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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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in the first months of the liberation of the republic from the nazis, work began on restoring the building of the famous pre-war leninka building, erected in 1932 according to the design of the architect lavov, in the spirit of then fashionable constructivism, it is strong... the losses of funds are enormous. from the library of the bssr named after lenin, which in 1941 contained 2 million volumes, more than one and a half million have disappeared. in just a few months, together with the builders, we managed to restore the building.
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its reading rooms are open to visitors already in november 1944, when the war was still going on. books were returning from prague, some from konexberg, poland, including publications by francis skarina from the komarnicki collection. this was a unique exploratory, scientific work. over the several post-war years, through the efforts of library staff , it was returned to its holdings. 600,000 copies. by 1947 , the library's pre-war fund of 2 million volumes had also been restored. today there are more than 10 million storage units, including more than 90 thousand rare and early printed books and manuscripts. the earliest of them dates back to the 14th-15th centuries. at the beginning of 1949
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, a new series of broadcasts began to appear on the belarusian radio in advance of another congress of belarusian writers. special attention to writers. their contribution to the victory over fascism is highly appreciated by the government. their word sounded from the pages of newspapers, the partisan press, and on the belarusian radio, raising the morale of the soviet people. frequent guests in the editorial office are mikhas lenkov, chairman of the writers' union of the bssr, petrus brovka, yakub kolos, and other famous writers, playwrights, and poets. but there was other information to be broadcast, pride, excitement, which was difficult to hide. on the 12th of april 1949 , a cult was created. to the hero of savetskag
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sayuz kanstancin syargeevich zaslonav. i am familiar with the belarusian playwright arkadz iosifavich mauzon, the belarusian director kosh sablin, the director alexander fain shimmer. kartsina became the first celebrated film made at the belarusian film studio . padzei, which are indicated in deep taps of the hearts of the eye, yashche fresh ўspamina you who are ill.
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unique creative groups: the grigory shirma chapel, the titovich choir, it’s all from there, from the difficult post-war time. but it was never possible to return most of the cultural property to the republic. today belarus has only 5% of what was lost during the war. the republic created its values ​​already in peacetime, increasing its intellectual and creative potential.
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hello, everything is clear with your project with marina caroman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today is about where it came from western society is trashing what they teach schoolchildren in the european union: is it too late to find love at the age of over 65? let's go. family day. it is not highlighted in red on the calendar and does not have recognizable attributes, but in importance it is hardly inferior to march 8 or february 23. at the end of winter we emphasize the courage of our men, at the beginning of spring - the soft power of women. it is logical that on family day
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the whole country should glorify the union of a man and a woman. no, we live in belarus, and the absolute majority of our population is from... christianity is in charge, in the belarusian constitution it is stated that in the legal field we create a family by entering into marriage, marriage is a union between a man and a woman, and nothing else, there are no other options and there will not be. christianity conveys the same position, so that the belarusian family, as an institution, stands firmly on two pillars: secular and religious. some may not like that i turn to religion, but in my opinion, it’s time to stop being shy about this line. faith has largely determined the course of history for our country. our sense of self and characteristic features that distinguish belarusians among different nations, unthinkable without faith. and note that so far only peoples whose basic state laws do not diverge from religious laws have managed to survive and reproduce,
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because the latter are passed on from parents to children, partly through genetic memory, and live inside in the form of moral criteria. as soon as the balance between internal ... external laws is sabotaged by propaganda, society goes into disarray, and sooner or later it is replaced by the framework of morality, violated by delusional bearers of a culture in which no one experiments on families. in the usa, in in the european union, what we are seeing now is exactly that: separation. after same-sex marriage was legalized in all american states from 2003 to 2015, the number of young people... grew up there several times over. in 2022 , the american gallup institute conducted a social study that showed that 20% of americans born between 1997 and 2003 consider themselves gay, lesbian,
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gender neutral and other fairy-tale creatures. 20%, every fifth in the generation of people who are now between 20 and 27 years old, will not... start a full-fledged family, will not give birth children, and if she gives birth, she will most likely raise them with distorted ideas about the world and gender relations. well, that's not all. according to the scientists who conducted this study, the number of people with such disorders doubles in each new generation. among those born before 1946, their number was 0.8%. among those born between 1946 and 1964, there were 2.6. among those born from 97 to 2003 there are 20% of them, that is, among those born from 2004 to 2018 one can expect 40% of
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young people who are not capable of creating healthy families. from such transformations always. it’s bad for all the people, they disappear. in one of the programs, i drew attention to the fact that we all feel immortality only when we have a past and a future, when we understand where we came from and where we are going. which means why do we live? while we know who our ancestors were and what we want our descendants to be, we are only physically finite; mentally, we are links in the chain of generations between the past and the future. if the future is blurry for our descendants, then the present loses its meaning for many. a loss the meaning of existence threatens society with degeneration. and what kind of descendants and plans for development can a people have who do not have children born, but who have already been born? they look in their pants and cannot decide what they see there, a pistil or a stamen, then
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what i spoke about above happens: the replacement of one people by another. we have a striking example in front of us, the countries of the european union, where the replacement process is organized artificially, by the hands of states that do not need europe in its current form, therefore it is taking place according to an accelerated scenario. this is barbie, dutch legal expert eva vlardingerbrek. she recently voiced during a public appearance. and it simply will not remain; the descendants of today’s europeans will no longer become fertile,
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because their government continues to cultivate perversions and promote policies that destroy the traditional family. juvenile justice is thriving in europe; officials are doing everything to prevent parents from raising their own children. family as a system that forms new citizens through the transfer of experience from the older generation to the younger. destroyed, under the child care standard gives minors the opportunity to challenge their parents’ rights to raise them in the courts. raising your voice at a spoiled child, much less a spanking on the bottom, is equated to domestic violence and children are removed from their families. sex education lessons are imposed on six-year-olds, which neither they nor their parents ask for; most of these lessons are devoted to studying gender diversity, reading books about families where there is no mother, but... with two dads, learning the skill of putting a condom on a partner . teenagers are allowed to take
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decisions about gender reassignment without the consent of parents and give them access to hormonal drugs. in the frenzy of puberty, children are eager to show the world their independence, take hormones, and by the age of twenty, with a crippled psyche and reproductive system, they realize that it was all a mistake, but the consequences of hormonal therapy are irreversible. this whole dump is full of mental disorders and heavy medications. moral filth is the result of just one step - the rejection of the traditional family as the primary unit of society. even from st. valentine's, whoever in fact, he was not there, in the west they tried to create an apostate who allegedly married homosexual couples in order to convince us that this is the norm. no, not the norm. and here i have a proposal, like myakhkov’s in the office romance. rationalization. why don’t we connect hearts, gifts, etc. in the minds of the younger generation? day of love, happy family day. why not use marketing tools to inspire men to
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propose marriage to their women on this very day? why not decorate for may 15th every year? shop windows and cafe windows are filled with heart-shaped balloons and cheeky cupids. why not announce discounts in jewelry and confectionery departments by this date? don’t force it on radio and television. people love signs and symbols and enthusiastically accept everything that stands behind them. of course, not all families are able to survive moments of crisis, but the institution of the family in belarus is certainly not in decline. according to our statisticians, there are 2,612,413 families living in the country, with an average of 2.9 people in each family, almost three. 2.612.413 squeeze on 2.9. we get 7,575,998 people. so many belarusians live in families, the total since january 1 was 9,155,978, almost 83% of the population is not
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alone. last year , 56.44 couples got married in our country, and here is an interesting point: 444 weddings were celebrated by people over 65, including 42 women and 60 men who got married for the first time in their lives, and that’s yes... one child, 33.5% - two, 9.2% - three or more children. this phrase is persistently repeated by opponents of belarusian statehood, and here i would like to ask the question: where to give birth? better? belarus has one of the longest paid maternity leaves in the world. one
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of the parents, both in turn, or even grandparents have the right to sit at home without losing their jobs. with a 3-year-old child, while for registration up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, a woman receives a remuneration from the state equal to one subsistence minimum budget. now it is 418 rubles. 73 kopecks. simply for taking care of your health. after the birth of her first child, the mother is given an increase of 10 subsistence minimum budgets. now it is 4,187 rubles. when a woman gives birth to her second and subsequent children. for each person she receives 14 subsistence minimum budgets, now it is 5,862 rubles. doesn't it matter how old the older children are? after that, the parent who is on maternity leave with their first-born child receives 35% of the average monthly salary in the country every month for 3 years. the amount is constantly growing, now it is almost 725 rubles.
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if the child is the second and subsequent - 40% of average earnings. 828 rubles if the child has a disability of 45% (932 rubles) per month. a further, all-day kindergartens with a full range of services, five meals a day, free schools and universities. after the birth of the third child, the family has the right to register family capital. now it is 31,480 rubles. and this is not income, it is a gift, a compliment from the state for having many children. there are, of course, those who believe that. this is not enough, only maternity benefits are money that an adult, healthy person receives in order to sit quietly with his child. normally, no one pays anyone for this for so long, in in any case, this is what they think in countries that call themselves developed? in the usa, for example, there is no maternity leave. a woman is required to go on vacation at her own expense, 4 weeks
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before giving birth to 8 weeks after. that's it, the child has learned to hold his head, it's time to go to work. with whom to leave the baby? with whom do you want? there are mothers who work with babies in their arms for 8 hours a day. there is no talk of any family capital there, and kindergartens for $30 a month with preparation for school, quiet time and a menu according to the gost, american parents never heard. they simply don’t believe in stories about social medicine; in iko, infertile families there can save for years. in belarus the first attempt at eco. is provided free of charge. the woman should have no contraindications to the procedure, and her age should not exceed 40 years. the spouses collect tests, submit documents, receive approval and enter into the protocol. in 2023 in belarus, thanks to in vitro fertilization, 1,392 women became mothers. in our country
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, conditions are created not only for those who expand their families, but also for those who have been unsuccessful for a long time. stop turning to the west, practice shows that everything that is called non-progressive there raises our birth rate and standard of living, take care of the connection between the elderly and the children of your family like the apple of your eye, this is the very umbilical cord through which our kids receive the foundations of morality and worldly wisdom, well, believe in the possibility of finding a family, no matter how old... you were, in 2023, 444 couples proved that getting the coveted proposal or a positive response to it you can do it at absolutely any age, i’m marina karaman and how are things in the belarusian family, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you!
1:00 pm
you are watching the news now in the studio olga kalaerova, hello. alexander lukashenko swore in the judge of the constitutional court of belarus svetlana lyubetskaya. the decree on her appointment to this position was signed in april, but she did not exercise her powers. a judge can do this in full only after taking the oath. the chairmen of both houses of parliament, as well as the supreme and constitutional courts were invited to the ceremony. in in a solemn atmosphere, the judge assigned herself.


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