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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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a criminal case has been opened and two suspects have been taken into custody. creation of import-substituting industries, retention of specialists in their small homeland, restoration of economic growth. this year , one district, one project will be complemented by more than twenty new initiatives. currently, there are 190 on the list, for example, in the igeevsky district , a polymer processing enterprise is environmentally friendly and safe for the environment.
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arrangement of the settlement, we are engaged in establishing order in the territory, we are asphalting the streets, well, at least twice every year we made streets, last year there were six of them, this is only here in ivi, not counting the settlements that are adjacent, last year we began to deal with the issues of reconstructing faps, in each faps we now have hot cold water, that is, even such small ones conditions that didn’t exist before, we now have them, the construction of an apartment building is finishing, yeah, 19 rental apartments, yeah, well, that’s appropriate for young professionals. law enforcement officers will be allocated. strategic directions for the development of the state and work on perspective. the decisions taken at the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly are already finding a response in small regions of belarus. test and repair water supply networks in minsk within 10 days. specialists plan to speed up the process in order to meet this deadline. the capital has started the hot water shutdown season. it is planned to replace more than 100 km of networks within a year.
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gradually the entire capital's water supply system will be replaced with a more modern and durable one. ilya tsvetkov read more. mixer handle in red mode, open supply water and we see this picture. this means that the hot water supply shutdown season has started in minsk. we will look into how specialists speed up scheduled work and how workers cope with a temporary lack of hot water. with the approach of calendar summer, the city is gradually switching to a temporary shutdown of hot water. information about neighborhoods and streets and the exact dates of work in these areas is already available on the websites of housing and communal services and minsk energy. this is how the temperature is now, the water is quite normal, even this little bit - the summer one comes from the tap, it’s quite possible to be patient. pots and kettles help. this is a good old
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way to provide yourself with hot water in the off-season, a new trend for mobile heating systems, there are several options for autonomous boilers, both full-size and flow-through in mini format. christina rabushka purchased and is testing two devices this year. this is what it looks like, installed in our 30 liter cabinet, we have a tankless water heater installed in our dacha. take water treatments during the repair season heating networks are available in city baths, which are in demand at this time. services are increasing, the steam room is a must, both finnish and russian baths, which means a jacuzzi, during this period it traditionally turns out that more people are using this pressure test pump to increase the pressure in the heating network, now we will include it in work, and we’ll show you how pressure rises in the network. we reached
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a pressure of 1.6 megapalms, this is the minimum pressure, according to the rules that we must conduct hydraulic tests of pipelines. the hot water supply is turned off automatically from a central control point. after this, specialists from minsk heating networks begin active repair work. first, they monitor the condition of underground communications, and then eliminate damage to the pipes. previously , 2 weeks were allotted for all these manipulations, now hot water can be supplied...
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for consumers, that is, in an accelerated mode, specialists will work from 10 to 13 days on each allocated area. this year already managed to replace or repair 25 km. the pipeline plan for this year is to update 105 km of networks. in total, the total length of the pipeline in minsk is 4.00 km. the annual repair program for underground communications includes the gradual replacement of old-style cast iron pipes with modern, pre-insulated ones. these are, in principle , the same pipelines that were previously used, only in a different design, that is, different insulation, different approaches, and control methods. there are special guides there who can, in principle, at... at the slightest, if there is even the slightest, say, fogging, something inside or that damage may be developing, it shows, manifests itself, and we can react in time. through such aquaconductors, water is already supplied to the minsk-mir residential complex in the oktyabrsky district,
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part of the communication in the pi-version in the south-west microdistrict, which is more than a thousand km, wear resistance is twice as high as that of standard ones, every year heating network specialists lay about. 100 km of new pipes, gradually the entire capital system water supply will be replaced with a more modern and durable one. ilya tsvetkov, roman filitich and nikolai iuzovich, tv news agency. next is sports news, we are on the air at 13:00. see you! the seventh competition day of the russian open cup, which is currently underway, brought two awards to the belarusian national shooting team's collection. in ignatovo near moscow. junior ekaterina ivanova became the best in 10m air pistol shooting. silver went to her teammate ulyana danilenko. thus, at the moment our shooters have managed win 14 medals, six gold, five silver and three bronze. the competition
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will end on may 23. it should be noted that in total more than 450 shooters from two countries take part in the tournament. belarusian track and field athletes will fight for victory in the team competition for two days...
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in july 1944, in the first days after the liberation of minsk
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, a meeting was held in the government house that seemed at the wrong time, the city was in ruins, the problems of restoring the republic, and the people's commissar of education evdakeya ilyinichna ural. discusses with colleagues what a primer should be for first grades, christomathy for incomplete and complete secondary schools, grammar for seven-year-old students. there are many proposals, there was a conversation at a meeting to organize the publication of textbooks, there is no paper, alive, interested, but no matter how the publishing base is, even pencils are in short supply, not to mention pens, seemingly private issues, but they resulted in a big one. a serious problem that had to be resolved
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as soon as possible. in the republic, in july-august 1944, there was a discussion of the programmatic article of preparation for the new academic year, bolshevik attention. she was published in the newspaper.
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paspyakhova raises the most complex problem of personnel: yes, the majority of the first year of the bssr is being evacuated from the outgoing regions of the country more than 4 thousand years ago. yashche more than 3 thousand will be returned to the system of education from other galinas. the same procedure applies to special equipment.
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5 billion rubles preparations for the first post-war school year became a nationwide event. all residents of the republic, workers, builders, teachers, people of different ages took part in it. there were no indifferent people, there were a great desire to ensure that children have the opportunity to study and that on september 1.
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on the restoration of the khotimsk secondary school in the mogilev region, with a stake of 117 cubic meters
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of timber, sawing has begun, and examples, examples, as well as constant monitoring by the central committee of the party. from a memo from the people's commissar of education uralova for august 1944 addressed to panomarenko regarding insufficient work. party organizations. it would be a shame for the collective farm, the village council, and the district party committee if a visiting teacher had to look for a corner, firewood, and potatoes for the winter. o assistance to the republic. notebooks and writing materials began to arrive from kazan. the rsfsr provides great fraternal assistance, donating 500,000 russian textbooks. on september 1 , 1944
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, the first post-war academic year began in the liberated republic. well , of course, the memorable days of the first period, still unfinished, the building not completely renovated, but already in some part there is a classroom that you could sit on an old pre-war shabby desk, painted by someone before the war, but it already served as a workplace, for us issued, i remember several notebooks, but even newspapers were used to write down what was delivered.
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when will he use this textbook, because there were no briefcases, as a rule, a holsh bag over the shoulder, here are the books, and already somewhere in the fall, well, no, even around december this form of help for children with many children or without parents appeared they gave me
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a bun and it was done. 83% of them were primary, 1,209,000 students sat down at their desks, but only 20 thousand teenagers began studying in the eighth to tenth grades. many still worked along with adults to restore the national economy of the republic. well, gradually things got better, later notebooks appeared, it was a limited number of notebooks, i remember they almost immediately started learning german, and how are you going to learn the fascist language, as we called it, sometimes we skipped, i didn’t want to teach it, but the teachers, i must say , of that time were lenient, they understood
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what material they were working with, minsk was being revived,... the school was being revived, and it must be said that the school, of course, was advanced restoration, the state gave priority to children, schools, and tried to ensure that they studied. by the end of the first post-war five-year plan , 72 students were already studying in grades eight to ten, and the number of secondary schools had doubled.
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electrification of agriculture in minsk. gomel, the belarusian institute of mechanization and the theater institute accepted students in the first post-war five-year plan. the network of educational institutions for training personnel in creative specialties also expanded. in september '47 in class painting in the newly opened minsk
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art school, a creative atmosphere reigned, each of the students created their own masterpiece: dawn, favorite landscape outside the outskirts at night around the fire. for the freshmen, it was freedom of expression. there was no stern look from the teacher. who usually approached everyone, suggested something, corrected something, advised something. each individual was an individual who embodied his own story on canvas. valentin viktorovich volkov, sitting a little to the side, also painted a picture, copying the images of the heroes from their students. here are the students gathered at the table, young, happy, they are discussing a new book, arguing about something, they have so many plans, they have a long, happy life ahead.
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the artist, who survived a terrible war, did it with love, trying to capture the new, younger generation. that's what i called the picture. the painting by valentin viktorovich volkov, also called by university students, became symbolic for the first post-war years, young people looking to the future, for whom all paths are open. new professions, specialties, new buildings were born in the country, discoveries were made, it was born.
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in october 1947, at the radio house on
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revolutionary 3, preparations were underway for the next october in belarus program, dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the october revolution. in germany, the ussr has a new echelon of special forces. there are 11 cars in minsk. this is the first issue of that slow process, which is formed by the special committee of the council of the people's chambers of the bssr in the republic of cultural kastounas. this has become the magchy and dazzling languid, speckling work of the museum bible. there really was a message a very important gift for the october anniversary.
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cultural values ​​began to return to the republic. during the years of occupation , 10 museums alone were destroyed and eight were looted. with the advanced units of the nazi troops, they were followed by a special brigade from among german art historians. who took everything, not only in our museum, but throughout the entire soviet union, all works of art were taken deep into germany. the pre-war collection of the museum, then the state art gallery, contained 2,711 works; it was completely looted after the nazis captured minsk. we have lost, firstly, a unique collection of french ones. tapestries of the 18th century, 48 sludka belts from the radivilovsky castle were lost, paintings by french artists were lost, as well as
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furniture... we also lost works of famous russian artists of the 18th-19th centuries , a unique collection of icons , unique porcelain was also taken away, so we actually lost speaking of unique works of art, the collection began to be restored immediately after the liberation of the capital in july forty-four. collector became elena alladova with the then small gallery staff. paintings by artists with belarusian roots, such as belynychsky beruli, and works by russian artists were purchased. works by contemporary belarusian artists were actively purchased with her support. moreover, even she gave her order for the writing of certain works. as an example , we can cite when mikhailavich sovetsky bought
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the partisan madonna, which... then, at her request, mikhail andreevich sovitsky painted the partisan madonna of minsk, which is on our permanent exhibition. simultaneously with the work on restoring the museum’s rich collections, the issue of constructing an art museum building was discussed. he should become the pride of the republic. hunger, devastation, the government has only been working in minsk for a few weeks, are on the agenda. economic issues, support for science, presidium meetings along with the most important culture. during the most difficult post-war period , work began on the project for a new museum building. it was entrusted to a young front-line architect, mikhail baklanov, and by the end of the forties, he presented a preliminary design to the high commission, but not
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the building. museum, but a museum city in the center of the belarusian capital. it was assumed that it would be located above the bend, the bend of the svisloch. but this project was not reasonable, why? because it was too expensive and the country was in ruins. and it was necessary to somehow make a more modest project. only the design design for the building was approved, in a different location on leni street. the times were not for large-scale projects; the city was in dire need of housing. the idea was realized already in the 20th century in independent belarus. in december of the twenty- first year , the first halls of the museum quarter opened their doors to visitors. thanks to the support of our president, today we can play on equal terms. talk not
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only about the products of our republic, mechanical engineering, belaz, combines and so on, there is food, and today , naturally, professional culture and art come to the fore, our museum, national art in this regard is also a brand our country, its calling card. in the first months of the liberation of the republic from the nazis, work began on restoring the building of leninka, famous from pre-war times. built in 1932 according to the design of the architect lavrov in the spirit of then fashionable constructivism, it was badly damaged
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during the war. the fact that the german commandant’s office was located here also left a mark, and the losses of funds were enormous. from the library of the bssr named after lenin, which in 1941 contained 2 million volumes, more than one and a half million have disappeared. in just a few months, together with the builders managed to restore the building.


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