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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 4:50am-5:45am MSK

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does not reflect our capabilities, we must decide today how we will work to radically increase the rhythm of mutually beneficial trade and economic relations. for the event, the head of state prepared a specific plan, the so-called cooperation road map; there are a dozen promising areas where interaction can be significantly strengthened. the magadan region is an industrial region, mining and gold mining exploration is developed, our mazs, belazs, and road-building equipment are very much in demand, especially locally. on the market became vacant with the departure of japanese american brands. our business, both a gold mining company and a company that services heavy equipment , believes that the time has come to show good relationships and support in everything, not only in foreign policy, but also in domestic policy. and they are very patriotic and committed to cooperation with the republic of belarus. considering the specifics of the region,
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the entire chain is needed there, from assistance in geological exploration to the manufacture of jewelry, so a joint jewelry venture is absolutely possible, this was also said today, our famous gomel crystal is ready to work on magadan raw materials, then joint products can enter not only the domestic, but also other markets. in belarus, legislation in the field of assay supervision and the circulation of jewelry is clearly structured. we have preserved it since soviet times. our crystal jewelry factory in gomel, the company has many years of experience working with precious metals and stones, produces a wide range of products, including jewelry, using belarusian diamonds agranka, i advise you to visit it, perhaps work out options for creating a joint production on the basis of this enterprise. the delegation's visit to the jewelry crystal is scheduled for thursday, and today is no less eventful. you can see
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the equipment in action and, of course, new items. agreements were reached on the supply of four units of all-wheel drive mas truck tractors; a passenger bus is also currently being supplied for operation in the city of magadan, on the route magadan city, the regional airport. we see great potential in the development of supplies to the magadan region. currently, mass is represented not only in the form of sales in this region, but in the format of a service center. today there is a replacement taking place, and we believe that the presence of the belarusian mechanical engineering can be increased by 40, 50 percent, and this will be correct, it will be worthy, because we have no doubt about the quality, the question is to organize supplies, and most importantly service, not only there in the city of magadan, and...
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with a visit to the fields, the head of state will offer the services of our designers at building schools, sports rentals, and shopping centers, there is plenty to fill their shelves with, from dairy products to consumer goods. soon a large store entirely belarusian will open in magadan, since there is no direct communication, everything has to be carried to vladivostok and from there by sea to the region. we agreed with one of the largest dealers of our goods in the far east; he will significantly increase the volume of supplies of belarusian food products to magadan. organize the production of dairy products from belarusian raw materials; we have enough first-class enterprises that are ready to share their competencies in milk processing to create tasty, healthy, high-quality products with a long shelf life. we also handed over projects for the construction of turnkey dairy farms to our partners. there are problems with the feed supply in the region, so we will share technologies and help increase milk volumes, but obviously heavy engineering is a priority.
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considering that this is the first visit, the thorough program is designed for 5 days, there are many visits to industrial enterprises, they want to sign a cooperation agreement, already this summer we are waiting for children from the magadan region to improve their health in sanatoriums in belarus, this will be the beginning of the development of a tourist destination, but a direct flight, of course, is very...
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necessary. ilona krasutska, svetlana lukenyuk, ilya tsvetkov and alexander oleshko, telenews agency. and one more item in the work schedule of the head of state: personnel decisions in the state security agencies. this will contribute to the strengthening of our special service - the president noted, the kgb demand is decisive suppresses the activities of foreign intelligence services on the territory of the country. you know, everything that is happening around us, you know, you know, no worse than me, to the good neighbor policy that we proposed to our neighbors, poles, lithuanians and latvians, taking into account the visa-free space, they respond in the opposite way. we see an attempt, except for informational war, to impose on us a war of sabotage groups, we have also been celebrating this lately and are fighting against it, we see that they are preparing various kinds of armed detachments, and
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almost regiments, as they call them , in order to carry out an invasion of the territory of belarus, about this... a very important task that i would like to ask you about, and this is the main reason that i invited you here, in connection with the purpose, these are issues of preventing corruption and mischief in our country, on the part of the bodies under your control, you conduct
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intelligence to support both control bodies and law enforcement agencies, you must take appropriate measures...
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a rainy day for iran in the islamic republic a five-day mourning period has been announced for the deceased president, ibrahim learned today. died in a plane crash, as the media clarify, there were at least eight people on board the crashed helicopter, the board on which iranian president reisi, as well as the country's foreign minister and the governor of the province of east azerbaijan, were returning from official events, stopped communicating at about 3 o'clock on the eve day. the search for the helicopter lasted all night; millions of people prayed for a successful resolution of the crisis, but alas, there was no miracle. happened. tragic news spread around the planet. words of sympathy in tehran. the leaders sent official departments from all over the world, including from our country, russia, china, qatar, the united arab emirates; in addition to iran, mourning was declared in india, iraq and syria, pakistan and lebanon. the iranian people are mourning, in a single impulse from the grief of an absurd loss, people take to the streets in thousands,
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praying for the dead, not holding back their tears. mass mourning rallies are taking place at these moments not only in tehran; we sincerely pray in the name of the blessed memory of those killed throughout country. according to a statement by the iranian government , first vice president mohammad mahber will assume the duties of the deceased resi, and his deputy ali begerikani has been appointed acting foreign minister. six special government committees are created to govern the country. early presidential elections will be held in iran on june 28. registration of candidates will begin on may 28. however, residents of the country recognize that they can find someone equally strong in spirit. it will be difficult, this is very disturbing news, we are very sad, i don't slept all night, we were worried about what could happen to our respected, popular and beloved president and his associates, unfortunately, his lot was martyrdom, and this is terrible. in less than 3 years of his
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presidency, racey managed to take the country to a new level, despite western sanctions pressure. the politician's policy was friendship with neighbors and allied powers. during this time, iran became... a full member of the shosa. brix integrated as an important player with the eac. tehran managed to resume increasing diplomatic relations with a number of arab neighbors of african countries: saudi arabia, kuwait, egypt, libya, and sudan. djibouti and the maldives. moreover, the state has maximally increased oil production, exceeding even the pre-sanction level. the president of belarus sent condolences to the supreme leader of iran ali, khaminya in connection with the tragic death of the president of this country ibrahim raisi, and a number of high-ranking leaders. alexander lukashenko noted that our country received this news with deep sorrow. prominent sons have passed away iranian people are world famous. political and public figures, whose active work and decisive steps ensured the proper position of the islamic
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republic of iran in the world, contributed to the strengthening and growth of the high status of the state in the international arena, the condolences say. president ibrahim reisi will remain in history as a wise leader who devoted his entire life to selfless and selfless service to the iranian people, alexander lukashenko emphasized. i will forever keep the warmest ones memories of meetings and conversations with: mr. president, who was a true friend of belarus and cared a lot about the development of belarusian-iranian cooperation. his name is forever included in the chronicle of relations between our countries. on behalf of the belarusian people and himself, the president also expressed sincere condolences and words of support to the relatives of the victims to the entire iranian people. belarusian-iranian relations have always been the focus of attention. minsk and tehran have consistently built a trusting dialogue and mutually beneficial partnership. but in the last 2 years have seen a real breakthrough. countries have similar positions and approaches to many
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issues on the international agenda. the main thing is that both belarus and iran remained committed to the idea of ​​building a fair, multipolar world. the state resists attempts to impose the will of others to external pressure. and the leaders called the sanctions a time of opportunity. a year ago, the main topic of negotiations in tehran was the development of interaction across the entire spectrum of bilateral relations with an emphasis on trade. economy, it was then that between minsk and tehran there was a roadmap for comprehensive cooperation until 2026 was signed. trade turnover between minsk and tehran exceeded $100 million, but there are immediate plans to increase this amount to a billion, and this year a visa-free regime began to operate for our tourists. throughout the day today, minsk residents carried flowers and candles to the iranian embassy in belarus to honor the memory of those killed in the helicopter crash of president ibrahim roisi.
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a book of condolences will be opened on a building... in minsk.
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ukraine. today zelensky has ceased to be legally elected president, it was on may 20 that he had to hand over the reins to his successor, who was supposed to be elected before march 31. the level of support for the kiev leader is rapidly declining. now, according to american and european surveys, it has dropped below 17%. in the west. of course, they are extremely concerned about the catastrophic decline in the popularity of their puppet, but they cannot or do not want to do anything about it. however, it is still unclear what consequences the loss of legitimacy for politicians will have, but one thing can be said: over these 5 years, zelensky has done so much that the next generation of ukrainians can hardly figure it out. evgeny belousov will talk about the achievements of the overdue president. the army rebelled, they say the king is not real! this is exactly how you can describe everything that is happening in ukraine. no, of course, the ukrainian armed forces are still obediently serving their destruction, but
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there are clearly problems with zelensky’s legitimacy. today he was supposed to transfer his rights and responsibilities to the newly elected president, but it didn’t work out. the elections, contrary to the initial position of the west, were cancelled. on the one hand, everything ostensibly legal, martial law explicitly prohibits any election campaigns. on the other hand, the constitution provides, without any exceptions, that presidential elections must be held. in the fifth year of his term, but with a caveat: without a new president, the old one continues to work. the constitutional court could have put an end to this issue, but the authorities did not turn to it for a decision, and never did.
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i tried to do everything so that the ukrainians would laugh. this, i felt so in my heart, this was not only my work, but it was true my mission. in the coming five fates, i will pay everything, ukrainians, so that you don’t cry. during this time, it seems that the ukrainians, on the contrary, cried another black sea. hundreds of thousands of people who died to please their western masters, that’s zelensky’s main achievement, and how many more will there be, because the scandalous law on mobilization recently came into force, designed to mobilize literally everyone, well, that’s not elovsky, that’s just damn it, there behind her car we have been broken and we are ruled by moral,
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incompetent freaks, stealing on blood, incapable of making decisions. are not capable give positive motivation, can only make the situation worse and worse, it is caused by incompetence, theft and inability to give positive, well, positive motivation, explain to people why they are fighting, give hope for the future and so on, worsening everything, killing business, persecuting groups thinking and dissident people and so on, that’s all, this is the diagnosis, as yura ramanenko says, the end of the second ukrainian republic, if it lasts for some more reasonable time, then... several hundred thousand more people will die, and even if something clicks in your head and the west changes its position, allowing kiev to back down, schrödinger’s zelensky may play a cruel joke on the country, any documents signed by the ex-head of ukraine may in the future be considered void , a situation may arise when the same putin says, guys, with whom
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to sign an agreement, with whom to sign the powers of the president of ukraine have expired?
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in front of the every woman, who didn’t wait for her man, and i ask you, it seems, to zelensky at the time to accept his own invitation to kneel again, sincerely repenting for the grief of the ukrainians, only this time he should have begged for everyone’s forgiveness, in such a position to crawl across the entire ukrainian land, scorched by the inspired war. evgeny belousov, television news agency. die hard robert fitz, who survived the assassination attempt, can occasionally spoil the plans of the north atlantic alliance. this forecast is published by the finnish times. evening officials, as the publication assures, fear that the slovak prime minister, who... previously opposed the supply of weapons to ukraine and its membership in the military bloc, in the future it will be an even more destructive force for nato. the authors of the material recalled that before
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the assassination attempt, fitzeb supported the position of the hungarian leader orban, who opposed the candidacy of the current prime minister of the netherlands rute for the post of the next secretary general of nato. belarus already in july of this year. council, a collective meeting with the president of kazakhstan takaev, a series of bilateral negotiations. today olenik met with the head of china's foreign ministry, wam. our minister is right i noted that i would erase it.
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a symbol of the victory of the soviet people over fascism, the first thing that guests of our country see when traveling from the national airport to the capital. but belarusians are proud not only of their past, but of their present. the pride of the belarusian mechanical engineering is the famous bela, these powerful dump trucks are known all over the world, but russia remains the main supply market. today , more than 500 similar machines with a lifting capacity of 30 to 450 tons operate in the kuzbass coal mines. recently tested.
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technological business platform that brought together more than 130 residents from 14 countries . companies are engaged in high-tech projects, from
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the production of euro-5 and 6 class eco-engines to the development of laser systems for medicine. we are also creating a joint belg car with chinese partners, which, by the way, is very popular on the russian market. today, in value terms , belg production volumes are larger than belazon without any guile. we are implementing one of the new projects with the omsk
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region; we are planning to create a joint chemical cluster. in the omsk region the large e-600 project is being implemented. we agreed to jointly look at what volumes of foreign-made raw materials and components are used in these chains. and we agreed to exchange this, this information. in order to offer both russian and belarusian companies to import substitute raw materials and materials in these chains in order to increase the competitiveness of these products and reduce risks. the minsk region is interesting for its historical places. this is a beautiful nesvizh castle, included in the world unesco heritage. ethnic complex dudutki, which introduces guests to the national culture of belarusians. and, of course, a sacred place for our country is a memorial.
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cameras, but they were caught red-handed. a gang from orsha has been detained in belarus, whose members are suspected of stealing from trucks at parking lots along highways. strategic directions for the development of the state and work for the future. the decision made at the seventh all-belarus people's assembly resonates locally. about the basic principles of development of small regions of belarus, more details in the section "time chose us." the challenge is over, and we continue to get acquainted with the finalists of the republican military patriotic tournament. we will find out what the team from the vitebsk region dreams of, what the patriots of belarus are grateful for and how they plan to build their lives further. the school year is nearing the end, exams are ahead it’s time. meanwhile, the 2024 admission campaign started back in february with university olympiads, after which the republican school olympiads were held in march, the winners can become university students
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automatically without exams for everyone. for the rest, the busiest time is really ahead. on may 27 there will be a centralized exam in one of the specialized academic subjects, and on may 30 in the russian or belarusian language. it is planned that almost 56,000 school graduates will take them. at the same time , centralized testing will start on may 27 and 30, as well as june 3 and 6, with reserve days on june 19, 21 and 23. this year we registered for the tsts. almost 55,000 applicants, the most popular subjects are english, physics and mathematics. from june 27 to july 12, there will be a reception of target audiences at educational institutions of belarus. this year they are expected to be more than last year, which means over 5,000. this was announced today in the government, where the first meeting of the state commission to monitor the progress of preparation and conduct of the entrance campaign was held in 2024. deputy prime minister petrishenko called its main goal the selection of the most motivated and
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prepared. not only from the point of view of knowledge, but also activists in public life, so that they can exercise their right to receive higher education in our country, from all stages, as always, last year we tested for the first time 144 points of the centralized examination and 40 points of the centralized testing, all of them are prepared, equipped, we have assigned the appropriate commission chairmen to all ... higher education institutions, so all the organizational work implemented, it is important that the guys use only the knowledge they have acquired, do not even try to use not only mobile, but also other available means, do not worry, and accordingly, all commissions are committed to to create the most comfortable conditions for the children to show all the acquired knowledge that the teachers gave them
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in... strategic directions for the development of the state and work for the future, the decision made at the seventh all-belarus people's assembly resonates. import-substituting production is being created. economic growth is restored, specialists remain in their small homeland, this is a big job, the result of which depends on everyone, and the president always says: there will be an economy, there will be everything, this principle is embedded in the state program has one district, one project, business has responded positively to the initiatives, there are currently 190 projects on the list, about two dozen more will be included this year, and work for the result is the material of elizaveta sinyak in the section time has chosen us.
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the period of decomposition of plastic products can reach 700 years, depending on the technology of their production, but if all conditions are met, polymers can be recycled many times. so, about 3 years ago in the ivyev region, minsk investors bought the building of a former bakery and under the program one project created enterprises with environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly technologies. the complete production cycle includes raw materials to be cleaned of impurities, crushed, washed and dried. after drying, the seri takes on this appearance. this is a polypropylene agglomerate, one of the types of products that goes on sale, goes into a special granulator, where residual moisture is removed and the material is given density. granules are already the second type of finished product, after which they are also processed. when we received the pellet, we pour it into the machine, where accordingly
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there are on...creating elements that give plasticity to the mass, and through special mechanisms, through special holes the mass comes out and is inflated with air, and this is the kind of film we have. these are directly finished products for shipment, a four-legged assistant controls the process at every stage, compliance with those standards does not escape the human eye, for the equipment ekaterina dubrovskaya, a girl originally from the ivyevsky district, worked in minsk, but after 5 years she returned to the small home, i like the process, the team is good, the management is responsive, if you need something, they will always help and a good salary. the enterprise processes about 150 tons of raw materials per month; import-substituting products are used in construction and agriculture. we recently purchased new equipment. what is it for, what will you release in the future? this will be a new type of film, which will occupy an even
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wider range on the market and we will fight with competitors. we plan to modernize production, double it, and also recruit the number of people to about 40. expansion of production means increased profits and decent wages. experienced employees also hold on to the place. natalya bunko has been working for about 3 years; she moved to the ivyevsky district from lida. 4 years ago i got an apartment as a mother of many children; by the way, she has six girls, two of them also worked at this enterprise. nastya worked for 2 years, anya worked for six months, now she is on maternity leave, well , ksyusha is in second grade, she goes, takes vocal classes, sings beautifully, teachers, of course, they are happy with ours, that they always understand good relations with iev’s, to be honest, here i am and i won’t change mine anywhere , they are creating. import-substituting production, economic growth is being restored, and this is not the first time such work has been done for the future. specialists remain in their small homeland, attracting investments to each region or city was an order from the head of state back in 2022,
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i arrived here in 1992 during the collapse of the soviet union, then, unfortunately, many believed that the army was not needed at all, only thanks to the head of state after 1990. solves all the issues of the population, so i must try as much as possible to solve all the issues of the population in our area. what principles do you adhere to in your work? three most important principles: which ones? first: yeah, there are no unsolvable problems, but unsolvable problems require a little more time. the second
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principle - every tree sees a fox, the third principle, newton's third law: the force of action is equal to the force of reaction, treat people the way you want them to treat you. emphasis on agriculture - comfortable a condition for people's lives and... a peaceful policy: to defend, and not to attack first, such principles underlie the development of our country. elizaveta senyak, sergey korneev, alexey petrov, telenews agency. the government and the state control committee have determined how they will prevent unjustified increases in prices for medicines and paid medical services. stabilization measures were prescribed in the joint action plan for this and next year. documents are expected to be corrected. which relate to the establishment and application of maximum maximum tariffs and price formation. the plan provides for increased control over private centers and pharmacies, as well as stricter licensing requirements. the joint program is focused on providing belarusians with affordable medical services and
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medicines. please note the violations of the instructions of the head of state in this area. with regard to the formation of the cost of providing medical services, we also identified such facts as overestimation of costs, etc. inclusion, let ’s say, of those services that were not actually provided, or duplicate services, despite despite the fact that the ministry of health took measures to regulate and limit the number of manipulations included in a particular medical service, nevertheless, bona fide economic entities used it and even included medical services that are not regulated, and with such significant levels of profitability, thereby maximizing their... profit from the provision of certain services, as a result of the implementation of these measures, firstly, the procedure for managing and applying tariffs for paid medical services, time standards for certain types of services will be updated, and control
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over the quality of medical care and healthcare organizations will be improved. separately, the state control noted the dental sector. during inspections in private clinics , violations were recorded when services were included in the list, but in fact... the department also added that at the end of last year the ministry of health adopted a resolution that regulates the cost of medical services, but the practice of its implementation has shown certain defects, eliminate. the program will be accepted. the ministry of internal affairs reported the detention of a group that attacked trucks in the gomel region. according to information, a gang of five people stole more cargo at night, when the drivers were sleeping or moving away from the car. this happened in parking lots along the brest-gomel highway; a criminal case was opened for grand theft. victoria radevich found out the details. that is, they somehow shared this product among themselves? yes, they divided it among themselves. one of the detainees. on suspicion of committing daring raids on truck gives his first testimony in the office
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of the ugro operatives, it was already pointless to evade answers: the man, along with the counterfeiters, was detained in march of this year, which is called sleeping, when they were removing cargo from another heavy truck in the sub-rechitsa. during the joint activities of detectives from the ministry of internal affairs, the department of internal affairs of the gomel region and the rechessky district department of internal affairs, with the force support of the riot police, a group of people suspected of theft from large cargo was caught red-handed. at parking lots along the brest-gomel highway. the defendants are five residents of orsha. and in this way they operated almost all over the country. in the brest, mogilev, minsk and gomel regions. it is noteworthy that three of the suspects already had criminal experience. their biography contains a criminal record, including for similar thefts. they involved acquaintances in the case who had never had any problems with the law before. the youngest of them is only 24. the other older entrepreneur was a driver. they went to work at night and used balaclavas and even for secrecy. radio stations for communication, while the truck driver was sleeping in the cab, the defendants hacked
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locking a large truck, carrying the stolen goods into the minibus, it took the accomplices up to half an hour to do everything. basically, they robbed trucks on belarusian license plates, taking with them everything that they might like, and most importantly, what could be easily sold off, in most cases, food, less often, equipment and furniture components. drivers noticed the shortage already during the unloading of belarusian and european goods, which also went to russia and other eu countries. snack. used a minibus for this or without numbers, or the numbers were russian, also during the commission of crimes they left mobile phones at home, that is , they took measures for secrecy, they took, as they say, to the eyeballs, the jackpot was distributed among themselves, for example, by relatives, law enforcement officers were able to seize part of the stolen property, but some went beyond the limit. countries, you will say further about the remaining products, as i understand it,
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what was their fate, they were brought to the city of smoryansk and sold to markets. in some cases, they moved on and left the driver not only without goods, but without of fuel that was drained from the tank, they used this fuel to fill their cars and those of their friends. although raids on trucks still occur here, as noted by the ministry of internal affairs, they are already losing their popularity in the criminal world. groups of such persons have been repeatedly identified, that is, every time they think that... they are elusive, no one will find them, we will not take mobile phones with us, we will take new accomplices who have not been convicted, who have not attracted attention, well, such criminal cases are periodically initiated, fortunately not often. as for the gang from orsha, all five people were detained, they are now confessing. according to preliminary information, the accomplices were engaged in thefts for about four months from the beginning of this year, so how the defendants, who have criminal experience in their biography, went bankrupt is not disclosed in the interests of the investigation. so far it is known. six criminal episodes, but detectives have reason to believe that there may
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be more, this information is now being verified by investigators as part of the criminal case, they are also calculating the total damage from thefts. victoria radevich, anatoly dolotovsky, tv news agency. the challenge was passed; in almost a year , 140 schoolchildren from all over the country took part in the agility and courage competition. we continue to get to know the finalists. a challenge, but already on their territory. the first point on the route of my colleague katerina strikha was the vitebsk region, where the children who took fourth prize live study there. guys, you don’t know that i went somewhere today, in particular. so i hope it will be a surprise, i always appreciate the work
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of the team, vasily, what are we going with? no music, no song, let's do it, you perform, and i'm a backup dancer, let's go, agreed, teamwork, team spirit, forward, count three, one, two, three, a soldier is walking through the city, along an unfamiliar street, and from smiles the girls, the whole street is fresh, don’t offend them. from a girl, but for a soldier the main thing is that his distant, beloved, sergei mashkov. lieutenant colonel reserve, head of military-patriotic education, under his sensitive guidance, young conscripts learn the ropes of army life. zakhar kanazh, the team commander, is interested in the history of his small homeland, plans to enter the border
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guard institute. a future officer, proud of the feat of his ancestors, the fastest in the team, disassembles and assembles a machine gun. maxim zagoruiko, an activist in his native country, feels safe; belarusians are valued for their kindness and responsiveness. kirill alkhimyonok, an olympiad athlete, led the team along azimuths, the best in terrain orienteering. anna muhame dreams that people would be more careful about nature, remember history, be proud of the past and care about the future, the best volleyball player in school. ignat kurilovich, knows the book
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shalkowska, who wields a weapon as well as any guy, easily challenges herself and passes them with dignity.
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it was worthy when i go some way there, even we had a game there, but in reality it’s
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to go through such a difficult path through the rain, snow, to goals, to my dreams, then i fight with my fears. to the gun, outpost to the gun, guys, what 's going on? an outpost signal was sent to the gun. what does it mean? we must go to the border to catch the intruder. what do i need to do? we need to get ready in 45 seconds, get into the car and leave for the border for detaining the criminal. we are now at postavy 4th secondary school, thanks to the challengers. it is known not only throughout the entire region of the country, because the strong spirits learn here, the people are peaceful, the golegs of the sertsany, the agricultural land, we are erasing the forces, we are the fathers
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of the daimu. love surprises, welcome surprises, guys, really, good afternoon everyone, how you miss being on call, great. absolutely everyone missed vasily, as soon as we met him, our whole team, we immediately realized that this was, well, how to say, our man, so we immediately brought him into our family, and what this? tell the next generation of challengers, we first arrived, we were scared there when there were qualifiers, it was scary there at the very beginning, we didn’t expect this, well, they’re just
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not afraid, we ran a lot , we got up early, we wake up, everything is dark, dusk is coming, we immediately leave, and people don’t lie there early, otherwise it was scary, we immediately opened a military-patriotic class on september 1, 2015, the majority proudly wear the uniform, participate in competitions, maintain discipline, and let’s say, even ours. .. the guys who were on the call, they already seem to be taking patronage, the border guard, this is a long time, piety, the border guard, we are kind in him, there is courage, he is clean, the poorest, a sentry, if necessary, he will protect us, and this is the information picture monday 20 may.
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what is the miracle of belarusian politics? in that we do not forget about people, the common man is at the forefront. china and belarus will work together as peace-loving states and peoples striving for common security. i want to reach out to make it better, everyone should become better here in belarus. belarus and china, without hesitation, came to similar points of view. the day of national unity has been established in belarus; there is strength in unity. the belarusian path of development is truly humane; the future lies ahead of us. project say don't be silent. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon. they made a fuss about ours in order to create an information fund around the deployment of german troops, they are going as occupiers to lithuania, this will be the most combat-ready formation of the bundeswehr in the most our borders, they accuse us of making some kind of fold here. listen, we don’t need a pro-russian pro-lossian president. go against the interests of their citizens, against the interests of their national ones, today we are saving europe from a big war with our
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competent, independent policy. project objectively. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. traveling is not only about getting to know history and sights. in 1717, annai rodivil, the wife of the chancellor of the grand duchy of lithuania, built the first manufactory on novogrod in naliboki. they built this branch for 9 months. she is in 1896 28.
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see the project route built on the belarus24 tv channel. gaidaenko vladimir alekseevich, during the patriotic war, a participant in the battles near moscow, at the beginning of 1942 he was sent to one
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of the partisan detachments in bryansk. where defensive structures, and then became the leader of the competitive work, the construction of the commissar of the partisan detachment, carried out a raid of the dopinsky forests with the partisans, from 1944 major engineer, commander of the sapper battalion, during the liberation of pinsk, he was part of a landing party of sappers; while clearing mines from a building and the streets of the city, he died. in the name of vladimir alekseevich. a street is named daenko in pinsk. on the air sports day, anna eismand studio.
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good evening. dynamo minsk in the final match of the ninth. the round of the belarusian football championship was beaten by soligorsk shakhtar 3:2, the guests, thanks to an own goal by artyom bykov , opened the scoring in the middle of the first half, but the hosts were envious of this crackling match thanks to the efforts of the same midfielder managed to restore balance.


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