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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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belarus closer, this is an understandable policy, today is about the dark side of the british military, the bloody special forces, how the air service executed afghan civilians for the sake of accountability. documents and emails and even recognition by the military, but after 10 years the investigation is either closed or put on hold, the unsightly side of the bloody mission, cold-blooded torture to kill unarmed prisoners systematically and methodically, but the crown gets away with everything.
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so, afghanistan, the british military seems to be fighting the taliban, the contingent at its peak is around 10,000, in fact, the occupiers spare no one and carry out massacres among the civilian population. two children aged one and three
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were shot and their parents were killed during a night raid obc. the family slept in the courtyard of their house. 2 months later, another oaf unit shot dead three youths (12, 14, 16 years old) and an 18-year-old boy while they were drinking tea in a room during a night raid in loibagh, helment. the times, one of the most famous newspapers in the world, publishes another batch of scandalous revelations, and at the same time reminds, over many years , a huge amount of evidence has been collected that relates to war crimes, why are the perpetrators not punished? in a statement published in the investigation, it is said that it was also indicated that men of military age, after being detained, were killed directly on the territory of the complex, using various methods. in one case, it was mentioned that a pillow was placed over the head of a person who was killed with a pistol. it was assumed that the dead would be photographed. to
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make it appear as if they were armed, the soldiers were shot in self-defense. it all started many years ago with the testimony of a high-ranking special forces officer who was specifically in charge. operation, he surrendered his subordinates, telling the police that soldiers of the special air service of the allied forces, under his command, committed war crimes by killing prisoners in afghanistan. the officer, known only by code number 1466, informed the police of the location of documents proving the terrible deeds. he argued that their crimes were so serious that the entire regiment needed a radical overhaul. at the same time, other special forces commanders were aware. mass executions, including of children, were reported, but no killings were reported. electronic letters and military testimony indicate that british special forces killed hundreds of civilians in afghanistan. here are excerpts from just one transcript, a conversation with a soldier of special military service. in an interview, he said that his
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unit killed more than 300 people during its 6-month tour, mercilessly, beating them every day non-stop to clear the helminth from suspects. rebels, to be honest, i was like a damn kid in a candy store, he said. he said there was no use in taking prisoners because they would released a few days after being handed over to afghan police, he admitted that he and his colleagues regularly shot unarmed afghan prisoners and planted weapons on their corpses. the commander’s introductory instructions: kill, capture, and nothing else, kill, capture, that’s exactly how we worked,” he said. the self-practice of t... crimes was quite systemic, which was repeatedly stated during the war, while the war continued, representatives of the taliban stated, there were complaints from various human rights organizations, including well in britain, in usa, australia about those, that is, the presence of fascist fascist symbols there, these are
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executions of the civilian population, various attacks on weddings, various processions, residential buildings, these are just individual unprovoked acts of violence. there is rape, murder of children, that is, it is important to understand that what is in the press is simply what became known, since none of the ministry of defense, nor britain, nor australia, nor the usa, sought any serious investigation of these crimes. the british media sounded the alarm and previously, 2 years ago, a bbc investigation came out, at the center of the scandal is only one unit of the sas, that is, the special air service.
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these are traces of shots, which means this is a bullet hole, yes, they shot at the closest ones, my son was shot by the closest one in that corner of the room, people were killed in this afghan's house. they shot at people lying on the ground, at least two bullets in the head and heart, one shot was in the corner of the eye, the other in my father’s chest. over the course of six months, the detachment took the lives of hundreds of afghans who were declared terrorists. authors the film claims that at least 54 of them were killed illegally. according to journalists, elite special forces cold-bloodedly killed unarmed people during night raids on peaceful afghan homes. it is emphasized that the figures given are only the tip of the iceberg; in fact, there were much more murders. the filmmakers visited some of these places. bullet holes indicate that the fighters shot lying people, and among the victims were teenagers of 15-16 years old. in
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the reports, saz officers tried to hide the inconvenient the truth, hiding behind the fact that the taliban terrorists allegedly threatened with weapons, unexpectedly snatched a grenade or a machine gun. but the authors of the investigation say that the killed people had much more than the weapons that were seized from the scene. this suggests that the sas were shooting at unarmed people and that sas operatives may have falsified evidence by planting weapons at the scene after killing people. according to the bbc, one of the country's senior special forces officers said in a secret note: the fear that a deliberate policy of unlawful killings may be at work in this case is implied.
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part of our job, and yes, the tactics were terrible, but arresting them was pretty pointless, because after a few days they had to be released, so from my point of view, the end justified the means, about what kind of goal it was that required killing unarmed, the british decided not to spread the word. the ministry of defense tried in every possible way to disrupt the screening of the film, when it didn’t work out, it gave birth to an angry terrorist attack, childishly all the evidence presented has already been investigated and it has been decided that it does not support the accusations made. the guardian is absolutely correct in its editorial on this point: any
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decent prime minister would launch an independent investigation into the allegation that british soldiers, especially those in his elite units, committed war crimes, but britain has boris johnson, so oh what kind of decency can we talk about here ? the scandal seemed to be hushed up, but last year new accusations were made. next the investigation was published by garden, a lawyer. representatives of the families of the victims said at least 80 civilians were killed by three elite special forces units that operated during the occupation of afghanistan from 2010 to 2013. afghans have repeatedly been found killed in or near their homes after nighttime raids by special forces. according to the guardian, one commando personally killed 35 afghans in one six-month tour of duty as part of his alleged mission. policy of extermination of all men of fighting age in the homes of residents during raids, regardless of the threat
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they posed. the new allegations are contained in a document submitted by law firm lee day. she studied emails from senior officers from that period. in them, the military warned that quote: there is a clear disregard for people's lives. britain here repeats the same position of the us, which actually ignores any calls for an international investigation. their war crimes, and accordingly, well, again , they will completely profane any role of mus in investigation of these crimes, accordingly, to count on the fact that some international structures can involve britain in the investigation of their crimes, the crimes of their soldiers, as it were, well, this is somewhat naive, that is, one can assume that some of the most frostbitten ones there the episodes will be conditionally investigated, which means they will be guilty, a certain bone will be thrown to the public, but this , of course, does not mean a full investigation. all those crimes that were committed during the period of occupation. 10 years already
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the sword of domocles hangs over the british special forces in the aftermath of the bloody massacres. but as soon as the topic begins to emerge in society again, the story gets a very interesting continuation every time. that's what happened this time. after the lawyers presented new evidence, the smell of frying began again, the military began to cover their tracks. now, as part of a new public investigation, lawyers are trying to get to the bottom of the truth, but when they came close to getting it. it turned out that the sought-after materials were destroyed. directly violating this order, british special forces headquarters permanently deleted an unknown amount of data from the server shortly before operation norp investigators arrived to examine it. that is, once again, the elite of the british troops simply took and deleted all the data from departmental computers, including the main server, everything that could confirm the mass murder of innocent citizens. and this despite the fact that the saz commanders were ordered to save all data on the progress of the operation until the officers arrived
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royal military police. the british press is shocked by such arbitrariness. the times and the guardian have published media investigations that show british special air service (sas) commanders destroyed computer data to cover up evidence of the killing of eighty civilians in afghanistan between 2010 and 2013. command. violated the order and instead permanently deleted an unknown amount of data from their main computer server, the newspaper writes, noting that the commanders were ordered to preserve computer data until a visit by royal military police officers. but this is not the first time such tricks have happened in this case; the royal military police have already tried to get to the bottom of the truth, evidence mysteriously disappeared. it turned out to be a difficult investigation, it is reported that one afghan soldier from... witnessed the firefight was killed and another was brain damaged. the special forces reconnaissance video from
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the scene was overwritten; when investigators tried to recover it, a hard drive error surfaced. one a frustrated researcher commented on how so many things could go wrong in one aspect. and now british justice is entering another circle; a full-fledged investigation into the murders of afghan civilians seems to have begun in the fall. most of the hearings are at ming's request. august 2012 said he hoped the investigation would determine why his home was targeted, two of their children were also shot and wounded, and aziz said he surviving family members wanted to know the truth, in a statement released via his lawyers, he said, we ask the court to listen to these children to restore justice, the commanders of those military personnel
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who... participated in committing such incidents, they have a sense of corporate solidarity, they will cover up their subordinates, this happens very often, and they will cover up by persecuting not national interests, but primarily narrow corporate interests, of those very corporate military groups that participate in missions abroad, it very often happens when... ends are tried they try to hide the water, they try to cover up traces or simply destroy them, witnesses disappear or refuse their testimony, and it is clear that they were well worked on, so evidence that was previously obtained properly, properly seized from the crime scenes and properly
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documented disappears , suddenly they are not there, this often happens. all this looks like a banal scam, the public is outraged and investigations are launched in order to let off steam, but there was no result, and there is no result. first an attempt was made back in 2014. the british police began an investigation into a number of other similar murders, but after 6 years it was simply closed. the military police concluded that the special forces had done nothing wrong. victims of british lawlessness fear that the case may now be hushed up despite the outrageous crimes. the documents include police statements from five british soldiers alleging war crimes committed by the allied forces. testimony from allied commanders, emails warning downing street of murders, and also investigators' diaries. internal emails between detectives investigating the obc murder
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suggest their investigations were disrupted after they were reported to downing street. the prime minister was david cameron, who is now foreign secretary. according to one email, the chief police investigator complained that he was under political pressure to stop investigating senior oaf commanders. afghans who lost entire families naturally do not agree with this approach, and it was they who initiated the judicial review proceedings, arguing that the loss of loved ones was a consequence of the policy of extrajudicial killings. four members of saifullah's family were killed in a night raid on february 16, 2011, another family member said in a new statement that we lost everything when the incident happened and that they have had nightmares since then. the day after the family members were killed, an sas sergeant major described the episode as the final massacre in an email, discovered during the trial,
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suggesting that this episode was not an isolated incident. but london didn’t care about the voices of the victims, the old policy is that we don’t give up our own. moreover, the authorities passed a law that essentially allows chaos to be created in other countries. the british parliament passed a law that effectively exempts military personnel from liability for crimes committed during overseas military operations. even the guardian has to admit that labor did not enough to resist this law. britain is reluctant to pursue its own. military personnel confirm this, the british government believes that foreign lives do not matter. it is curious that in the initial version of the document, military personnel at all levels were generally forgiven for any crimes against civilians, with the exception of special cases. in the final version, sexual violence was recognized as criminal, but torture, despite public protests, will not be punished. this
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law will only strengthen the view that the authorities everyone is pursuing a policy on purpose. he crimes in iraq and syria. afghan uk fundamental human norms. this is not the first time that british special forces have undermined traditional adherence to the center of a scandal; soldiers have been accused of international humanitarian law and the human rights story is also apparently not the last. death squads advise and train the ukrainian military, you can imagine what. in general, her strength is closer to her body, even if her hands are covered in blood. who will punish her, especially the service of the united koro. happily. in our show, participants will not be helped by cheat sheets; here you can only rely on your own strength. congratulations, you are in the super final, you are already
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winners, i wish you a bright game today, interesting questions, correct quick answers, good luck to all participants. a game that will not leave anyone indifferent. pay attention to the screen, tell me if it’s true that this is a painting by pieter bruegel, the elder, hunters in... snow. alexandra, how did you answer? well, to me, it doesn’t really look like hunters, as if it were just some kind of city, townspeople went out to skate on the ice. i agree with alexandra, this doesn’t look very much like hunters. yes, i think these people are having fun. if everyone looks like a homeless person, then it's rambrand. indicate a novel that does not belong to dostoevsky. dostoevsky belongs only to crime and punishment, and that’s where my knowledge ends. the brothers karamazov, for example, from the program i remember that the brothers karamazov belong.
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because you yourself choose what to do, on the contrary, on the technical side. project, i'm from the village. for, i tell everyone, for good, to live in the village, for all this, yes,
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you need to have two things: purity of thoughts and firmness of intentions. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes.
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you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nekrasova, good evening and briefly about the main thing. not fines and inspections, but the efficient operation of enterprises. the goals and improvement of control and supervisory activities were discussed at a meeting with the president. a forgiveness ceremony with president risi takes place in iran. in myuzk they also mourn together with the friendly iranian people, leaving entries in the book of condolences.


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