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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 3:20am-3:50am MSK

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these are stage rehearsals, this can be a stage rehearsal, when an opera is staged, well, from scratch, these can be piano rehearsals, where the soloist repeats his part with the director with his feet, and these are rehearsals and so -called rehearsals, where the conductor is already honing the musical part, and here, probably, the most difficult thing was... to learn to think in terms of the entire production group, that is, the soloist usually thinks in the categories of words, and the director thinks in terms of mezzanine, there is a passage, an exit, a character, you have to be very careful about it all respond well, even in terms of where to stop and where to start the rehearsal, the conductor can think in terms of the score, for example, please play the clarinet, that is, you need to navigate all this very well, know the parts...
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which is for the popularization and development of belarusian art there should be as many such projects as possible.
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information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon, they made a fuss about our exercises to create an information fund, they talk about the deployment of german troops as occupiers to lithuania, this will be the most combat-ready formation of the bundeswehr right next to our borders, they accuse us of carrying out some kind of escalation here. we don’t
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need a pro-russian, pro-belarus president, make a pro-european leader who thinks about europe. implementation of the treaty on the non-proliferation of conventional arms in europe, and withdrawal from it aimed at one goal. so that there is no war, we have always religiously observed international agreements, but we understand perfectly well that this will not help, the west will attack us if it sees that it can win, the only way for there to be no war now is to be strong, these are the rules of the game now in europe, when politicians, i emphasize again, go against the interests of their citizens, against their interests nationally, today we are saving europe from our big war.
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you can produce or weld such a machine. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. i can’t pinpoint exactly the moment when music entered my life, for me it was from birth, probably as natural as breathe air, and my mother, a professional musician, she worked at a music school, my older sister played the violin, well , unfortunately, she didn’t connect her life with music, but nevertheless, everyone in our family sang very well, that is, everyone for... all holidays were always accompanied by singing, as a child i really loved to dance and sing, i was always the main snowflake at the morning, as in kindergarten i always knew all the roles by heart, so the question of whether i would study at a music school was rather rhetorical
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as if there was no goal to immediately start studying music professionally, that is, i went to a music school, like most children, for general development, maybe somewhere closer. to my mother, because i went to the school where she worked, and then, already starting, starting to study, already performing at concerts, participating in competitions, of course, everyone around me, i myself realized that this music is mine, this is what the business that i want to do with which i want to connect my life, i went to music school quite late for a musician, it was already my second grade secondary school, i was 8 years old. yes, when they now say that you need to start earlier and earlier, at 3 years old it’s already too late, my experience with music and professional playing of an instrument was only 8 years, i was not born in belarus, i
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was born in the city of kislovodsk to study music there, then it so happened that we left, we went to...
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of course, my loved ones support me, my biggest support has always been my mother, she supported me, encouraged me, gave advice somewhere, my loved ones still support me and they are proud of my achievements, my successes, i, in turn, remember how they tolerated my many hours of practice on the instrument, and... it so happened that my husband, he is also a musician, so, of course, now the main support is support for
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me it’s him, for me this is very important, in principle, we are on the same wavelength, and somewhere we know how to set priorities for each other, because we know very well the specifics of our profession, probably any musician in his life in his profession faces criticism, and here you need to absolutely clearly understand and differentiate, that is... this is constructive criticism, which can have a beneficial effect on your further development and may even help resolve some questions that arose for yourself, and there is, of course, what you shouldn’t pay attention to, shouldn’t take it to heart, waste your energy and strength on it, i’m my own strictest critic, i generally really like to dig around, figure it out a little.
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all clubs at the secondary school, various greenhouses, and living corners, and
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drawing, dancing and so on, and i signed up there myself, went myself, no one forced me, on the street i constantly organized everyone, these were some kind of quests, sports competitions, theatrical performances, concerts, in our city, where i was born in kislovodsk, we had a gorgeous circus, it was always an event... to go to the circus, i still love her very much, and for some time, for quite a long time, i dreamed of becoming a circus performer, then this passion switched to cinema, and i dreamed of becoming i became a film actress, which is probably why life brought me to the theater, closer to some kind of acting environment, and i was even lucky enough to participate in the filming of the television series father frost, where i...
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thanks to music, i still i’m in this creative flow among creative people and of course for me this is happiness. well , the soldier who doesn’t dream of becoming a general is bad, of course, i want to leave my mark and write my name, so to speak, in the chronicle of musical art, i try everything for do this, practice, develop, learn, expand your creative
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horizons in life. i would really like to actually be able to do everything, because working in the theater takes a lot of time, and i also have a family, and i also want to devote time. myself, well, i have to prioritize something somewhere, maneuver, choose what is more important at the moment, it is more necessary to solve problems as they arise, i don’t give myself any concessions in my work, this is impossible, because the viewer immediately feels the lie here there cannot be any concessions and
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there should not be, in everyday life, of course, we are all living people, somewhere like this... look at the dust , well, let it lie there a little longer, but of course it has to be somewhere in something, letting go of something, uh, trying to relax, switch, but since my work is collective, there’s a lot of communication, my activities and hobbies just so happen that they are directed more inside me, that is, they are associated with solitude, i really love finding myself such an activity, i don’t even know what to call it, because there is no name for it, but i do paintings from dried flowers, not even from dried flowers, because dried flowers imply a certain volume, from a herbarium, and i am very
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fascinated by this process even at the assembly stage, that is, i already understand which plant, which flower, will dry well, it won’t lose color, it will fit well into the composition, i dry it, and then i assemble it into a painting, and i select the background, frame, and so on, and by the way, this turned out to be a very good idea for gifts, i have already decorated my entire apartment with such paintings and given them to friends and acquaintances, but i’m new. recently i have really fallen in love with watercolor, this process fascinates me very much, of course, again, regarding the issue of lack of time, i would like to plunge deeper into it, learn the technology, attend some plein air master classes, well, i really hope that such an opportunity will soon
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appear and i will make my dream come true, and i also have one thing i just... now there will be a revelation, an activity that i love, i love collecting puzzles, and for me this is just meditation, meditation, and i realized that this is a very philosophical activity, because sometimes, well, not only do you immerse yourself in yourself, give free rein to some thoughts, reflections, but it also happens that, well, well , where is the detail, where it’s not there, you spend a lot of time looking for it, you think, okay, i’ll leave everything, then... you come back for a while, there it is in the most visible place, and this immediately prompts the idea that, of course, there will be a way out of any situation, everything will end well, in the end there is a puzzle for 6,000 pieces it will work out, by the way, regarding the issue of badges, i have a son who is 7 years old, he goes to school, i went to school in the first grade, and one such
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indulgence is that sometimes we allow ourselves to skip school, we arrange such a day. mother and son, we are trying to find some interesting activities, we communicate, enjoy each other, of course, the fact that i work in the theater could not have any effect, but on his development, on his growing up, on his life, in principle, because everything theater children are children of the backstage, and not only have we attended all the children's performances, both ballet and opera, but he... is constantly in this environment, in the environment behind the scenes, is already communicating with creative people, is liberated, this is of course such an interesting moment in my life, it seems to me that i am absolutely in my place, i feel like a fish in water, in music, moreover,
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working in the theater has brought me my life has new colors, but i am a very curious person, and maybe somewhere i would like to go back and see how my life might have turned out if i had not followed this path, maybe i would...
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if in it there is no goal, well, all that remains is to do everything so that everything realized, realized, of course i ’m happy, i live in a wonderful, beautiful city, i work in a wonderful place, i have a wonderful family, i have wonderful friends, my like-minded people with whom i am on the same wavelength, so i am grateful to fate that everything worked out exactly so.
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how long have you been holding a book in your hands?
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what humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books, by reading a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present. belarus 24.
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music dj. hello everyone, are you ready to meet our guest? alena, why do you think the children chose to talk , while the adults acted differently? do you promise to tell only the truth? certainly. dear participants of the program, today our guest is tv presenter, honored artist of belarus, alena speredovich. let's meet. i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you
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are unable or unwilling. answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times and be attentive to the questions at the end program, you have to choose the best one, but now you have exactly one minute to briefly talk about yourself, time has passed, i have had very good teachers all my life, at school, at university, and today, and today too, because i am not i'm lazy to study. day, and at school i was an excellent student, this feeling of learning something new every day and doing my job better than many, it goes with me through life, that’s probably it, i got it done, great, great, yes, you really got it done in one minute, and we are ready to move on to questions from our audience, so, in our
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studio: “i really love my job, sorry for the banality, but if i do something, i do it with pleasure, how did your parents raise you, did they punish you, and i’m the only one a child in the family, they spoiled me, well, as soon as possible, but well , this is about dad, mom..." she tried to be
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strict, she didn’t do it very well, but she tried, so there was no talk about punishment at all, they just loved me, but how you managed not to become spoiled, i don’t know, i guess because of the same love. you know, it seems to me that if you are loved, sincerely, selflessly, if you know that no matter what you do, you will still find understanding at home, even if you are wrong, even if your parents have to lie a little, well, let’s say, .
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but to say, she’s still right, it seems to me that you will be afraid to let down those people who love you, but these are my assumptions, they just loved me, what kind of family did you grow up in, who are your parents? my dad, honored artist of the republic of belarus, boris vasilyevich borisyonok, is a man who worked all my life.
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