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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 12:05am-12:35am MSK

12:05 am
landa was not there this time, excuse me, comrade is in charge, uh-huh, something happened again, who came to your wife this time, for how many days, elena yulievna. blackout, comrade lieutenant colonel, happy birthday, lenochka, thank you, andryusha, i thought you didn’t remember, i remember everything, and you don’t need to avoid me anymore, i don’t bite. next time
12:06 am
, come through the door, through the door, let shapovalov come in, bim, hello, hello, dog, hello, what?
12:07 am
12:08 am
vanka, get in the car, quickly! what, doused you? be there! “take a rag under the seat over there, wipe yourself off, you’re disdainful, i don’t have bath towels, i see that alka has babbled you, he’s growing up neat, that’s a woman’s upbringing, a guy should be raised by a man.
12:09 am
and pasta, i’ll get to you before the locomotive leaves, how are things at school, okay, well, thank you cpsu, you’re in your garrison, what did you do, what does it mean, what did you study at school, well, it’s clear that at school, when not at school, what did i do, random things, ran to the airfield, football in the summer. played hockey in the winter, in short, everything is clear with you, you were doing crap, so from tomorrow you’ll be in business i’ll take it, what’s the matter, you’ll find out where it’s from, from leningrad, it’s written there, mom, where did you get this letter, from the mailbox, where else, will you have some tea? you have the right to read
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other people's letters, turn around when you're talking to me, mom, yes, why are you, what's wrong with you, i didn't read this letter, really, why was it opened, why is it lying on the table for everyone to see, i put it down on the table so you... could see, i actually thought it was from vanka, so i opened it, oh, from vanka, you definitely didn’t read this letter, that’s right, mom, calm down, don’t read other people’s letters, listen, i want to warn you, if you were smart enough to do one stupid thing, you might be smart enough to do another, don’t even think about telling your father about this letter. consider that he was not there, she met an old grandfather, he has a white beard and a red face, he can see what else to help, that’s it,
12:11 am
van, that’s it, come on, put fyodor to bed, go to bed, he’ll put it there, invite me to your music , father is leaving somewhere.
12:12 am
"babi's instinct hasn't let me down yet, leningrad, pick up the phone, hello, yes, hello, general petrushin, please, yes, yes, sister from transbaikalia, yes, yes, hello, katyukh, oh, hello, i need to send this parcel to my mother, “well, how are things going with baba uli? nothing, yesterday i sold out of your goods, today i don’t know how she feels, it doesn’t matter, her back doesn’t straighten at all, she thinks, hello, well,
12:13 am
hello, i received your letter, and why is this married woman screaming, this is the second year she’s been screaming like that, and whatever he screams, he keeps calling some general several times a week.” i’m tired of her, she’s in love with this general, and what are you, love, love, i heard all their conversations, i’m too scared not to shut up, i love, i can’t, i’m bored with all this nonsense, uh-huh, hush, hush, hush, fedor, but i can’t fly, you have to put yourself in my position, i beg you, but just don’t be angry, don’t scream, don’t scream, please, well, you know that i’m here without you already i 'm crazy, i'm going crazy, i can't do this anymore, hello, hello, please don't hang up, please don't hang up, hello, hello, hello, marina evgenievna, marina
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evgenievna, don’t cry, well, here we are... we women are fools, we always suffer because of these men, but your general won’t go anywhere, that general, i say, your general won’t go anywhere, the main thing is after all, so that my husband doesn’t find out, you decided to blackmail me, stop, run, run, i didn’t care about you, i didn’t care about anyone, oh god, van, when is the folder coming for us? i don’t know,
12:15 am
cat, it’s hard to say, he’s at war there, vanya. what? van. van, i feel very bad here. i want to go home. no, now you and i have a plow no home, vanya, let’s run away or go to the folder in afghanistan, they won’t let us go there, vanya, at least somewhere, hey, what are you doing, what are you doing, be quiet, be quiet, everything will be fine with us. be patient, pasha, how long can you endure? a little, but a little,
12:16 am
how much is that? i don’t know, go to sleep, come on, vanka, are you sleeping? no, dress quickly! you will go with me, now we will capture my accomplices to the station, to which station, to the railway, to the freight train we will unload, i... drag, this is not for you to drive to football in the garrison.
12:17 am
two duty officers, a man and a woman, i understand, a boy he instructed, but why should we advise him, he knows less, it’s calmer for us, he unloaded the boxes from the carriage, and dumped them into the car, that’s all his instruction, the ninth carriage, and the duty officers, the ninth, right? come on faster, you bitch!
12:18 am
the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, why do you need it, and where does the money come from, the two favorite questions, i would really like to take a look at what it looks like...
12:19 am
12:20 am
the history of the creation of significant cultural entities in the capital of the country. the pazelishcha that became the sweaty meats of the heat was not here, there was a krynitsa. stone, icon and sword, and hell the monastery itself began to develop. the actions of these ladders had the power of the saints maravanned, and it is true that if they sue the altar, it was necessary to pay attention to these ladders and the faithful ancestors of this ladder on their knees. cultural-asvetnitskiy project, architecture of belarus. architecture
12:21 am
has no such thing as lapses. the little shark is there, and the little one is malenichka.
12:22 am
so scary, just wait, i’ll shoot, hello, zhenya, hello, good morning, zhenya, there have been no letters from vanya, no, there haven’t been any for almost 3 weeks, he doesn’t write to us at all, vanya, vanya,
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exactly, vanya, vanya, vanya, open it, read it. let's go, let's go, yes, yes, yes, of course, we 'll go, zhenya, then you'll tell me what you write, hello, my beloved zhenya, i'm sorry i haven't written for a long time, don't worry, i'm doing very well, aunt larisa and uncle seva about we are very cared for. pashka and i have our own room, a large, bright one. pashka has come to his senses, runs happily to kindergarten, and gets ready for school. in general, everything is great here, you can’t imagine anything better, we just miss you. and there’s also not enough sky with airplanes. how good you feel, zhenya. you go to the lute field, you you see fighter jets flying. zhenya, i miss you very much too. i remember you
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every day. this memory is the brightest and most joyful thing i have in my life now. “i love you, zhenya, it seems to me that i love you even more than before, write to me, i re-read all your letters several times, that’s it, i ran to play football, yours forever, vanka.” i’m so glad vanya that everything is fine with you, what the hell kind of game are you, what the hell kind of music did i give you to study for, if the folders, let’s go
12:25 am
play a song, come on. about the woman and about the gun, about that, deaf, they gave him to music, yopsel, he doesn’t play, mother, sing here, vanka, he came, no, sowing, he hasn’t come yet, his fly is co... i won’t kill his bastard, but you go away mother, well, don’t make me nervous, just be quiet, be quiet! quiet, quiet, shut up, glory, cpsu, the schoolboy
12:26 am
showed up, hey, as a reminder. i didn’t get frostbitten, no, no, okay, let’s go with the guy and grab some vodka, you’re a healthy guy, i
12:27 am
don’t drink, but i said, let’s go, grab the world’s ring, okay. oh, here you go! van, van, get the hell out of here, you’re straying, don’t you see, or what? the guy and his brother lived on the godider, i won’t go, i said, i’ll go to...
12:28 am
it was in captivity that pierre bezukhov understands and comes to the conviction that man was created for happiness. guided by this conviction and desire, olya, the desire to help all the disadvantaged and oppressed, pierre bezukhov enters a secret society. it is at this time in his life that he comes. a dark period of deep disappointment, but at this time his life is illuminated by his love for natasha rostova, but
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bound by marriage with helen, whom he hates, pierre bezukhov understands that he must stop, so shoals and meadow. what kind of pantami are you portraying to me here, but it’s normal, they passed quickly, and you’re still standing, i don’t remember, some tasks, nasally, don’t give in, jamb, jamb, where’s the package, here you go, you’re screwed.
12:30 am
drunk and let's throw off your things, i kind of opened the mitt to stand up for you, come at me with your fists too, and
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now i'm kicking you out. you say another word, where am i going, where am i going to go? van, forgive me, but i understand everything perfectly, aunt larisa, well, maybe you will be happy there in this orphanage, the orphanage is decent, in it’s in the center of the city, ira karavaeva lives in our third building, she runs a store there, so she’s even talking about you going to flight school. who will look at the smell? he will be lost without you, marin, let's talk, marin, i ask you, let's talk seriously, i don't understand, i don't understand why i have to justify myself to you, because you are my wife, i told you
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that there is a cousin living in leningrad. my sister, my mother, she is sick, she asked me to come urgently, marina, i have never heard that you had relatives in leningrad, not i heard, i heard that, marina, tony popova came to my headquarters today, that’s how it is. you should have expected, well, okay, you wanted this conversation, you achieved it, i’m going to leningrad, i’m not a badass, i’m going to leningrad, to the man i love. do you
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hear me, to my beloved man, i don’t love you anymore, lugovoi, i ’ve been putting up with you for more than a year, i’m putting up with you with all my might, arina, please don’t interrupt me, you sent me to a sanatorium to treat asthma, well, here i am i met a wonderful person. "i 've been running to the post office like a schoolgirl for a whole year now, we’ve been corresponding with him for over a year now, you remember, you remember, i went to irkutsk to see my school friend, so i didn’t go to my school friend, i went to him, he proposed to me, i happily accepted him, i wanted to wait , until my wife finishes school, but now i won’t wait, i’m leaving now, i can’t do it anymore, i can’t do it anymore, i’m tired, do you hear, i’m leaving you, i’m
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marrying him? i don’t love you, i i don’t love you anymore, i never loved you, i didn’t even know what love was until i met this man, by the way, he doesn’t go unnoticed in this hole, he teaches at the academy, he’s a general, so here he is, no, listen to me to the end, me, i you, please listen to me, listen, listen, gov, i i thought that you would achieve at least something in this life, i was so wrong about you, you don’t need anything except to hold your steering wheel, and it doesn’t matter at all in what hole, it’s small, small, onion, small, angular!
12:35 am
120 to 65, i don’t like you today, did something happen?


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