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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:25pm MSK

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you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nekrasova, good evening and briefly about the main thing. not fines and inspections, but the efficient operation of enterprises. the goals and improvement of control and supervisory activities were discussed at a meeting with the president. the farewell ceremony for president risi is taking place in iran; in minsk they are also mourning along with the friendly iranian people, leaving entries in the book of condolences. from fox news to russia 24.
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american journalist tucker carlson became a presenter on the russian channel. take the first step into big sport and determine the strongest. the final finals of the children's and youth volleyball league started in minsk. control and supervisory activities in belarus will be improved and approaches were discussed at a meeting with the president. to this topic, taking into account its importance.
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in my opinion, asnezhenskoe is not the worst farm in the country, it is the pinsk district, if the region, no, is not the worst, but oh, snezhenskoe, yours, yes, yes, mine, pinsk district, so what, it, poor farming, average farming in the pinsk region, average, that is, you can sometimes go there, just relax, without bothering anyone, i think that yes, 49 times, what could have been done there, well, if someone doesn’t agree that such a figure is really... in fact,
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well, let’s double-check, for me it’s incredible, the records are true the book of accounting for inspections was done twice, only twice, and as the president’s aides and governors report to me, such examples, alas, are not isolated, i’m making an allowance here that the governors are stretching things a little, they are tired and don’t want them to check, well, aides, they are not only assistants to the president mostly, but assistants already... they have installed a governor, so i ’m making allowances here, but alas, there is no such thing without fire. the most outrageous thing is that sometimes they check absolutely the wrong organizations that should be checked. there is no other way to explain the cases when i need to personally intervene to restore order, as with the same pricing. the efforts of inspectors are often aimed precisely at finding shortcomings and applying penalties. and it was necessary to...
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checked, he needs to be checked as much, but if someone deserves to have him as much as necessary, cry groans here absolutely nothing, you should treat the control and other law enforcement agencies towards our enterprises as your children, they feed us. therefore, they cannot be prevented from working;
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the system must be built and it must work. the draft decree spells out two key directions. first: minimal interference from the state in the activities of business entities; unnecessary control is eliminated by reducing inspection activities and, most importantly, duplicating the functions of inspectors. the decree also plans to introduce the obligation inspectors register in the accounting book, monitoring events of a technical nature. in general, the document is balanced and solves the basic task: changing the style and methods of work of regulatory authorities. the draft decree contains a provision that both strengthens control activities and it.
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doubts, or, for example, pricing issues, the executive committees have the responsibility to provide a range of goods, but they do not have any levers, accordingly there must be some powers, some provisions are suggested by time itself, for example, the ministry of transport, we are actively developing electric transport, there is no such sphere of control, the ministry of communications is actively pursuing digitalization, accordingly there should be such a sphere of control as it was... the head of state, where there is no need to interfere in the activities of a business entity, we do it should not, but where we must exercise control, they must know that if the law is violated, there will be appropriate liability, the issue is very relevant,
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the purpose of the inspection is to find a violation, or the purpose of the inspection is to find inconsistencies in the legislation, inconsistency of regulatory legal acts.
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the decree of her appointment was signed in april, but a judge can exercise her powers to the full only after taking the oath. the chairmen of both houses of parliament, as well as the supreme and constitutional courts were invited to the ceremony. i, lyubetskaya svetlana anatolyevna, undertake a commitment to the people of the republic of belarus to honestly, conscientiously and impartially defend the constitutional system and supremacy constitution. the republic of belarus. alexander lukashenko congratulated svetlana lyubetskaya on taking office, presented her with a judge’s certificate and a gift copy of the constitution. dear friends, this is
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a public ceremony. in the near future we will meet with all members of the constitutional court and talk. the future, how we will work, including under the new constitution, because as you know, there are responsibilities and rights and powers of the expanded constitutional court, well, what the constitutional court was striving for, on thursday we will decide on a work plan and begin to really work, so i wish you success in this work, and so that you don’t stay in one place for a long time, success, thank you. thank you. according to svetlana lyubetskaya, as a judge of the constitutional court she will have to, among other things , direct her efforts to implement the provisions of the updated fundamental law of the country. the document, the lawyer is convinced, has opened up a broad perspective for the development of belarus as a legal and social state. this is
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quite a lot of work that needs to be done to continue, now for me within the framework of the activities of the constitutional court, since it, as the custodian of the constitution, must accumulate. sphere, this is very important, this is very interesting work for the future, because i repeat,
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only a strong rule of law state can cope with the challenges that our country faces today. honored lawyer of belarus svetlana lyubetskaya has worked in the judicial system for more than 20 years, she was awarded the highest qualification class of the second rank. forgiveness ceremony continues in iran president. continues to investigate the helicopter crash, as stated by the ambassador of the islamic republic to russia, only after all
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the circumstances have been clarified will it be possible to draw further conclusions about the reasons. let us note that now the most probable versions of what happened are considered to be a technical malfunction of the aircraft, as well as difficult weather conditions. at this tragic hour, belarusians, together with the people of iran, condole with them in connection with the death of president ibrahim reisia, and pay respect to all the victims of the helicopter crash. the recording was made on behalf of the president of belarus alexander lukashenko. in the book of condolences of the iranian embassy in minsk, on behalf of the head of state , the first deputy head of the presidential administration, maxim ryzhenkov, left a message with words of sorrow, and also, as an expression of condolences, handed over a basket of white dews to the embassy from our president. ibrahim raisi was a true friend of belarus; outstanding political figures died untimely in the prime of their political career, which they did a lot to strengthen the authority of their state, the well-being of its inhabitants, says the condolences on behalf of the head. belarusian state, it is also noted that just over a year ago the belarusian delegation had the opportunity
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to experience a warm, friendly welcome on hospitable iranian soil, an agreement was reached with iranian colleagues on the implementation of a large number of project initiatives. the leaders of the two countries discussed issues on the international agenda and bilateral cooperation. i am here today not only on behalf of the head state, although there is such an order, of course, at the behest of the heart, too, because iran is... our friend the belarusians and the iranian people have a very long relationship of mutual assistance, peaceful resolution of all issues, support for each other in all areas of our bilateral relations . alexander valfovich also left an entry in the book of condolences of the iranian embassy on his own behalf and on behalf of the secretariat of the security council. we share the point of view of the people of belarus, who express. sincere words of condolences in connection with the death president of the islamic republic of iran to
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the republic of iran, the relationship of the iranian state, the people to our republic of belarus, therefore the policies of our countries are in many ways similar, we stand for a multipolar world, for equality, for justice, for respect for the policies that is carried out by a sovereign state, we are belarusians. quite warm-hearted people, and any pain, any tragedy in the family or in the country of friends is reflected in our hearts, of course, it is with regret that we visit the iranian embassy today to to express our words of sympathy, the pain and loss of the iranian people are also reflected in our hearts, as you know, as the president noted in his message, friend belarus has passed away. belarus plans to become a full member of the shanghai cooperation organization as early as july this year. our
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delegation, led by the minister of foreign affairs, has been invited to astana to participate in the smith-sco meeting. today, in his speech at the ministerial meeting , sergei oleinik assured that by introducing into the shanghai family, belarus is ready to offer partners its industrial, scientific, transit potential, accumulated experience in peacekeeping and multilateral diplomacy. belarus has consistently passed through all stages of development. among the priorities of belarus in the highway is building up effective cooperation in order to strengthen regional security, in particular the formation of a regional anti-terrorist structure. we are planning to hold the next international conference on eurasian security in minsk at the end of october, beginning of november.
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belarus is also ready to join the programs development of economic cooperation, work of the business forum. format of the meeting of the ministers of industry, energy, alliances of special economic zones of the shanghai organization. inspired by a trip to moscow, american journalist tucker carlson became the host of a show on russian television. he had his own program on the russia-24 tv channel. the show was called tucker. in the first episode, the journalist discussed ticks and lyme disease with an expert and how this disease progresses. let me remind you that in february the ex-employee fox news interviewed russian president vladimir. putin, which caused wide resonance and enormous interest not only among russian but also among foreign-language audiences. everything is new, the well -forgotten old, warsaw is again looking for ghostly enemies. in poland, the work of a previously liquidated structure was resumed. donald tusk ordered the convening of a commission to investigate russian and belarusian influence on the situation in the republic. the prime minister of the polish regime made this decision after the escape
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of judge thomas schmitt to our country. the commission will include subject matter experts, civil servants, employees of the special services and the prosecutor's office, they will have to prepare a report on the results of their work within 2 months. let us note that previously a similar commission already existed in the country; it was supposed to study the alleged russian influence on the decisions of the country’s authorities in 2007-2022. however, with the coming to power of the new government , the peace party was dissolved as an unwanted project and a loser. representatives of extremist groups began to fight for grants and organized pseudo elections. the farce already has a continuation in the legal field, and as reported.
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on the reorganization of this criminal group with the subsequent appointment of new leaders of extremist cells. it is the reorganization in this environment that will help the leaders get rid of outsiders in the political game and reward the most dedicated performers with a place in the cabinet state. sensing the approaching complete loss of conventional authority and funding from western curators, well-known fugitive criminals such as azarov put forward their candidacies for the right to sit at the master’s table. latashka, prokopiev, as well as lesser-known and not at all engaged representatives of the radical world. the main tasks in the activities of the next convocation will remain unchanged. developing measures to seize power by force, accompanied by mass unrest, carrying out sabotage actions and armed invasion, active imposition of so-called european values, measures
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of sanctions pressure, calls for support for illegal armed forces. formation of the creation of alternative authorities abroad. according to investigators, back in 2020, representatives of the most radical cells created an extremist organization in belarus called the coordination council. after the active work of our special services, some members of the organized crime group fled the country. abroad, fugitive criminals cooperated and organized a parody of the state system, where the so-called coordination council was assigned the role of a proto-parliament, which was supposed to control small radical communities. but... the investigative committee notes that despite all the attempts of the fugitives, exhaustive measures will be taken to ensure the principle the inevitability of punishment for damages, including within the framework of special proceedings. on the border with lithuania, border guards detained a belarusian with a drone and catapults. let us remind you that from april 1 it is prohibited to use drones for personal purposes, and especially in the border zone. information about the suspicious person
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came from local residents. this allowed lithuanian border guards to find 10 km from the lithuanian border in the voronovo region. the offender’s car, during inspection of the vehicle , an aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicle with two launching accessories: laptop, antenna, three batteries for the drone. an administrative process has been initiated against the detainee for violating the border regime. punishment may include a fine and confiscation of the vehicle. in the minsk region today they choose the family of the year. we reached the regional stage of the republican competition. seven teams are family teams that scored the most points in the qualifying rounds. through your life story, creative values, with audiovisual accents, interactive the laureates showed their business cards. among the contestants there are mainly parents with many children. the largest team belongs to the falko family from the uzdinsky district, where seven children are growing up.
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the finalists took their history as the basis for self-presentation, both on stage and in the improvised town of achievements: family heirlooms and the artistic abilities of the younger generation. we have a very creative family, everyone either draws or sings, the children study in art and music schools, so we presented such a creative exhibition that reflects the essence. one family to participate in the republican competition, we in the minsk region have something to be proud of, the number of large families has increased, today we have almost 22,000 of them, raising 70,000 children. the winners
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of the regional final were the lagashin family from the volozhensky district; they will represent the minsk region at the republican competition family of the year, which is scheduled for october. by the way, tomorrow the winning team from mogilev will be determined; in total, 450 belarusian families were inspired this year. competition and qualified for the finals. the future of belarusian volleyball: who will take the trophy of the republican competition with the ball over the net. the final finals of the children's and youth volleyball league started in minsk today, where the strongest among girls and boys born in 2010-12 will be determined. for many guys, a tournament is a good opportunity to show themselves and take the first step towards big-time sports. there are stars, so we hope that the girls will play, there are those who can be transferred further to adult clubs, for our teams, this is already the third final for this age, the year before last we were second,
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last year first, this year we also naturally came to show a beautiful game, the opponent rose, we also rose, the opponent is worthy, everyone is playing well, there is a strong fight, very tough games, well, we fight forward, we hope to win, we are afraid of everyone, but we win. everyone too, our team is at the final for the first time, this is very important for us, we all want to win, so the emotions are very strong, we are very focused on winning, we are all trying and i think we will succeed, the winners of the finals of the republican ball over the net competition will be determined on may 24. the sports theme will be continued by my colleagues, the results of the day at 9 pm in the panorama, i say goodbye, all the best and see you. belarusian greco-roman wrestler abubakar khaslakhanov made it to the finals of the european youth championship. at the start of
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the championship, belarus knocked out the host of the competition, murad akhmadiev, 7:1, and in the semi-finals he was stronger than the finnish athlete, 6:2. in the decisive battle for gold, khoslakhanov will take to the mat against russian magomed murtazaliev tomorrow. football players. islachi opened the tenth round of the belarusian championship with a confident victory. wolves beat the championship outsider minsk on the field in molodichno. 3:0. alexander shestyuk opened the scoring in the fifth minute of the match, converting a penalty. and after the break, vladislav zhuravlev and alexander budko increased the hosts’ advantage. at the moment , islach is in eighth place in the standings, having earned 13 points. the townspeople remain in penultimate place with three points. in the asset, i note, minsk - the only team without a win in the current season.
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