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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. take the nuts in your hands and evaluate their weight, do not take ones that are too light, such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health. good mood, today we
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will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself, let's get started if you have a difficult day ahead and you know, that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, raise your arms up, raise your legs and do such a cool exercise, cockroach, start shaking your arms and...
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i think i’m here truly a happy person, because in my life there were very strong teachers, you yourself attended some clubs or sections as a child, the system of additional education cannot be forced, this is not basic education, every time and every year you also keep a peculiar exam, because you are still a young leader, i am not the kind of person who immediately cuts with a saber, i love my people very much for my people, i will become a mountain. this
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year’s cleanup was very exciting, it all starts, i would say, with difficulty anyway, in such a system you need to work in a team, with a team, with people, to see people, to hear people, natyazhda mikhailovna, what do you learn from children? you must always start with yourself, what you are like, and the requirements for yourself, and then you make demands, and those people who work here, you know, this gold fund. hello, you are watching the program “say don’t be silent”, in the studio of svetlana smolonskaya and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest is the director of the minsk state palace of children and youth, nadezhda the great. hope!
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what sections did you attend or study somewhere? well, of course i studied, we had a wonderful school, this is the dobrozhsky district, the village of galaya, these are unique... teachers, you know, i consider myself a truly happy person, because in my life there were very strong teachers, that’s what i would call today this professorial staff, because it would seem like a village, what a village is, and what a really strong intellectual platform, when we were taught not only, of course, the basic subjects. well, i first headed the pioneer organization, then as now barysem, and before it was the komsomol, and the komsomol, and of course we had a lot of arts and crafts, which means the associations
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worked and we did embroidery there, then we made a lot of wood products, and even i’ll tell you, girls, if we were lumbering, our work is like that were, not just. we had products made of wood, straw, there were such circles, and choreography, mostly folk dances, but... i created a pop dance back then at school, when we went to russia, before it was ours, so it would have been general, yes, the ussr, when i was studying, and of course there was already vocals, folk singing, all the talents, and yes, they tried, of course,
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to show that we were keeping up with the city, that we also made pop costumes for ourselves, i have a family since childhood, it is musical, i have a father, he has...
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good qualities, they are all from childhood from families. palace of children and youth, you have been leading some of our good initiatives for a little over 3 years, right? yes, 3 years, you started your career at minsk school number 38, then worked on
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the education committee in the mensk city executive committee and dealt with issues of educational and ideological work, the system of additional education, children and youth, although your education is theater and acting, that is, well lead. the palace of children and youth, as they say, god himself saw, but nevertheless, how did it happen that you were captured by teaching work? you see, this is also not just how everything is done in life, all these steps, they gave a lot for development, for improvement, for becoming, it was very hard, very hard, but you have to be able to concentrate and move forward, i want to right away. ..
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with the correction class i had a correction class, these are children who, well, some
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have difficult fates, that’s why, you know, i realized that there was a demand, that i should do this, and it was interesting to me , and i want to help these children, and that's when i i remember when such a phenomenon was unique, which means i’m still there, well, young. with correction and you think, what to do with them, you know, that there was no fear, there was a lot of fear, so again this acting, my theatrical profession helped me, but the fact that i learned to work in the proposed circumstances, and i i created a choir with them, i sang to them, sang folk songs, what i do better, so i created a choir with them, and my children sang and drew.
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school, this is a wonderful institution, education, and i tell everyone, thank you and
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i am grateful that this is fate, that i have passed this stage too, let’s talk about the stages, a very short story, we will show the audience so that they have an idea of ​​what the palace was like at the very beginning and what it is like now, just a minute, with from the very first days of its existence, the palace paid exceptional attention to the organization of socially significant... activities and leisure for children, providing young minsk residents with the opportunity to choose activities according to their interests, helping in their social and professional self-determination, self-realization and social adaptation, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of leadership qualities. today, the palace welcomes us in a worthy creative form, it has many plans, projects, ideas for the future, at the same time... the palace multiplies and fills with new content the traditions laid down more than 55 years ago.
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the modern minsk state palace of children and youth is home to more than 8,000 inquisitive, capable, enthusiastic young men residents striving for knowledge and creativity. more than 300 professional teachers, leaders system of additional education for children and youth in minsk. the palace is successfully providing assistance. thousands of children who come to it to determine themselves, to feel their calling to spend their free time usefully. in general, i think that everyone can find something to do according to their own hobbies, if we compare the system of additional education from the times of the ussr and the current one, yes, what advantages does the modern system have and what traditions would you like to preserve? it is necessary to preserve them from soviet times , that's it, what was formed in the ussr is such a very strong foundation, and of course we have saved a lot
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from this system. the only thing is that, if we compare, yes, then, of course, it technologies, and what we are developing today, of course, computer literacy, everything connected with it in the future, of course, this did not happen, today it stands out and the system of additional education, in that these new directions have been created related to technology, engineering, wasting time, one might say, right?
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yes, we need to find an approach, we need to be somewhere we scold you, and somewhere you hug in gratitude, when you create new projects, your team, they support you, and you support them, you know, it ’s worth a lot, well, we know that you have an idea to create some kind of... then the botanical garden on the territory of the palace, tell us about this
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project, well, yes, they kind of laugh at me and say, well, nadezhda mikhailovna, no matter what, i don’t understand? first the botanical garden, but you know, now that you’ve been working with the team for 3 years, from the very first word people already, you know, now understand, oh what am i saying when there is this botanical garden, it would seem that there is one in the city, but what does she want to do in the palace there, of course, we have such a green corner, it is unique, there are plants there, we did it, we changed the stained glass , completely new. and, of course, in the future i would really like to expand and strengthen the ecological-biological direction, we have been working on this profession with the national academy of sciences for several years now, and there are very serious results, these include preparations and olympiads, scientific projects, so i would like
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all we have left now is to work on the floor, as soon as we’ve done the floor and this process... the choice of contractors, so we would like to further glaze this, to create such a comfortable zone so that it is multidisciplinary, here we we are studying ecology-biology, yes, something we do with rossiemi, we have a medical pharmacy and we have a pharmaceutical garden, such a project and it works when children study plants and how they will be used, there are different ones in terms of safety, the basis of safety. life activity, like to use, than, say, on a hike or someone forgot something, how to stop bleeding, what plant is suitable so that children at least know what plantain looks like, yes, yes, exactly how, you know, as we are talking now, here's rapeseed, let's say that this yellow thing is blooming, someone can guess from the children or not, you know, even these things that surround us, we also have a city psychological and pedagogical center, it
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works, of course, we provide services as for children, as for adults, and for parents. there are problems there, so everyone turns to us and of course we we provide this help when there is something like this, imagine, there is such a green corner, when water flows down there, when it is comfortable, and you and the person can pay attention, talk to him and somehow relax him, reveal the problem, help solve it, that same as a child, when there is preparation for the olympiads, when there is preparation for a competition, any competition, even if it is of a technical nature or... i want some kind of privacy and even for the same teachers, because well, our children are different
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and it happens there something happens in the family too it happens that when you are working, you want to find just such a corner, to recover, you need to help people, so i found a wonderful woman, a gardener, she has transformed so much today. this green garden of ours is a botanical garden, and in the future there are, of course, many ideas for improving it, i think that our team and i will be able to do this, because there are motivated, interested people who also want this, and this is the most important thing when you are not alone, when people understand you, when they share this idea together, nadezhda mikhailovna, well, we certainly wish you. so that all your ideas for bringing this large botanical garden to life come true, and not only these ideas, but because tatyana and i can no longer
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go to clubs, we don’t fit in age, and why do we fit, and i’m with you i don’t agree, let’s talk about this in the next part, but for now let’s take a break for a moment, tell us our telegram channel, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask your questions and offer us guests, we are in touch. there is a program on air again about how not only children and youth can attend the palace clubs, but also those who consider themselves young, and techlyana and i can come, of course, we have such a project, elegant age, this is of course unique project when they come twice a month. it’s ladies and men who meet, you know, creative evenings, evenings of relaxation, where they read poetry
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and sing, create a whole concert program there, that is, people get to know each other, you know, share theirs there, now it’s very a hot topic is gardening, because it’s time to plant, and spring has come. to the colder, where, who, what they bought there and how to plant, they tell all these recipes for gardening, so, you know, at the same time they relax, and communication, the main thing for these people is communication, so when something like this project, it was created and it was provided so that people would not be alone at home, so when you talk about for you, for such young people, and
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cheborok, today it is a brand and antre, they are with really with pleasure, just from the photographs, looking at them, yes, you can understand what they like, but they really take care of it all with pleasure, you know, it can’t be any other way here, and i ’m not lying in any way, here just now.
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if you use such a word, then you can’t go, no, if they didn’t like it, they would force the children today, well, like you, they wouldn’t go, just imagine, today, if you take the composition of this cheborka, and this a unique team, it’s there, you know, the leaders apontane, this is, well, a surname, as they say, you know, they already have greetings from generations, their son is already there.
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children, you look at cheborok today, this is 400 people, the younger group - this is already, excuse me, from two to 3 years old, in additional, they go to the teacher, how they show interest, how he will attract them to him, what kind of person he is , i always say, you must always start with yourself, what you are, and the requirements for yourself, and then you make demands on your students there, on your own and the team with which you work, and demand. everyone sees it, everyone is watching, that’s why it’s unique, the entre is also a huge team today, how many young choreographers are there, we work very hard with the university of culture and art, very interesting young teachers come, modern choreography, as far as you can gather, so many people, such a team, of course, we pay attention to sewing costumes, they help
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when they see the result. and parents, believe me, help, sponsors help, and we earn money for the budget, we invest, because people definitely need an incentive, they perform at various competitions, take prizes, they, therefore, they are also the palace, like yes, what an achievement, what a palace, of course, we are very pleased, and the city, and the country as a whole, this is wonderful, so of course we we were very proud, and we were preparing and rehearsing,
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of course, yes, this is the junior cast there, you see there is the cheborka, then the senior went there and antre, that is, but for me, as leaders, this is a great happiness, it’s when it’s like this, you know , very good with people and relationships, understanding, and you know and teachers, that’s why they meet with everyone, they come to me and discuss projects, this is how it should be, by the way, about unity in your team, you had a very exciting cleanup this year. let's show the audience, well, a short, literally excerpt, oh, with pleasure, the department of technical creativity of sports presents to your attention a birdhouse, equipped with the latest chirping of bird technology, we will spread ours, we will bring some dormashki. and
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we will rake the old leaves from the grass. and in a rush hearts beat, we built a house for the starling, for him, for her, there are no children, so that love reigns in the village. our birdhouse is very strange, like a department of oskd, the birds in it sing, dance, and of course, march, we came here, we all came, to make shorts cleaner and more joyful, let them fly, let them fly from the apartments, we all do this with love and joy .
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here is nikita zalevsky, he is the author of the project , elegant age, amazing in general and as a leader, and here he is as a teacher, he sings very wonderfully.
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using your so to speak acting and skills, how best to do it, so last year i suggested birdhouses and protection, when at planning meetings every week i suggested planning meetings, that is , something always comes to me like that. such ideas in order to unite people, but there are dissatisfied people, of course, but what can i say? there are all of them who just sat quietly, no one bothers them, this is how we got used to working there for 50 or more years
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like this , when you are a leader, you see what is needed in a new way, that there is such an idea, how you can pay, how unite, no need to isolate yourself in this office. but to expand, to show what kind of teachers you are, what unique people you are in general, masters of your craft, so here i would suggest, at first not all departments participated, but look how this year, when they saw that it was unique, when these starling trees, you should have seen what kind of little trees there are, we also planted pioneer alley, we have ruby alley, we planted it last year, in total we have four. alleys and this, too, on the subbotnik we planted and the committee was with us education, we planted these red maples from the russian embassy, ​​the mother's alley, the father's alley, the security alley with the ministry of emergency situations, and the pioneer movement alley, and it was
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there that the first starlings were hung, and this year there are starlings, there are children, like them they fly in, and you know how the pasture is like on green grass. when we were preparing this year, believe me, what does it mean that trouble began, we just started with one birdhouse, it was a pleasure for everyone, well, thank you very much, because it came from the heart, they competed, of course, we prepared certificates, because i am in favor of, you know, motivating people anyway, we have community cleanups together, now with the white party.
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nothing, little by little, little by little they will join, they will understand that in such a system you need to work in a team, with a team , with people, to see people, to hear people, to attract people, in order for people somewhere to feel even more in demand , and that they are needed, and that they are not alone, you know, and it also reveals itself, you see, and maybe the person sees it already...
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to hold an event, we will improve it together, it’s a very nice one, and we can have such a playground there, and a lot of people go there... people and children are relaxing, when all these swimming seasons come, there are a lot of vacationers there, and we can do it very creatively there use, you see, that’s why we gave up all our efforts so that the whole team, we don’t share, white russia, there it’s bszh, or it’s the team of the youth children’s palace, we all united and it turned out to be such a holiday, everyone remembers it happy, we awarded these certificates and everyone is already... trying to buy something for himself,
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because we invest it in people, it’s in the departments, they then decide where, what they need, although we support it so much, look how many teachers came with their children when they see that it’s creative, it’s interesting, it’s incendiary, you can say, you know, well, i just have a layer, as a leader, of course, and as a member of a team, my team with people, i’m of course very, you know, i just...
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like this is a leader, somewhere we have orders, somewhere someone was late for work or some kind, but never with you know, i’m not the kind of person who immediately cuts with a saber, no, no, with people, someone, you know, as i say, here’s a people’s horse on four legs, and he stumbles, yes, and these are real people, so i invite you, we talk, but we already exist.
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people, i will become a mountain, that is, this is very important, let there be 500 people, nothing, i find time and go around the offices, sit and talk with the children, because this is necessary, and the people are all, i don’t look, the janitor he is either a gardener or a cleaner there for this, these are people, these are people, you understand, respect for them or there is a wardrobe.
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buy without a team, without people, you can’t do anything, this and the money that we, we changed the windows, we’re moving on, we ’ll change the inside, we have a lot.
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it is necessary that children do not forget how to read with their parents, know how to recite, know how to talk, you know, know how to work with a book, know how to think, what is most important, let's take a break for a while, after a short pause we will return to this studio again, subscribe to our telegram channel for now , say don’t be silent, look for all our releases on youtube channel belarus 1. the program is on air again, say don’t be silent, our guest is the director of the minsk state palace of children and youth, a wise leader , a beautiful woman, nadezhda the great. nadezhda mikhailovna, well, we talked to you about how the palace is never empty and it’s true,
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the summer holidays are approaching, what do you offer visitors at this time of year? well, you're right, another unique one. systems of additional education, we work year-round, so in the summer you are welcome in the yard of youth children, we will have two shifts of the cheborok camp have been organized, today it is in great demand, we have the first shift of 270 people, the second - 180 people, so 15 days with subsidies, 3 days for parents, that is, in total, we will have children for 18 days. are busy in our camp, the program has already been prepared, it is very educational, interesting, creative, so there is already even a reserve, that is , it is in demand, and it is pleasing that there are such good positive reviews about the work of teachers, about the organizational process of summer
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employment, the secondary will work for us, and will work on the basis of our camp of associations of interests, so specialized camps, and we invite you to visit, see what it is with your own eyes, so we personally invite you, thank you, well, you have such a great surname that speaks volumes, yes, it probably makes you are probably obliged to be so energetic and a leader in spirit in your actions, but how do your loved ones at home, your spouse, your son feel about this activity of yours, support you, a very good question, but...
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this is a wonderful camp, a health camp, here little tooth, he's still there he is interested in cycling and keeps fit, and we are together with him, and you know, this is how i was raised, this is how i was raised and it is passed on to my son, in such a way that we love sports, activity, kindness,
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this kind of sympathy, well, my husband too participates in everything, yes, the spouse is also a military man, now he... from work, work, when it all begins, i would say, it’s all the same , because starting a family is also work, it’s not easy, and for the family to be happy, so that there is harmony, understanding, mutual assistance, fidelity in the family, these are very serious, these are not just words. it must be, i was raised this way and - it’s like this reigns in my family, and it took a lot of work, it’s not just like that, that’s how it happened, no.
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support, we are always together with each other, and my husband, because if it weren’t for my mother, well , my mother, we have this, she is generally a unique person, of course, she is 85 years old, yes, she lives with me in the wells, because that of course she is a person, well, she has been with me for 7 years now. lives since we moved, and of course, she helps a lot both with her advice and somewhere with criticism, it doesn’t mean that oh, only you’re doing well, you know, i’m still getting it, so, so you know, it’s great, i have my own director, mom, a huge hello to you, what a blessing that you have i am there, thank you dear for the teaching, for the instruction and for the criticism. thank you dear, so of course, this is a great happiness and somewhere we are somewhere there is something, and then you understand that mom is right, what is this and what
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a blessing that there is a mother, that you remain a daughter, and that there is support from my husband too, it’s not easy for them with me either, of course it’s not easy, you they said in an interview that when you stay late in the evenings, your husband prepares dinners, you raised him that way, well, on weekends, that’s your responsibility. well, he is both a man and a military man, he is no stranger to it, he understands perfectly well that since i have such a job, it means that i need to understand that i will arrive, i will be delayed, i can’t, you worked there until six and once i sat down, i i went, no, you see, there are others, i need to be at other sites, i don’t only have a palace, which is located on starovilinsky, i have a planetarium, i also have a leader of the 21st century, like us we call it, the red house in gorky park, post number one, by the way... i, too , this is today, this is a brand, if we talk about military-patriotic, about civic education, today this is
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really post number one, no one knows it only in belarus, he is known far beyond the borders, so the guys who keep the vigil for memory, and you see everyone arriving at the eternal flame on victory square, today they have a unique uniform sewn, a new one... and how they march and how , you see, that’s the same thing, they didn’t just put on a uniform, let’s go marching, you need to study it all, you need to know it, this is the best thing, so this is the approach here, so natyazhda mikhailovna, what do you learn from children? i learn kindness, and new, as i say, technologies that they can do, and i always watch how they do this, you know, practicality. who strive to achieve something, yes, they work, they know their own goal, this is what you need, you know, to really learn from them, and
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they, you know, somehow see and decide how - this is how they look at the problem this, that is, they know how to sift out something, and choose something important, it would seem that these are children, and how interesting the thoughts they express, how much they are so, it would seem that you are ruining yourself there... they need , this is youth, this is energy, so when at work and with parents, i always say, no matter how difficult it is in life, someone is raising a child and alone, some of these, not leave the children, find someone for... the child needs a parent, time, attention, mutual interest, that's if
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parents listen to me, these are not pompous words, i did the same with my child, he likes on a bicycle, i like on a bicycle, let's go together, he roller skates there, i go on a bicycle, yes, we went somewhere else, let's go there we worked out on the gym, together, when you find time together. no matter how hard it is, time, he sees that you are in it, you are interested, his level of studies, his thoughts, his, you know, then you will guide him somehow, yes, you will help, not by shouting, not , somehow score it, but you, you don’t you see, nothing wrong with you, under no circumstances, uh, don’t make, i would advise you to never make such mistakes, you need to believe in the child, i believe in you. you will succeed, we will overcome everything, we move forward, there is a problem, we solve it, everything, just forward, when this is
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all, this is embedded in a child. he has the faith of those closest to him, everything will work out, family is the basis, there will be in the family, as i say, in a small one in the personal, there will be mutual understanding, smiles, laughter, happiness, overcoming, our society, you and me, our the state, it will become more, more, more, more sunny, and people will be more comfortable, harmoniously cozy. live, it’s a pity, nadezhda mikhailovna, that we didn’t have time to discuss with you today all 700 section circles that are in the palace, but we’ll do it at our next meeting, or better yet, we’ll just come to you, because, probably, it’s better to see it once than to hear 100 times, well, after today’s conversation, you know, i have hope that, probably, while such wise, energetic leaders are at the helm, our young generation, well, at least it will not grow up
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lost, which we are all very afraid of, so of course, we wish you new accomplishments and great achievements. tatyana cherbina, svetlana smolonskaya, we say goodbye to you, until the next broadcast. goodbye. goodbye. and now the great hope speaks. appreciate every moment of your life, the fact that you live under a peaceful sky, in the beautiful, independent, cozy republic of belarus. this is our land. this. our second mother, i wish you peace, goodness, happiness in the family, in work, in relations, all the best to you, please come to the minsk state palace of children and youth, we will be glad to see you , children and adults, see you, nadezhda
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mikhailovna, i will ask you to leave us some wishes and an autograph, thank you.
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a delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan arrived in minsk with peaceful skies, happiness in the family and a historic visit to tashkent by the belarusian leader. looking for new points of interaction, then tell us the details. the countries have reached a new level of partnership; in february they signed an impressive package of documents, and these are not memorandums of agreement that actually works in the energy sector, agriculture, science, and education. a roadmap for 2 years, it contains specific projects worth more than a billion dollars. the promotion of equipment and under the brand made in belarus is also helped by... new products, among them an unmanned tractor will soon appear, what is known about this? when developing software, special emphasis will be placed on the security and navigation systems. the main thing is to take into account the wishes of the farmers, because a drone will get to the field to do the work on one's own. you can start the smart car from the remote control; the maximum speed is 38 km/h. will be able to work 24x7. in belarus , it is planned to shoot a film about the legendary
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partisan father minai. who will be working on the project when it premieres? this is a joint work of the national film studio belarus film and the russian studio voen film, headed by igor ugolnikov. the start of filming is announced for august, the release of the film will be timed to coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. most of the film crew will be belarusian actors and specialists. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. analysis of the opponent, working on mistakes, choosing the right strategy for the match. athletes have to work very hard to become a champion. they know exactly what success is on sports grounds. but still, somehow become a champion. emotions subside, some realization is already coming that we have actually achieved such a significant goal both for the club and for
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fans. but what will be the result in the real battle? intelligence, as a gymnastic apparatus is called, where two parallel bars are installed at the same height. vlad, brusya. bars, absolutely right. what does the abbreviation bf stand for? everything needs to be pressed, so you don’t know anymore, then everyone will guess, alexey, belarusian federation, maybe - vs, vs, there is, a yellow card , a card, a coach who won all these titles, while he is the only one, in fact, he is always considered himself, he always considered himself the only one, this is jose mourrinho, this is the correct answer, absolutely true. portuguese specialist. watch the intellectual and sports show "head game" on our tv channel. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy
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dishes. take the nuts in your hands and estimate their weight. don't take ones that are too light. such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color. the smell is pleasant, with a light milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will prepare lasagna with pumpkin and spinach. enough unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if you have a busy day ahead and you know you need a lot of energy, this is the breakfast that will do the trick. don't forget about invigorating exercises. we raise our hands up, raise our legs and do it. such a cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. live the main news at noon, in studio olga kalaerova, hello, and a short note about the topics of the issue. the ceremony in the palace is independent.


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