family members want to know the truth. in a statement released through his lawyers, he said: "we ask the court to hear these children and bring justice to them." the commanders of those
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military personnel who participated in such incidents, they have a sense of carp. sweep away or simply destroy, witnesses disappear or refuse their testimony, and it is clear that they worked well on them, so or evidence that was previously obtained properly, properly seized from the crime scene, properly documented,
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disappears, suddenly it is not there, this often happens, that’s all it looks like a banal scam, the public is outraged and investigations begin to... let off steam, but there is still no result. the first attempt was made back in 2014. british police began an investigation for a number of other similar murders, but after 6 years it was simply closed down. the military police concluded that the special forces had done nothing wrong. victims of british lawlessness fear that the case may now be hushed up, despite the egregious crimes. the documents include statements. police reports from five british soldiers about war crimes committed by the allied forces, witness statements from allied commanders, emails warning downing street about the murders, and investigators' diaries. internal emails between detectives investigating a murder the eia revealed that their
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investigations were derailed after they were reported to downing street. the prime minister was david cameron, who is now the foreign secretary, according to one of... another family member said in a new statement that we lost everything when the incident happened and that they have had nightmares ever since. the day after the family members were killed, an sas sergeant major described the episode as the final massacre in an email discovered during the trial.
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consideration, which gives reason to assume that this episode was not an isolated incident, but london didn’t give a damn about the voices of the victims, the previous policy is that we don’t surrender our own, more... the authorities passed a law that essentially allows chaos to be created in other countries. the british parliament passed a law that effectively exempts military personnel from liability for crimes committed during overseas military operations. even the guardian has to admit that labor did not do enough to oppose this legislation. britain is reluctant to target its own military personnel. it confirms. the british government believes that foreign lives don't... matter. it is curious that in the initial version of the document, military personnel at all levels were generally forgiven for any crimes against civilians, with the exception of special cases. in the final version, the defendant was found to have sexual assault. torture, despite public protests, will not be punished. this
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law will only strengthen the opinion that the authorities are deliberately pursuing a policy permissiveness, it undermines britain's traditional commitment to fundamental norms between. this is not the first time that british special forces have been at the center of a scandal; soldiers have been accused of crimes in iraq and syria. the afghan story is also, apparently, not the last. death squads advise and train the ukrainian military, can you imagine what? in general, it has its own strength. the boss also wanted to participate in that privatization process, in particular, interest in the petrochemical industry, yes, i
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understand that too, it was a good deal, 14 people, yes you said, we were talking about half a million. after the successful purchase of a new leader for fugitive belarusian terrorists and belneftikhim, olga, the assistant of that same russian oligarch, is getting promoted to become the financial director of a large russian it company. 500 thousand euros, according to tradition, in russian... rubles and another bag - 100 million in cash, we are not changing the tradition, who
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will get hooked today, what fish will we pull out of the troubled waters of lithuania, we will launch a stock laundress for money laundering and the sale of visas through the lithuanian mit, my name is ekaterina tikhomirov, this is a new series of prank investigations from the inside out. the turn of the fund by sool, in case anyone doesn’t know, let me briefly remind you that a so -called solidarity fund has been registered in the republic of lithuania today, this is supposedly a belarusian platform for raising funds for victims of repression. this is an organization that collects public money.
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give this money to the haircut, it was money that went to us within the country for food, for living, so that we could at least somehow survive for a year, let’s not create a dependency approach in the first place, because people themselves they cope with these problems quite well, and the stryzhak stole exactly half of this money, but now it’s more cunning through bitcoins, imagine how cunning the stryzhak is, ay-ay-ayhi! tres man, everyone is responsible for his own life, he himself makes decisions there, when he goes on strike,
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when he goes out to protest, the turnover figures of this fund constantly vary, there is no audit, but in fact, under the very nose of the lithuanian departments, large million-dollar frauds are being carried out with using so-called money mules. i already knew that there was no bass fund, well, that is, like what is under the guise of a fund, this is the so-called fund in the netherlands. this is one of the most convenient forms in europe and the netherlands for the first time laundering the money, the second from leaving completely again. perhaps, let's start with the fact that the fund actually does not legally belong to any haircut. the head, that is, the director of baysola, is a citizen of lithuania anastasia loputka. here it is and here are the signatures that appear on the report. from this fund. the young lady has about a dozen such companies. international health association
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investment, profit in 2022, nothing at all, 1.0 euros per year. website, no website. this company lives here, at the same address laputka octus. firm providing consulting services. the site, however, is also dead. nastya also has a pharmacists’ club, which brings in 390 euros a year. european institute of science, life, knowledge and in a field with a wooden barracks rickety from lithuanian independence? nastya loputka, director of baitsolo, andrei strizhak under baisoli, but in fact anastasia loputka is also a figurehead of another shadow leader, and we we'll show you. they have millions in turnover, and russian ones could soon be added to them, in order. however, in order to find out all the mechanics of baysool’s work, the amounts, we decided to open
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our own baysol, only russian. anastasia, good afternoon, i need advice on a business case. i am interested in creating a company in lithuania with your full support; i would like to receive from you a small preliminary business plan and estimate, including your personal financial costs. good afternoon, i suggest you call on zoom. my colleague and i will be there to meet you. we are thinking through a work model with you, we give you a budget and an action plan. time frame for execution, if we agree on all points, we begin work. so, we are starting work, according to legend, a certain russian businessman wants to open a relief fund for russian fugitives, it doesn’t exist, let’s call it sergey borisovich fedorov, fsb. our foundation will be called fet helps, because dzerzhinsky will help everyone who especially deserves it, even in lithuania. and we contact anastasia
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loputko, director of baysol. good afternoon. yes, hello, sergey, that's right. yes, hello, yes, my name is. and with me mine colleague andrey, andrey rudanov, a lithuanian with anastasia loputka for two, they have this fund, he is a lawyer who deals with pharmaceutical issues, he is invited to the seimas at a session of the health commission, and he is also involved in ngos, these are dozens of lithuanian, russian, belarusian foundations ukrainian, we have been working on the market for many years, i don’t know the team. probably already years, that is , in general, that is, well, i won’t say how many years the company itself is 15 years old, i have 24 years of experience in law, i have 14 years of direct work experience, and we usually do such mechanics the next one, because they applied for administration, because she has her own team, that is, she is most often
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an internal or internal external director , her team works with her for... you know, probably, we would not only be interested in their experience in this matter, maybe you can help us organize some kind of interaction. i’ll tell you more simply, 70% of these people are our teams, they have, that is, the head of this entire decision and the face is andrey strizhak. accordingly, strizhak had his own team that worked
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with the don. that is, but the whole embodiment, how to build it correctly, where? move, how to develop all this, this was behind us, behind our team that works with us, that is , the law, which on average is somewhere around 2-3 million annually, somehow implements a lot of money, 2-3 million annually it turns out to be a turnover, yeah, so, this, this is money from donors, income, but let’s say, let’s say, here’s also targeted funding.
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not the other way around, this is just the bottom line, but they have a lot of direction, this is what you see, this is the direction that physically they have the boys also have institutional assistance, which is about statehood or states, that is, some euro programs, some others, where you get sumar,
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this amount exceeds several million, because in the report in general.
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and the minimum official salary of the haircut himself. maintaining rudanov per month will cost us and strizhak another 4.0 euros per year - that’s 4800 euros. office 1280 per month or 15.00 per year. let's show it one more time. laputka company offices. here's a wooden one. a barn in the middle of an empty field. baysov, by the way, has legal and the actual addresses do not match. this wonderful story with the relief fund will cost us 400,000 euros a year. there is one detail, very interesting: this document, which mr. rudanov sent, has a digital trace, metadata, and a co-author of the calculation. the calculation was compiled by clara weger, head of the resource management department of the international center for the development of migration policy. what resources does he manage, correctly, financial? a couple of years ago, she herself distributed grants, cmpd receives money from governments, this
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germany, italy, the european commission, and ms. weger not only manages these funds, but also compiled an estimate for us to launch a fund for the recipient of such grants. they are getting into signing contracts with the government as a strategic partner. only the director can manage the fund’s accounts; in the lithuanian registry, the director is baisola, let me remind you, this is anastasia loputka, there are only two people in the structure, these are... the managers, in fact, are someone, perhaps a haircut, but this is not certain. in other words, the first laputka and rudanov have access to fighters' accounts. secondly, the signature on
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the documents is a piece of cake, that is, it is not a fact that the haircut has at least the right to sign. however, the fund is still managed by the haircut. rudanov and laputko take a percentage from the haircut. will be in the name of an individual. yes. usually according to the requirements of the litsovsky. our fund, by analogy with strizhak’s fund , will collect money, we will distribute it to other companies and individuals. supposedly as help. so, it's time to leave the legal field. firstly, these are taxes; we don’t want to pay taxes. this means that even at the moment of registration of the fund in the charter
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it is necessary to clearly state with whom the fund works and what categories of people will be able to receive this money according to the papers. everywhere when we talk about helping individuals, we have a specific list. if you have a verifier, everyone will suffer from hostilities.
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we will manage this baltic fund everything, it’s interesting, however, at the same time we seem to have national initiatives, or rather with its money, but it’s as if we are not involved in this, i honestly won’t hide it, we wouldn’t like to show it off, we have come to an agreement. yeah, i can give you some examples of how we we understand perfectly well that the internet is great now, the question is whether it is possible , by the name of the organization, to somehow
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connect this with them, if not. we also have financial flows in cryptocurrency, but here there is also one small point, let’s say, let’s call it - the money is a little gray, look, that means the moment is like this, and i hear you, of course we will still have to verify some points, because, for example, now in the european union and...
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they will also be ours, we will simply wash the money and introduce it into the legal european field, the main thing is to bypass the aml verification system, which tracks how dirty the crypto is. as a result, the money will return to us, with the exception of a 20% loss, which is due to rudanov and loputka. because, let’s say, our tax supervision and control bodies, we know perfectly well how to re-close, but in the context of the aymlo and bank receipt systems, let’s say. recently, in general, the territory is very sensitive to any large or, let’s say , cyclical transfer, so various requests may come, accordingly, that is it’s already our task to prepare documentation and motivation so that we can immediately respond promptly, plus, at the same time, we select different banking structures ; we transfer specific payments through those who have fewer questions, that is, we
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perfectly... understand the mechanics, we we organize the activities of the foundation in such a way that the foundation directs its activities to the so -called social, integration, medical, and other activities that are related to supporting the diaspora for its socialization, resocialization and, say, so, that is, well, let’s put it this way, but a new start to life on the territory, roughly speaking, of the european union.
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in cash, in principle, if some ways were found to solve this issue, then well , we could make a rate quite profitable, we will then need to find out where and how this can be done, this is the first, second question, we can imagine the order of the numbers we are talking about does not need to be meticulous, we need to put the order of the numbers, because when we say, even we will talk with some banks and institutions that we know in other countries, they will give us... how much you want to convert, we can at least imagine the order, i don’t ask for exact details, exactly what the amount is about, the amount is large - it’s more than 100, 100 million rubles, of course, rubles, now wait a second, then understand a certain point, yeah. well, that is, andrei,
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in general, on conversion, let’s say, we’ll already agree on the exchange rate, it’s important for us to understand that we can use this money, i see, now just a second, i just want to check something so that i can , that is, on average we are talking about... the amount a little more than 650,000 euros, that is , mr. rudanov intends to put it into his pocket at the exchange rate, and the exchange rate at that time is approximately 98 rubles per euro, the amount of 100 million russian rubles will be approximately a million euros. the kickback of rudanov and the bankers he knows will be 350,000 euros, and yes, this money also needs to be legalized. here you need to understand that this is one of the amounts, an amount that is located in
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one of the places. mechanics, how it works, yeah, because in order to do this, we need to clearly understand what it is and how to start it, because in any case it will be necessary to do it competently, it will need to be done in different tranches and different stages, we will need , that is, here on average it will take about a month to understand through which organizations, through which countries, through which structures we we can achieve this, in any case , this money had to go through some kind of structure, organization. uh-huh, well, i see, the issue of legalization, let’s put it this way, let’s probably study this issue, after all , we are more experienced in this matter, i think we will have to meet in any case quite often, yes, well, and you already talked about this, that there are moments for discussion,
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so to speak, already theta, and not through a video conference, unfortunately, and so it comes out in our european union, no, well, of course it was if in this case our tasks would be... an organized criminal group operates on the territory of lithuania, whose activities are related to assisting immigrants from the republic of belarus and the russian federation in the legalization of shadow capital. so, registration of effective companies
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and funds for foreigners, assistance in tax evasion, illegal transactions with cryptocurrency funds, nothing was missed. oh, yes, also illegal immigration purchase. visas through the lithuanian mit. the fact is that rudanov has a wife, she does not appear on social networks, except in old lost ones, but the internet remembers everything. irina rudanova, the wife of the company, has been working at the ministry of foreign affairs of lithuania for 11 years. the third, the secretary of the consular department, deals with schengen national visas. from 2019, by the way, to 2020 i was responsible for these visas at the lithuanian consulate minsk. she protects her husband. and his shadowy illegal schemes, convenient, isn’t it, for strizhak and rudanov? the best possible evidence for the baysol foundation is the best evidence for the general prosecutor's office of the lithuanian republic, or the police of the lithuanian republic. in conclusion,
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this letter has been sent to the law enforcement agencies of lithuania and the european union. gentlemen, there are money mules under your noses. it was a project from the inside out ekaterina tikhomirova, vitaly soplitsa, see you again. it's clear now, thank god, the wet snow will melt away the earth, the papsala of the gift, the passes of the revelry,
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the warmer suns are jumping, the ice is worn out, the winds are falling, the gloom of the last ones jumps to us, everything and busel is shown, the geese are croaking, the spackle is spread on the oak there appeared, the cranes began to dance, and the winter disappeared like smoke, the greener meadow, our native land, our native land, like hell was in pain.
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was created with the blessing of the saint , there is a copy of the same cross that euphrasinia used. another important shrine of the monastery is its power. we will tell and show you in spiritual and educational projects on tv channel belarus 24. only for our viewers, we choose the best routes. we
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also decided not to look at the overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city, where alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago , the lower castle and passade were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. so the kubrin princes and their squads stopped and... the failure was definitely here not so long ago, by the way, a local resident on i caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish blende, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusually wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house-ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness.
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just like you were holding the book in your hands, you were picking up one piece after another, sniffing at the words on your skin. i'm dry. these are the most creative and most useful books. the books have thoughts from the past, reports and the guchats galas of the people are expressive. everything that chalavetstva created, she ate on old books, bytstsam enchantress. we
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read the past centuries, the closer ones, we appreciate the past for our daily life. belarus 24. we saw, people, we crossed, that it’s like this...
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hello, you are watching the program “tell me not to be silent.” victoria popova and tatyana shchorbina in the studio. and today our guest, a witness of the great patriotic war, as well as an active citizen, boris khadakov. good afternoon, boris pavlovich. hello. we're glad to see you welcome to our studio. on the eve
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of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, we continue to talk about these terrible events on...
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documents from the state archive of the russian federation, the national archive of our country, evidence in the criminal case of the genocide of the belarusian people. here is also the confessional testimony of one of the punishers of the village of baki, wilhelm schulte. back in '49 he was charged. during the interrogation, he names the unit.
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my grandmother is from this village, her name was even baykovka, she got married in a village in varanilovich, my father was already born there, and then our family went on, my father’s sister, aunt varya, kava, aunt varya, lived in this village for about four to five years , probably, and people were already 18 years old at that time, she worked in some medical unit, probably with the germans, i... never specified exactly, i only know one thing, that she brought home bandages covered in blood, she, my sister zhenya , sometimes it was not merzhitskaya lidya ivanovna who connected, it was the mother, the priest of ruzhany, the wife, they washed these bandages, ironed, straightened, twisted, then
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lida took them to work, but not all of them, she carried the rest home in bikes, then carried them to... the partisan detachments transported them accordingly, there were a lot of joy, my father’s second cousin lived in this village, dara ivanovna baran, she had three sons, the youngest tikhan, pavel and volodya, maxim ivanovich baran, the owner, he was in a partisan detachment with two older sons, and the germans, knowing from the records of the village council and against the village authorities , saw that.
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they spent the night there; bikes were often brought to us a cow for the night in ruzhany, and we spent the night, looked at the farm with my mother, on the eve of january 20, 1944, we were on bikes, spent the night , went home, and on january 22 a tragedy occurred, the entire village was destroyed, along with my relatives, by the way, we found... on the internet such a comment, angela writes: my relatives in the bikes were destroyed by the fasts, the gaiduk family, my grandfather’s brother, vasil gaiduk, was hanged in front of the entire village. his wife, who had just given birth, was shot dead in bed, a newborn baby with his head against the wall, and then thrown
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dogs. in total, there were four children in this family, all of them were killed. the earth moved for several days, groans were heard from closed pits with half-dead people, eternal memory of sorrow. did you know the haiduk family? i saw him, but i had more from the connection, shabunya kava. they survived the fire, the men were herded into a barn, and the children and women were taken into another barn, they were taken out of these barns, holding them by the neck, accompanied by dogs, taken to a pit and shot, and so when almost everyone was shot, we’ll set the bar on fire, people like- then they were hiding, these two the person i called kava and shabunya, shabunya nikolai stepanovich, kava i don’t remember the name now.
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people saw, prayed, were baptized, that how come they had come from the other world, this shabuni had no ears, his ears were completely burned, his whole face was distorted by fire, on his head, of course, there was not a hair, there was nothing, it was all apparently, boris pavlovich, the great patriotic war found you in minsk, where you lived with your family, and how you moved to the brest region, remember how your mother transported you to ruzhany, to bikes, to this voronilovichs, in this... part of belarus, well, i was almost 4 years old, yeah, we were in the first days of the war, we were sitting in the cellar, in the basement, i was sick,
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i somehow, since childhood, was constantly sick with a cold there, that’s a little the shots had already calmed down, the noises had calmed down, they climbed out into the street, some time had passed, my mother dressed me, put a suit on me with anchors, buttons in the shape of anchors, beautiful, i remember this suit, we went somewhere from the house, suddenly the german, seeing me, tore off my buttons, my mother began to say something, he hit her with the butt of his gun, i don’t remember further, my mother already told me, then my dad wrote it in the book, that he pushed me with his foot so that i fell, well, apparently i lost consciousness, after that i couldn’t stay, my dad 10 years for... police school, they knew him a lot, it could have been dangerous to extradite him, so my mother decided to go to her father’s relatives in
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the brest region, ruzhany in particular, she walked there for a long period, together with my father’s cousin baran, mikhail, i am in contact with him didn't set fate, i don't know him after the war, i received my mother there, my father’s brother alexander mikhailovich said, whatever you want...
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a guy, not a german soldier, for this the germans put this kolya in their hospital, i brought this kolya a package, a bottle of water, bread, well what was happening at our house, and there was a dance in front of the synaga in ruzhany, then suddenly dogs attacked me, knocked me down, began to crush me, but then i saw that one dog was near...
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the forest, we were there, mom washed, cooked, she was, well, she knew how to sew, she stitched, darned, sewed linen, my sister washed bandages again, i it was already the seventh year, so i had an assignment, i collected branches and flowers, then they went somewhere after may, they made some simple wreaths, and i and a polish boy for... he for three or four years , probably, he was older than me, they always carried wreaths in front - the coffin, when they buried the dead partisans, i remember this well, in stories there is still a dugout on the territory of the house of the baran family, which you tell about and knew this family well, the partisans printed there leaflets, as
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we have already heard from you, your mother these i also distributed leaflets. here is the same dugout where this printing house was, it’s interesting that she is naran, baran, whom you also met, tell me how she perceived it after the war, you also met with her all these events, how she survived her second cousin, yeah , when we arrived there, she never refused, on the contrary, she happily went with us into the forest, we picked mushrooms, if they were... green ones, she washed these mushrooms, boiled them first, put them in some containers, i took them home later brought to minsk, she lived with son pavel and daughter-in-law, then son pavel died, she was left alone, here is her son tikhan varan, during the war he repeated the feat of susanin, yes, he led the germans somewhere in the pushcha, when they shot the stories, they shot one of
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his sisters, the other sister, pointed at her, tried to shoot her. he says: okay, i ’ll show you where the partisans are. and he had an idea, knowing that he had been in a partisan detachment more than once, and it was all in the forests, forests all around, he knew partisan patrols. so he led these soldiers screaming, well, they seem to say there there were about 120 germans, he led them into the swamp screaming, some people had already met them there , they mostly began to drown, those who didn’t drown were finished off by the partisans, and tikhan himself died, unfortunately, he himself died. boris pavlovich, thank you very much for not forgetting the road to bakiy after the war, and so many people continue to tell the truth about this story, and we will take a break for a while. let me remind you that we have a telegram channel, tell me, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are connected!
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getting to know belarusian enterprises and an outstanding result. today we are already installing elevators with a cabin speed of up to 2 seconds per second, and this allows us to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. in belarus, this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that is engaged in the production and development of integrated circuits and semi-circuit devices, and microelectronics in general. an approach to business that everyone should strive for. we do. constant monitoring of messages, information is processed, if necessary, corrective measures are developed, first of all , teamwork is welcomed and present here; without
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teamwork , it is almost impossible to produce high-tech products, see the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel, editors club? no society that based its activities on misanthropy, on the destruction of people by people, man by man, had a future, did not have a long history in europe in the form in which it is now, the future of belarus 24.
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