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tv   100  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 3:50am-4:50am MSK

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a person who worked all his life in the theater for young spectators, and my mother, tamara stepanovna borisyonok, she worked as a director on belarusian television for more than 50 years, and my parents graduated from the theater academy, and my dad taught there, so i didn’t become an artist, but because the last thing in my life i wanted was for them to say that i came there through connections, well , a teacher, and i came to enroll, so i went to enroll in the journalism department at the university , graduated, and then it turned out that i was by nature an insider , probably not a newspaper journalist, here i come. on television by
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assignment after university. do you regret that you followed in the footsteps of your mother and not your father? but i didn’t follow in my mother’s footsteps, because my mother was a director, this is a completely different profession. i, i know absolutely for sure that when i came to work as a junior editor of programs for children and... youth, i didn’t want to be a presenter, but my first program was conducted by an announcer, it was going to march 8, and i, the youngest the editor was instructed to make a program, there was such a story, can you imagine, a woman gives birth to six children, her husband is a pilot, the pilot is dying,
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well, i entered this family, then, when i wrote a lot, but then, when i came to the studio, there was only one presenter, i sent him the script there in two or three weeks with all the stories, he sat like that, thundered, said, oh, lord, i wrote so much, tell me quickly in five...
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there was no desire, now i ’ll be shown on tv, and tomorrow three people on the street will recognize me , so i have to wear the most beautiful earrings so that they will remember me better, well, somehow this didn’t happen, i once thought about something else, then i probably did the right thing, it’s the red sect’s turn...
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alena, i’ll have to turn 180°. alena, many people know you only as the host of the slavic bazaar, don’t you feel offended, you also host many other programs? no, i’m not offended, because on the streets women ask me about recipes, because i run belarusian cuisine, because people don’t approach me as the host of a slavic bazaar with a solution.
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television is a collective creativity if the program is watched, well, roughly speaking, if they recognize me as the host of this program, which means they are watching our program, not mine. another thing is that if there are any mistakes, then it’s clear that the presenter is to blame, and you yourself know how to cook, of course, i’ve learned belarusian cuisine for the twelfth year, of course, let’s just say that the information that i’m a good cook is greatly exaggerated, my friend quartan has done a lot for this, that...
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so i watch a lot, the tv is on almost all the time at home, there is an opinion that television is becoming a thing of the past, how do you feel about this? you you know that i am very skeptical about all sorts of attacks on television, why because i am on television.
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who watch, well, not to mention the good old russian proverb, but you probably know it, there’s no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked, like this, should young people go to television or is the future in youtube? but it seems to me that you need... you, i mean, all of you, choose
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some kind of thing for yourself, i don’t know, on youtube or on television, or maybe somewhere else, where you will spend time and not notice how this time passes, when you find such a thing, learn to do it... and maybe over time it will become even more, so you need to try to be the best, you know, the best, the best, don’t be afraid want to be the best, then you will definitely succeed. how do you think young presenters differ from older presenters? well, of course they differ, well
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, firstly, age leaves its mark on the way of thinking, on the manner of speaking about some linguistic things that sound well in this, in this situation from the air, and this is great, i really like the ancient proverb: let there be many flowers, and let them all bloom, let there be different presenters, it’s more interesting to work, and many people think that working on television is easy money , do you agree with this?
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think about the business you are doing,
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again yes to the question, if i have learned to do my job well, i prefer to receive a good reward for this, decide for myself what projects i can do. but let’s say, working without money, this also happens in life and quite often, what kind of concerts can i hold, for example, without receiving a single penny for it, getting pleasure from it, but this will be my decision, it’s not like someone came and said: “you should do this, but no one i don't owe anything." alena, let’s turn 180°. tell us about your most embarrassing incident during
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a live broadcast, well, first of all, i want to say that i adore live broadcasts, because this is honest television, it is when you can’t talk or redo it. somehow express a thought differently, correct some mistake, this is when it’s important, well, i ’m talking about my profession, right? what are you like at this minute and it doesn’t matter what kind of presenter you were 3 days ago, here you are right now, this is important, that’s why i often work on live broadcasts, on february 23 we were live, and we tell our
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guys, the presenters we bought funny mugs for our colleagues. inscriptions, and these mugs during the broadcast, we are at the end, that means we began to congratulate them, put them on the tables, and we are sitting, with our seat belts fastened, we have a lot of all kinds of microphones behind the chair, yes, the chair too, this doesn’t move, ours drive, yes, and my colleague co-host, he wanted to be a few meters away. wanted to take a mug from me, fell from a chair on live tv, what's that, it's a funny story, well, funny, yes, yes, it was actually great, applause, thank you.
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we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. take the nuts in your hands and estimate their weight. don't take ones that are too light. such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key health and good mood. today we will prepare lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if you have a difficult day ahead and you know that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will help you. don't forget about invigorating
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exercises. we raise our hands up, raise our legs and do something cool.
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new life to old traditions. i missed projects ahead of time. on the tv channel belarus24.
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that he is very good, but very talented, well he’s very smart, everyone doesn’t notice this on purpose because they envy him, it’s akin to a serious psychological disorder, this hasn’t happened to me, but i really sympathize with people who... well, they’ve encountered this, that’s why there’s no need to fight the disease, just get treatment. hello, alena, my name is gleb, which one did you have? why is it your favorite school subject? and my favorite school subject is literature, well, at school there was only russian and belarusian
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literature, but why? because i read, i read a lot. hello, i'm lilya, and how were you doing with math? i still don’t know the multiplication table, can you imagine? well, i still can’t live without a calculator. and then can i ask you a few easy oral tasks in mathematics to calculate easy examples, but i can’t handle it, i told you, i don’t know the multiplication table, well, 2:2 i know, 7 by 6, well, i admitted 42, the hall is correct or no, it’s crazy, let’s put an end to it, well, that is, i understand that then...
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friends with whom i see very rarely, for various reasons, some of them live in in other cities, in other countries, some of them, well, there’s simply not enough time to talk to them often, and this is such a reproach for me, and such is my headache, and such is my sadness, that’s constant. that is, i think, oh, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out, about the presenters, because if the presenters are friends, it
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means that they either work together, yes, that means they meet often, if there’s a lot of work, therefore, if they coincide in some spiritual qualities, in their views, because a lot is needed for people became friends. yes, which tv presenter are you friends with? i don’t have any close friends, those that are close, close, no, it didn’t happen like that, but when, for example, sometimes they call me and say that there is such a job and - you don’t mind, that’s who you would work with , i say right away that i work with everyone, that is , i don’t have people with whom i haven’t
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found contact, haven’t found any common topics, there’s no such thing, alena, for now i’ll have to turn to the yellow sector, alena, my name is anastasia, tell me, do you believe in love for life? yes, yes, it's a great, great happiness, and, well, let's just say it doesn't mean that when you fall in love. you don’t know this for the rest of your life or not? sometimes it turns out that it’s not for life, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not love, right? well, but
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believe me, i live a lot when the moment comes and you meet a person, well, in general, this can happen in life. this is a very difficult and daily work on oneself, it seems to me that
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all families are doomed to failure. where partners decide to remake each other, improve. briefly speaking, in front of you is a man who has lived with the same man for 37 years, this is the second marriage in my life, we got married in 1987. listen, we will have an anniversary this year. because before this we just lived together for 3 years, that is, 40 years, here, but this is work, because what you need to do with yourself, what you need to do with yourself every day, in order
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for it to be interesting, comfortable with you, cozy, fun, good, not only to live, talk, be silent, even quarrel. alena, how did you meet your husband? i'm always on... apparently, he is too, yes, on television, yes, of course, and he - at that time he worked as a director of an information editorial office, here's the news - this was his, he was a news director, and i, well, i was just walking by and, but it was - a second marriage , our marriage to
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him. well, the last thing i wanted was to date a married man and uh, that’s why i gave a stop, but then he got divorced, and somehow i realized that happiness was close, but - he was very afraid
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to marry me, he really didn’t want to marry me get married, he didn't have a very good experience, the previous one, that's it, but that's why we've been for a while lived together, and then we just realized that together we are much better than in russia, what we tried this way and that way, and, imagine, this has all been going on for 7 years, i read about you that you are very love the color yellow, why? the color of the sun, the color of joy, it’s simple, i generally love bright colors, especially when it’s gray outside, it seems to me that it somehow happened by itself, it’s actually my friends who made this love for the yellow color,
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he said that, well, when they asked something about my mood, there, whether i was there sad or angry, he said, yes, no, this is not about her, she is walking on the sunny side of life, but how do you manage to smile, even when you want to cry, how do you know, yes, this happens, well, it happens in different ways, yes , mood, and well-being, but you can’t, i told you that you need... to be
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a very healthy person, yes, you also need to always be in a good mood, in good shape, emotional, because people, and... do something so that you don’t regret the hour we spent together, so we must, we must try, this, this too part of my job.
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hello, my name is oksinya. do you have events in your life that you would like to forget forever? no, because even the most terrible, unpleasant things that happen in our lives, they... come from, they do something to us, i won’t say that they make us stronger, i don’t think so, memory is, it’s a great gift , if we remember about some things, then it’s
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necessary, but did you notice that you forget, maybe about some little things, or maybe not about the little things, maybe. and if you had the opportunity to write yourself a letter to past, what would you warn yourself about? i wouldn’t warn myself, i probably would have told myself or written to myself, nothing would happen. smile, go forward, please tell me, what are you most afraid of? i’m very afraid of letting some people down, well, not that most of all, i’m just very afraid of letting some
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people down, not living up to someone’s expectations, and my main horror story at work is, yes, for example, here i come, the host of some concert, and they tell me: i have a heart like a hare, well, that is, i think something is happening now should happen, god forbid, well, that is, i’m very afraid of this, i’m afraid most of all, i don’t know, there are different fears, i don’t even want to talk about it.
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this means that he was noticed, this means that his work is needed in some team, in some city, in some country, in my life there are awards that... i value very much, not i will say that it is the most expensive, but it is the last, this is the last thing that
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happened to me this summer on the stage of my favorite slavic bazaar festival in vitebsk, and the head of state received... a special award, it is called this: a special award from the president of the republic of belarus through art to peace of mutual understanding. this award. they always doubt what they do when you are rewarded and some good words are said to you. this, well, it just gives wings,
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and also this same summer in vitebsk on the avenue of stars, there is such a place, very beautiful near the amphitheater, was laid, well, one might say, a star named after me, people walk, look, and i have very good ones there neighbors in stellar places, right? very famous, talented - people who came and worked at the slavic bazaar. hello, alena, my name is mark, do you have any bad habits, and what are they? and if i don’t want to talk about my bad habits, ah, on television, you have the right to refuse to answer questions, i’ll explain. mark, can i explain why? no, well, i’m not saying there that i
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abuse alcohol, no, but there are other bad habits, you know, i don’t want to talk about them, because i was faced with the fact that for many people i can be an example, imagine, if suddenly they take they’ll think, and i shouldn’t... do that, but i don’t want to, because i’m struggling with my bad habits, thank you for your honesty, alen, but this is still just a refusal to answer the question, you used one of three chances to do this, well, many stars undergo plastic surgery,
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this is also work to take care of your face, your hair, your hands, your eyes, you see, i didn’t take care of the eye, this is the result, this is also work, this part of my job that needs to be done. alena is on your left, red sector, hello, alena, my name is yulia, tv people are superstitious people, but... what signs do you believe in?
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well, of course, if i drop the script, i’ll sit on it. with some relief, i saw something similar among the musicians. they, if they drop the score, can you imagine the score, right? do they sit down too? i will say that you said about superstition, i approach it a little differently, this is a very important thing for everyone who, for example, works live, this is a kind of internal concentration, when, well, for some time... is it the time before the start of the concert, or the program, i need this for a second.
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from the first minute to the last you are talking about, well , not what you say, but what you go through. the whole concert, the whole broadcast, that’s it, from start to finish, that’s when you did it, well, it’s such a sign that if you do it, everything will be fine, but i think that everyone sets it up in their own way, i do so, you
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are a believer, i think so, why am i saying, i think, because... i, of course, i pray, of course, i say thank you, but what would you say to god if you were next to him? thank you, i do this every day, thank you for every day, thank you for the love that lives in my heart, thank you for the fact that those i love are next to me. hello, alena, my name is anastasia, and i want to ask you a slightly sad question. tell me, please, are you afraid of loneliness? like any person, of course, but in general i must admit to you that i really love solitude, i
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like to spend time alone, i find it very interesting to be with myself. a lot of all sorts of troubles can happen to him, god forbid, but what is your life motto? and i'm an optimist, no matter what, well you know what an optimist is? yes, who is an optimist? yes, a person who believes in the best, wow, this signal means that the time
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for questions to the hero has expired, alena, now you have to choose the best. question of this program, i would like to thank lilla separately for her question about mathematics, for leaving me alone, after the first successful answer, i will call this question the best. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest. go out onto the site. lilya, thank you very much for the question, for the tact with which you asked it, in memory of our meeting, thank you very much, this year in this organization on august 1
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it was 40 years that i have been working. alena, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question, the person who asked me, what would i warn myself against if i were writing a letter, where is he? tell me, if you had such an opportunity, what would you write to yourself? i, i don’t even know, but i’m not yet old enough to write something to myself in the past. or maybe into the future? to the future, i i wouldn’t write anything to myself, i don’t want to, maybe someone else wants to answer this question? i would write a letter to my past self, not to be modest and be a leader, i missed a lot, although i could have already been popular, so to speak, i wouldn’t write anything to myself, because
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it could change my life, do something different in it, but i would write to my future self, i would tell myself: if you are passionate about something, then do what you like right now, because when you do what turns you on, what you really like, and what makes you forget about the time of day always brings you great fruits that you may not even be aware of. alen, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience, thank you very much, i, but this is a trait of my character, so i know that i will go home, i will remember our meeting and i will remember it with pleasure. so, tv presenter, honored artist of the republic of belarus, today i’m visiting the program with 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you to enter the site, here i’ll ask you to stay,
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what was the most difficult question for you today? probably the question i didn’t want to answer, questions about bad habits? i explained why i don’t and don’t want to do this, why the children surprised you, how they surprised you, but they can handle the blow well, i mean that our television filming is, in general, another kind of work, they are great, today you we managed to answer 48 questions, tell me, if we call you again, you will agree to come, of course. if i'm free, i liked it, i don't think such meetings should be practiced often, but
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from time to time to give yourself such an emotional shake-up, it’s just a gift, so thank you very much for this invitation, i ’m asking our audience, do you think that our guests today were as frank as possible with you, alena seemed very sincere to me, despite even though she didn’t answer some questions, it still showed her sincerity, the way she explained why she decided not to talk about it, and for me this is a great indicator of a person’s honesty, she was very calm, it was clear from her voice that there was no lie here at all and there could be no talk about it, for me she showed the best side, i really liked her positivity, her presentation, also somehow...
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there are people like that, raise your hand, surely someone doubts it, but i have no doubt that alena is a sincere and honest person, alena, we have such a rule, the last word always belongs to the hero, sum up the conversation that took place. “i’m so embarrassed, i just happened to be eavesdropping, i’m very grateful for this meeting, and i’m already i used the words “emotional shock”, there’s no better way to say it, i was actually very interested, i was interested in both the guys and their questions and i had a lot of fun. tv presenter, honored artist of the republic of belarus, alena speredovich. today we are visiting the program with 100 questions for adults.
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governor of the grodno region, former minister of health vladimir karanik.
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we are belarusians on this land, we are expanding our forces, and there we are prospering
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the war.
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take your feather with you, glorified the earth is our bright name, glorified by the pro-vetian people union, nashal beloved bridge, prodimobe.
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our beloved mother, suitable here for yours, if belarus, our beloved mother, i sold, all ours, white.
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live panorama in the studio elena sacheva, hello, respond adequately and effectively to violations of international law, suppress the activities of foreign... services on the territory of the country, promptly respond to manifestations of corruption. the president made a number of personnel decisions in the state security agencies. a dark day for iran. today it became known about the death of the president of iran and the government delegation in a plane crash, the pain of the iranian people is shared by belarusians. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. visit of the delegation of the magadan region led by the governor, negotiations with the president of belarus, visits
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to enterprises and new projects. all the details in a couple of minutes. the union directed the supply of rut fertilizers, preserving the memory of the great patriotic war in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh, and the minsk region was solemnly opened. prevent unreasonable price increases on medicines, the government and the state control committee adopted a joint action plan. all the details are on our broadcast. strategic directions for the development of the state and work for the future. the decision made at the seventh all-belarus people's assembly resonates locally. read more about the basic principles of development of small regions of belarus in the section “time has chosen us.” belarus is significantly intensifying cooperation between the most regions of russia these days , the head of the magadan region is visiting our country. today was a very detailed dialogue at the highest level in the palace of independence. alexander lukashenko offered the partners a dozen promising
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areas in which cooperation could be expanded. from product supplies, mechanical engineering and food, to industrial cooperation and facility design. all this is for the gold mining region, very much so. we have a certain interest. a place in the market became vacant after leaving. foreign companies, and now they will be replaced by our brands. belas, for example, intends to open in the region multi-brand center for the sale, service and repair of belarusian equipment. ilona krosudskaya has all the details. 1100 km is no longer an obstacle to partnership. only positive examples of cooperation from the construction of dairy farms to the supply of equipment reached the far east. we will continue to share our experience. the delegation of the magadan region is in belarus for the first time, somehow before.
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i am convinced that you will find everything you need with us, from industrial products to food, medicine, cosmetics, and so on further. the indicator of mutual trade does not reflect our capabilities in any way; today we must decide how we will work to radically increase the rhythm of mutually beneficial trade and economic relations. for the event, the head of state prepared a specific plan, the so-called cooperation roadmap, containing about a dozen. promising areas where interaction can be significantly strengthened. the magadan region is an industrial region, mining and gold mining exploration is developed, our mazs, belazs, road construction the equipment is highly valued, especially since space in
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the market has become vacant with the departure of japanese american brands. our business , both a gold mining company and a company that services heavy equipment, believes that the time has come to show brotherly relationships. support in everything, not only in foreign policy, but also in domestic policy, we are very patriotic and committed to cooperation with the republic of belarus.


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