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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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you have such a girl - and the sweets here are unusual, and well, they tried to sell this loaf as expensive as possible. previously , about five to seven women participated in the preparation of the loaf, the senior loaf woman supervised the baking, and the dough was kneaded overnight. my grandmother, i am a third-generation caravan worker, my grandmother is a blast furnace efimovna, and she prepared the house, cleaned the table, we already knew that. something will happen, they trusted me, it was just such a preparatory process, yes yes, then they came, well, they ordered, and the loaf was already assembled in the blast furnace, to be done alone, this it’s very difficult to knead a loaf, our loaf is this, this is a small one, and loaves were generally baked in basins, in my opinion 5 kg of dough more, you had to knead with two hands, you and i with one hand, we exchange the other hand, just like that, well, the owners next to us were stomping their tops all the time, that... the girls, try the sausage
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, i cooked it, didn’t oversalt it, didn’t overdo it, and they brought 100 g, they sang songs, in no case was there anything so sad and there were discussions about someone there was no discussion of this at all, that is, the energy with which the pie is prepared, is also very important, this is not that, this is a loaf, this is the loaf, and these women called them loaves, and you will already pass on your knowledge, yes, well, my daughter is not yet drawn to this, but her niece. she really likes nastya and she likes her aunt, i’ll be quietly so that the doors don’t knock, so that they don’t talk, i’ll be, i ’ll be quietly with you, how interesting it is, but can we taste tamara, of course we can, but what shall we try, carvay or or knot , oh, let’s start with the bitch, it’s very interesting, i’ve just never even tried it, i’d like there’s a twig, you don’t need to eat the twig, you have to eat it, i understand, well, that is, yes, yes, but it’s still on the twig. really, yeah, what
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an unusual taste, because in the oven, god, how delicious it is, i, it reminds me of something, but i can’t even say that it’s very tasty, but you can still bite, you can do anything, like this delicious, friends, i’m finishing my trip through the dubroven region, and the loaf arrived from... and in lyada there are slyads, and in lyada there are slyads, you will come and stay, with pleasure, see you on new routes , dear belarus, bye-bye!
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at the overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city where alexander vasilyevich suvorov planned to stay. seriously for a long time and set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, the lower castle and passade were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. so the kobrin princes of their squad definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident on wobbler, that is i caught a plastic fish blende myself, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show
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how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtful sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program "cities of belarus". on the belarus 24 tv channel you can do a lot in 4 hours, in 7 days and even more. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world, happened in a week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema. and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all
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this and more in the weekly project broadcast 24/7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening. in september 1939 , a meeting was held in the brest city hall with the first secretary of the central committee of the party of belarus ponomarenko, chairman of the supreme council of the republic nadezhda grekova, with city mayor frantishik kolbysh.
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he answered panomarenko’s questions in polish, emphasizing with all his appearance that he did not understand russian speech. why are all food warehouses in the city closed? sabotage, where food suddenly disappeared, what was done to correct the situation, boska, where it was possible to get some money, please announce a break, we need to consult on a number of issues, perhaps we’ll take a break, during the break
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nadezhda grigorievna grekova, who spoke excellent polish, explained to renko that...
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grekova, 29, just a year ago at the age of 28, at... the first popular election in the history of the republic, was elected the first chairman of the supreme council of the bssr. nowhere , neither in civilized europe, where women fought for their rights for decades, nor even in the ussr, was anything like this. joseph visorionovich personally approved the candidacy. nadezhda grekovo will have to solve the most difficult issues more than once. after september 17, 1939 . she is the secretary. kakb, supervising industrial issues and at the same time chairman of the supreme council of the bssr, together with ponomarenko, was responsible for ensuring that, in the shortest possible time , equal living conditions for people were created in western belarus as in the bssr. okay, pentel kandrasich, it will be
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done. in the empty government house, only one office had a light on until late. after meetings, nadezhda grigorievna now had the opportunity to work with documents. the situation is under stalin’s personal control; on many issues he has direct orders. urgently, immediately, take action. but most importantly preparations remained for the people's assembly of western belarus. it began its work
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on october 28, 1939 in bialystok. elya berman was especially focused on his work on october 28, 1939. it seemed that everything was known down to the smallest detail, but now the assignment was of particular importance; portraits of honored guests, members of the presidium of the people's assembly of western belarus, and these are entirely famous and respected people of the country, need to be completed. meticulously
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examining the portraits he had taken of members of the belarusian leadership, he now hung them out to dry. elya was clearly happy with myself. history, he already imagined how solemnly the national assembly was held in bialystok and how many famous people there were now to present.
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the country does not lay claim to anyone's lands. as for solving other problems, it was a titanic task. much had to be started from scratch, to create not only the basis for the development of industry, but also entire industries. not everything is like that in economics. smoothly both the opposition and the population’s rejection of a number of unpopular measures of the new government when it came to the transition to the soviet currency, nationalization of industrial enterprises, as well as banks, railways, medical institutions, schools, salt, in the department. detained at the local market, in the city, like
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the bialystok police, another group was being interrogated throughout the western region, speculation flourished, where did the goods come from, when was the next shipment, who was the supplier? sir, i don’t know where the goods come from, you know, i have a different fate, i know what fate, answer the question. questions, what routes they take and where they are delivered from, the names of the leaders, sir, let us go, by christ our god, i pray, i’m hungry, now, people are changing, you ’re not there, sir, we’re simple people, don’t touch small things, look for grains, be silent, lead him, answer the questions posed, the squabble continued. for a long time, but this was a problem: goods were supplied from the center in the required quantities, but
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much did not reach the stores. at the meeting with the secretary of the central committee of the communist party of belarus grekova , the directors of the heads of soli and the director of the main supply department reported for the umpteenth time, again the same answer. everything is being loaded. deadline, according to applications, and how understand this? the goods do not reach their destinations in the western regions, further, speculators, at the market in bialystok, salt is sold for 15 rubles per mug, 15 rubles per mug, this is an unthinkable price, in minsk it’s pennies, but there, you understand what this
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threatens, so, comrade people's commissar, for you... the goods do not reach their destination, take measures to escort the goods, this is a political issue, people in the regions are unhappy, the period is 5 days, there are scarce goods that are not in any kind of shortage, regions must be provided under your personal responsibility, everything is clear. by 1941 , 105 local industrial enterprises and 392 industrial enterprises had been created in the western regions. there were already 4,192 belarusian schools operating, although by the end of the thirties they were all liquidated. theaters were created, 100 cinemas, 220
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libraries were opened, houses of culture were opened everywhere. the construction of special objects is under special control. importance, including the construction of the dnieper bug canal. and these were only the first victories. and for grekova, the first high award is the order of lenin. photographer elya not without pleasure i looked at the book that had just been published. women of the country of socialism, photographs of famous women of the country, among them grekova’s hopes, his work is no worse than others, there is also the soviet belorussia newspaper with her portrait, a speech with a big report on the occasion of march 8, and also a good photo
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regarding the style of grekova’s businesswoman i destroyed it here too. types: images of greek contemporaries: kerchief, leather jacket, proletarian cap. grekova, judging by the photographs , became a trendsetter of a different style: a skirt with a vest and an elegant blouse. in them she is on photographs next to stalin. what events took place in this historical photograph have also been preserved by history. the work of the eighteenth party congress was drawing to a close. unexpectedly, stalin took the floor. and turning to the belarusian delegation asked a question: would they be against the inclusion of comrade grekova in the commission? well, who could object to comrade stalin? stormy applause rang out in the hall. after the congress - the traditional photographing with comrade stalin. and at the moment when grekova, trying to unnoticed to join the delegates in the last row,
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stalin turned to her. well, comrade grekova, don’t be shy, come to the front row. history has recorded this memorable meeting. during the war, sent to work in kazan, grekova was involved in organizing the work of defense enterprises, while finding the opportunity to meet with belarusian partisans. to personally present them with state awards, she crossed the front line four times. liberated azararich open-air concentration camp, leading the work to save people, infected with typhus. then there was a period of post-war restoration of the republic, when entire industries had to be revived from scratch. there are still many deeds left in history, the extraordinary actions of this strong woman
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leader, in the name of the republic, the country, which served her entire life. what will best test your erudition and intelligence? right. tricky questions. is it true that there were egyptian gods set and assyris?
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how do the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion? answer c, because a girl, i’ll call her that, came to them, she cleaned up their whole mansion, everything was so clean and beautiful, someone was tidying up the mansion and was waiting for the owners, i want to catch up with lyosha by three. paris, london, new york, name the last city provided. what are we talking about tennis? melbourne. melbourne, that's right. watch intellectual and entertainment projects. on our tv channel. farmers have something
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to be proud of, we fully provide ourselves with food, enough for export, we sell almost $7.5 billion to hundreds of countries on the planet, and this is a drop in world prices. at with good agricultural technology, with a good approach, you can get noticed today. the harvest also on our varieties, our corn differs there by 3-4 centners out of 100, and if we compare that seeds for sowing are 10 times more expensive, then imported corn becomes unprofitable. belarus is among the top five countries exporting dairy products and among the top 20 leading sellers of meat products. but there is no need to stop there; the well-being of our people and food security depend on the state of affairs in the countryside. the institute is engaged in production original elite seeds, and the most important thing that we can give from science, new varieties that are productive at the exhibition, are distinguished by resistance to diseases and pests,
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the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, white-red is now our flag, we’ll join forces hand to hand, coupling is a priori an element of attack, of course the phrase “let’s join hands”: this is a call under the bc flag to incite social hatred and hostility, but this is different, probably a smogarsk pro-ukrainian singer, this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing, now he is exchanging article 342, what conclusions were drawn, probably then he was under the emotional influence of the general information flow, very strong, now it has happened in my life...
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this is different, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel .
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everyday broadcast on the tv channel belarus 1 working news of the capital of the minsk region, with you on the live broadcasts elizaveta lashkevich, good evening, right here is a short word: listen to the screens eternal benefits from the original thinking and the magadan machine in the region


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